Beyblade- Fallen

Author- Luna P aka Nikki

Editor- QX aka Steph

Rating: PG 13 as always may go up

Warning: Yaoi fluff if that sort of stuff upsets you or makes you sick leave now cause once your in you can't turn back

Summary: Rei is being abused by his father, rather than confiding in his friends and asking them for help, he hides it from the ones closet to him but there is one person that he cannot fool. But what will this person do to help his friend when Rei refuses to accept his help. ReixKai, what can I say I'm obsessed

Nikki: and here it is, the final chapter…

Bryan: It's actually pretty weird that this is it…

Tala: Maybe Nikki'll do a sequel…

Rei: or write another fic…

Nikki: I have some ideas for a couple more fics so you guys haven't seen the last of me

Hiei: Oh great (sarcastic)

Kaiba: Yeah we can't wait to be forced to do your stupid disclaimers again (sarcastic)

Nikki: I'm glad you're ok with me coming back


Nikki: eep (hides behind Bryan)

Bryan: guys, leave her alone…go pick on Mariah, Hillary and Anzu instead

Kaiba and Hiei: OK!

Nikki: Ahh! Some stupid little fucker spammed my inbox, this is one of those things that my mom warned me about. I signed up for a newsletter from this shady Yu-Gi-Oh site. The last thing I expected was for the bastard to spam my inbox…so basically I can't send out my Xmas E-mails (weeps) I'm gonna have to call all my long distance friends which means that I'll run up a huge phone bill. Which means that my mom will get mad cause she's all ready paying a ton to get the computer fixed (thus why I'm a little glad that this is the last chappie cause I can only update at school.) which means that I'm not going to get any of my Xmas presents thus making this the worst Xmas ever. (Growls angrily)

Bryan: What she's trying to say is don't expect to hear from her until after Christmas when her comp will be up and working

Nikki: God I hate that kid, Malik can I borrow the millennium rod?

Malik: Only if I can help with whatever you're going to do

Nikki: Sure (runs off) Someone do the disclaimer for the final chappie (weeps)

Malik: Come on…you can take your anger out on that bratty little fucker who ruined your precious computer

Nikki: (suddenly serious) HE WILL PAY! MWAHAHAHA!…

Malik: that's what I like to hear, uh Nikki doesn't own beyblade or any of the people that have done her disclaimer or any of… Well she doesn't own anything save for the plot Rini, Steve, Norman, Kyan and there's one other OC that's introduced in this chappie to cheer Rei up…oops, said to much (giggles nervously) See ya

Bryan: well I think we all get that both Malik and Nikki are unstable, but anyway here's the last chapter of Fallen… I like happy endings…

Rei's POV

I stared up at the sky and the dark grey clouds that covered the normally blue atmosphere. It felt good to see that not everything was happy. Relishing the supposedly 'fair' life that I detest. Or did. The air seemed to move around me and surround me in a small see through cocoon that anyone could break without even having to try. Yet no one bothered. Instead left me to my thoughts, something that I didn't want.

A lone tear escaped my left eye and I felt more stinging the back of my shimmering orbs. I was finally allowing myself one of those moments where all I do is cry. Cry over everything that had happened to me, everything that I had been through. I leant against the sturdy tree, feeling my knees weaken as the memories attacked my brain.

A small gust of freezing December air hit into me and paved the way for the downpour of rain. None of the people stood infront of me seemed to mind as the rain soaked their clothes. I lightly stroked the handle of the umbrella with my thumb and tried to fight against the horrific memories that were forever imprinted in my mind. Another tear slid down my face and I choked on the loud sob.

I took a deep breath and pushed myself away from the tree, telling myself that I had to be strong. I shivered but not due to the cold, the raw pain was too much for me to handle. A small child bumped into me as she ran away from her brother who was chasing after her wearing a hockey mask. I doubted that either of them knew what was going on or they wouldn't have been acting like this. I guessed that they were about three or four.

"Sorry sir" the little girl whispered as she brushed a soaking strand of navy blue hair out of her sparkling sapphire eyes. She bowed slightly and lifted the edges of her knee length black dress in a small apologetic curtsy.

"Yeah, we were just playing. Mommy got mad at us for playing over by them so we decided to come over here. Uh…we didn't see you, sorry" the little boy removed the mask and I caught sight of shimmering crimson eyes. My heart felt like it had been ripped in two and I couldn't breath. "Are you ok Mr?" The young boy asked, I nodded and managed a weak smile, not wanting to scare either of them.

"I don't get it, everyone's so sad" the girl whom was obviously the younger of the two said as she took her brothers hand and walked back over to the group of people. I fell back against the tree and closed my eyes. Forcing the rest of the tears out and down my face.

"Sometimes people get sad Anna"

"Did we upset that man?"

"No…I don't think so…that was something else" I stared at the boy as he walked away. So young yet he seemed to know so much all ready.

"Something else" I repeated quietly to myself and let the umbrella drop to the floor, the rain soaked me in no more than a few seconds but I didn't care. I took another deep breath and stared over at the reverend, he muttered a few last words and closed the small black book before tilting his head and closing his eyes in a silent prayer.

"Our father who art in heaven…" The prayer began, people mimicked the actions of the reverend and tilting their heads as they recited the solemn words.

"Amen" the group chorused as one. I noticed the small girl tugging on her mothers' skirt. Begging the answer to her question of what amen meant and was it a type of food or a new Barbie accessory. Her mother placed a pale finger to her lips in an action that meant be quite.

There was a loud clanking noise as the mahogany wood coffin was slowly lowered into the ground. My eyes studied the box as it disappeared into the shallow grave that had been dug earlier. I had been there then, I'd been there for about five hours just stood by this tree. I had seen people arrive and I would see people leave, I wondered when I would take my leave from the deadly quiet confines of the cemetery. It was all so beautiful here, so peaceful, a final resting place where no one should ever have to worry because for the people that were left here worrying was not required.

The dead need not worry, I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes. Everyone fears death because they are unsure of what waits for them on the other side. If any thing, there are so many religions out there that it is impossible to know which is the right one to follow and if you don't follow the right religion then what then? You spend eternity in hell? Is that how it works? You spend your entire life believing something without question only to find out in the end that you were wrong and have to pay for that mistake.

How was that fair? And if there is a God and he is all-powerful and all forgiving and all good. Did it really matter what religion you worshipped? Wouldn't God forgive you for your mistake? Or was it true that you have to learn from your mistakes? How do you learn when your stuck in hell for the rest of time? Then again I believed that it was not the dead that suffered, their suffering was over. However for the people they had left behind it had only just begun. The dull aching throb in your heart day in day out knowing that something is missing from your soul and will never, can never be put back slowly but surely tears you apart.

A few more words were said as the coffin was lowered and by the time the gravediggers had come to refill the mound only a few people remained. I was one of those few people though I chose to stay next to the tree. Seeking what little shelter the branches could offer as the weather conditions began to worsen.

"Rei? What are you doing? You're soaked, come back or you'll get a cold" a gloved hand was gently placed on my shoulder and I lightly traced the leather with my ice-cold fingers. Tears began to fall from my eyes once again, each carrying a small piece of pain with them as they left my aching body. I sighed, I couldn't cry enough tears to take away my pain. Never would be able to. "Rei?"

I turned and threw myself into the strong arms of the other man, he gave a small sigh and placed his hands on the back of my head. Stroking through my hair as he tried to comfort me.

"You're frozen" he whispered as his lips brushed against my own, he shrugged off his long black leather coat and placed it over my shoulders before tightening the grip around my waist. I fell into his chest, breaking down for the thousandth time. I wept into the crimson shirt as the rain blew against me, each little droplet felt like a bullet as it hit into my body and sent shivers through me. "What are you doing here?" He asked softly as he gently lifted my face so that I could stare up into his eyes.

"Remembering" I whispered and lightly traced his soft creamy cheek. He smiled weakly before shooting me a concerned look.

"About what? What made my kitten so upset?" He whispered so quietly that it seemed as if he were mouthing the words rather than speaking them. A lone tear trickled down my face as I remembered what I wanted to forget. I moaned silently when he placed his lips over the clear droplet and gently kissed it away.

"About how close everything came…" I stopped and held back sobs as I stared into his beautiful crimson eyes that were now glistening with unshed tears. "I almost lost you…Kai" I couldn't hold down my tears any longer, just the thought that Kai had almost left me, that he had almost died upset me more than anything else ever could.

"But you didn't, I'm still here and I promise that I won't ever leave you. I love you far too much to see you suffer. You're everything to me" he whispered and lightly kissed my ear. I moaned and threw my head back in pleasure. He laughed into my skin and trailed a line of kisses along my jaw. I ran my hands through his hair as he sucked on the side of my neck. Teasing the tanned skin.

"I don't know what I'd do without you" I whispered and brought his lips up to where they met with mine. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue prod at my lips. I cupped his face and opened my mouth, his tongue slid into my mouth and gently brushed against my own tongue. I moaned and heard him giggle as he intensified the kiss. I broke away and stared at him as the rain washed the blue triangles away from his perfect face.

We stayed like that for a long time, just stood in the middle of the cemetery as the rain poured from the heavens and soaked the earth. Being so close to him made me feel so much better. Sometimes late at night I would just sit up and stare at him as he slept. As if to make sure that he was actually there.

"Come on, let's go home. I have a present for you" he told me and offered me his gloved hand. I smiled and placed my frozen limb in his. His thumb ran over my fingers as he tried to warm them up.

"What kind of present?" I asked as he led me over to where the car had been parked. "And how did you know I was here?"

"I don't know, I just came here and there you were. One thing you have to know Rei is that I will always find you. No matter what I will always come back to you"

"Damn straight" I joked and smiled when he pulled me into yet another tight hug. It had been four weeks since the incident with my father. I had been through hell in that time. Kai had lost so much blood that he had fallen into a coma. None of us not even the doctors knew if or when he would wake up. I had never even attempted to leave his side. Tala and Bryan had come everyday to see how he was doing but when they left at night it was only Kai and I. Most of that time I had just sat holding his hand and telling him how much he meant to me. Every now and then I would go and get something to eat or drink but I hated to be away from him for too long.

In the last couple of weeks my mom had started to visit. She couldn't come for the first few weeks because she was in court. Yeah, my father had been sent to a high security prison in Russia for abuse and attempted murder. He had been sentenced to life in prison with no chance of bail. In my opinion it wasn't enough but it would have to do.

"What?" Kai asked when he noticed that I had been staring at him for about five minutes.

"Hm, I just wanna stare at you" I laughed and lightly kissed his lips, he went to kiss back but I moved away. I stopped laughing and stared up at the sky, letting the heavy raindrops hit into my face. I always acted like such a kid when I was around Kai and I believed that was the way it would always be. He just made me so happy.

"Come on Rei" Kai whispered as he grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly. We walked to the car in silence, hand in hand. It was nice just to be with him. He opened the car door and motioned for me to get in. I smiled and slid into the back seat, never once letting go of his hand.

"Master Kon, its been a while" Norman said as he lifted his hat and tilted his head in a traditional greeting. I smiled and tilted my head in the same fashion before looking up at the old man who was now placing the hat back onto his head.

"Yes, it has" I agreed and smiled as he turned back to the steering wheel. There was a small groan from Kai as he slid into the seat next to me and closed the door to the black Mercedes. I slid closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest when I saw the look of pain spread across his beautiful features. "Kai?" I barely whispered as I stared at him, he smiled and began to laugh at my expense. I just continued to worry.

"Calm down Rei, I was stabbed of course I'm going to feel some pain. I'm just a little sore that's all" I raised an eyebrow and stroked the side of his face lovingly. He leant into me and captured my lips with his. I smiled inwardly and placed one hand on the back of his head pushing him into me and deepening the kiss. My tongue gently licked his closed lips. Begging for them to part. He laughed quietly simultaneously opening his mouth. He forced me onto my back and let his hands roam over my body, his mouth trailed kisses to my ear where he gently bit down on my earlobe. I moaned in pleasure and threw my head back against the seat. He laughed again and pushed up so that he could see into my eyes.

"Hm, do you like that?" He asked seductively and repeated the earlier action. At some point the car had started and the tinted black glass that separated the driver from the passenger had gone up giving us some privacy. I pushed him up and moved back into a sitting position before taking one of his hands in both of mine.

"You're still injured" I told him and stared into his eyes, he sighed and used his free hand to stroke though my long raven hair.

"God I love you" I tilted my head in confusion. What did that have to do with anything? Still I was glad that he had said it, I guess right then and there I needed to hear him say those three little words.

"Not nearly as much as I love you…Kai…when I thought I'd lost you…in those few minutes when I had actually lost you. I felt dead myself. Kai you can't die because if you die then part of me will die with you"

"I don't intend to die Rei, not yet anyway. Maybe in sixty years or something like that but we'll face that when we come to it" he explained trying to escape the subject at hand.

"But we don't know when we're going to die Kai, no one does. It just happens, in the blink of an eye I could lose you…again…" tears welled in my eyes again and although I tried to hold them back with all my strength I wasn't strong enough and I broke down. Kai's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his chest, giving me much needed comfort and closure.

"Shh, Rei. Don't think like that. I'm here, you're here, that's all that matters at the moment" he whispered and lightly kissed the top of my head. I ran my thumb over the last speck of blue face paint, wiping it away from the pale skin before kissing the spot where it had been.

"We're home Master Kai" Norman explained as he slowly opened the back door. Kai turned and smiled, he gave Norman a gracious nod before slipping out of the car and offering me his hand. I couldn't resist when he did something like that, I was a hopeless romantic and he knew it. Used it to his advantage every waking moment. I placed my hand in his and squeezed gently as he pulled my out of the car and into his protective embrace.

"You ready for your present? I've wanted to give it to you for so long" I smiled and hugged him back as tightly as I could without aggravating the wound that was painted across his back.

"Let's go in then" I whispered and lightly kissed his neck. Before tightening my grip on his hand and walking over to the door. Norman was stood by the door and he smiled at the both of us when we finally met up with him at the entrance to the Hiwatari mansion. Fairy lights had been put up around the door and had been turned on, twinkling in the dim light as the sun set on the horizon.

"Great, just great, Tala and Bryan have been decorating for Christmas. Which means I won't be able to move around my house for all the tinsel and twinkily lights"

"Baa Humbug" I giggled thinking back to Charles Dickens 'a Christmas Carroll' and deciding that Kai was acting like scrooge.

"Don't tell me you actually like all of this stuff"

"Ok, I won't" I smiled and pushed the door open stepping into the house and gasping at the sight. "Oh my God" I whispered and glanced around the house.

"Hn, this is kinda impressive"

"So…you like?" Tala asked and gestured at the room. His hair and face were sparkling with glitter from where he had been playing with the glitter covered Christmas decorations. And Bryan was finding his appearance most amusing and probably most erotic.

"How could they not?" Bryan whispered and gently kissed his koi's hand. Apparently I wasn't the only romantic in the room. I smiled and moved my gaze back to the room, it was fabulous. There was a large green Christmas tree infront of the front window that had been decorated with red tinsel and red fairy lights with matching red and gold ball balls. The whole room was colour co-ordinated and sparkling with flashing lights and tasteful ornaments.

"Kai" I turned my head to the side to see my mother stood next to the stairs, she bowed slightly in a polite and apologetic greeting. I couldn't help but think about how nice it would be if they got on and we could all be one big happy family. But those endings only existed in fairytales and movies.

"Rini" Kai replied in exactly the same tone, hm maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am, for everything. You got hurt because of me, but I also wanted to say thank you. You saved my son, put his safety before your own. You proved to me that you really do love Rei and I love you for that"

"Thank you and you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you want. Hm, it'll be interesting to have a mother figure around the house. God knows a women hasn't been in this house ever since my mother died all those years ago." I smiled, they were getting on, genuinely getting on. Maybe my life was turning into a fairytale.

"I can't even remember what it's like to have a mother" Tala explained thinking about everything in great detail, as he always seemed to do.

"Whatever, come on Rei" Kai whispered and led me up the stairs, I followed willingly. I don't know what I would have done if I would have lost him. I squeezed his hand as if proving to myself that he was still there and that he wouldn't leave me again. It seemed to work.


"Is that mine?" I asked as I stepped into the room, leaving Kai in the doorway as I advanced towards the bed.

"Of course"

"Kai…" I whispered in shock and turned to stare at him giggling constantly. I squealed and threw myself at him, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. He responded to the hug by lifting me off of the floor and spinning me around, placing me back down in the exact same spot that he had lifted me from.

"I take it you like it then?" I smiled and nodded as I slipped my arms away from him and walked back over to the bed where in the middle was a small clump of black fur. Black fur that belonged to a little kitten. I smiled at Kyan as I watched him circle the smaller cat occasionally stopping and prodding the small lump with his paw and shooting me a look that asked 'is-it-alive?' I sat on the edge of the bed and gently lifted the kitten into my arms. It mewed quietly and opened its eyes, studying me with great interest.

"I think I'll call it Jai (1)(2)" I explained and stroked the soft black fur as I placed the animal in my lap.

"Kyan needed a friend" Kai whispered as he sat next to me on the bed and joined in with stroking the kitten snuggled in my lap. Jai pushed up from his seat in my lap and yawned before jumping on top of Kyan and tackling him to the floor in a playful fight.

"Hm, do you think that they will be able to live with each other without tearing each other to shreds?" I asked as I watched the two yelp and squeal as the hit each other with their paws.

"If Tala and I can do it then anyone can" Kai explained and gently placed a chaste kiss on the side of my face. I turned and smiled at him.

"What was that for?" I asked and rested my forehead against his

"Just making sure that I really was here…with you…that it wasn't all some sort of wonderful dream" Kai whispered and ran his hands through my hair. I smiled, I had done the same thing many a time. When he'd woken up I'd even pinched myself to make sure that I was awake and not having one of those annoying reoccurring dreams where everything ending up perfectly. Then again I always favoured those dreams to the ones where Kai died and left me all alone.

"Ah…how cute, it's good to see you two back together again" we glanced over at the doorway to see Kenny stood in the entrance. "Ever thought of marriage?"

"I heard a rumour that Max and Tyson were trying that" Tala explained as he joined the brunette in the doorway.

"It's all a bit overrated don't you think?" Bryan asked as he slipped his arms around Tala's waist shooting both Kai and I a sly wink.

"You never wanna get married? But…I…I…BRY!" Tala screamed once he realised that Bryan was joking, a low growl came from the wolf and he went to hit Bryan but was stopped my a powerful kiss that almost knocked him off his feat. Kenny rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Don't tell me you two act like this?" My mother joked as she stood behind Tala and Bryan with an inquisitive look on her face.

"Nah" I shouted "We're much worse" I whispered making sure that it was only Kai that heard it as I pushed into him in a quick sweet kiss that left us both hungry for more.


Normal POV

"Kai you say?"

"Yeah, know the kid?"

"You could say that. Hm he seems to have a knack for putting people in jail" the man moved a black knight swiftly over the chequered chess board, he knocked over a white bishop and pushed it aside before motioning for the other man to make his move. The other pondered his move for a while before using a white pawn to take out a black pawn but it was a sacrifice and the white pawn was soon after eliminated from play.

"So how do you know him?"

"That is of no importance to you… you say your son is Rei Kon from the bladebreakers. Hm I'm very disappointed in you. If you wouldn't have underestimated him he would be dead and Kai would have been in here not you."

"Check" the man known to most as Steve muttered as he moved his playing piece, the other man smiled and laughed.

"What you have asked for is more than acceptable, I have some friends on the outside that would gladly take care of the job and when it is over. You and I will be free from this shit hole,"

" Sounds good to me" Steve muttered as he fiddled with a knight that had been out of play for about five turns. He enjoyed playing chess with the other man. He had always been fabulous at chess beating every challenger (3) this man was no different all though he did prove to be a challenge.

"Of course you will have to do something for me in return, this is usually when people choose to withdraw their request,"

"Not me, but what would I have to do?"

"That all depends…"

"On what?"

"What needs doing when and where I ask for your assistance"

"Makes sense, I agree to these terms"

"Good man, smart man…" the older of the two said as he went back to studying his game plan.

"So what are your 'friends' going to do with them?"

"Zamochit" the other man whispered and chuckled at the word. Steve had of course no clue as to what this meant but it sounded brutal so he just nodded and looked back at the game board laid out infront of him. "Checkmate" (4) the man whispered before bursting out into a fit of laughter. He stood and walked over to Steve placing a hand on his shoulder.

Steve stared up at the other man inquisitively and slightly shocked. That was the first time in his life that he had lost a game, but he had played many a time with the other prisoner and won everytime. Had the other man led him along, only pretending to be bad so that Steve began to trust him? He had to admit that was cunning but what other secrets did the other hold? And why did he feel that this deal he had just made signed his life away to the other? Had agreeing to his terms been a bad mistake? Was there a way he could back out?

Steve chuckled quietly at his inner thoughts and stared up at the others cold emotionless eyes. What was done was done, a deal had been struck and neither was liable to break it even though no official paper work had been signed a mans word was just as good, if not better.

"I hope you're not squeamish"

"What do you mean by that?" Steve asked, confused by the turn of the conversation.

"I'm not sure what you will be forced to do to repay me but I do know that it will involve blood…lots of blood, possibly guts and crushed bones. Some men don't have the stomachs to be able to do what I ask of them" the man whispered as quietly as he could yet making sure that Steve could hear every word perfectly clearly.

"Hm, I'm not most men" Steve explained pushing his chair away from the table and standing next to the other who seemed pleased with the answer he had received.

"Good, I look forward to working with you" the other man smirked as he walked away, he stopped in the doorway to the abandoned activity room and turned to face Steve whom was still stood by the table where he had been defeated. "Oh, maybe I should just point out that you can't run from me…you can't escape. You will be held to this deal…no matter where you go…I will find you. But I don't expect you to run, unlike the others you are a man of your word plus you're smart. Smart enough to know not to get on my bad side at least"

A wicked smile played across the others lips as he turned his back on Steve, preparing to walk to his cell without another word being spoken. But that wasn't how Steve wanted this conversation, this meeting of two evils if you like to end at least not without him having the last word or question.

"I've met with you on more than several occasions. You know me, all about me yet I know nothing of you. Not even your name or where you come from…please enlighten me as to whom you are and what you did to get you locked away in this dump?" Steve was well aware that he shouldn't be talking to the other in this way, with such disrespect. He didn't know who the other was or what he did but he knew that he had strong connections to the Russian underworld.

The idea that the other was the Russian godfather had also played in Steve's mind. Now it was playing again and it…frightened…him to a certain extent. Who was the other? He didn't know for all Steve knew the older man could be the devil, Satan himself and he would be none the wiser. He felt like a pawn in his chess game. A playing piece that would now be manipulated to whatever this mans desires. A truly terrifying thought indeed one that he couldn't escape.

"So…what is your name?" A long pause, complete silence before the other began to chuckle hysterically. He turned on his heel and walked back over to the table. His cold eyes tore threw Steve's skin and burned their impression into his mind. Hm, perhaps branding him…he couldn't escape this man before and he certainly couldn't now. Now he was his puppet, tied down to a deal he knew he would grow to regret.

"Inquisitive aren't you?" The older whispered and took yet another step closer, meaning that he was a little too close for Steve's liking. He chuckled again and lightly slapped Steve's face in more of a friendly gesture than a cruel one.

"Yes, I am…I've made a deal with you sighed a covenant if you will…now I wanna know who you are…please, your name sir?"


-The End-

Nikki: Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha…

Hiei: (slaps Nikki)

Nikki: Ouch! Ok I have to explain a few things that happened in the fic…

Jai is pronounced Jay, I had to say this because some people thought that it was pronounced like Kai it's not, it's pronounced like Rei! Yay! Oh, I own Jai…the new kitty cat is mine so please don't steal.

Oh, did you manage to guess where the names Kyan and Jai were from? If not then they were from Queer eye from the straight guy. Kyan and Jai would make such a kawaii couple and not just because KyanxJai sounds like KaixRei but because they fit.

Yep, now he's acting like Seto's foster father with the whole chess thing. I didn't intend on that happening but it just seemed to fit so I wrote it.

I used to know how to play chess, my mom's friend taught me but I haven't played it in so long that I've forgotten almost everything about it so if the chess scene seems weird or if it's just plain wrong I'm sorry. I was guessing.

Kai: Yay! I'm alive

Rei: I'm so happy

Tala: Wow, I thought you were ending it…

Bryan: She is…but Nikki might write a sequel if the reviewers wish

Nikki: Yes I would love to write a sequel but I've already started on some other fics…but they're not Beyblade fics, sorry. But I will write more beyblade fics if only just because I have the ideas

Kurama: So if you would like a sequel or just more beyblade fics then please review and I'll see if I can coax them out of her

Nikki: well you've all been such wonderful reviewers and you definitely deserve one last plushie set, from this fic anyway, lets see what I have…(jumps into cupboard)

Tala: Ooh, Nikki you should give them the…(whispers into cupboard)

Nikki: What a great idea…it's in here somewhere…ah ha

All: What is it?

Nikki: (scrambles out of plushie cupboard) It's yet another Xmas plushie set cause well…(sing song) Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la…

Hiei: (slaps Nikki) Shut up and give out the damned plushie sets!

Bryan: Hey, only I can hit my cousin

Nikki: Uh…you can?

Bryan: Uh yeah!

Nikki: Anyway I am giving away the KaixRei BryanxTala Santa plushie set…what's that you say? Well Kai and Bryan are dressed as sexy Santa's and Rei and Tala are…well Mrs Santa's…

Rei: cool

Tala: Me a girl?

Nikki: Tala, you suggested this plushie set…

Tala: Oh yeah, can Bryan and I have one?

Nikki: Yeah and all who review will get one too because it's Xmas and you all deserve it. Uh…I have one last thing to sat before I leave…Uh guys…


Nikki: and a happy new year…thank you all for reading this fic, I never thought that I would get 100 reviews but you've given me over 400, I really enjoyed writing this and it's nice to know that people enjoyed reading it. You guys have given me so much of a confidence boost, I just don't know how to thank you all. So I wanna do just that, thank you for being there and reading 20 chapters of a fic that's first draft was about 3 chapters long. It's because of all of you that I kept going…

Malik: She's trying to say thank you

Nikki: yeah thank you, every single one of you for taking the time to read and review to this fic, I worked really hard on it and it's nice to know that there are people who appreciate it…so one last time… THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY REVIEWERS, I LOVE YOU ALL!