Author's Note:
Alright! New fanfiction w00t! It took awhile didn't it? But all for the best, believe me. I worked out a lot of kinks and I'm now really excited about this story and the ones to come. You really have my friend, Mangoes, to thank for this being posted. She dutifully pesters, harasses, threatens and reminds me to complete each instalment (who is kinda like my beta reader, but doesn't do any of the grammer, just type-o's and a pre-review).
I hope you guys enjoy this story! Catch ya later!
Instalment 01 »» Undercover Secrets
Just being close to you doesn't make love happen.
Even if I make a puzzle, you can't solve it because you're slow…
I want to be certain of your heart...
-Oh My Goddess!, 'My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai'
What could be more fresh and innovative than a new school year? A light zephyr wisped by and lightly rustled Ron Stoppable's blonde bangs as he strode down the suburban streets of Middleton leading from his home to that of his friend's. With his worn, brown school-bag snug on his back and his little pet naked-mole rat tucked away safely in his pocket, nothing could feel more ordinary, other than one missing detail.
His friend, the well-known teen hero, Kim Possible was missing by his side and Ron was well on his way to her house, as he had done almost every day of his life. Every morning, he'd wake up early (albeit, with the aid of his rather annoying alarum clock), prepare of school and make his way just a few streets down to Kim's house to picking her up for their walk to Middleton High.
It was strange, if Ron dwelled on the matter, that if he had not met her so many years ago on their first day of pre-school, he and Kim might never have met, even if they did live so close.
Well, Ron thought, we probably would have met in school… But the probability of them becoming friends later in their lives? Ron shivered, he wasn't sure he liked the answer.
It wasn't that they argued or didn't 'get along' with each other; on the contrary, they could have enormous fun with each other and made perfectly compatible friends. It was just that Kim was that beautiful, popular, cheerleader who was high up on the school-pyramid. Whereas Ron was more the bullied-easily-and-didn't-care-about-where-he-shopped (which is a big no-no in High School) kind of person, which made him lower on the school-pyramid. Basically, they were at opposite ends and Ron knew that people of such different ends usually didn't become friends; it was School Law, an unwritten code. But Kim and Ron must be the only exception to that rule since they befriended one another early in life, for which Ron was grateful.
When they had entered High School, Ron had been a bit worried that he might loose his friend (he'd heard the term 'growing up means growing apart' before…) because of the kind of person she was and where they fit on the pecking order. But much to his pleasant surprise, Kim remained a loyal a friend to him as ever and because she was the wonderful, popular person she was, nobody tried to deem her as lowly as himself just because they hanged out with each other (as only Bonnie had tried on numerous occasions). Her friendship with Ron wasn't a 'pity friendship' either, as Ron might have initially suspected when nothing changed between them in High School.
Although, Kim had changed a little between them, Ron had to admit to himself reluctantly. She was a bit short with him more than before and didn't like to do a lot of the same goofy stuff they had done when they were younger. What Kim had thought was funny before, she now gave him a repulsed look. Example: his naco idea. He mixed the taco and the nacho together for his creation: the naco. When he created it last year, Kim had called it 'gross beyond all reason'. But when Kim and Ron were eight and had eaten marshmallows on their hotdogs, Kim thought it was the most comical thing, enjoying what they ate; and truth be told, Ron's stomach and churned some while eating that s'mored hotdog.
Yet through the changing of the years, seasons and even the little things in their personalities, they still remained close friends with virtually no secrets between them. Well, Ron had one secret that he'd never told Kim (ok, maybe two). He'd like to tell her one of them, yet at this moment in time, it was not even an option.
Ron rounded a corner, another breeze buffeting his face, silently telling him that it was no longer summer and that autumn was here for the long stay. Ron didn't need the reminder.
It had been Ron's birthday not too long ago, September the seventh and finally he had caught up in age with Kim who was born earlier in the year. Although slightly younger, Kim never found reason to tease him for it.
There hadn't really been many festivities nor much of a party since Ron's only friend's consisted of Kim and Rufus, well, there was Monique, but she was only a 'friend of a friend' to Ron (Kim's friend). After all, she hadn't even invited him to her big Hallowe'en party. That was another example of Kim and Ron's places on the school pyramid hierarchy.
But just because Ron didn't have a big birthday bash (not that his parents would ever allow one anyway), it didn't mean he didn't have a good time. Kim always remembered his birthday without his needing to remind her (not that he'd ever let her forget, mind you).
When he arrived on her doorstep ready to pick her up for school on his birthday, Kim had been there early to present him with a birthday gift. Opening the gift with a large grin spread across his face, he found inside the box a brand new winter sweater from Club Banana, some Bueno Nacho Bueno Bucks, the newest version of Steel Toe's Cyber Slam: The Slamge Rocks Hard and a CD that he'd been searching for. He could have wept. He did. That's when Kim enveloped him in a warming hug and wished him a Happy Birthday.
The only downside to all the wonderful gifts was that he'd have to think long and hard to top that for her birthday next year. 'Course… before that is Christmas…
After school, which was as routine as every school day, they hit Bueno Nacho and he spent some of his Bueno Bucks on the both of them, topping off his day. Yes, his birthday had been truly satisfying, and it wasn't just the gifts… it was because he was able to spend the entire day (well, except for school) with his closest friend and she'd been more than willing to spend the day with him for him.
Other than droning on and on about certain people like on the usual days.
With his thoughts to pass the time by, he soon found himself ambling up Kim's driveway and up to her front door. As routine went, he'd ring the doorbell (Ron reached out and pressed the button) and as usual, Mrs Possible would be there to answer the door for him.
"Hello, Ron, come on in," Kim's Mother, already dressed in her surgeon's lab coat, greeted him and allowed him inside, "Kimmie's just finishing up her breakfast in the kitchen, she's running a little behind schedule to-day."
"Thanks, Mrs Dr P," Ron returned and crossed the living room, through the dinning room and into the Possible's brightly lit kitchen.
Ron was quickly met by a whirlwind which happened to be Kim's twin younger brothers, Jim and Tim. One (Ron presumed it was Tim) had a text-book and was playing 'keep-it-from-Kim's-reach' with his twin. Which wasn't exactly the best of times to be playing such a game, Ron glanced at the clock.
As soon as Kim spotted Ron strolling into the kitchen, her first words were, "Ron, get me my book back!"
Dubiously, Ron looked around and tried to focus on the constantly moving brothers, tossing the text-book from one to the other while bounding about the room. Kim, a true Aries, was not only a leader, but could be rather bossy as well, which Ron most certainly had encountered a lot of in his days. Yet Ron wasn't one to bite back, on the contrary, he was very obedient when it came to Kim's commands.
But right now, Ron wasn't so keen on trying to get that book back for her.
Kim herself was occupied enough as it was, with one eye on the Tweebs and the other on her notebook which she was scribbling away in; that meant one hand was on her pencil and the other was holding a spoon which she was trying to feed herself, the milk from her cereal dribbling down her chin.
With such a chaotic scene, Ron tried to evade Kim's command, not wanting any part in this fiasco. "KP," he hailed, "We're gonna be late for school, we gotta get a move on, ok? You remember three-strikes Barkin, if you're late one more time to class…"
"Not without my Latin book!" Kim insisted, more milk gurgling through her mouth as she spoke, Ron chuckled. "I need to finish my homework! The last-minute trip to Bulgaria totally spiked my H-work schedch. And... I…" Kim leaned over and wrote something else down in her notebook while precariously holding a spoon brimming with cereal and milk (Ron walked over to Kim and took the spoon from her as she wrote), "… need my LATIN BOOK! GIVE IT BACK, TWEEBS!"
The 'Tweebs' just responded with snickering.
"You can borrow mine, if you want, KP" Ron shrugged, as he tried to multi-task too, holding Kim's spoon with one hand and the other reaching for the flap on his backpack (which was still on his back).
Before Kim could respond, Jim shook his head, "Don't do it, Ron!"
"Yea," Tim agreed, grinning from ear to ear, "She'll just write mushy stuff about Josh Mankey."
"Oo-la-la!" Tim mocked.
Stealing a look from the corner of his eyes, Ron watched Kim flush, her cheeks enflaming red, "Would not! It's none of your business, Tweebs! You too had better not make me late for school…"
At that moment, Mrs Possible strolled in the kitchen with a mug of coffee. "Give your sister her book, boys," she drawled, apparently not amused. Sheepishly, Tim handed back Kim's textbook which she snatched back with a snort. "And you two had better be ready for school as well, don't make me late for work again; last time, they had to put a warm-water bottle close to my patient's right lobe, I was so late for an operation."
"Cool!" Tim's grin broadened.
"You should make brain-loaf again!" Jim smiled and grabbed his backpack off the cushioned seat.
Kim had taken back her spoon from Ron and now spluttered on her cereal, "Please, I'm eating…" Then she muttered to Ron, "And I just barely bailed having to eat that stuff last time… barely." Ron sniggered.
"Oo, brains!" Jim taunted and Tim joined in: "Oozing, gushing, slimy brains! Disgusting, rotting, deteriorating…"
"That's it, I'm gone." Kim scooped up her bag, notebook and textbook while dropping her spoon into her unfinished bowl of cereal with a splatter. "Let's jet, Ron."
Ron hastily concurred.
Kim and Ron walked down the Middleton streets, and were fast approaching Middleton High. They babbled about this and that, Kim doing most of the talking while resting her open notebook on her arm, continuing to finish her homework with Ron graciously holding open her textbook.
"Ron… what are you doing?" Kim demanded; she lowered her head, trying to read the page in her Latin textbook for Ron was trying to flip ahead through the various pages. "I need to read that, what are you looking for?"
"Not looking; found," Ron smirked. "What's this?" he toyed, a cat-ish grin forming on his face, "'Mrs Kim Mankey' or this, 'Kim Possible-Mankey', 'Mrs Josh Mankey'."
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Kim struggled to hang onto her notebook from the shock. Ron flipped through the textbook and awkwardly held it open for Kim to see her own doodles in pencil inside the back of the textbook.
"Shame on you, Kim," Ron tsked, "Defacing school property? I've come to expect a lot better from you!"
If Kim had gone red before, she had certainly turned crimson now! "Ron!" She squealed, "Ron, you… I… you… Don't tell anybody! Especially, Josh Mankey!"
"Gee, I dunno about that, KP…"
"Ron, I'm being serious."
Ron turned to face Kim, suddenly, he felt rather hot (and it was September!). He fancied he might have been blushing rather hard, but that couldn't be… nothing ever embarrassed him. Kim wouldn't notice even if he was blushing anyway, she never had noticed his reactions to her speaking of Josh Mankey, so why should she now..?
Indeed, Ron was purely infatuated with his best friend and that was his one secret he could never share with Kim; ever since the young age of three when he had first met her. Even before he started liking girls, his feelings for her had been there all along. It wasn't a crush; crushes came and went, he'd had them on other girls before but Kim… no, his intense feelings for her were always consistent, never did they change, season by season.
But Ron valued his friendship with Kim more than anything and if all she wanted to do was be friends, then Ron would be content with that alone, if that was the way things were meant to be. Yet Ron could dream, couldn't he? He wished Kim would see him as something more than just a friend…
Kim, for some reason, just couldn't and never had. There was the odd close moment that confused Ron, and perhaps it did Kim as well, but he wasn't her, so he could never truly know. But whenever they did have that rare, close-moment, and Ron felt that small spark, he wished he could take it further, so it would burn, and if he did so, maybe he'd receive results. Again, Ron wouldn't risk Kim's friendship in case of failure.
And right now, the only thing Kim could see was Josh Mankey. 'One letter away from "Monkey", that's all I'm saying!' He'd told her before, to which he'd received a glare of frustration from Kim, 'Let the Mankey-Monkey conspiracy go, Ron!' she had snapped back. He'd tried dropping hints… Sighing deeply, Kim rambled, 'And we'd go to dinner and the movies and…' Ron interjected, 'So what, we do that stuff all the time.' Kim waved a hand dismissively, 'Yea, but this is different
That had hurt him. Really? Different? Of course, Ron would think bitterly, because Josh is 'All That'. Sure, he wasn't a jock, he was an artist, but he still had it all. All the girls flocking to him, the good-looks as the bait, talent, perfect smile… it was just so annoying.
And of all the girls for his… that… that 'charm' to work on… Kim just had to fall hook, line and sinker for him didn't she? She didn't fall for the buff star-quarter back, Brick Flagg, whose attentions she had received; nor Señior Senior Junior who had sent her a bouquet of flowers and blown kisses… Kim could be so intelligent when it came to picking people out and yet… and yet Ron couldn't understand how Kim just be another sheep flocking to that Mankey-monkey shepherd.
Josh could choose from any girl in Middleton High and they would happily have him in return: Bonnie, Tara, Sarah, Crystal, Amy… And the only one Ron wanted was Kim. He wasn't being greedy or selfish, why did it have to be so difficult?
Yes, Ron had his faults, but he knew he wasn't a bad guy. He wasn't the best pick of Middleton High, but he certainly wasn't the worst (Gil, Wally, Lamar… Ron involuntarily shivered). So what was it in him that Kim wasn't able to see?
"Course I wouldn't, Kim. I'm just jesting ya."
Ron didn't know what he was feeling when he watched a wave of relief wash over Kim, "Thank-you, Ron. Now keep it on page ninety-three, ok?"
Ron obediently did as he was told just as they entered the halls of Middleton High. Finished, Kim folded up her notebook. "Done; thanks, Ron."
Snapping the book shut, Ron handed it back to Kim who stuffed it away in her backpack. "No prob, K.P.. I'm here to serve."
Once inside the high school, they headed over to Kim's locker. Ron leaned against the locker next to hers as she recalled her locker combo and stored the books for after lunch away.
"This long weekend is going to be so boring," Kim moaned as she sorted her books. "We've just conquered a lot of the regular villains lately, they'll need time to recoop or escape from jail. Again. I doubt there'll be anything big this weekend. We might have to do some small-time burglary in Spain, but nothing big."
"But that's ok," Ron shrugged, while allowing Rufus to climb up on his shoulder. "It means we can just relax for once."
"Do some extra homework?" Kim suggested.
Ron winced, "Not exactly what I had in mind."
Kim sighed, "I guess we'll just bum around Middleton. We could go to Tokyo or London for some shopping if we really wanted to… but I don't know if I ought to call in a favour for something personal."
"You did it for me when I wanted to visit the only Mucho Grande Bueno Nacho in Go City," Ron reminded her.
"True…" Kim mused, her mind still on sorting through her locker, "But that was special. Besides, if we hadn't gone, Team Go's powers might still belong to Avarius."
"But that was after we went."
"That's my point," Kim replied.
"… Ok, you just confused me."
"Which was my real point behind the point."
"I- … O, never mind," Ron brooded. "Well, how about the time I wanted to go to France for more Le Goop, huh?"
"Same point as before, if we hadn't had gone, Señior Senior Sr. might still have all of Europe's electricity-"
"Aa-aa-aaa," Ron waved a cocky finger at her, "Wade would have picked that up on his own and alerted us in Middleton. So no more 'points behind the points' for you, lady."
Kim clicked her tongue and Ron grinned triumphantly, he'd pulled one over her for a change. "Ok, fine. I went to France because… because you were annoying and wouldn't shut-up until we went."
"Which is my point. It meant you wanted to go for that reason alone."
"I wouldn't say 'want', I'd say 'obligation'."
"Sure, K.P." Ron replied sarcastically, "I understand eeevverryything."
Kim glared at Ron again, but this time, her lips twitched into a smile.
Ron watched Kim continue to diligently print out some homework, he suddenly had an idea. Trying to sound nonchalant with his hands in his pockets, Ron proposed an idea: "Kim, wanna do something this weekend? Maybe hit a movie or go to the mall in the Tri-city area?"
"H'mm?" Kim asked, her head in her locker. "Ugh, what is this?" Kim pulled out and old Bueno Nacho bag, "I'm too afraid to look inside…"
"Aa." Ron peered over at the bag, "O, that's probably mine."
"Who else's could it be?" Kim grunted, and threw it into the nearest trash can. "Ron, you gotta stop using my locker for your junk, ok?" Then she mumbled, "You might kill the computer…"
"Where else can I store it?" Ron shrugged.
"Lemme think on that, h'mm…" Kim tapped her chin in mock thought, "Gee, maybe your locker."
"Can't," Ron shrugged, "It's full."
Kim heaved a sigh, "So, what where you saying?" She stored a notebook into her bag, "Something about this weekend..?"
"Yea, I- O…"
"What was that, Ron? Didn't catch that…" she mumbled absent-mindedly. She stooped down to pick up her backpack when she realised a shadow was being cast over her. She whipped around expecting Mr Barkin, but it wasn't! Her heart fluttered and she had to keep her mouth tightly shut to stop herself from letting out a wail.
It was the glorious form of Josh Mankey. He stood in front of her with that subtle cool calm of his that made Kim's adrenaline rush and her cheeks burn.
"Hey," he said.
"Um, Hi!" Kim smiled nervously back, "Uh, what's up?"
"Just dropping by to say hi, better get to class soon though."
"Yea, me too," Kim giggled then realised she probably sounded like a dorky fan girl, so she covered her mouth, blushing.
"Cool. I was, uh, just wondering-" His eyes kept flickering over to something on her left, making him stutter in his sentence.
Irritated, Kim turned her head to see who or what could be causing Josh Mankey to feel uncomfortable, and right when he was talking to her too!
It was Ron.
She had completely forgotten he was still there in just that short amount of time, not even a minute. He was still standing, leaning against the lockers with Rufus, looking back at Josh. Couldn't he just go away? He's totally interrupting my conversation with Josh.
Seeing Kim finally react to his presence, Ron closed his eyes, "Don't mind me, I'm just standing… where I was before… on public property… waiting for my friend to go off to class. With me. That's all. Carry on."
Kim blushed and turned back to Josh. "Aa, don't mind him, he's just… waiting for me…"
"Exactly what I said." Ron called from behind her back. Kim blushed some more, why did Ron have to humiliate her in front of Josh? He probably wasn't meaning too… Too bad she missed the cold tone in his voice.
"It's ok," Josh smiled that charismatic smile of his. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to do something on Friday? Maybe go to the mall?"
"O!" Kim held her hands and tried to sort through her rushing thoughts.
"If you don't want too, that's fi-"
"No! I-I mean yes… I want to go, that'd be great!" Kim held to put all constraints on herself to stop from bouncing madly off the walls.
"Great," Josh continued to smile at her, it made her want to melt. "I'll come around at 2.00, sound good?"
"Definitely; see you then!" Kim called after him as he walked off towards chem. class.
After he was gone, Kim exploded; she whipped around at Ron, "WOW! Ron, he just asked me on a date! Another date! Isn't that great?! Isn't that-" she squealed in a high pitch tone, sticking her head into her locker to muffle her screams as Ron observed, expressionless.
"He is so hot." Kim gasped as she pulled her head out and leaned against the locker after she shut it beside Ron. "Looks like this long weekend won't be wasted after all, huh?"
She didn't notice the long pause before Ron answered; she was too busy fanning herself with her hand and thinking about all the possibilities with Josh the next day, Friday. "Ya, I guess not… Not like you would have anything better to do, right?"
"Right!" Kim jumped up and clapped her hands, "Nothing could be better than a date with Josh Mankey! Nothing!"
Classes had gone by pretty much as usual. Ron had drifted off to sleep in math class, only to be reawaken quite rudely by Miss Whisp (yes, their math teacher again). She's got no class, Ron thought grudgingly as he rubbed his sore head where the teacher and whacked a book over his head with to wake him. Rufus chattered his agreement.
Now that he was awake, he might as well turn his lazy attention to the teacher.
"Now as I was saying before Ronald interrupted us with his snores-"
"I do not snore." Ron huffed.
"No," Kim agreed as the teacher carried on with the lesson. Sitting in the seat in front of him, she leaned back to whisper out of the corner of her mouth, "You just drool."
"Hey, with the dreams I have, how can one not?" Ron retorted smugly.
"Ron, that was so TMI."
"Just telling it like it is!" Ron smirked.
Resuming with the lesson, it was the usual 'mathematical drivel' and homework was declared by the end of class, which turned out to be a more staggering amount than usual. But then that was to be expected, after all, it had to last over the long weekend. The bell soon rang for end of class, Kim and Ron made their way to Latin.
Kim looked right then left as she left the classroom. "Um, I think, I uh, left my textbook in my, uh, locker…" She told Ron, her mind clearly on some other topic.
"Nu-uh!' Ron shook his head and hooked arms with Kim, directing her towards the staircase, rather than one of the hallways she was obviously intending on going. "No more scenic routes for you, babe. I know where you're headed off to."
"But, Ron-" Kim insisted, looking over her shoulder.
"You can speak to Mister Makes-You-Late-for-Latin-Class at Lunch."
"No- it's ok, I won't be late this time… I just want to say 'hi' to Josh…"
Ron gave her a quelling look, "That's what you said the last two times and you know if you get one more strike against you, Mr B. will give you a detention."
"That's fine-"
They reached the staircase and Ron had to pull her up grievously as she kept turning her head to gaze longingly at 'Josh's Hallway'.
"Do you even hear yourself?" Ron clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "You're letting some boy get the way of your school-life? Tsk, tsk."
Kim finally turned to look at Ron and shifted a sardonic eyebrow at him, "Great. You sound like my Dad." (She was finally walking up the staircase willingly, but Ron still didn't let go of her arm for a) while caught off guard, Kim might make a b-line to the Hallway; and b) Ron really didn't want to let go of her.)
"Then the man has my respect." Ron beat his chest proudly with a fist.
Kim laughed and shook her head. She unhooked her arm, which Ron had no choice but to let her. "I guess you're right, I can always talk to him at lunch. Besides, I don't want to make him late for gym class…"
"There you go, a silver lining. You'll get to be all day with the dude on Friday anyway." Turning his head to the side, Ron faked a sob, "I dunno what I'll do with my life while you're with him…"
This made Kim laugh again, "I know a place where you're always welcome."
"Your house?"
Kim laughed again, it was such a pleasant sound to Ron's ears, especially when it was he who made her laugh. To Ron, it felt as though it was becoming more difficult to achieve lately, well, since Kim's crush on Mankey, anyway. "Aa, true; you, like, what? Spend ninety percent of your life at my place?"
Ron pondered this in a joking matter, "Actually, only eighty, about ten percent at Bueno Nacho, five percent at school and another five at my house. But you were very close, I give you an 'A' for effort."
"And what about all the times on missions and travelling?"
"Those are nonessential."
Kim shook her head, smiling, her auburn hair waved from side to side, grazing Ron's neck (which he was more than well aware of). "Back to the main topic, thank-you, I was talking about Bueno Nacho. It's like your Cheers or something."
Ron grinned at her, "It's where I get my food fix. But how fun can it be to gorge without you?"
"You mean me making gross and truly disturbed faces at your eating skills?"
"Hey," Ron held up his hands as they arrived on the second floor and headed on time to Latin class, "I'm not that bad. I've got class."
"Riiight," Kim rolled her eyes, "Like the time when we were in France-"
"And we saved that millionaire restaurant owner from his five-star restaurant from burning down-"
"-And he invited us as a sign of gratitude to his Gala Opening-"
"Kim," Ron warned, "Don't start this up again-"
"-And while you were eating like a wild animal-"
"I was so not!"
"-You sent your fork flying into the air-"
"It slipped, I swear!"
"-It poked a waiter in the eye-"
"He tripped! On the, er, floor…"
"-And he fell backwards, the tray he was carrying flew into the air-"
"Kim, I was there. I already know what happened, I don't need a reminder."
"-The tray landed on this customers face, his cigarette flew-"
"It was his fault, he... uh… shouldn't have been sitting there!"
"-and landed on the floor, thankfully."
"The End." Ron huffed, "Now can we please just go to class without any of your fabrications?"
"But then, as you continued to eat wildly, you cast the crab leg you were eating over your shoulder carelessly."
"I thought there was a garbage can behind me..."
"And that, knocked over someone's Bacadi 151…"
"We shouldn't have gone to a restaurant that allows liquor, that's all I'm saying."
"…Which landed on the fallen cigarette…"
"Didn't we tell that dude smoking can kill?"
"… From there the entire place went up in flames."
"Electrical problems, he should have sued the electricians!"
"Ron!" Kim announced as they entered Latin class, "You're lucky Roberto didn't sue you. I can't believe I was so happy our translator fainted from the smoke so we couldn't understand all the things Roberto was shouting at us in French…"
"Poor Antoine…"
That was a horrendous event Ron never wanted to live through again. The humiliation! Not just on himself, but poor Kim had been blamed as well, even if that thing had been all his fault… well… him and the electricians.
Kim and Ron took their seats together near the back of the class and brought out their Latin textbooks just in time for the bell to let out its final ring, signalling all students should be in their designated classrooms. It was at that moment Mr Barkin strolled in, his large, muscular arms held behind his back, wearing, as usual, his (rather drab, Kim had told Ron) brown suit.
"ALRIGHT, PEOPLE!" Mr Barkin barked to the class, instantly snagging their attentions, causing a few students to jump in their seats. He glared into the sea of eyes clearly showing their trepidation, "Your regular Latin teacher had a terrible accident. She was line dancing at the Crooked D Bar, thus leading to a series of unfortunate events (I daren't disclose). She is now visiting her chiropractor five times a day."
The class winced.
"So," Mr Barkin clapped his massive hands together, "Let's commence, shall we? Homework. I want it on my desk in threetwooneNOW."
There was no dallying. As one, the class responded effectively, starting with the back-row, they'd pass their papers to the person in front of them, eventually the people in the first row would place them on the teacher's desk. With every package that was sent to the desk, Mr Barkin would eye the student with a death-glare that could break ice.
"Hold it!" The class snapped to attention once more. Mr Barkin sniffed the air, letting a hand scan above the five rows of papers on his desk; his hand waved over the papers back and forth much like a scanner reading information. Then—
"Aha!" Mr Barkin cried, he scooped up a pile of papers and looked straight into the row that handed them in, each student gulping, fearing for their lives. With one flick of his wrist, Mr Barkin flipped through the papers to find…
The students turned their heads as one to stare at Ron.
"Your homework." He glared. "It's not in here."
Ron squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, "Aa… no, really? Gee, uh, wonder how that could have happened…"
"Stoppable. You didn't do your homework last night."
"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
Mr Barkin pushed himself out of his seat and strolled to the front of his desk, "You will be so much hotter. In detention. After school."
"But, Mr B.! It's Thursday, no school to-morrow, you can't honestly-"
"I can. And I will." Mr Barkin hissed, making himself quite clear.
Ron gulped nervously, shrinking into his seat.
Latin class was indeed proving go as it routinely went.
"Now pull out your notebooks, you will now commence in taking notes.," Mr Barkin ordered. He strolled over to the lights and turned them off, he switched on the over-head projector. Pulling out a felt pen, he gave the class one last glare to make sure everyone had their notebooks out.
The notes went on and on for both Kim and Ron, never seeming to cease.
It's like that roll is endless… Kim groaned. She looked down at her notes and began to write some more until… Damn! Kim swore. The lead in her pencil broke; she brought it to her face and began to click the pencil to push more lead out, only there wasn't anymore lead.
"Psst, Ron," Kim whispered over Mister Barkin's monotone voice going on about Latin grammar. "I'm out of lead, got any more?"
"Ya," he whispered back, "In my bag." He pushed his bag to her with his shoe.
"Thanks," she reached down, still trying to keep an eye on Mister Barkin, hoping to go unnoticed. She reached into his bag, she pushed his textbooks aside, the blue, green and grey ones until she found his pencil case way at the back. Once she refilled on lead, she continued with Mr B's notes.
And that was about the most exciting thing that happened in that class.
Soon enough (but not soon enough for Ron), the bell rang, not just for the end of Latin class, but for the class after, signalling Lunch time. Kim and Ron were next exiting English class together when Kim decided to make an unexpected detour. Although Ron had no doubt in his mind to where Kim was headed too; with an exasperated sigh, he watched as she broke free from his stride and meandered in the direction of Josh's Hallway.
I dunno how long I can put with this, he grumbled in his thoughts as Rufus sat cheerfully on his shoulder surveying the countless students in the hall. This crush is lasting longer than the one on Walter Nelson. (Ron almosthad himself a heart attack when he heard about the famed braces-lock.) How long do I have to wait before he becomes yesterdays news? God, please: Make Mankey get hit by a car. Or better yet! Let him be torn limb from limb by a wild and blood-thirsty tiger that's been trapped in a cage for five years and poked mercilessly by a stick. That'd get him good… and ruin the pretty-boy face of his in the process!
Before long, Ron arrived at the school cafeteria, still brooding about different ways he'd enjoy seeing Josh Mankey die. Could push him off a cliff into a pit of rabid monkeys and unusually savage water buffalo…maybe toss in a petulant snake of angst too…
"Hey, Ron!" A musical voice called out, calling forth his mind to reality.
Ron looked up from his thoughts towards the direction of the voice and called, "Hey, Monique." Making his way through the student body, he arrived at Monique's otherwise empty table and seated himself down.
Already she sat there with her tray of food; picking up a carrot and taking a crunch, she said, "So where's Kim? Don't tell me she got struck down by three-strikes Barkin?"
"Naw," Ron shrugged, pulling off his backpack, "She managed to do her homework on the way to school."
"That's good," Monique winced, "I was talking to her last night. She barely made it past 'hello' on the phone before passing out. Where'd you guys go anyway? Africa?"
"No, but close. Bulgaria; an ambassador's son was targeted on some wacko's death list. The mission took longer than we guessed, turns out that death squad was pretty darn serious what with their machine guns and kamikaze sword wielders."
Monique eyed him precariously, "Sounds like fun. I notice your bangs are sorter."
"Like I said, kamikaze sword wielders; this one dude had about seven swords at once… don't ask."
Monique still eyed him warily, "I won't." She shook off the thoughts with a quick shake of her head. Picking up her spoon, she continued with the conversation. "So you never answered my question: where's Kim?"
Instantly, Monique caught Ron's uncomfortable expression, she watched as he squirmed and appeared rather diffident, something that normally wasn't seen in Ron. These symptoms could only conclude to one thing…
"Josh Mankey, am I right?"
At the mention of the name, Ron abruptly lifted his head up, as if he'd forgotten where he was or who he was talking too. "Huh?"
"Josh Mankey," Monique shook her head and smiled, "Is that where Kim's going?"
"Aha, lemme rephrase that- Kim went down-"
Ron looked alarumed, "She what?!"
"You didn't let me finish my sentence, geez, Ron! You sure are jumpy to-day. I'm asking you if Kim went to go visit Josh Mankey at his locker."
"I guess," Ron shrugged, he craned his neck, looking in the direction of the cafeteria line-up. "I- uh, I think I'll go get myself some lunch. I'll be back."
Monique shook her head again, "Alright. But you don't fool me," she muttered to herself as he made his way to the line-up for lunch. Monique looked down at Rufus, "Does he fool you too?"
Rufus stood on his hindquarters, a confused look in his little rodent eyes.
"Didn't think so. That boy's is about as easy to read as-"
"What boy?"
Monique nearly jumped out of her seat from shock. She grabbed her heart, "Girl, don't do that. Save that sneaky action for your espionage activity, ok? You could give a normal, average chick like myself an early heart retirement!"
Kim laughed and swung herself into the seat Ron had been previously sitting in. Apparently, Kim forgot her question for she next spoke: "So, what's up with you? I thought Ron might meet me here…"
"You must be losing your touch," Monique hid a giggle behind her hand, "He's there." (She pointed to Ron in the line-up), "Getting himself some lunch. Maybe you should join him?"
"No, I'm fine," Kim's amused expression changed drastically to a dreamy state, "I already had mine…"
Monique almost hacked up her potatoes. "Kim… Lemme give you a warning- don't you dare say something like that around Ron." She reflected to the previous conversation with Kim's friend, she'd probably send Ron into a coma with a sentence like that, especially when he knew where she had just been…
Kim laughed, "Sorry, Monique. I was talking with Josh" (another dreamy look), "And he handed me his granola bar! I could have melted!!" She clasped her cheeks in her hands and sighed fancifully.
"And you ate it?"
"Sure! Don't tell me you think it'd be poison!"
"No," Monique replied dryly, but there was a quirk in the corner of her mouth, "I just thought you might want to emboss it gold and hang it above your ceiling over your bed so you can gaze at it longingly every night before you sleep."
Kim immediately blushed a deep crimson and elbowed Monique, purely embarrassed "Monique!!"
The two girls, laughed, "Look-" Monique tried to say through her laughter, "You sure you don't want to me to ask Ron to get and extra tray for you?"
Kim waved her hand, declining. "No thanks. I could live off granola bars from now on…" Another sigh.
"Girl, you are so infatuated."
"We're meant to be…"
"Just because he has good hair? Hirotaka had hair spiffier than him, does that mean that the two of you are dynamite? O- and may I remind you he choose Bonnie over either one of us? His standards could not have been that high."
"Ugh," Kim pulled away and stuck out her tongue with distaste, "Hirotaka was a mistake, even if he did have the hottest hair I have ever come across in my entire life and probably ever will."
"Ditto!" Monique laughed into her hands. "But really, Kim; What do you see in Josh Mankey? He's that jock that everyone likes, you so don't look like a sheep to me."
"I'm not!" Kim protested, now leaning forward in her seat and hanging onto the plastic table. "Josh isn't even a jock! He's an artist; now Brick Flagg? He's a dumb jock. What's so great about Josh Mankey? He's suave, he's funny, he's sweet, he's always there-"
Monique coughed into her fist "coughwhat little you see of himcough"
Kim glared at her but continued on with her list nonetheless, "He's good-looking and kind and he knows how to treat a lady-"
"Hey, Kim!" At that moment, Ron bounded over to the table, his lunch tray in his hands, "Check this out-" he put some peas into his cup of water and blew a deep breath into the straw. The water bubbled and the peas shot out of the cup and squashed into the ceiling, where they stayed. "Booyah!" Ron declared, buoyantly.
Blank stares followed from both Kim and Monique, Ron didn't notice, he bowed elegantly at Rufus' cheers and encores.
"Unlike, some boys I could mention…" Kim muttered to out of the side of her mouth to Monique who just smiled like a cat who knew something no-one else did.
"So what's up?" Ron asked, his mouth a huge grin. More like the Ron Monique knew, she supposed the time in the lunch line-up gave him the time to reform his mask for Kim's arrival. And how well Ron wore that mask too, Monique noted.
Kim rested a cheek in her hand, picking at a few peas from Ron's tray. "Just talking about-"
But Monique identified that dreamy look on her friend's face, and the sudden change on Ron's, who must have also recognised Kim's dreamy state for only one thing. So she quickly interrupted Kim, "-Stuff. Just stuff." Kim gave her a curious look, Monique looked back at her anxiously. The last thing she wanted was an oblivious Kim and a depressed Ron on her hands to deal with. Sometimes, she felt as if she was the only one who was aware of anything about the two friends. "Girl stuff," Monique nodded knowingly.
Ron's curious, and seemingly upset look instantly reverted to its regular cheerful grin, "Which is a topic I'd rather stay out of!"
"Just doing the public a favour," Monique winked. She picked at her lunch some more, "So, there's a long weekend coming up, you guys have any plans? Maybe we could hit Club Banana-" Monique picked up those 'uncomfortable' vibes again, she wondered how on Earth her question could have related to Josh Mankey until Kim eagerly responded.
"Oh MY gosh, Monique, I totally forgot to tell you!" Kim held up her hands, a wild look in her eyes, "Josh Mankey invited me on another date again on Friday!! I think he really likes me! I'm so psyched! Sorry Monique, Friday is a day reserved for Josh only." She smiled contemptuously, closing her eyes, lost in her dreams.
Monique tried to steal a glance at Ron, there he was, silent again… But surprisingly, he snapped out of it quicker than she'd anticipated. "Well, let's be thankful it's a long weekend. So we can still have three days together!"
Monique had a sneaking suspicion that 'together' was directed towards 'Kim' and not 'Monique and Kim'. Monique grinned slyly.
"I guess," Kim stirred Ron's drink with his straw absent-mindedly, "But nothing this weekend can compare to my time with Josh on Friday."
Ron smirked, and tossed his head, his bangs swaying with the sudden movement. "I know the exact feeling. Just like nothing could compare to the time I was attacked by Bobo the Chimp…"
"Ron!!" Kim squealed, standing up, her cheeks flushing pink all over again. All Ron, Monique and Rufus could do was laugh their heads off.
After more conversations with joyous laughter, the bell sounded off and groans here and there could be heard from students in the caf.
"I'll see you guys in History; in last period, ok?" Monique pushed herself from her seat and carried her tray to the stacks.
"Alright," Kim nodded and Ron packed away his own tray. Kim and Ron waved their good-byes to Monique as they walked out of the cafeteria along with the rest of the students slowly marching as one out of the doors.
"Hey, KP," Ron started slowly, "Mind if I meet you up in class? I, uh, forgot my chem. textbook in my locker."
"Tchach, Ron!" Kim rolled her eyes, "You were supposed to have picked them up at Lunch. Which is now over. Look, we can just share mine, we sit together anyway." Kim grabbed onto Ron's shirt to pull him forward, but he restrained.
"N-no," Ron stuttered, his eyes darting nervously, "I might spill something on yours… look, it's no big, I'll just catch up with you before the last bell rings, ok?"
"Don't be late!" Kim called after him as he ran down the nearest hall. She sighed at Ron's retreating back which soon became lost in the hustle of students. To Kim, it seemed like Ron was constantly forgetting to pick up his textbooks for the after lunch classes. She shook her head at her friend's forgetfulness, she'd have to remind him next time.
Truthful to his word, Ron made it back in time before the last bell; as soon as he sat down, the bell went off. Kim gave Ron a 'just-in-time' look followed by a heavy sigh through the nose. He unzipped his backpack and pulled out his green chemistry textbook.
Kim heard a sound.
"Hey! You have mintos?"
"What?" Ron asked, sucking on his mint.
Kim launched herself on her stool, attempting to pry open Ron's mouth, "You have mints?!"
"Ya…" Ron tried to respond and release himself from Kim's physical inquisition.
She sat with her hands on her hips, glaring at Ron, "And what did our Kindergarten teacher say about sharing?"
"Ugh, next time, just ask if you want one before you pull a full out assault, ok?" Ron brought out the package of mints in their store-bought wrapper from his bag and dumped one into Kim's open palm.
"Please and thank-you," she smiled sweetly back.
Fifth period went as blandly as usual, with no more yawns than usual. Before they knew it, it was the last period of the day, where they met up again with Monique; that class was equally as dull and as equally monotonous in its routine. The minutes seemed to turn into hours during the last few moments of class before the bell rang for the end of school. But indeed it came and when it did, the class flooded out of the room, eager for the long weekend ahead of them.
"Hey, Kim-" Ron asked his friend as they side-stepped the sudden rush of students, "Will you wait for me after detention?"
"Sure, Ron. If I'm not in the gym, I'll be hanging at my locker doing homework. Don't take too long, ok?" She smiled at him and waved him off.
Ron, for some reason, felt solaced inside, "Thanks, Kim, see ya!"
"Don't cause trouble!" she called behind him.
"Ok, I'll just stick to throwing spit-balls at Mr Barkin's head when he's not looking."
The last he could hear of her was her sweet-sounding laughter before he was pushed through the hustle of the students and clamoured off to D-Hall.
Kim smiled to herself as she watched Ron's blonde hair become lost in the crowd. She could just make out the top as the sun glowing through the picture window at the end of the hall caught his hair, radiating a brilliant golden yellow.
Kim made her way down the stairs, thinking to herself. If only he'd just do his homework like everyone else… I wonder why he chooses not to? He knows if he needs help, he can always come to me. Ron could skip this whole D-Hall mess if he did. At least I go to D-Hall because of unfairness on Mister Barkin's part. Just because I'm late three times a month… pheh!
Arriving at her locker, she methodically spun the dial of her locker combo. Stashing her books inside, she pulled out her pom-poms and cheerleading uniform. Practice was going to be short to-day, just for the sake of the long-weekend. At least this practice was now promised to go smoothly since Ron wouldn't be there as the Mad Dog mascot… even if his antics were a bit comical. But she didn't want it to show, Bonnie would glare and Ron might carry on beyond funny…
"Hey, K."
Speak of the devil, Kim glowered. She spun around, slamming her locker shut, "Hey, B.."
"Think you'll be ready for practice, to-day, Kimmie?" Bonnie sneered, looking, as always, through those slit eyes.
"Why don't you just concentrate on yourself, Bonnie," Kim glared back, "You certainly need the attention with your lousy routine."
Bonnie looked startled then stomped off with a growl towards the gym, a sore look on her face.
Kim watched her, triumphant in the last laugh. She decided to hang at her locker a little longer to allow some space between her and Bonnie before she caught up in the change rooms. While she did so, she opened her locker again, checking to see if she accidentally forgot something.
Opening her locker, she did a quick shuffle search of the items. About to close the locker, the pictures tapped to her metal door caught her eye. There were the mug shots of Shego and Drakken, of course, but there was another one; one of her and Ron. She smiled.
It had been taken that summer on a vacation to the beach with the family and Ron. In the photo, Kim was wearing a purple bikini top, water-proof shorts and baseball cap. She had been trying to pose for the camera as she waded in the sparkling warm water all aglow, allowing the water to flow through her hands, glittering a bright white in the summer heat.
Just looking at the photo brought back an intense longing for the summer days. Then there was Ron, they were the only two in the photo (Rufus, in his swimming ball hadn't quite made it into the picture). He stood, bending a little forward just to Kim's left in the photo wearing blue swimming trunks and a soaking wet tank-top that clung to him as he tried to playfully splash Kim with the water. His head was in Kim's direction, a huge grin of pure delight plastered across his face, his eyes smiling too as he gazed at her.
Kim took in a reminiscent breath, recalling that day once more. It had been the most enjoyable time she'd had that summer and who better to share it with than with her family... and Ron?
Her Mother had taken the photograph right before she'd shriek as a blast of water would hit her squarely in the back, shot from the water guns of Jim and Tim. She had almost dropped the camera into the water. Kim was glad she hadn't, she liked this photo; it brought so much to Kim. Perhaps on more levels than even she herself knew.
Reality came back in a flash to Kim, checking her watch, she'd wasted enough time remembering the past. Shutting her locker, she picked up her duffle bag and made way to the gym.
Kim was all done changing, now donning her purple, red and yellow school colours. She gave her skirt a little swish in the mirror of the girls changing room in the gym, checking herself over once more before she left the change rooms to catch-up with the rest of the cheerleaders. Grabbing her yellow pom-poms, she dashed out the door.
All seven of the girls were there, talking amongst themselves, waiting for their captain: Kim.
"So what routine, will it be to-day, Kim?" Bonnie mocked lazily, standing in her bad posture.
"Same as yesterdays, Bonnie," she scorned right back at her rival. To the rest of the girls, she clapped her hands, announcing to all: "Alright girls, let's do the Dog House Pyramid Five, ok? Get into position!"
They nodded their heads and took their usual positions, Bonnie giving her a last glare before taking hers. At least the rest of them aren't as difficult as Bonnie is…
Kim walked over to the side where the boom-box sat on one of the bleachers, when one of the girls walked up to Kim.
Startled, Kim turned to see Tara, the light blonde girl with wavy hair and bright-blue eyes, "Kim," she squealed, "Are you sure we should go with D-House Five? The girls were talking about using the second one we practiced. We feel like we know it better… and…we just can't keep changing routines all the time." Tara bit her tongue, "We have to stick and practice with one, after all, the competition-"
"Are next month, I know," Kim completed Tara's sentence. "It was Bonnie who suggested the second one, right?"
Tara looked like she didn't want to be the one to answer that question.
"Thought so," Kim curled her lip, dryly. "Don't worry, D-House Five is the one that will win the judges over for sure. And we want to win, don't we?"
Tara shifted nervously, perhaps this was a trick question. "Of course, Kim, but Bonnie-"
"Doesn't know what she's talking about!" Kim snorted. "The judges love the flips we'll be doing, trust me. This is the one that will bring home the championship for sure." Tara still looked a little uneasy, "Practice makes perfect, Tara!"
"But nobody's perfect!"
Kim growled. Ok, she took back that sentence about Bonnie being the only troublesome one. But, unlike Bonnie, Tara meant well. "We just need to practice some more, and we have enough time. So not the drama! Now let's get started, ok? I want to have my weekend to-day."
"Alright, Kim."
Kim turned to play the track number when she realised Tara hadn't moved. "Uhh, Tara? Could you get into position, please?"
"Right. Uh…" Tara looked a little suspicious to Kim, the way she shifted anxiously in her stance. Kim tapped her foot in annoyance. "Where's Ron?" Tara finally asked.
Kim blinked, rather shocked by the question, "The Mad Dog had to take a stroll to D-Hall, he probably won't make it to practice to-day, but we can do without him."
"Aa, ok." Tara nodded, looked about herself, still standing.
"Tara?" Kim asked, "Position? Please? We want to go home to-day."
"Right!" Tara blushed and ran off to her point.
"Are we going to do this to-day?" Bonnie called obnoxiously from her own point, reading Kim's own mind.
"Just hang on, Bonnie…" Kim called, finally being able to click on track number one, she ran to her own point, her hands and pom-poms folded behind her back.
The music began to play, the beat loud and rhythmic. Kim counted time in her head, relying on the other girls that they were doing the same. Soon the intro was over and the music dove into the opening.
As routine went, Kim being head cheerleader stayed in her stance while she heard the other girls beginning to move around. That sound should be Marcella and Crystal… do the flip… she heard their sneakers squeak on the shinny gym floor… up… She heard their movements in the air and knew they landed gracefully. Bonnie and Liz were supposed to be doing their thing now and the music… the singer began for the first time and that was Kim's cue.
She lifted her head, a wide smile on her face, spread her arms and began dancing in-tune to the music. In the middle, she danced, swaying her body from left to right, swinging her arms and leapt for a split. Behind her open smile was a series of thoughts, listening for the cues in the music and the sounds of the other cheerleaders doing their own thing, making sure they weren't making any mistakes.
The routine went on, Kim joined the rest of the group and they synchronized their moves as one. As that part of their dance came to a close, the two end girls, Marcella and Crystal again, broke off, soon followed by the pair Tara and Sarah… then the other pairs… and then Kim and Hope. They did a cartwheel past each other then the rest did the same with their pairs.
Kim came forward again, shaking her body to the rhythm, everything seeming to be on cue. Hey, we might get this down pat well before the cheer-offs after all! Kim thought exuberantly, her body beginning to heat up from the continuous bouncing around.
The music was coming to a close and Kim was about to take her last break-off from the group before she rejoined them at the top of their pyramid for the finale when… when Bonnie leapt from her own position with a now startled Liz and bounded to where Kim was supposed to land, in point and began doing Kim's dance routines.
Well, Kim wasn't going to stand for that. "Everybody, stop!" Kim hollered, succeeding in grabbing everyone's attentions. "Bonnie," she addressed, "What do you think you're doing?!"
"Kim!" Bonnie shook her finger and scolded her mockingly, "How could you break up a perfect run like that? Everything was finally going right… for a change."
"Why?" Kim drawled, crossing her arms, "Because you stole point?"
"I'm glad you finally admit the squad does better with me on point," Bonnie smirked.
Kim fumed. You could literally see steam foaming from her forehead. She half-expected Ron to break in, telling her to calm down, but he didn't. That's right, he's not here…
"Alright, everyone," Kim called to a confused cheer squad, "Thanks to Bonnie, we're going to start over again from the top. That was a great run though; everyone, try to pick up a little more speed during the second chorus, ok? Everyone to your points!" As the girls walked off again, Kim snapped her head to Bonnie, "Including you. At your position. Waaay over there."
Bonnie sniffed rudely, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she went. Kim started the track over again, resuming her head point, again counting the rhythm to her opening cue. So they started over again, which ended up actually being a little sloppier in the beginning than before, but they did pick up speed near the end as planned.
The song came to a close once more, and this time Bonnie remained in her position, but glared at Kim every time they passed each other. They ended the routine better than they had began it, with Kim making a backwards leap into the air and landing swiftly at the stop of the pyramid with Sarah and Bonnie posing on either side of the pyramid.
"GO, MAD DOGS!" The squad cried with one voice as Kim shot a victorious raised hand into the air.
Done. Kim bounded off the pyramid as the group unformed. "The ending was perfect!" Kim cried, happily, "But the beginning needs some improvement, let's run it through again, ok?"
Kim made her way over to the boom-box once again to restart the track number when the familiar beep beep beep-beep resonated from her backpack. "Just a minute, girls…" Kim called over her back as she reached into her duffle bag.
She pulled out her Kimmunicator, the little device she used to converse with Wade, the ten-year old super-genius. Kim clicked the Kimmunicator on, "Hey, Wade! What's the sitch?"
"Hey, Kim," Wade greeted, taking a sip from his soda. He noticed her uniform. "Cheerleading practice?"
"Think you can cut?"
"Umm…" Kim pondered this, stealing a peak over her shoulder, particularly at Bonnie. She didn't want her to try and give the squad any new 'ideas' or try to steal her point. "Depends… Is it crucial?"
"Scans picked up Drakken's new lair on an Eastern coast of South America."
Kim responded uneasily, "Well, he's not up to anything so-"
Wade shook his head, "That's the strange thing. I'm picking up really strange energy signals from the new lair, unlike any I've ever scanned before; whatever he's building its something big, takes up a lot of energy and… is just really strange, for the lack of a better word. I thought you should check it out."
Kim sighed and looked over her shoulder again, Bonnie was watching her carefully. Yea, you'd just like it for me to cut practice, wouldn't you? She focused back on Wade again, "Are we talking super creepy? Because this moment is rather… important…"
"I'm talking 'guy stalking you down a deserted street at midnight and every time you look over your shoulder you can't see him, even though you can still see his shadow' kind of strange. Really, Kim," Wade pressed, leaning forward in his seat. "I really think this takes an urgent look at. Whatever is emitting those strange waves (that are so high, I could just barely pick them up, mind you), is something drastic."
"Not a microwave?" Kim begged.
"Not a microwave." Wade shook his head.
Kim gave one last look over her shoulder longingly. "O… Alright. Set up a ride, I'll go get Ron."
"Sure thing, Kim. I'll think I can have an airplane pick you up in half an hour from now."
"Thanks, Wade." Kim clicked the Kimmunicator off and turned around to face the squad. "Sorry you guys, I gotta jet…"
Bonnie smirked and swanked forwards, "No problem, K. I can take care of everything while you're gone."
"Not so fast, Bonnie," Kim retorted. "Practice is over for to-day. You can practice your individual moves over the weekend."
On that note, the squad dispersed quickly to the change rooms with cheerful cries of long weekend joy. Kim gave one last successful smirk at Bonnie before tossing her hair and marching off to the change rooms herself.