Crowley smirked. He was sitting in a tree, about six feet above the ground. Okay, he didn't like heights very much, (1.) but it was worth it. He could se Aziraphale searching in the park. The angel was looking behind every tree and bush he could find. But he didn't look in the trees. (2.) Crowley giggled when the angel slipped on the wet grass and landed on his butt.

"My stupid angel", he said to himself with a smile.

He swallowed a bit of his pride.

"Oy! Aziraphale! I need some help here!"

The angel that precisely was back on his feet, jumped nearly a feet up in the air and almost landed on his butt again.

"What are you doing in the tree?" he asked. "I thought you were afraid of heights?"

"I am, so please get me down!"

"Are you begging me?"

"Yes! Get me down!" Crowley said and started to sound desperate. "Please!"

Aziraphale walked over to the tree.

"You got wings, you know", he said. "Unfold them and fly down."

Crowley mumbled a stream of not so nice words (3.) and did as Aziraphale told him. He landed next to the angel.

"Thanks", he mumbled.

"Why did you climb the tree, when you knew you wouldn't be able to get down?" Aziraphale asked him.

"I didn't know how that I was so high up."

"Stupid demon."

"Is that a compliment or what?"

"Let's go back to the house."

"What about your revenge then?"

"It can wait, it's starting to get cold and I'm freezing."

Crowley smiled and put an arm around Aziraphales shoulders and together they walked up to the house. When they reached the door Crowley let go of Aziraphale and walked in behind him. Aziraphale headed directly into the living room and with a flick of his hand he lit a fire in the fireplace.

"Much better", he mumbled and warmed his hands over the flames. "I don't like the cold, don't like it at all."

"Then we have tog get you warm . . "Crowley said with a smile. He walked over to the sofa and took the blanket that was hanging over one of the arms. He put it over the angel's shoulders and smiled again.

"Thanks", Aziraphale. "I'll fix the dinner in a couple of minutes."

"Right, I'll have a look around in the house while you fix it. Yell when you're done or if you put something on fire." (4.)

Aziraphale smiled.

"Of course I'll do that."

Crowley walked out of the room and up the stairs, whistling on a happy tone. Aziraphale shook his head, the demon was in a very good mode, especially as he'd been caught in a tree for such a long time. He watched the fire for a while, feeling the warmth that spread trough his body before he took the blanket of his shoulder and went to the kitchen.

About an hour later, when Crowley was searching trough one of the guestrooms for some kind of interesting stuff he hear Aziraphales voice from the bottom floor.


"I'll be right down!" the demon answered.

He walked out of the room, and down the stairs. Aziraphale meet him halfway.

"I think you will like this", he said. "It's just like you want it."

"It's not burned, is it?" the demon asked with a suspicious look on his face.

"No", Aziraphale said. "I promise that its not."

They walked down the rest of the stairs together. When they sat down at the table a wicked grin crossed the angels face for a second. Crowley froze.

"What have you done?"

"Nothing", answered the angel and looked totally innocent. Then he took a bite of his food. "Eat."

Crowley took his fork and pushed on one piece of the sliced carrot.

"Are you afraid that I've done something to the food?" Aziraphale asked. "Can't you se I'm eating it?"

"You could have done something to my food."

"Why should I do that?"

"Our bet."

"It's still not a bet. And no, I haven't done anything to your food.

Crowley didn't believe the angel, but when he took a bite he found out that it tasted great. He took another bite and smiled against the angel.

"It's great. Sorry I didn't believe you when you said it was alright."

"Don't blame yourself, I shouldn't trust myself in that situation either."

Crowley nodded and then he slid of his chair and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Finally", Aziraphale said and watched the unconscious demon. "I never thought the sleeping powder would work."

With an effort he lifted the demon from the floor and carried him out into the living room. There he'd already put a rope in the cut-glass chandelier. He tied the rope around the demons feet and slowly pulled him up. When he'd tied the rope around the banister the demon was hanging upside down about 2 feet above the floor.

He moved around so he stood in front of the demon. With a snap on his fingers he removed the sleeping toxic from the demons body.

"Crowley, wake up", he mumbled into the demons ear.

Crowley wriggled a bit and then he opened his eyes.

"Wha? What are you doing? Why am I hanging upside down?"

"Revenge, my dear demon," Aziraphale answered and sat down in front of the demon. His face was now in height with Crowleys. "I think I'll let you hang there for a while."

"That's not nice", Crowley said. "But it's not as bad as it could be."

"How do you know that?" Aziraphale asked. "If I leave you here for a couple of days, I think you'll dislike this to."

Crowley smiled.

"Maybe we could make a deal then?"

"A deal?"

"Aye. A deal. If you do all the sins I'll do anything you ask for. Anything!"

"What about the rest of my revenge on you then?"

"Cant we forget about it?"

"Maybe. You promise you'll do anything?"

"Yes. Yes I promise on my honour." (5.)

"Hm . . it would be useful for me later, I think . . right, we got a deal."

"Then cut me down!"

"But I still think I could wait a couple of hours before I do that."

And with these words the angel left room and leaved a screaming and cursing demon behind him.

Early the next morning Crowley awaked when he was dumped on the floor.

"Finally," he muttered and watched the angel. "That wasn't a couple of hours, it was a night!"

"Sorry, I forgot about you", Aziraphale said with a smirk.

"No you didn't, so much as I screamed you must have heard me."

Aziraphale smiled.

"Anyway, it's time for breakfast."


The demon got to his feet and immediately fell forward because his legs couldn't carry him. Aziraphale caught the demon when he fell. He kept a steady grip around the demons waist until Crowley could stand by himself.

"C'mon", the demon said. "It was breakfast now wasn't it?"

When they were done Crowley turned to Aziraphale.

"Let's do something fun!" he said.

"Like what?"

"A party?"




"Because it would be fun!"


"You mean that it's okay?"

"Yeah. I'm God now, so when I say 'yes' I mean 'yes'."

"Cool! When will we have it?"



They got up from the table and started to arrange all things that had to be done.

(1.) He was terrified, the only reason he was still sitting in the tree was because he couldn't get down.

(2.) Aziraphale knew he was afraid of heights so he would never look there.

(3.) He had forgotten that he had wings. Maybe he'd been human for to long.

(4.) Last time Aziraphale made dinner it hadn't been more then burned rests left.

(5.) Which is no one at all.

Authors note: I know that this one sucked. But it'll get better, I promise. I just didn't know what to write. The party will go nuts. If you have any ideas, don't be afraid to tell me. All comments are appreciated.


Dorilys: Thanks. I dont know if i think my idea was better, but it fitted in . . here you got the continue, even if it is quiet lame, the party will be funnier. I've got the plot done know, so I think it will be about 12 chapters when I'm done..