Disclaimer: I do not own LoTr!

OK so here is the long chapter! As promised! Enjoy my faithful reviewers and eat cookies! shoves cookies into reviewer's mouths Oh and if I got the name of the king's advisor wrong please tell me! I CAN'T SPELL IT! And last few reminders... I'm not following the movie script nor the books! I'm editing it! But it's still following the plot! And I found out the source of my virus... It's my floppy disk where all my other fanfiction is so absolutely NO TTOME Season 1 like before! I'm making a new better one!

Chapter 3: Lies of Murderers...

Vera's POV I came back to get revenge, not to help them, I planned the revenge sweetly...

I watched every grim face pass by until I was brought in front of the king, again, I stared into his eyes again, staring at it with every piece of evil I had in myself, "So you've decided to come back?" he asked, "Yes, but just to get my revenge..." I growled, "We'll see about that..." he said, he walked up to me, "Tell me, I want to know everything, everything you know about Saruman" he said, "Why should I tell you anything?" I asked, the king scowled, "Women do not act this way..." he said, "Because men aren't superior, we are equal and you're a sexist pig" I said, the king looked at me in the eye, "I don't take orders from women..." he snarled, "And I certainly don't take orders from one..."

I wasn't afraid of them king, I was afraid of what would happen, Saruman told me to act my best so it would be easier to get the king weak, I would have to kill the king, it's just that I was afraid to do it, I'd have more enemies, I could be put through a horrible death if we lost, I would have the guilt embedded in my heart forever...

"You are pushing your luck woman..." the king's advisor said as he led me to my cell, it was the same one but the hole was filled, "This woman has a name..." I said as he locked the cell, "Would you be as so kind to tell me your name?" the advisor said, "Only if you tell me what the rest of their names are..." I said, "And not mention my name to anyone else..." I added, "Fine... You first..." the advisor said, "I'm Vera, my real name's Veronica but Vera seems more appropriate for me..." I said, "Well I'm Gamlig, the king is King Theoden, the elf is Legolas of Mirkwood, the dwarf is Gimli, son of Gloin and the shieldmaiden-"he said but I cut him off, "Sheildmaiden?" I asked, "Yes, shieldmaiden, Lady Eowyn, she is usually helping the wounded from the battles..." Gamlig explained, "Oh..." I replied, "Well m'lady, I must be off..." Gamlig said as he bowed his head and went back to the king, "Finally someone who's not a sexist..." I smiled

Legolas's POV

I walked by the gates, then it started to open again, I grabbed one of my knives, ready if there were any other orcs coming, then I realized that it was Aragorn on Brego, I ran to Aragorn and helped him off his horse, "Hannad le" Thank you Aragorn whispered, "Let me help you..." I said, "No... I can do it... I need to see the king..." Aragorn said, I let go of him and I watched him go inside the throne room, I went inside after him and I found the girl in front of the king, again, "Aníron peded a Aragorn!" I wish to speak to Aragorn she told at the king, How did she know his name? I asked myself Aragorn calmly went to her and whispered something to her, then she stood up and accompanied Aragorn to a nearby table

Vera's POV

"Pedich Edhellen?" Do you speak Elvish? Aragorn asked, "Ie... "Yes... I mutterd, "Essé lín man?" What is your name? Aragorn asked, "An man nóla le merne ista?" Why do you want to know? I asked stubbornly, Aragorn just looked at me, "Essé nín Vera" My name is Vera I whispered, I wanted to make sure no one heard my name, "Vera..." he muttered, "They tell me that you were part of the wargs that attacked us" Aragorn said, "Yes..." I admitted, "You were their leader?" Aragorn asked, I nodded, "Why were you with them?" Aragorn asked, "I worked, used to work for Saruman..." I muttered obviously lying, our plan was to kill the king during the attack on Helm's Deep, while the orcs are coming I was supposed to sneak up behind the king and kill him, "Used to?" Aragorn asked, "Yes, used to..." I answered, "Well... I think we need to ask you some things and we want answers..." Aragorn said, "Are you willing to answer?" he asked, "It depends..." I replied, "Alright then..." Aragorn said as he stood up

At Isengard

"My lord!" Wormtongue shouted as he went up the stairs, he reached the top and found Saruman looking out the window, "My Lord! Vera is going to tell our secrets! I heard it from the orcs that asked where Vera was going, she explained to them that she was going to tell the king-"Wormtongue tried to explain but Saruman cut him in, "She will tell the king that we are going to attack during the night of the 3rd of March and we will come in a small number..." Saruman grinned, "But my lord, we have an army of ten thousand!" Wormtongue said, "She knows that but they will not..." Saruman cackled

At Helm's Deep

"So you work for Saruman?" the king asked, "What have I said?" I asked rolling my eyes, the king went to Aragorn and whispered something and Aragorn whispered something back at him, "What's up his sleeve?" the king asked, "He has a surprise attack of ten coming... He is sending them at the date of March 3, I advise you to prepare a lot of men for this, he is sending his skilled warriors, and if possible, let the women fight... They might do goo-"I tried to say but the king butted in, "I will not sacrifice the women into battle..." he said in a more grandfatherish tone of voice, I jumped back in surprise, I stared at him and watched him sit on his throne, and rub his temples, "Sitting there and doing nothing won't help..." I said, the king glared at me, "You seem like you're lying by the movement of your eyes" Aragorn said, "If you wish to tell us, no harm will be done to you, we can save you from your master" Aragorn said, "You don't know anything!" I barked at him, "Calm down..." the king said, I stood up straight, "If you wish to tell us, come to me, I will not get mad..." the king added then he stood up and went to his room

Thoeden's POV

She's just a girl, a little girl inside but outside she's a killer, how did this come about? "My Lord Theoden..." Gamlig said, "Yes?" I asked him, "The girl will go to the dungeons?" he asked, "No... She won't... Let her sleep in Theodred's room..." I said, trying to forget the memory of Theodred, "Yes my lord..." Gamlig said, I went beside my window, "Theodred, why did you leave us here?" I asked, a single tear soon fell down my face

Vera's POV

I stepped inside the room, my eyes grew wide, "This is my room?" I asked the lady, "Yes my lady..." she said, "I'm sorry but I'm not of high standards so please don't call me 'my lady'..." I said turning to her then I turned away, "I do not deserve that treatment, I've done too much not to deserve it..." I said hugging myself, the lady looked at me, she was taller and she seemed more mature but I felt that she wasn't that old, probably only a few years older, "Alright then... So what do I address you?" the lady asked, "Maybe Aunt Bee?" I smirked, "Aunt Bee?" she asked and I nodded, "Aunt Bee then..." she said as she walked towards the door, "Wait!" I called out, "What's your name?" I asked, "Eowyn, my name's Eowyn!" she smiled, I smiled back then she walked away, "Eowyn..." I whispered, "I'm sorry you have such a terrible fate ahead of you..." I told myself sadly,

OK just to clarify some things... Aunt Bee is my English Teacher's nickname! I wonder why.... Oh and I have the Trojan Horse virus in my floppy disk... Just found out now... Anyway, sorry this took so late! I had to study but now the tests are over so posting time! Oh and sorry no review replies though... Maybe in the next chapter!