Chapter 18

Burn- No Matter What

Many watched as their palace, their home, was burnt to a crisp. What with everyone being of a dog or wolf clan, everyone stayed until the very last piece of ash flew and disappeared in the wind. Everything seemed to be a deadly calm, and no one was as deathly calm as the lord who reigned over this land.

Thankfully, the great dog demon only suffered a wound in the chest and arm, and his mate was completely untouched save for a few coughing fits she had because of the smoke that had infiltrated her lungs. It had taken them all a while to get out of there, especially with all the fighting with Naraku in the dining room.

Koinu was in indecision. The woman he saw couldn't possibly be his mother. If she had been, than he'd have remembered her, right? Besides, he grew up with the mother he knows now. If it weren't for that, than he'd be lost, right? What gave that woman the right to claim him after all this time? If she had really wanted him, than he'd have been under her care a long time ago.

As for Miyori? Miyori sat in silence with her knees tucked up beneath her chin. Things were going to be quiet for a while. With Tsuin...gone...and her stuck with her father and supposed mother and brother, she wasn't sure what to think. Although it is true that she has come to terms with that fact that she really is a hanyou, it doesn't make up for the fact that she hadn't seen her mother since she was, well, an infant. She wanted to get to know her mother, she really did, but she couldn't just pick up the pieces when she had been gone since almost the time she had been born. She didn't know why she had to leave when she and Tsuin were born, and she wasn't sure if she even wanted to know. Fact was, she was here now.
Kagome stood tall beside Sesshomaru. Ever since they all managed to get out of the now burning castle, she had wondered what his problem was. She still wanted to talk about an issue with him – why had he simply left her in a burning room like that? Why did he just "make his own exit"? Now that she thought about it, she was lucky her miko ability kicked in when they did because otherwise she'd be a pile of ashes by now. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Miyori crying, her head between her knees on the ground. She could see her son, Koinu, leaning behind her on one knee with a hand on her shoulder, trying to console her, but failing miserably. She could see so many youkai, dogs, wolves, even felines were there. They were all waiting for Sesshomaru's next orders. She supposed the next orders were going to be the most tense words any of them have ever heard.

But for now, they watched the castle burn in silence.

When the final ashes flew to the sky, Miyori finally stopped her weeping and sniffled, wiping at her face. Even though she was a fighter, a warrior, she was still a girl on the inside. She had her moments. She stood with Koinu's help and finally turned to her parents. "Father, Mother," she said quietly, unsure if she should have called that woman her mother or not, "what do we do now?"

Every youkai within the area heard her soft spoken question. It was the softest any of them had ever heard the young hanyou speak. They turned their attentions to the current rulers of the west. "The castle is now in ashes," Sesshomaru said with a strong, unwavering voice, "although we are currently without a home, we, the dog clan, have been under worse conditions before.

"I declare that if there are any relatives you have residing nearby, to stay with them. I ask that all who are willing, help repair the castle. All documents have a second recording deep within Razzmatazz Mountain," Sesshomaru stated as looked each one of them in the eye, "there will be many who will make the trip to gather them all for a third recording.

"Naraku has gotten the better of us this time," he said, changing the subject, actually admitting his defeat, "however, next time, we shall be prepared. Any and all who are willing, remain here at the castle, those who are unloyal and unwilling, may return to their families and never step foot within castle grounds again." That was all he said.

Kagome smirked but backed her mate up a hundred percent. If no youkai was willing to stay and help with the castle, then they were unloyal and were banished from the heart of the western domain. But if all were willing, then it showed their true loyalty. In a way, it reminds her of the good old days – the days of a cold-hearted ruler of the west. While her daughter threw her for a loop a second ago by calling her mother, she would stay strong. After all, she would prove to her son and daughter that she was their true mother, no matter what it took.

"Where shall we stay?" Miyori asked.

Kagome looked to her mate then. "Go to that village," Sesshomaru said.

"Are you sure?" Kagome asked.

"I will send for you when all is complete," Sesshomaru said. "You will be safe there."

Kagome gave her mate a worried glance. She knew this wasn't the time to disobey his orders, and she knew that if she went, Miyori and Koinu went with her, but Sesshomaru would remain behind. Kami only knew how long it would take to rebuild an entire castle from ashes. She knew that it was going to take some time, and it would definitely take a while for Sesshomaru to get back to her. She also knew that once that happened, then they would have to start all over again.

"I see," Kagome suddenly said with a smirk. "I suppose it's time that Miyori and Koinu meet their godparents."

"Godparents?" Sesshomaru asked.

"It's a human term," Kagome said with a wave of her hand. She then reached over and onto her tip-toes, "Sesshomaru," she whispered into his ear. She knew she would have to speak fast and low so that others wouldn't hear, "Arigato, for everything. Just remember, I am your mate. I will always be by your side, even if we are apart. Please, don't take too long to come back to me."

Sesshomaru, sudden realization dawning on him, lowered his head and kissed her lips gently. "I will be there as soon as I can manage, love."

Kagome smiled and backed away. "Come, Miyori, Koinu," Kagome said, "we have a small journey to make."

Miyori bit her tongue. She had grown so used to back-mouthing this woman and having her way that she had nearly spat at her again. She knew that she would be spending some time with this woman as well as her supposed brother. Her father wouldn't just leave her with a stranger, so she supposed that if her father trusted her then she should as well.
Kagome didn't dare look back. That would show her as weak to other demons. Not a single demon moved. They awaited their orders from Sesshomaru. Everyone understood the first lady must leave for protection – after all, even the youkai lord could only handle so much. Sesshomaru sighed and didn't watch his mate leave for a second time. At least this time, he knew, he would see her again.

A ghost of a smile traced his lips as Rin hugged him around the waist and ran after Kagome, taking her hand and walking side by side with her. Sesshomaru simply looked back at the ashes. Perhaps, there was hope in their future after all. Of course, until Naraku decides to show his face again. But next he will be waiting, and he will be ready.

In the back of Kagome's mind, she, too, would laying in wait. She would be prepared for anything. And even though the man had her son's face, she would stop him at all costs. She was going to fight alongside her mate. She was going to be strong for her family.

Yes, they would be a family again. No matter what.


Last Author's Note: I didn't write this final chapter, all thanks go to fanfic author and beta reader XxInuKat369xX

I had this fic on the dead list, well, it feels like another lifetime ago and in order to update I would have to reread and I just couldn't stomach it. My grammar is horrible. Back in 08 I thought about rewriting Baby Blues, but from Sesshoumaru's point of view, just so I could have a better version of Teen Blues, but at the same time something new for the readers.

This still might be something I consider doing in the future, but don't be too hopeful. I seem to go through a phase of loving fanfiction and then a longer phase of not updating anything.

I do have some recent fics on my profile if you'd like to check them out, and if you have a Tumblr blog I have actually run a comedy InuYasha blog the url is pinkarrowkagome so please drop me a line

Anyway I'm not the one who wrote this chapter so no more plugs for me, thank you xXInuKat369xX

And thank you readers and reviewers