Ok well this is the first story I have ever written,

Well anyway just so you know I'm no good at spelling so if there is anything wrong in the story, sorry.

Ok enough with talking hears the story.

Chapter 1

An Urgent Message

Legolas woke to a loud banging on his door. He slowly got up and looked outside it was still dark but the first light of day was just beginning to appear on the horizon. He was still very tired because he had arrived in Rivedall but 3 hours ago from Mirkwood. He had planned to sleep as late as possible. "I guess this is as late as I am permitted" he said to himself quietly as another knock came at the door.

He slowly walked to the door trying to get rid of any signs that he was still tired. He opened the door and there stood Elrohir and Elladan.

"You got up late" said Elrohir smiling

"Really late" continued Elladan

"Especially for you" finished Elrohir

Legolas always found it strange that the twins finished each others sentences but he decided not to say any thing. He looked at them and asked "is there a reason you two got me up?"

There smiles disappeared and they looked at each other. They began to talk between themselves then suddenly Elrohir turned to look at Legolas "We came to tell

you," he said and then came to a long pause

"Came to tell me what?!" said Legolas starting to get annoyed. The brothers once again looked at each other, and then turned to Legolas. They gave a huge grin and ran off. Legolas would have chased them if he wasn't so tired. He looked out his room window and the sun was just over the horizon "no point going to bed know" he thought. Then he heard someone enter the room. He turned around and saw Estel standing at the door.

"Mellon-nin, nar le mae?"(My friend, how are you) said Estel giving him a big hug.

"Im triw, nar le mae?"(I am fine, how are you) answered Legolas.

"Triw, triw," (fine, fine) he replayed finely letting go if his friend "I didn't see you get hereyesterday, when did you arrive?"

"I came in, in the late hours of night. You must have already fallen asleep."

"Come," said Estel leading him out of the room "Gandalf has told me to get you. They have come to a decision."

Legolas and Estel walked trough many corridors until they stopped in front of two wooden doors. They were big and engraved with vines and leaves. They stepped into a big room and sitting in the middle were Gandalf and Elrond. They were quietly talking between themselves when the two walked in. they both smiled and told them to sit down.

"Hello Legolas" said Gandalf "I am glad to see you made it hear unharmed" Legolas smiled a weak smile and sat down.

Elrond stood up and began to speak "as you know yrch, or orcs as humans call them, have been gathering all around paths between here and Mirkwood. We do not know why but we have put out watches all over the area. We have also found that wolves have been attacking travelers and also gathering in Mirkwood and other places."

"Why would orcs be gathering in such places?" asked Estel

"We are not yet sure but I think I know why" said Gandalf with a very serious face "I will have to do more research."

"We have also gotten word of cloaked figures riding near the passes. Legolas" said Elrond turning to him "what ever is going on we are going to need your fathers help, please give him this message." He told him some thing in elvish in a low whisper that not even Estel could catch. Legolas looked at Elrond with a look of surprise and worry on his face.

"I need you to setout as soon as possible." Elrond said, knowing that Legolas was having trouble believing this message. Legolas looked at the floor and nodded

Legolas stood next to his horse and put his supplies on its back while whispering to it calmly in elvish. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye Legolas saw Estel coming up behind him. He was getting ready to jump on Legolas and tackle him when he suddenly moved and Estel hit the ground with a large 'thump'.

Legolas started to laugh and nearly fell over. Suddenly hay fell on him and some went in his mouth. He spit it out and looked at Estel who was still on the floor but now he was the one laughing. Legolas looked at him with a that's-not-funny look but then started to crackup himself. He helped his friend off the floor (both still laughing)

"I-I came to see you off." Said Estel, trying to catch his breath.

"You were?" Said Legolas sarcastically, with a smile on his face, "It looked to me like you came to see the ground."

Estel, who finally got himself to stop laughing, asked "are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

"I am sure Estel," answered Legolas continuing to pack "besides you know how my father is."

"Aye I know, I just worry for your safety, there have been many sighting of orcs between here and Mirkwood"

"I will be fine Mellon-nin" he said going up to Estel and giving him a farewell hug "ceru u fuio nia anim" (Do not worry about me)

Legolas got on his horse and left Rivendall. Estel waved him goodbye and soon he could no longer see the elf, and he went back to his own business.

Legolas egged his steed to go faster as he made his way home. The message he carried was urgent and he had no time to waste. It was a long way to Mirkwood from Rivendall and he had no intention of stopping any time soon

Estel slowly followed silently behind Legolas trying to stay as far away as possible without losing him. He trusted Legolas fully but he didn't trust the orcs that had been seen passing trough here. He knew it wasn't safe for someone, even an elf as skilled as Legolas, to travel alone trough here now.

Suddenly he noticed Legolas had stopped. "Oh-no!" he thought "he realized I was following him!" then he watched as the elf dashed away as fast as he could. Estel was confused, "was Legolas trying to lose him?" he put his horse into a run to try to follow him.

Legolas thought he heard someone following him, but right when he was about to look he heard something else that almost made him jump. He brought his horse to a stop and looked to the north. In the distance his sapphire blue eyes saw orcs, about 30 strong if not more, coming at toward him fast. Legolas realized he couldn't possibly defeat all of them by himself and he didn't want what happened last time to happen again. He whispered to his steed and the horse ran with all speed to Mirkwood.

He looked back right as arrows began to rain down on him. The orcs had seen him and were starting to chase him. Legolas know he could escape if he went fast enough. But then his horse fell to the ground. Legolas jumped off in time so he wasn't crushed. He looked down at his horse and saw that a black feathered arrow had struck his side and it was bleeding heavily. He pulled out the arrow and tried to get the steed to stand up.

He suddenly realized his danger, the orcs were coming and he couldn't possibly get away now. He got his bow and started firing as fast as he could. Each arrow hit its target and he killed about 15 before the orcs caught up with him. He pulled out his blades and began killing as many orcs as he could. Then he was hit in the back of the head and lost his balance. He hit the ground hard and the last thing he saw were orcs surrounding him and a voice shouting out to him. Then everything went dark.

Estel all of a sudden realized what Legolas was running from. He wasn't running from him but a group of orcs that had just filled the gap between him and hid friend. He had feared this and made his horse go faster. Then he saw Legolas' horse fall and had his run even faster.

He pulled out his sword and got off his horse. The orcs was already at Legolas and attacking him, but he was doing a good job at keeping them at bay. He too began to attack the group of orcs who out numbered them by many. Legolas was too busy to notice Estel. Estel looked over to him just in time to see him fall to the ground, "Legolas!" he shouted trying to get to him. he realized he was in trouble and looked to his horse was was trying to get away from the battle, he told him to run, run and get ada, as he was hit and fell to the floor.

Legolas woke up, his head was pounding and he could hardly see anything. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light and he looked around. He had a terrified look in his face "No!" he thought "Pleaseā€¦ Please No! Not this place!"

I finished!!! I finished the first chapter!

Ok well sorry again for any mistakes

Please review, nice ones if it's not too much trouble and you can give me ideas too if you want I would appreciate it. Oh and thanks for reading