As you all know by now, FF.N previously banned this. I am not sure who reported it or WHY they reported it, but congradulations! You're an idiot. Did you honestly think I wasn't going to repost this? Sure I left FF.N for awhile and deleted all of my fics, but it wasn't fair to everyone ELSE who LIKED my fics. Consider this a warning. Report me all you want, ban me all you want, but I'm going to continue posting and reposting this until it is complete. I don't post this for my own glory, you know. I post this for the people who want to read it. I've grown weary of sympathy mail and for heaven's sake I'm going to take out the script and write the clips storywise so the idiot who reported me shuts up and goes to find someone else to harrass. There will be no other authors notes on the other entries. I do not own Fire Emblem, Erk, or any companies or objects mentioned in any of the chapters. If you don't want to read this, then go away. It is useless to try and banish me, you will fail.

Now... let's try this again, shall we?

Day 1

Weather is Foggy and Cold

Location is Dread Isle, Kate's (tactician) tent (well it beats Merlinus's tent...)

Just a minor battle involving a few bandits and riding archers today. There was one Shaman (one of those extremely annoying Nosferatu ones that ALWAYS seem to head straight for the healers) who nearly took out Lucius but Eliwood got to him first. Of course, Serra has been complaining nonstop that she's being worked overtime because Priscilla is still out of the fight (not like she hit anything to begin with, she was just a healer on a horse. Yeah.)

Also we had "problems" with Florina's sister, Fiona, or Fiora, or... something. I'm starting to think Pegasus knights aren't too bright. They're physically not too strong and are very prone to archer attacks.

So the intelligent one flies STRAIGHT into a pit of horseback archers, leaving Sain (ew) and I to fend about 6 of them off. (Did I mention its foggy out?) It's a bit irritating that she doesn't listen to Kate too much (Really, the only one she TRIED to get rid of was Sain, and that was by sending him into a hoard of axeman armed with only a steel lance... that was actually a bit funny, but anyway...)

Guy is definently improving, same with Matthew and Lyn. Raven just has issues (and pink bunny pajamas). I really can't think of much else that happened... Wil's inteligence hasn't improved in the slightest and Sain got his face knocked in when he tried hitting on Rebecca in front of Hector. Kent still thinks he's self-proclaimed second in command to Lyn (which is fine with everyone, it suits him well and he's good at it. Yes, that was my kind comment for the day.) And Ninian...well... she... well she still has temporary amnesia but still, wetting yourself is NOT a liable excuse.

I really can't think of anything else to say about the day... Dinner sucked (Sain was cooking, what'd you expect) and Lucius whined about his arm hurting until Serra finally knocked him out with her staff. If she would actually learn how to use a lance or something she'd become rather useful.

Lord Eliwood is sneaking out of his tent again. He's probably going to "borrow" some things from Merlinus before heading over towards Lyn's tent. I wonder if he knows that Kent is on guard du- nevermind, he does now. Loser.

I'm done, this qualifies as a page in my book. I'm hearing odd noises from Merlinus' tent again. He and that old woman (hannah or something) are disturbingly... I'm going to leave it at that. Kate wants her desk for awhile anyway so I'm going to bed.

Anima Sage, Erk

Day 2

Weather is Sunny and luke warm

Location is Pirate ship apparently...

We're finally going back to the mainland today. I'm tired of not having any supplies or fresh water (and Sain's cooking). That's the last time I let Eliwood or Kate talk me into accompanying anyone to a forsaken island where your chances of living are next to none (And how sain is still alive is beyond me.)

Guy's seasick again. I almost feel sorry for Matthew since he's the one covered in Guy's vomit. Guess he didn't make it to the ship's edge in time. Hannah (that old hag who hangs around in Merlinus tent...)

Ok, I'm on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, with about 20 or more different people. Nothing exciting is going on... I'm bored. Very bored. I'm not allowed to stop writing until I've done at least a page but there isn't anything going on. I'm going to try looking around, but I highly doubt I'll find anything.

That didn't do any good. Serra thinks I'm spying on her and Raven threatened to toss me over board if I followed him around again. It's actually sort of fun to tick that guy off... He's mostly hot air but he doesn't take his hits. Loser.

Is this a page yet? Apparently not... Everyone is either sleeping or crying (I can't blame Eliwood, his father died last night.) and-

Hi my naame is Nils andi hwant to right in Erk's journ-

Ok, remember Ninian? That's her little brother, Nils. He's a bard (he hops around and plays his flute all day and it somehow encourages us to go on. It's actually sort of helpful... unless you're a pegasus knight) and he CAN be very annoying if he and Kate are the only ones on deck besides you.

Guy's spewing noises are starting to get to me so I'm going below. This should qualify for a page, minus all the spaces and Nils' note I left.

Anime Sage, Erk

Day 3

Weather is Cold and Foggy. Again.

Location is I Don't know, Don't care, I want sleep.

Why is she making me write in this after she nearly got me KILLED today? I don't know, that's Kate for you. Well, ok, it wasn't entirely her fault (no one could see those 5 archers in the bastilas on the other side of the wall) and making me rush into things sometimes IS a bit much...

At least I gain a lot of experience... STILL I'm tired and I want sleep and Nils is getting on my nerves and I'm about to take that flute and-

Nevermind, Raven got to him first. It doesn't look pretty outside, not at all...

Rules with Raven…

One If Raven is mad, RUN

Two Raven is awake, RUN

Three Raven is breathing, RUN

Four Raven is sleepy and in his pink bunny pajamas, laugh. Blame on Sain. then RUN.

He's an interesting guy... but I'm done, Don't care if its a page or not, I'm crashing in Kate's bed and making her sleep on the floor.

Anima Sage, Erk

Day 4

Weather is Rainy and slightly humid

Location is 40 miles north of the sea, 3 days walk southeast of Ostia

No battle today, finally. We could all use a break, except I think Bartre is going insane. This morning he announced at breakfast that he wants to become a Pegasus knight and tried to mount Florina's pegasus. Luckily the winged horse kicked him backwards into Merlinus tent and no one has seen him since. No one is brave enough to rescue him from the tent either.

So its raining and there's no fight. Lowen broke out the cards so once again Sain is cheating (he's horrible at it. 5 aces? yeah right) and Kent, Guy, and Matthew just continue on as always without them.

Fiora keeps wondering in here and gives me this gaze and says "Can I help you with anything, Erky?" No, woman, go away. The only one that can get away with calling me "Erky" is Kate but that's because I'm allowed to stay in her tent instead of sharing one with Raven, Lucius, and Sain. The next time Fiora comes in here, I'm going to "help" her with a thunder spell.

Not really, I don't kick girls. If they're advesaries, though, I will either a.) torch them b.) shock them. Raven's up and about again. He wants to join in the card game but Kent's being rather reluctant about it. I wouldn't want to play cards with Raven either. Lowen's a sore enough loser as it is.

Ninian, Serra, and Priscilla are worried head over heals about Nils. I'm assuming he's sick or something (it IS raining) but i don't understand why the girls like to swarm over the midget or something... not like I care or anything.

Bartre's trying to become a pegasus knight again. I don't know how (I really don't wantto know how either) he escaped from Merlinus' tent but that horse is just going to clabber him again. I'm starting to think there are very few sane people among our crew. I guess this is what happens when you haven't had any decent place to sleep or food to eat in over a number of weeks.

I think this qualifies for a page. I'm going to go look over my thunder book before Fiora comes back.

Anima Sage, Erk