"You keep what you kill."

That is the Necromonger way.

It has always been since Covu, the First Lord Marshal began the order of "Necroism" and ordered the first Necropolis built.

Then there was Oltovm, the Second Lord Marshal and Builder of the Necropolis. He is the Creator of the Great Necromonger Armada.

Naphemil, Third Lord Marshal and father of the Necro Philosophy, he is the one who ordered the Necropolis unearthed and entombed in the Basilica.

Baylock "the Brutal", Fourth Lord Marshal and last to be born to Necroism. He would not live to see his visage eventually grace the Icons left in the Necromongers wake on so many cleansed worlds.

Kryll, the Fifth Lord Marshal, brought forth our most prized asset, the Quasi-Dead, fragile yet powerful beings whose use to the Necro's evolves even today.

Zhylaw, Sixth Lord Marshall, and the first to adopt the Necromongers darkest philosophy, it read that those races unwilling to convert, their penance shall be infanticide.

Now there is the current Lord Marshal, Riddick, killer of Zhylaw and survivor from the planet Furya now a dead planet. Zhylaw laid siege to that planet thirty years ago after he heard a prophecy that his un-timed death would be brought about by a male Furyan infant. Very much like the Ancient Earth story of Moses, the Egyptian Pharaoh heard that his end would come from a Hebrew boy, so he had all Hebrew male infants killed, but one survived.

"You keep what you kill."

That is the Necromonger way.

Ever since we left our mother planet of Asylum, ever since we began to travel across the stars, purifying planets in our path, ever since we began our journey to the Underverse.

"You keep what you kill."

Unfortunately that means everything.

(A/N: I got the Necromonger History from the Hunt for Riddick game on the TCOR website. Just to let you know, I didn't make this up.)