Reviews for Necroism
sheshe073 chapter 12 . 1/23/2015
Please update this story! Riddick and Sharah are so hot together, and she is just as much of a badass as our anti-hero! I know life gets in the way sometimes, but this story is too good to be put to pasture. Please please come back to it.
SugarTop chapter 12 . 1/28/2012
Great Story :'P
DevyneTrinity chapter 12 . 11/3/2008
I was starting to write a story like this one, you really had me going with the creatures I think that was my favorite part. The animal in them, I am quite surprised though to see that you haven't worked on me. I mean its not like I should be talking, but at the same time I don't have nearly as many as you and there must have been alot of people reading your stories. I just wanted to comment so that maybe you would find some interest in an old story and maybe right more, if not thats okay too. I just wanted to say that it was something I liked and if you wrote more you would have at least one reader that would finish it. :) Anyway thanks for the entertainment I work at night and sometimes I like something other to do then work on my personal story or my FF stories. Thank you for writing a story that satisfies some of my Fantasy cravings (the creatures.. lol)

Traci chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
Love this story, hope it will be completed soon!
Falling Ame chapter 11 . 3/28/2008
i like this story alot please update soon
lilbrokenangel chapter 11 . 8/17/2007
LOVE the story so far! I so hope that you're gonna make her out to be a Furyian and for whatever reason be able to have little riddick mini hims. lol
12345deletedacount chapter 3 . 2/9/2006
OK, here's the thing- the plot just isn't believeable. Riddick wouldn't want to lead the Necros, sustaining their faith or not. It's just not him. And the whole baby Hellhound thing- Riddick's not the guy who's going to soften for a widow and a few cubs. This is a guy who had to be PERSUEDED to save the person he loved most. He's not going to turn that quickly. The bit about Dame Toals being depressed for days after her husband's death wouldn't happen, either. Necro men get killed by the boatload every day and replaced just as quickly. If every Necro woman was as compassionate as her (once again, wouldn't happen), there'd be a hall full of weeping widows.

The part about Vaako "warning" Riddick- he'd do no such thing. Vaako hated Riddick ever since the beginning of TCOR. If Riddick ever did become the new Lord Marshall, Vaako would respect and serve under him to a point- but as for giving him a heads up about something like what's mentioned in your story, he wouldn't.

As for the content of the story itself, very good. I like the structure itself.
Samix chapter 11 . 9/2/2005
Lol, I think both of them will be sleeping for a long time after that ;D Lmao, Please keep updating, its really original, and getting really interesting. I love the bit where they are sleeping and Erin walks in. That bit was very sweet. Dont forget to update soon!
WindDancerTN chapter 11 . 8/4/2005
What a deep and detailing saga you've created! The power of the emotions in all the characters was/is breathtaking! I must admit I throughly enjoyed Aries eating the Neco and Riddick warning him that it might make him sick! Beautiful Riddick humor! And the love scene...OHMIGOD! Not only was it wonderfully and emotionally written it was entirely believable! In character, not rushed or 'dirty' but a very deep, emotional part of both characters coming together! KUDOS to you! I've never really got misty eyed over a love scene before, but you did awesome with this! I so hope you continue with more chapters. There is alot of avenues these two can get themselves into! And converting the whole Neco population back into something resembling "NORMAL" could be very intersting! Thank you for the extraordinary ride!
DevilsVamp chapter 11 . 7/27/2005
SLEEP? who could sleep with a naked Riddick next to u and his 10 incher?

DevilsVamp chapter 10 . 7/27/2005
(He was big, Sharah observed. About ten inches long and two inches wide, but that’s only an approximate, its not like she had a tape measure or anything.)

3 words "OH MY GOD!"
snowangl05 chapter 11 . 7/26/2005
Wow this is a great story...i cant wait to see what is going to happen next so please come back and post more chapters as soon as humanly (or other worldly) possible!
FitMama chapter 11 . 7/26/2005
Awwh, it was so nice seeing Riddick acting a little human for a change. It was great seeing his emotions, but I still think you did great keeping him in character.
XinnLajgin chapter 11 . 7/25/2005
That was almost mushy but it's all good update soon.
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