Hey guys! So, it's been awhile since I finished this. My main priority for a while has been my new fanfic "Waltz of the Damned" but I also have had a side project; though I must admit I haven't worked on it in a long time.

That project is Shattered Dreams, the novel. Yes, I am un-original enough to turn my fanfiction into a novel lol. It has the same core plot, but a lot of things are different. The character's personalities are slightly different but not by much, for one thing. The main character of the story is Cameron, although it tells a lot about Lynette's past and abusing parents (you should recognize those two as Sora and Kairi).

If your curiousity is strong, my penname on Fictionpress is Brookeispwnful

But getting to my main point. For the past couple of days, my brain could not focus on writing WoTD; as much as I love it. I kept thinking about Shattered Dreams, my older baby lol. So, I've been working really hard to edit all of it.

In these edited chapters there's new scenesnew dialouge, and just plain out things kept the same just re-worded to sound better. I've had a lot of fun going back down memory lane with this story and if you really enjoyed it a lot, I highly suggest that you read the new and improved version.

More of the dramatic changes are in Act I or Kairi's PoV because that was written in seventh to eighth grade. Sora's PoV was written towards the end of eighth and beginning of ninth, so there was not much to be done except for make all the tense the same. I added a few new lines, but not as much as I did with the first ten chapters.

Once again, thank you for those of you who stuck with this story even though the writing in the first few chapters was HORRIBLE, and thank so much for all the reviews that have collected over time. Two hundred and ten; I still can't believe that. Thank you all so much.

