Disclaimer: This story is actually not mine at all (waaaayy to many brilliant people words). I've decided to be the best friend thatI supposeI should be and post this for my best friend (Gem) who is indeed the author of the story. So, in conclusion, she owns next to none of this andI actually own less (if that's possible). I will forward your reviews (she also accepts flames) to her for you. You better review. But I'm not threatening you! Why would I do that? Oh, by the way, I do show up in this story a little. Instead of me writing author's notes (b/c I am, in fact, not the author) I will add my comments as Pixie's notes.(Yes, Gem. With an apostrophe), Just for your info, shes reading this over my shoulder cringing at my minor spelling and grammatical errors.

The Perfect Dream

"Where am I?" I wondered out loud. My whole body ached. "Ugh." I groaned and sat up. I shook my head to try and clear my vision, and my numerous dark brunette curls bounced everywhere. Then I stood and looked around. It looked as though I was right outside a small town in some mountain range. By the looks of the people around, I was stuck somewhere in the Dark Ages. I looked down and gasped. Was I dreaming? My clothes had changed. Instead of the pajamas I had put on last night before bed, I was wearing slim black pants, a blouse, and a corset-like thing. I had no clue what had happened to me, where I was, or what to do. Because I had no better option, I decided to ask someone in town where this place was. If this was a dream, I'd wake up soon enough.

I walked over to a peasant woman and asked her where this town was and the year. She seemed very surprised when she saw me, but she replied that this village was in the mountains of Romania, and it was 1891. As the woman hurriedly walked away, I stood there in shock. Romania? 1891?! How could I wake up in Romania in 1891 when I went to sleep in America in 2004? However, before I could ponder how I got here, I noticed someone across the square turn and enter a nearby building. I caught just a glimpse of his face, but it was enough to send my mind reeling even more. I couldn't deny who it was, but I also couldn't fathom how that could be possible. There was only one way to get some answers, so I collected my scattered thoughts, excepted my situation, and followed the man inside.

I entered what appeared to be a cross between an inn and a pub. I quickly scanned the tables and found who I was looking for. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but um..... are you–" I didn't get the chance to finish. As I was speaking, he looked up and gasped, and his eyes widened.

"Anna?!" he said staring up at me incredulously. "Is it really you? But you're dead! How can this be?"

"Wait!" I said and sat down across from him at the table. Although I still had no idea what I was doing here, I had decided that it was better to stay calm. "My name isn't Anna," I replied to the man sitting across from me, "but, are you Van Helsing?"

"Yes, I am, but..." Van Helsing stopped confusedly, rubbed his eyes, and stared at me again. "Who are you? You look exactly like–"

"Anna Valerious?" I asked.

"Yes! How did you know?"

"Well, I don't quite know what I'm doing here," I said, smiling faintly, "and I don't think you'll believe me if I tell you my story, but I guess I should probably start at the beginning. My name is Andrea (A/N: an-dray-ah, so you can pronounce it right) and I am from the 21st Century. I know that sounds strange and I don't know how I got here, so don't ask." Van Helsing stared at me. Then he opened his mouth.

"That, strange as it is, doesn't tell me why you know who I am and why you know about Anna."

"I know. I'm getting there. You see, in my time, a movie was just made. About when you, Anna, and Carl destroyed Dracula 3 years ago."

"How is that possible?" Van Helsing interrupted. "And what's a movie?"

"I don't know how it's possible." I said. "It doesn't make sense. The movie is just a fictional story. It's almost too much to believe...unless I'm dreaming."

"Dreaming? I know I'm not. This is real." Van Helsing said. "What's a movie?"

"A movie is like a photograph, but it moves. It's hard to explain."

Van Helsing blinked and shook his head. "So, wait, according to you, you're from the future, and a moving picture was made about me? Is that how you knew who I was?"

"Yes." I replied. "My friends all say Anna and I look a lot alike. But here's the weird part. In the movie, the characters were played by actors. People pretending to be someone from the movie. But you look just like the actor who played Van Helsing. That's how I recognized you. How can you be real, and look exactly like an actor from the future? The movie is just a made-up story. In my time, you don't really exist. This is so weird." I sat back in my chair and thought about what I had just said. I had often thought about how cool it would be if everything from the movie was real, but...

"This is way too much for me. Let's just stick to the basics. Forget actors and whatever else is so confusing and just tell me the easy stuff."

"None of this is easy to understand. I certainly don't. But, basically, I guess, I'm from the future, I look like Anna, I know all about what happened 3 years ago, and until 5 seconds ago I thought none of the movie was real. And it would be nice if I could get home. I think that's it."

Van Helsing nodded. "That I understood." Then he frowned. "Sort of. I think you should meet my friend Carl."

"I love Carl! He's just like me. I can't believe this is real. Where is Carl anyway?"

"In Rome, doing more research or whatever it is that he does. We should go pay him a visit."

"Why?" I asked. "Not that I don't want to; talking to Carl would be so cool!"

Van Helsing shook his head and looked at me strangely. "So we can figure out how you got here, why you are here, and how to get you home. If anyone will know, it's Carl."

"Oh, right. Of course, that makes sense. Wait, you actually believe me? Just like that?" I asked, as we stood up. Van Helsing studied me for a minute.

"Yes." he said, finally, "I do."

I felt perfectly comfortable around Van Helsing and my new surroundings. Van Helsing acted like it was perfectly normal to talk to someone who said they were from over a century in the future, and I guess I just adjusted quickly. I mean, how often had I imagined this? We went outside and Van Helsing grabbed two horses from the stable around back.

He turned and handed me one of the horse's reins. "You do know how to ride, right?"

I nodded and mounted the horse, but a new thought occurred to me. "Wait, we're riding all the way to Rome? On horses?"

"That was the plan. Until we get to the ocean. Then we'll take a ship." Van Helsing responded.

"But, don't we need food and something to sleep on and stuff? And how long will it take to get to Rome?"

"Relax. I have enough food for us and we can always get more. And I would say about a week."

"Only a week? Oh, are these Transylvanian horses?" Van Helsing nodded. "I knew it. Well, going with you seems much better than staying here, right?"

Van Helsing smiled. "Well, I don't think you'll find anyone else around here who will help you." he said as he kicked his horse into a gallop and took off down the path.


Hi, this is Gem, the actual author, and I want to thank my best friend Pixie for posting this for me. (Pixie you rock!) So, yeah, this is the first chapter and I hope you liked it. More chappies will come soon (I hope) and I ask you to review please and thank you! Bye for now and much luff to any and all who might read this!