Hellboy and all other characters are © to their creators.
Avery Logan, the plot and story are all mine. Please don't use my character w/o my permission.
A woman of 19 who has powerful telekinetic powers which she has little control over and a bit of an ability to see glimpse of the future and past gets recruited by the B.P.R.D.
There, she meets the famous demon, Hellboy and gets close to the psychic amphibian. Someone wants to use her powers for his evil plans and he would get rid of anyone to get to her… or unleash it.
Abe X OC, R for violence, language, sexual content, abuse, and nearly rape.
Prologue: Shady past
A young girl of 10 screamed as she fell the down her stairs. A small painful cry escaped her lips as she landed on her back. Avery was scared and in pain. Her face throbbed from the slap and her ribs and back ached from the fall. She slowly and painfully sat up and winced, feeling tears in her eyes. She never felt so much fear before, she knew her father was abusive and beat her almost everyday since she was four.
What the hell was he trying to do to her?
Avery got home from school, her mother told her her father wanted to talk to her upstairs, she knew that usually means that he was mad at her. She went upstairs and when she was at the top, her father grabbed her and dragged her into one of the rooms. Avery began to scream and attempt to wiggle out of her father's grasp. He slapped her "Shut up!" he hissed, she had for a second and began begging her father to stop when he began to kiss her. She tried to pull away from him, but he tighten his hold on her forearms.
Unbeknownst to the victim and the assaulter, the closet door began to quiver, Avery's father had his back to the storage space. She clenched her eyes tight and felt tears run down her face, the closet doors began to shake violently. His was trailing low… to low, Avery's scream was muffled and the closet doors burst open spilling out its context on the father. He grunted loosing his grip on Avery as he was knocked to the floor. Avery fell to the floor, she pressed a hand to her now pounding headache. She got up and headed out the room as fast as she could. She winced as she ran her hand along the wall, it felt like someone was trying to split her head open. As the headache slowly subdued, her father was almost free from the mess and grabbed her ankle. Avery screamed as he tried to make her loose her balance. The bones in the man's hand snapped, he screamed and pulled his hand back so suddenly that Avery fell backwards and down the stairs.
"Where are you, you little bitch?!" he roared. Avery scrambled backwards, full of panic and her legs refused to pick her up.
Finally getting up, she limped to the door. She grasped the knob and tried opening it, she realized that it was locked, before she could unlock the door, she heard her father stomping down the stairs, enraged. Avery's eyes widen and she made for the kitchen back door. She stopped to see her mother sitting at the table, staring blankly at nothing, with a glass of whiskey. Avery breathe hard and round the table and stopped when she saw that the door was boarded shut.
Avery's heart began to slow as she slowly turned to her mother, who picked up her drink and saw the hammer and nails on the floor and table.
"Mom?" she whispered and saw her father at the doorway. She saw the rage in his eyes as he cradled his broken hand "Come here." He ordered and she shook her head. She could tell that he was getting madder by her disobedience. He took a step for the table, she headed left, he followed, attempting to cut her off, and she made a mad sprint to the right.
He must have known she would do that, he tackled her to the floor. Pain flared up Avery's elbows as she landed on them. Her father pulled her to her feet. He wrapped the arm with the broken hand around her neck, and wrapped his other hand around her waist. Avery let out a choked sob as her father dragged her out the kitchen.
She grabbed the doorframe and held on with all her might "Let go of the fucking doorframe!" he snarled and she refused to do so.
Avery turned her frighten and teary eyes to her mother, who turned to watch the struggle "Mom! Please help me! Mommy… I'm scared!" she cried. The father grabbed one of her hands and tried to pry her loose. Her mother knelt before her and Avery's tri-colored eyes widen in horror at disturbed smile her mother gave her. "It's alright honey, it will be painful at first… but then… it won't… it will feel good." The mother told her as she brushed a stray hair from Avery's face.
Avery was confused and horrified that her own mother was going to let her father do this. She had learned such things like this at school and television… but she didn't believe that this would happen to her. Her father pried one her hands loose and her mother grabbed her other "Trust me Avery." She said and loosen her grip. Avery cried out as her father dragged her into the hallway "Mommy! Mommy! Please help!" she screamed. With each scream, a window pane cracked, the water pipe shook violently, and plates rattled against one another.
Avery was tossed on the bed, she watched as her father closed the door and whimpered. He slowly walked over to her and she backed up against the headboard "Please… don't do this dad… please… I… I beg you…" she begged. He ignored her as he pinned her to the bed. He pinned her arms over her hand with his forearm and used a leg to pin her legs. She winced and struggled from her captivity… but failing. She finally managed to free one of her legs a little, but that was all she needed, she delivered a swift blow to her father's abdomen.
He grunted, but his hold didn't falter, his eyes harder as he glared down at his daughter and began hitting her in the face and stomach, she cried out and yelp with each blow, as tears spilled from her eyes, neither noticed that the lamp shifted a little.
Outside, the neighbors heard the screams and called the police, others stood outside looking to see what was going on. One was bold enough to come closer and jumped when one of the window panes cracked. He was more horrified to see the front door boarded shut.Then came the sound as if heavy furniture was being dragged and the ear splitting sound as if glass was being cut, crack like lines appeared in the window panes etching themselves almost in the form of veins.
The neighbor soon backed away when he heard the wooden boards creak.
Avery whimpered, her face ached and her stomach did flip flops. Her father ran his hand over her chest and grabbed a fist full of her shirt and pulled at it painfully until it tore. Avery gasped and the lamp moved a foot. Avery shook and closed her eyes as more tears spilled down her face.Fear is quite a powerful thing, it can provoke the strongest of powers in one being. Avery concentrated on trying to get free from this insane man that is her father and that ran through her head was for to get off /Get off… get off… get off… get off…/ she repeated. The bed began to quiver, the father sat up surprised and shocked at what was happening. Eyes clenched her eyes painfully shut and the whole house began to shake. Her father looked around a little worried, thinking it's an earthquake.
Avery's mind was racing, images ran through her head of was going on and past events where her father abused her. /Get away from me… get way from me… get away from me…/ the water pipes groaned and erupting, filling the walls.
Avery's mother sat looking into nothing again with the whiskey on the table. The table began to shake and she turned to watch as her drink skipped around the table until it fell to the floor and shattered. A little concerned at this, she heard the wooded walls, floors, and ceiling began to creak.
Avery could feel a headache coming again, but she ignored the pain. Her father began to move a few inches to the end of the bed almost as if something was pulling him or pushing him, he gripped the mattress in hopes to stop. Avery opened her eyes and he froze in terror at her. "Get… the hell… away from… ME!" she screamed and he was flung backwards. He went through the door, shattering it, through a wall, then another, and another, through a window and outside.
Avery laid there as every breakable item in the house shattered, the mattress was ripped apart, all the windows exploded outward, and the wooden house exploded. Downstairs, Avery's mother got up from the table and was in the living room, and turned when she heard the windows explode and the lamps and plates shattered. She then heard the wood splinter and she stared up at the ceiling as it caved in on her.
The neighbors jumped when they saw something fly out the top window and as the windows shattered. Whatever was flung out the window landed on a car, indenting the roof inwards and breaking all the glasses. A woman screamed and many took a good look of the dead man.They heard what sounded like an explosion and the whole neighborhood turned to watch as the house exploded and collapse on itself.
Many hours later, the fire department was baffled, there was no fire to be put out and they couldn't determine if the explosion was from a gas leak and a fire or a gas leak and a spark. After picking debris looking for survivors, they were told that a family of three lived in the house, they had the father in a body bag.
They found the mother crushed in what was left of the living room.
"Anything else?" the Chief asked a firefighter "Nothing…" then "Chief! You might want to look at this!" one called. The Chief walked over to the firefighter "What is it?" he asked and the firefighter pointed up. The Chief followed and was bewildered at what he saw, of the entire house that was demolished, a room was all that wasn't destroyed "Well I'll be damned…" the Chief said. He ordered for a ladder to see what was up there. The Chief climbed the ladder and gawked at what he saw, a girl with long black hair lay on a tattered bed, unharmed from the ordeal, he crept closer and swore at what his eyes saw, her shirt was tattered and he saw the bruised and dried blood on her face and arms.
At first he thought she was dead, when her chest rose and fall. He turned and shouted "I found the girl! She's alive!" he picked her up and cradling her close to his chest, he headed down the ladder.
News has gotten the word on the strange phenomenon that had happen in New Jersey. Someone wearing a dark cloak with the hood down listens to the NEWS but had his back to the television. He smiled as he stared ahead of him "The most bizarre event that happen in this quiet little neighborhood a few hours ago has everyone baffled. The fire department were called in but were surprised to see no fire was to be put out. What is even odd was that the people had stated that the father of the house was 'flung' out of the house and landed on a car, while the mother was found crushed under what was left of the ceiling and living room. The only survivor was the daughter." The mysterious dark man shut the t.v. off and sighed "Hear that my master? You shall be free soon to continue what you were denied so many eon ago." He murmured and tilted his head as if listening "Wait? Why? When we know there is someone out there powerful enough to…" he stopped and listened again "Dormant? We will have to wait nine more years?" he sighed "I understand my master, you know all and I will obey you…"============================
Ok, I know its dark and stuff… but I need to have her powers appear and stuff like that. I hope you like, R&R please!