Lustful Intentions

By: Le Noir de Adhara

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"I don't believe in predicting the future," Hermione replied simply. Madam Jerrica had dropped in on the young healer's day off to have a nice "gossip" with her. They talked about mundane topics until finally; the older woman brought the subject of Divination to Hermione's attention.

"I think you'll find my methods are wonderful at projecting a prediction of the future, my dear. I do believe I could change your mind."

"I'm sorry, Madam, but past experience has taught me that fortune telling is just another excuse for ignorance. Why sit around trying to see the future, when you can actually live in the present and get to the future? You'll see what happens eventually; why rush the experience?"

"But that's the thing, isn't it? If you see what happens, you can prevent all the bad from coming true!"

Hermione chuckled, "But then we wouldn't grow as a race. We wouldn't make mistakes, and we certainly wouldn't learn from them!"

"Well, my dear," Madam Jerrica said politely, "if you ever wish to know, just take this and glance into it. It will tell you what you seek." The older woman handed Hermione an intricately designed snow globe. She pressed it into Hermione's reluctant hands and stood. "Now, I really must go dear. I only want what is best for you. And what is best for you resides in the answer."

"But-" Hermione began, but the woman just gave a sympathetic smile and disappeared with a soft Pop!

The clock on the wall chimed the beginning of a new hour, and still Hermione stood there staring that the now vacant spot. Upon recognizing the chime, Hermione looked down at the knickknack in her hands. There were three legs made of what seemed like the finest silver. Ivy carvings enhanced the delicate features. Eyes roving upwards, she studied the glass face. There weren't any scratches on its surface, yet it had to be hundreds of years old. It seemed a perfect spherical shape to Hermione's untrained eye. Inside the ball resided the most beautiful porcelain couple she had ever seen. The woman's dress was painted a pale pink which complemented her medium colored hair and fair features. The male's figure looked to be a blonde Adonis in miniature; pale blues accented his minute features. Hermione had never seen such craftsmanship before in her life.

She rotated the globe in her hands; the light seemed to splinter into many different colors and briefly, Hermione wondered if the glass was really diamond. There seemed to be a golden halo encircling the object. Suddenly aware that she was romanticizing the decorative object, she chuckled to herself and set it down on her coffee table. She was far too sensible and down-to-earth to believe that that object could possibly predict her future. It didn't matter how much she wanted to know what was going to happen to her and Draco, she wasn't going to break her own moral code.

Meanwhile, Draco was pacing his sitting room. He was out of his mind with worry over what he should do. He had sworn to get revenge on the girl who enchanted him when he was in his third year. He ha not expected to come to care for her.

His body exhausted, he flopped down into one of the Chintz armchairs. Draco knew not what he could do. The Ministry's Christmas Ball was coming up. To try and get rid of her now would damage his image, but to stay around her would damage his sanity.

Draco had only one solution. He had to go away on a business trip for a while. Yes, that was it. His secretary could have the necessary arrangements made in ten minutes should he ask her to do so. There was a business problem in Canada. Content to be getting work done, he flooed his secretary and dished out the orders. Within twenty minutes, he was over on the other side of the Atlantic.

The moon provided little light as Hermione climbed into bed. Within moments, she was in a light sleep. There was no one around to notice the soft glow from the snow globe.

A little girl played in the sunlight on some coastal beach; her chocolate curls were unruly thanks to the humidity and sun. A sand castle lay in front of her, half finish with the look of having once been slightly trampled. Hermione looked about her. As far as she could see, they were on a private beach. Her attention diverted once again to the little girl.

She was chattering to herself about fairies and dragons and magic-guarded castles. Hermione smiled softly to herself. "Isn't that right Mummy?" Hermione looked up into the girl's eyes. They were a brilliant gray that stood out against her fair skin and dark hair. Hermione found herself just staring into them.

"Now, Elena, what have I told you about bothering your mum in that way? She shouldn't be on the ground in her condition."

"Daddy, I was only telling my little sister about Hogwarts. She'll have to know all about it before she has to go there." Elena stared seriously at her father as if to dare him to try and contradict her.

Hermione stared at Draco for moments before glancing down at herself. Her belly seemed to bulge to a massive size; she was at least eight months pregnant!

Startled, she looked back up into his face. He was staring at the little girl with an almost disbelieving look on his face. Suddenly, he started laughing. "How are you sure it'll be a little sister?" Draco winked at Hermione.

"Because, Daddy, I know these things."

Hermione smiled and raised her left hand to pat Elena's hair. She was a bit surprised to see the glint of gold and diamond on her ring finger (but not in the least bit shocked). "Well, we'll just have to wait and see," she heard herself responding. The little girl couldn't have been more than six, and she was the cutest thing Hermione had ever seen.

The gold in the room suddenly disappeared, and the snow globe simply vanished from its spot on the coffee table. In her bed, Hermione stirred, but didn't wake up. She just fell into a deeper sleep, not knowing what lay ahead of her.


Life gets in the way, and so does myspace. Sorry this came out later than expected, but it wasn't right the umpteenth times I wrote it every time. I hope you enjoy this. There are maybe three chapters to five chapters left before the end. After that, I'll be editing to make it better before moving on to my next Dramione. Till next time!

Le Noir de Adhara