Kumiko: I have updated in soooo long T.T even if it IS summer XP gomen nasai! My brains have been in a trance while watching anime XD
Purin: (tape of Kumiko watching anime)
Kumiko on the tape: guuuuuu……KYAH! Kikumaru! Ryoma! Tezuka:3 (is in love with Kikumaru's voice, Ryoma's cool attitude, and Tezuka's awesome control over the Seigaku tennis club)
Purin: Kumi-san is trying to finish the Prince of Tennis series before summer ends, na no da!
Kumiko: yesh it's true, I'm on episode 143…wo0t! 23 more episode to go! XD
Taruto: review timeeeee :D (taruto has developed a hyper personality over the summer)
Dreamcaster555 –
Yay! I would like to read them n.n but when you reviewed, fanfiction cut off the last part of your email address, so If you don't mind, could you give me your email address again? Or I'll give you mine in "word format" so that you can email me? n.n :3 here it is: xxsnow(underscore here)koshiteruxx(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm looking forward to your email :D
Ukari-chan –
Thank you! I'm honored that you're saying that my story is going to be one of your favourites :D yeah I know, everyone feels sorry for Taruto, but it's just too fun to torture him! (pokes taruto) :3
Kaggierain –
A lot of people read fanfiction at night….maybe it's just meant to be XD I read fanfiction at night ALL the time n.n hai! I'm updating now, please enjoy!
Chopstick Flower Samurai –
Wo0t! yesh! Campaign! Down with 4kids! You can also email me and gather people to rally against the baka 4kids productions u,U (plays whac-a-4kids-dub) :3 I love giving out Nobel Randomness Prizes! Yesh I agree taruto's dub voice actor should be burned at the stake! Maybe we should try it on the actual taruto!
Kumiko: (lights a match)
Taruto: O.o (runs away)
Kumiko: (summons Wolfram from Kyou Kara Maou and Roy Mustang from FMA to burn taruto)
(A/N: both Wolfram and Roy can summon fire out of nowhere like po0f! n.n)
Taruto: X.x
Kumiko: to answer your questions about what the muffins are made of, I'm not sure because my good friend Ruki bakes them :3 I'll have to ask her, but I think one of the ingredients is rat poison XD (chucks muffins at taruto) but the ones I give reviewers are imagination muffins! They become whatever you want XD
Akira Ouka –
YAY! Ouka-san :D I reviewed your story already so you CANNOT kill me XD you are starting to talk like Ruki now T.T I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing XP
Chapter 11 FINALE – How to Make Perfectly Baked Cookies for the TMM characters
(A/N: this is keiichiro's chapter if you didn't know n.n'' I don't have many tmm characters to write about left, and this is the last one! (sob sob) T.T)
2 medium eggs
2 cups of flour
Half a cup of white sugar
1 cup butter
1 cup milk
1 strawberry (Ichigo)
1 mint leaf (Minto)
1 lettuce leaf (Rettasu)
1 pudding cup (Purin)
1 jar of pomegranate jam (Zakuro)
1 artificial quiche flavoring sauce (Kish)
1 artificial pie flavoring sauce (Pai)
1 artificial tart flavoring sauce (Taruto)
1 cup of yellow frosting (Ryou)
1 jar of chef's choice candies (Keiichiro)
1 large mixing bowl
1 wooden mixing spoon
1 rolling pin
A pack of assorted cookies cutters (preferably in the shapes of the tmm characters n.n)
1 cookie pan
1 conventional oven
First, mix together the eggs, flour, sugar, butter (melted), and milk together in the large mixing bowl.
Keiichiro: pour pour pour, mix mix mix, stir stir stir….:D
Kumiko: (whaps Keiichiro on the head) stop saying words in a singsong voice! U.u
Keiichiro: hai hai hai? (translation: yes yes yes?)
Kumiko: argh…
Then, shape the cookie dough in a huge round ball.
Keiichiro: roll roll roll, into a perfect little balllllllllll :D
Kumiko: must…maintain…cool….
Keiichiro: finished!
Purin: A BALL! (grabs ball of dough) catch taruto!
Taruto: nani? (translation: what?) (catches dough) ewww what is this human snack?
Kumiko: cookies. (whaps Taruto on the head and takes the ball of dough) here keiichiro, but NO MORE SINGING! It's making me insane O.o
Keiichiro: hai!
Next, take the ball of dough you have formed, and roll it out flat with the rolling pin.
Keiichiro: can I sing?
Kumiko and Taruto: NO!
Purin: YES na no da!
Keiichiro: roll roll rollllllllllllll, flat flat flattttt like a pancakeeee
Kumiko: (twitch twitch) ….
Then, you take the cookie cutters, and place them on the cookie dough. Make sure to leave enough room for all the cutters.
Keiichiro: cut cut cutttt in to all my nice TMM friendsssss :3
Kumiko: THAT'S IT! (whap whap whap the Keiichiro on the head!)
Purin: this part is censored for violence and any incredible forces of whapping, kicking, shouting and evil Ruki muffin throwing na no da :3
Taruto: O.O
Kumiko: (done whapping) ….that wasn't need Purin…all I did was whap him on the head…about…1233534975 times :3
Keiichiro: T.T
After the cookie cutters have been placed properly, put the cookies on the cookie pan, and insert it in to the conventional oven for approx. 10 minutes.
Keiichiro: (puts pan in oven)
Taruto: so what do we do now?
Purin: we WAIT! Wo0t! na no daaaaaaaaaaa
Kumiko: waiting? Aw…guuuuuuuuuuu….(kumi's method of waiting XD)
Purin: pyuuuuuuuu (purin's method of waiting)
Taruto: O.o
(10 minutes later)
Keiichiro: It's done! YAY
Kumiko: (takes it out of the oven)
Taruto: ewww they turned all hard…are they supposed to be like this?
Purin: hai na no da! Didn't you know what cookies are like Tar-tar?
Kumiko: yes Taruto, didn't you? (smirk smirk)
Taruto: er…shush I have a limited knowledge of earth things…(pokes a cookie) strange things…that the blonde brat made…
Ryou: (randomly appears) who are you calling a blonde brat you red haired pig tailed alien runt?
Kumiko: now now Ryou, go back to Sakuya-chan's fanfic (pushes him back)
(A/N: my onee-chan Sakuya, is writing fanfic with Ryou :3 please go read it! It's called: I'm a Girl in an all Boys boarding school, or something like that n.n'')
Now, place each of the items corresponding to each character on each cookie.
Keiichiro: (places a strawberry on the female cat shaped cookie, spreads pudding on the monkey cookie and places the mint leaf on the bird cookie)
Kumiko: (spreads pomegranate jam on the wolf cookie, places the lettuce leaf on the whale cookie, and spreads artificial quiche flavoring sauce on the medium alien cookie)
Taruto: (spreads yellow frosting on the male cat cookie, and places little chef's choice candies on the chef's hat cookie)
Purin: (spreads artificial pie flavoring sauce on the 3.14 cookie, and spreads artificial tart flavoring sauce on the midget alien cookie)
Everyone (all the TMM characters) : Ittadikimasu! (phrase in Japanese used before eating a meal)
Kumiko: this is the last chapter of Purin and Taruto's cookbook! Thank you to all the reviewers who were so kind to review (bow) also to Fanfiction. com who let me post my story here n.n I hope everyone enjoyed the taruto hitting, masaya bashing, purin randomness-ing and kumiko ranting :3 oh yes and of course the cooking n.n please don't try some of these recipes at home, I don't think they're suitable to be eaten XD until my next fanfic, Sayonara!