Kumiko: hiiiiii! you may know me as the authoress of Unknown Love, but now i'm the author of this fanfic!!! :D Purin and Taruto's Cook Book!!!!
Purin: you mean, "Purin and Tar-tar-kun's Cook Book!!!" u.u
Taruto: Oh the Humanity!! When will this end?!?!?
Kumiko: stop being so dramatic Taruto....it can't be THAT painful....
Taruto: yes it is!!!! i mean come onnnn! (starts rambling about his pains and suffering in the fics)
Kumiko: ya ya, whatever...(puts tape over Taruto's mouth)
Purin: (pokes kumiko on the shoulder) Kumiko!! TIME FOR THE COOKING!!!!
Taruto: (sob) wah!!!!! i never get to do that anymore!!
Kumiko: next time, Taruto, next time....
Chapter 1 - How to Make A Banana Candy Feast!! XD
1 pack of banana candy
1 alien called Taruto
1 monkey called Purin
2 small plastic bags
1 picnic blanket
2 pairs of hands
1 ancient banana candy plushie that only Purin has
Taruto: ......that is one strange list....
Purin: I know! :D
Kumiko: (can't stop laughing)
Take the monkey called Purin and the 1 pack of banana candies, and mix. Both should be blended together well, so that the monkey girl is sorting the candies in to the two plastic bags. To see if it is ready, simply listen to the monkey girl.
Purin: One for Purin! One for Tar-tar!! One for Purin!! One for Taruto!!! (and it goes on and on and on...XD)
Next, once the banana candies are sorted, take the short midget alien and mix in.
Kumiko: um....Taruto.....you realize that you're talking to a cook book??
Purin: XDXD Tar-tar-kun can be so stupid sometimes...XD
Taruto: ......u.u.....
Now, the alien and monkey should be setting the banana candies on to the picnic blanket, with the 2 pairs of hands. You should let the banana candies rest, as the monkey and alien stay back and just stare.
Purin: this is so fascinating!!! :D
Taruto: ........help.....(dies of boredomness)
Kumiko: heh heh heh....(brings Taruto back alive)
Now that the banana candies have had time to rest, get the monkey to bring out the ancient plushie that only she has.
Purin: witness the almighty banana candy plushie!!! :D (gazes in awe)
Taruto: oh god this is boring.....(gazes in boredom and hunger at the banana candies)
Kumiko: hahhaha this is so entertaining!! :D (gazes in amusement)
Wait patiently as the monkey does a weird monkey banana candy god summoning dance, that only she understands. Annoy and pester the alien meanwhile.
Kumiko: (pokes Taruto) :D
Kumiko: (shrugs) i don't know....maybe it's you...do you have a problem??
Taruto: .........you.are.weird.
Kumiko: THANK YOU!! :D
Taruto: .....
Purin: (dancing weird monkey banana candy god summoning dance)
Now that the monkey is finished dancing, even though it didn't do anything, worship the banana candy plushie for about 2 minutes.
Kumiko: this is fun!! (bows)
Taruto: .......this is........stupid....
Finally, eat the banana candies by using the 2 pairs of hands yet again, and carefully rip them and put them in your mouth in a way that only Purin would understand.
Purin: Not like that Tar-tar!! Like this!! (eats candy)
Taruto: I don't see the friggin difference!!!!!!
Kumiko: wow.....he's getting mad....(pops candy in to mouth)
Purin: seeeeeeeee! Watch Kumiko!!
Taruto: ........u.u this is so lame....
End of Chapter 1
Kumiko: hahhaha Taruto is right! That was lame!! I hope you readers found it amusing though! XD
Taruto: .......i'm not doing that again.....
Kumiko: well too bad, it's not a one shot fic!! :D
Taruto: .....u.u
Purin: bye readers!! please review to tell all comments or things that we could improve on!!
Taruto: maybe the lame-ness....
Kumiko: (punches Taruto) anyhoo.....Sayonara!! :D