Author's note: Elmer Fudd's lines are in bold type, Bugs Bunny's are in italic, and the boss' lines are in bold italic. Scene directions are in normal type.
Elmer Fudd is in his office, typing at a computer.
Ah, glad to have an job here at Nowabbit Internet Suppowt. No wascawwy wabbits awound.
He checks his watch.Wunchtime.
He rummages around and doesn't find his lunch.
My wunch!
He looks out the window and sees Bugs Bunny eating the carrot sticks from his lunch.
His face contorts in rage.
Why that expwetive-deweted wabbit.
He dashes out of the room. Scene changes to outside. Bugs has finished the carrots.
What's up, doc?
You ate my cawwots!And is it too much to hope for that the celery wasn't yours too?
You wicked wabbit! That was aww my wunch; I'm on a diet!And I just helped your diet.
Elmer Fudd's face contorts in rage and turns bright red.
But that was wo-fat and wo-cawb!Scene switches to Elmer Fudd in his office drawing up a contract.
… and in no way wiww Mr. Bunny annoy Mr. Fudd. Bweach of contwact wiww wesuwt in the consumption of Mr. Bunny by Mr. Fudd.Scene with Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd meeting outside. Elmer Fudd shows Bugs Bunny the contract.
Now sign on the dotted wine, wabbit.
Bugs Bunny eats the contract.
Could have used some salt, doc.
Elmer Fudd's face contorts in rage and turns bright red. Smoke pours from his ears.
I'ww get you fow this, wabbit stew!Elmer Fudd takes an elevator to the top and sees a peregrine falcon.
Would you wike a nice tasty wabbit?The falcon bites Elmer Fudd's hand.
OW!The scene changes; Elmer Fudd is back in his office. Bugs Bunny is just outside the window. Elmer Fudd dips a piece of paper in a bottle marked "POISON" and opens the window to give Bugs the paper. Bugs sniffs it.
Yuck. That stinks.
Then Bugs notices text on it in Elmer's handwriting. "E-mail login. Name: efudd. Password: wabbitstew." Bugs rubs his paws together with glee
Hee hee hee. He is so in trouble now.
New scene: Bugs Bunny typing on his computer that night.
…and basically you are unfit to run a bird's nest, let alone a business. Signed, Elmer Fudd. Now I click send. Hee hee hee.
The boss enters his office the next morning.
What's this? From Elmer Fudd, called "A Weview of youw management skiwws.". What!?
Elmer Fudd comes in for work.
Good mowning, Mr. Nowabbit.
You're fired!