Hey guys! I've always wanted to write a story about my two favourite characters from the Harry Potter series! Who are they you ask? Why, Fred and George Weasley of course! Two troublemakers who are absolutely adorable! The Weasley's have to be the greatest family, known to mankind… and wizards of course! OotP spoilers! Well anyways, since I'm so excited I better start on this story, wouldn't you agree? You would. I know you would… yes. So start it, I will. Right now… after the disclaimer…

Disclaimer- (I told you there would be one!) Fred and George Weasley are totally hot, but I do not own them. In fact, I do not own any characters or settings that are solely J.K.Rowling's, but if a new character comes up, you should know. They would be mine you see. Really, I only own the plot. Do not sue me, thanks.


Chapter One- Train means trouble

          "Fred, tuck in your shirt!" Mrs. Weasley scolded to her redheaded boy.

          "Mum, how many times must I say that I am George?" He asked, smiling out of the corners of his mouth.

          "Yeah." Said the other twin, poking his head around the corner and walking into the kitchen of Sirius's mansion in which they were staying, his tie hanging, un-fixed over his shoulders.

          "I'm NOT falling for that again, you two." She shouted at the twins.

          They both shrugged. "All right then mum," They said in chorus.

George piped in, "It's your fault that you get your own sons names wrong."

          "We warned you." Said Fred.

          "Oh you two!" Mrs. Weasley grumbled. "I'm sorry then, George."

          Fred snickered. "Watch who your calling George now, mum."

          "Honestly." Said George.

          Mrs. Weasley grunted and walked over to the other side of the kitchen mumbling something about 'why did I ever have twins?'

          Fred exchanged glances with George and they both looked over at the doorway, watching Ron walk in.

          "It's our little brother, George!"

          "The red headed one!"

          "Wonder what he's doing down here, not dressed and all,"

          "'Cause it's Hogwarts morning,"

          "Just like Christmas!"

          "Well, almost…" Fred finished.

          Ron shot them a death stare and then looked at the clock. His eyes went wide and he scrambled back up the stairs.

          "Looks like he's got a bit of a scare." George pointed out.

          "YOU TWO!" Mrs. Weasley said, becoming dangerously close to popping. "GO! NOW! WAIT! DON'T GO YET!"

          The two boys stopped and looked down at their mother. Although they were at least two heads taller, being one of the tallest boys in Hogwarts besides a Huffelpuff boy named James, they were deathly afraid of their mother. ALL the Weasley's were afraid of Mrs. Weasley.

          She jabbed a chubby finger into Fred's chest, "You don't make any trouble, or I'll hear about it, you two!" She yelled.

          They nodded and when Mrs. Weasley turned her back on them, they quickly scrambled away.

          "Lets make sure our robes are packed." George said.

          Fred nodded. "The Quidditch Captain will kill us if they see their beaters have no Quidditch robes."

          The two twins went back to packing their bags, scrunching things up into balls as small as they could get, and stuffing them clumsily into their identical packing backs, each a rusty old brown with the fake leather stripping off, but each with a drawn on letter on them labelling them an 'F' or a 'G'. Like so many of their things, they were labelled. F for Fred and G for George.

          They each got jumpers every Christmas, both blue. There was an F or a G on it. They each got reports back from Snape, 'F' for Fred and fail, and 'G' for Ghastly and George. They would often mistake those reports for good and fantastic, and get a surprise when reports would come back for Potions. ('But it was so good, Fred!' 'Yours even said it was good!')

          The twins wrapped every troublemaking item and machine tightly into their old jumpers or socks.

          "Lee will like some of the stuff we picked up this holiday!" Fred said excitedly.

          "You know it!" George replied.

          The boys dragged their suitcases down the stairs and into their car… their new, used car, since Ron and Harry had completely demolished the other one. It was a brown, old car that looked like it wasn't about to get them from point A to point B, and it probably couldn't have without magic.

          "Thinking about magic," Said George, reading Fred's thoughts likes an open book, yet again.

          "Do we have our wands?" Fred asked.

          They both shoved a hand into their pockets and pulled out a wand. They stared at them for a while, examining all of the scrapes and marks on them.

          "This one isn't mine. It has a mark from the time you hit that disgusting flea, Malfoy over the head for beating on our little brother." Fred said.

          George said, "and this one isn't mine either, its got a chunk of wood out of the side from when you got it stuck in Lee's toad's mouth."

          They both exchanged wands to receive their proper one, and looked around.

          "We haven't forgotten anything,"

          "Have we, George?"


          "I don't think we have."

          So the twins settled themselves in the car, waiting for their family, Hermione and Harry to pile in as well.


          The train was loaded and George was busy lifting the entire stock of luggage over his head and putting it up in the compartments for Angelina and Katie. Fred and Lee were walking down the corridors looking for people to annoy. As soon as George was finished, he looked over at Alicia, who was trying, with all of her strength, to lift a particularly heavy-looking suitcase above her head and trying to shove it into its compartment.

          "Alicia, let me do that for you." George said, going to her side.

          Alicia shot him a death glare. "George Weasley, you most certainly will not!"

          "I'm just trying to help, Alicia…" George stammered.

          She laughed. "No you're not… your trying to show me that you're stronger than I am. Well you're not George!"

          George backed away slowly from her. She sure was beautiful, even when she was throwing insults at him and getting angry with him. She liked to do that a lot… but she was beautiful and when they were alone, he felt that no one could ever make him feel like she did.

          Fred and Lee walked into the room and Angelina got up quickly with a gleam in her eye as she looked at Fred, but quickly tried to cover it up by pretending that she needed something from her bags on the top shelf.

          "Hey, Angelina…" Fred said slowly, looking into her eyes. "Long time, no see."

          "It's been the whole summer…" She said. She straightened up quickly though; those Weasley eyes were not going to make her melt.

          "Can I have a word?" Fred asked.

          She followed him out of the room.

          "What is it, Fred?" She said happily.

          "Well, I just wanted to talk, really." He smiled at her. "How have you been?"

          "Okay." She said. "I don't know… it's been a lot, trying to get over the fact that I'm actually Quidditch captain, I mean… I'm a bit freaked out."

          Fred smiled. "Don't rub it in."

          Fred had always wanted to be Quidditch captain, and when Wood left and appointed it to her, for a while he was jealous, but then he remembered her strong will and her beautiful smile. Who could say no to that?

          "You'll be good at it too." Fred said after a long silence and them just walking through the halls. "You were meant for the job, Angelina."

          "Thanks." She said.

          He turned to her and cupped her soft face in his hands. "I know it." He said.

          She looked down, trying not to want him more than she already did. She looked back up into his eyes and relived all over again why she loved him so much.

          "Fred, you're giving me too much credit." She said.

          He sighed. "Whatever it is about you… god." He mumbled.

          Angelina had heard that, but she knew she wasn't supposed to, so she answered, "What did you say?"

          "You're uh… really good at Quidditch." Fred said quickly.

          "Oh. Thanks." She said, a smile spreading across her face.


          Katie was looking at all of the things Lee had sprawled in front of him. Most of it was sweets, that no one dared to try because of the aftermath, and the rest of it were things like firecrackers and stuff you wouldn't want to know what it was.

          "What's this?" Asked Katie, poking at something.

          "Little ones do not touch that…" Lee said snatching it away playfully.

          "HEY! I'm only one year younger than you!" Katie pouted, poking a finger at him. 

          Lee pretend he was going to bite it if she didn't keep it out of his face, so Katie quickly pulled her finger back, poking him with her foot.

          "You mean little man." Katie mumbled.

          Lee pouted, "So what if I'm short? You're shorter."

          Katie smiled and poked him again, with the risk of loosing a finger. She laughed and grabbed a candy, popping it into her mouth.

          "Katie! No!" Lee suddenly said.

          Too late. Katie had swallowed and suddenly she seemed at a loss for words. Literally.

          She mouthed the word, 'Lee' in total horror.

          "Aw, Katie." He said giving her a hug.

          She laughed. Well, at least she tried. Nothing came out, but it made her laugh even harder as she hugged Lee back and snuggled up to him as Lee looked slightly shocked as she lay there leaning on him holding onto his arm.

          George, who was sitting there watching them, looked back to Alicia. She was engulfed in some book about Quidditch.

          "Sorry, Alicia." He said quietly.

          "Huh? About what?" She asked.

          George shrugged. "Trying to help you when you didn't need it."

          Alicia laughed. "Okay." She said.

          George watched her a bit more while she was reading. He liked her a lot, she was really pretty and she had a great attitude when she felt like having it, of course, and today wasn't the day.


          Fred finally dragged George out of the stuffy compartment he was sitting in, watching Alicia. As soon as George went, so did Lee, escaping Katie.

          "Hey guys." Lee said.

          The two twins replied with a 'Hey' and all three of them walked down the hallways, looking for something interesting to do.

          "If only Snape was on this train…" Muttered Fred.

          Lee laughed. "We'd have to think of some stuff we could come up with."

          George pulled out a pocketful of different candies. "Want to go offer some to some first years?" He asked, smiling.

          All three of them grabbed a handful and walked into different compartments, looking for first years.


          Angelina came in and sat down beside Katie, sighing. Katie looked giddy as well, even though Angelina was trying hard to cover it up.

          Katie mouthed something that looked like, 'Lee Jordan', to Angelina and went on feeling giddy and laughing silent giggles.

          Angelina gave Alicia a quizzical look and she closed her book and answered, "Candies."

          Angelina nodded and gave another sigh.

          "Your not after Fred, are you Angelina?" Asked Alicia.

          Angelina shook her head, a little to quickly to think that she had thought about it. "N-No…" She said quietly.

          "Those Weasley's… Good friends, but with all their pranks and their attitude, they have NO sense of romance in them at all. You'd be better off with Neville for romance than them, and that boy would forget the roses!" Alicia said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

          Angelina nodded, but clearly wasn't listening.

          Alicia sighed and thought about George. How did she like him? There was a hint of something she couldn't quite understand, in the pit of her stomach, whenever he was around, but he was only good as a friend. Wasn't he? Yes.


          "ARGH!" A first year ran out of the room, tripping over a stray cat as it hissed out and ran the other way. "Poison! They are trying to kill me!" He yelped, holding his ears as smoke flew out of them.

          Fred, Lee, and George, all looked over at the boy, laughing.

          "Well, I say!" George smiled.

          "You think he wants to buy a box?" Fred asked.

          Lee took out a box and went over to the boy. "Twelve sickles for the rest of them!" He commented.

          The boy scrambled, half on his feet half on his hands, and ran out down the hallway, slipping and crashing on his way down.

          "He liked it," Fred started.

          "A lot. You can just see it," George piped in.

          Fred continued, "In his eyes, you saw it there! Didn't you Lee?"

          Lee nodded and all three of them burst out into sidesplitting laughter.

          "What, on earth is going on here?" Asked a fifth year, hands on her hips, staring at the twins and Lee.

          "Oi! If it isn't my brothers little girlfriend!" Fred exclaimed.

          Hermione started blushing furiously. "I am NOT, your brothers girlfriend George Weasley!"

          "That's Fred." George said.

          Hermione threw her arms up in the air. "The only person here who makes at least a tablespoon of sense here is Lee!" She complained.

          "Talking about us not making sense…" Fred said.

          "While she's the one measuring common sense in sizes of spoons!" George chimed in.

          "She's a maniac." All three boys said in chorus.

          Ron poked his head around the corner of the door. "Who are you talking to, 'Mione?" He asked. "Oh…" He said looking at Fred, George and Lee. "You three."

          "We'll leave while you snog your little girlfriend." Fred said.

          Hermione let out an exasperated yell. "UH! Come on Ron…" She said, pulling him by his tie back into the room.

          "Well, we thought you would start when we left!" Lee shouted back at them.

          "God! Have some decency!" George answered.

          Fred laughed. "At least a teaspoon of it!"


          Alicia decided she would get out of the room that her mute friend- well currently at least –and other lovesick companion were spending their time. While she walked down the hall she saw three familiar, laughing boys.

          "Hey Alicia!" George said, walking up to her. "What brings you out in the halls?"

          She ignored him. "What have you three done this time?" She asked.

          "Aw, Alicia! Were just trying to have a little fun!" Lee said, while Fred still laughed, holding his sides.

          "You three better watch out… I hear that a couple of the teachers are coming this way, anyways." She said.

          "Thanks Lich!" George said.

          "Ahu…" She nodded. "Oh, and by the way, I want at least some of our first years to be able to LIVE when they are near you without having a heart-attack in future months… so be nice."

          All three of them broke out in laughter once again.

          Alicia rolled her eyes. They were a bunch of idiots. Cute, laughing, friend idiots. But still idiots, all the same.






          All right guys, I know that chapter sucked, but it was just an introduction and I had no idea how to start it off at first. I needed to get all the information through on the first chapter… well at least some of it. Basically, if you haven't caught on, Lee, Fred, George, Alicia, Angelina, and Katie are all in their 7th year of Hogwarts. An important note is that this is based on book 5, and characters will be coming back! So of course, if you have read Order of The Phoenix, then you pretty much know what happens later, something to do with brooms… but this is the group of friend's point of view on what happens before and after that event! So anyways, please review, even though this chapter sucked, but the next one is going to be better!

Your friend, Kit