I will always remember you, my little uke.
"Okay guys, its late. We've already played every game in the house, can we just go to sleep?" Yoji collapsed on the couch. It was Ken's birthday, and no one had been able to say no to his resolve on playing soccer for most of the day. Not even Aya had escaped from the wrath of the black and white ball of doom. Everyone, save Ken, sported bruises and scrapes by evening, and Yoji was very unhappy with the turnout of his hair at the end.
They moved all the chairs to the side at Ken's insistence that it was more like a party, and then lay on the floor to watch a movie. Except Yoji, who insisted on the couch. Aya didn't remember what they watched, he was too tired. Trying to play soccer, or trying not to, as it were, was more exhausting than the most grueling missions. But despite his body's weariness, his mind refused to rest.
He surveyed the dark room, hearing the steady breathing of everyone in it. To his relief, no one at the moment was breathing loudly. He hated it when people breathed loudly, it was in the top five pet peeve list for sure. Everyone was asleep, why couldn't he be? He sure as hell was tired enough.
His amethyst eyes fell on Omi, snoozing not so far away from him. His cheek was resting on his hand, a peaceful expression on his face. Of everyone there, Aya liked Omi the best. He could always lighten Aya's mood, turning his emotion from obscure absence to actual semi-existence, a big deal for the emotionless man. Those bright blue eyes, now closed in sleep, always seemed to understand.
Before he knew what he was doing, he had moved over and bent down to lay a butterfly's kiss on Omi's forehead. By the second kiss he finally grasped the action, and froze. The chibi shifted a bit in his sleep, making Aya back away quickly, lest he should wake up. Slowly he stood up, and went to his room, head spinning in confusion, and unsure of what he'd just done.
He woke up at sunrise, like he always did, last night's abnormality forgotten. Everyone was still asleep; Ken would definitely have a cramp in his neck laying on the floor like that. Yoji was cuddling his pillow, and Aya made a point not to listen to what he was mumbling.
Work went slowly, it was a school day and most girls were in class. Yoji had a few visitors, and it was a pain in the ass getting him to work. The first wave really hit after school, and the shop was full past the door with female squealing and chittering and giggling. Aya rolled his eyes and together he and Ken shooed most of them out. It seemed like the day would never end.
Most days Aya just wanted to survive. Yet there were times when even that seemed so pointless. If it weren't for his sister, he might not be here at all. He was alone, separated from his loved one, and losing hope. His katana was sharp enough to pierce flesh, but it couldn't cut the pain away from his soul.
"Yay! Movie night! Movie night! I get to pick this time!" Omi happily and chibily plopped down in front of the shelves of VHSs and DVDs by the television and began to browse through them, creating stacks of videos that made the leaning tower of Pisa look stable. Aya took his place on the couch, and Ken came in with a big bowl of popcorn.
"Who wants some?" His question was answered by all save Aya, who didn't like popcorn. It had no flavor, and got stuck in your teeth. Like my life, he thought. Yoji sat on a chair and grabbed some popcorn, while Omi did the same. All were situated when Omi finally pushed play on the VCR.
"Aww, Omi, if it's not a DVD, it's probably no good." Ken complained. Omi turned to the ex-J-leaguer.
"For your information, Ken, this movie is a really old anime. I never got around to buying the DVD, and now you can't find it anywhere."
"Wait a sec, is this..." Yoji cut in.
"The Last Unicorn!" Omi sang out happily. Yoji groaned, but he was the only one who did so. Aya sat detached from the whole conversation. The movie was okay in his point of view, but it didn't matter if he spoke up or not. He knew the chibi well, they would watch it if Omi had to go through Hell to do so.
And watch it they did. Omi and Ken quoted with the butterfly, and Yoji pointed out, to everyone's annoyance, that the harpy had three breasts. Aya wasn't paying attention, at least not much. There were no such things as unicorns, and fairy tales were beautiful, but never true. All they did was give false hope to dreamers who could never reach their unattainable heights. Yes, you would need wings to reach a fairy tale dream.
As the movie dragged on, everyone was clearly getting tired. You knew it was way too late to be awake when Ken and Yoji wouldn't stop saying, "Oh I love you, lovelovelovelovelovelovelove," at random intervals, still believing it was funny. Aya finally got sick of sitting up, and lay down on the couch. He didn't have to go to sleep, just rest a while...
Aya didn't realize he'd fallen asleep until he woke up to the angry oppressive static of the TV. Groaning, he slowly lifted himself from the comfortable couch and trudged to the TV, determined to kill it. Finding only the strength to raise a hand and poke the power button, he decided to sleep now, and destroy it later.
Too tired to walk back...hell, too tired to even stand. The assassin silently fell to his knees, and then to the floor, eyes closed. Hn...the floor was cold. He grabbed the closest blanket, yanked it from the owner, and made himself comfortable. Aya's mind was beginning to cloud in the soft haze of sleep. A dreamless respite from this hell, if only for a little while.
He was interrupted when a slight form moved under the blanket spread around him. Aya grumbled, and raised his head sleepily, instinctively reaching for his absent katana. The intruder would die for his insolence when the man got his hands on him.
Omi snuggled closer to the red haired killer, who lay still in surprise. Didn't the boy know who he was dealing with? No he didn't, Aya, he was asleep. Well, if the kid was asleep he guessed it wouldn't kill anything. He lay his head back down. Omi had his back to Aya, his little breaths making the blanket rise so slightly.
He looked so fragile. Aya put an arm around him, not really thinking about it. He was slowly falling asleep, and the comforting darkness surrounded him. Omi moved in his sleep, closing his fingers around Aya's hand. Slowly, the older man caressed those fingertips. Omi's grasp tightened ever so slightly.
He let his arm pull Omi close to him, but it seemed he had also semi-woken his team member. Omi had turned around, and in his mostly asleep state had put an arm around Aya. He in turn, let his fingers first, then his hand, move just a little over the chibi's back.
Aya's mind was cloudy, and had he been awake he would have been sorely confused. What was he doing? This made no sense, he should get up and go to bed. This boy in his arms...no, Aya didn't care for anyone but his sister. Yet his muscles relaxed when Omi began to slowly stroke his back. No, no he couldn't possibly...his lips met Omi's forehead. He brought his mouth down to rest on Omi's lips. He kissed them softly two or three times, just enjoying the feel of it.
He mentally scolded himself. Aya, he's asleep...He was wrong. Omi sleepily caught Aya's lower lip in his mouth, sucking on it a moment before letting it go and returning for another light kiss. Aya, what are you doing? Omi isn't even fully conscious, you can't do this!
His mental confusion was cut off by Omi's mouth pressed to his, and Aya let his tongue explore this new world of taste and texture. Every thought melted into euphoria. He tasted so good, and it felt so great while Omi caressed his back, tracing lines around his spine, working his way to the base of Aya's neck.
Suddenly, Omi pressed hard, and drug a finger down Aya's spine. It felt like he had been set on fire, and he plunged harder, deepening the kiss. Realizing what he was doing, he let go, afraid of what he'd done, though he and Omi were still interlocked in each other's arms.
"Aya-kun, doushite? Doushite?" came the whispered words.
Aya slowly opened his eyes, and was surprised to see Omi's half closed sapphire ones looking back. His eyes were wide, though he had a small smile on his face, and he ran his hand back up the man's back. Aya shivered, and Omi brought his mouth to Aya's again. Their kiss lasted longer, and again Aya was carried away by emotion.
This couldn't be happening. Yet here he was, someone he could and did care for in his arms. When did this happen? When did he begin to feel once more? The ice around his heart was beginning to melt, and it ached; his heart was sore from misuse; it hurt to love again.
Omi stroked Aya's spine again, and this time Aya pressed harder without any hesitation. He savored the flavor of his partner's mouth, and in turn Omi ran his tongue around the inside of Aya's mouth. They pulled each other closer, tighter in each other's arms.
Yoji turned around in his sleep, and Aya and Omi separated in fear. If anyone found out...Yoji sat up and turned to look at them with bleary eyes. Aya looked over at Omi, but the boy's eyes were closed. He turned back to Yoji, the cold glare back on his face.
"You're going to wake Omi up." He accused. It occurred to him that this was severely out of character, but thankfully, Yoji was too tired to notice. Aya sighed in relief. Yoji got up, and hit Ken with a pillow. Ken jumped three feet in the air and crashed down.
"Soccerairchaseitgetitgetitgetit pinkbutterflycatchit aaaah!" He shouted, then turned around. Six eyes were looking at him with wide expressions. Blushing, he went upstairs, mumbling something about breakfast.
Yoji was awake, but he wouldn't get off the couch. You could tell by looking at him, this was not a day he was going to get up. Staying up last night, combined with the last few sleepless nights, had hit him hard. The playboy had had enough. He was crashing.
Aya went upstairs, followed by Omi, to see what Ken was doing. Turned out, not much. He was sitting on the couch in the living room, looking expectantly at Aya. Aya sat down on a chair, and Ken gave him another look. This time it was accompanied by the big blue eyes of doom belonging to Omi. Aya bristled.
"So, you gonna make breakfast or what?" Ken asked. Blink. Were they kidding? Aya had a bit of a tendency to burn things. It was stupid, he followed recipes exactly, to the dot, and yet they always ended up en flamb. The oven hated him, that was it, and the burners had allied with it.
"Aya? Hello...earth to Aya. Breakfast? You know, that thing most normal people do in the morning, eat?" Ken raised his eyebrows, semi-tilting his head to the kitchen.
"Can we have pancakes?" asked Omi brightly. Aya sent an unbelieving glare his way. He was being ganged up on. It was too early for this. But there was nothing else he could do. He got up amid the cheers of his colleagues. Yoji shouted up the stairs at them to be quiet.
Well, the pancakes didn't turn out too bad. He didn't burn them, and that in itself was something. Yoji had come upstairs some time during the flipping process, and helped himself to a load of pancakes. They ate through scattered bits of conversation. Sleep still hung heavy over everyone.
"We can't open the shop today, I couldn't take it." Ken yawned. Yoji mumbled an agreement. Omi smiled and asked if Yoji was losing his touch.
"No, I just need to get some sleep. I can't impress the girls with circles under my eyes." Yoji replied. Ken began to hum the little snatches of songs the butterfly sang, and Omi joined in. They definitely needed more sleep. Yoji grumbled and went back downstairs for some beauty sleep.
"Why not your room?" asked Ken.
"Because the sun hits my face through the window, and the basement is nice and dark." He left in a stumble. Aya watched his associates. They were all so tired. Memo to self, never let them do this for days at a time. How does a person live like that? Sleep is precious.
"If we aren't working, I guess I'll go to the field." Ken said stealthily, as he hurried upstairs to his room. Omi heard him nonetheless, and shouted at his back.
"Hey! We weren't opening the shop because we're worn out! If you aren't tired, go to work!" he yelled. But it was too late. The soccer player was out the door, bag of soccer balls in hand. Aya left the table, and lay down on the couch. He put his head on his hands and shut his eyes against the light. This was definitely the worst off-sleep schedule he'd ever had.
Omi came over and snuggled in beside him. The back cushions wouldn't permit the extra body, however, so both of them got off, removed the annoying pillows, and lay back down. Their arms were around each other much sooner than last time.
"Move over, Aya, I'm falling over." Omi mumbled. Aya of course, was not about to oblige, but he did pull his companion closer. Omi buried his face in the man's chest, and Aya let his fingers run through the boy's hair.
"Omi..." he stopped a moment, and the chibi looked up at him with those blue eyes. Aya couldn't seem to form the words, it was hard. He'd never had to speak them before. "Omi...ai...aishiteru."
"Aishiteru, Aya-kun." Omi kissed Aya sweetly, let go, and planted a little kiss on his chin. For the first time in a long time, Aya smiled. Omi brought his hand up and traced his jaw line. He's so beautiful when he smiles. he thought. Aya caught one of his partner's fingers in his mouth, sucking on it a moment, before letting go.
"I'm falling off the couch, Aya." Omi slowly guided Aya over him, until he was almost lying on top of him. For a moment Aya couldn't breathe. When he looked at Omi, his precious Omi, he felt...complete, somehow. He knelt down to catch Omi's mouth in another heated kiss, melting their mouths together. Omi brought his hands up to place one behind Aya's neck, and the other on his back. Aya broke the kiss first, but then Omi dug his fingers into Aya's back, and let them slowly pull down, making his red haired partner moan.
"That's not fair, Omi." he whispered when he regained his breath. Omi kissed his cheek and laughed soundlessly.
"I know." he said with a smile. He was playing with one of Aya's ear tails, which were draping down past his face. Aya arched his neck to look Omi in the eye.
"Who's in control Omi?" and he lightly moved his tongue over Omi's lips. When his companion tried to catch it, he backed away, and drew his tongue up Omi's neck in a slow lick. It was his turn to cry out softly. He grabbed onto Aya tightly, holding on for dear life.
Aya licked Omi's lips again, and this time his partner caught it in his mouth. He let Omi have his turn this time. He pulled Aya down close to him, and kissed him hard and passionately, ending the breathtaking assault with his tongue drawing up Aya's neck. The cold assassin threw his head back. He caressed the younger boy's sides, letting his hands shift to run over his stomach. Omi let out a silent cry.
Yoji came up the stairs, and the two lovers flew apart like they'd been electrocuted. When the blond playboy saw them, he gave them a strange look. Aya glared at him, but was interrupted when a pillow smacked his head. He reached behind him and grabbed the second projectile before it could make contact, an annoyed scowl on his face.
"Yoji, wanna join the pillow fight?" Omi asked brightly. Aya growled in aggravation, giving the playboy a don't you dare look. Yoji wasn't exactly convinced.
"You guys sure separated really fast..." he said, and went in the kitchen. He came back carrying a glass of water, and went back downstairs. Both Omi and Aya watched him retreat downstairs. After a good ten minutes of no movement, and after Omi even went downstairs to check and see that Yoji was asleep, they met back together again on the couch.
"Where were we?" Omi asked, his hands gliding over Aya's muscled back. Aya said nothing, but suddenly and swiftly kissed Omi's neck, then let his tongue glide up to meet his lips.
"Somewhere near there, I think." Arms entwined around each other, they held each other close. Aya felt that he could never get close enough, holding on so tight, as if should he let go, this moment would fly away like rose petals in the wind. He looked into the eyes of his beloved Omi. They were shaded somewhat by his straw colored hair, golden where the sun's rays made them glow.
"Your hair is in the way." Aya softly brushed them from Omi's face. The chibi only made a little face, and stuck his tongue out at him. Aya bent down to caress that tongue with his own. They melted into another kiss. Aya's thoughts were all focused on one thing. Omi. Precious, priceless, perfect Omi.
They heard Ken coming home, and reluctantly pulled apart. Aya let Omi up, and they quickly put the back cushions back on the couch. They sat on it quietly as Ken came in the door. How he could stay up for so long and still have the strength to play the way he did? Aya couldn't fathom it.
"Hey guys, still tired?" Ken asked brightly. Omi enthusiastically replied, but Aya only nodded slightly. Yoji came up the stairs at about the same time.
"You missed a pillow fight, Ken. Omi was beating up on Aya. You're all insane, if you ask me. Anyway, I was going to get something to eat. You guys want to come?" Yoji looked around. They all agreed to go, but Yoji insisted on driving. So they piled into the car, and, after a long debate, it was decided to just get ice cream. Nobody was really that hungry.
"We could bring it home, and watch another movie!" Omi piped up.
"NO!" Everyone said at the same time. Omi sat down in the back, mumbling about only kidding. Aya looked out the window, as he always did when he wasn't driving. After a moment, he noticed that a hand was next to, and occasionally touching, his. Not changing his stance, he laced his fingers in Omi's.
They all went to sleep after the ice cream. Aya was glad to finally get to bed at a decent hour. His bed was soft, and his blankets were warm. He settled own into his pillow. This was nice. How could he ever have missed going to sleep...
"Aya-kun." A small voice, almost whispered. Something shoved his leg. Aya shifted a little in his sleep.
"Aya-kun, wake up. Please." He was shoved again. Aya grudgingly opened a sleepy eye. Omi was kneeling on the ground by his bed, looking very downcast. When he saw that the red haired man was awake, he sat up a bit to see him better.
"I can't sleep." Omi whispered, embarrassed. Aya said nothing, and Omi almost thought he'd gone back to sleep, until he moved over and held the blankets up for Omi to crawl in beside him. He lay an arm over Omi, holding him closer.
"Just sleep..."
"What was that?" Aya asked softly, letting his lips brush Omi's cheek as he spoke. The boy put his arms around Aya, and kissed him lightly.
"Nothing." He kissed Aya again, slowly letting him wake up a bit more. Aya stroked Omi's back. Suddenly his fingertips met bare skin, Omi's shirt had pulled up a little. This was intriguing. He let his hand slide under the shirt, snaking over his partner's soft, warm skin.
Still locked in a fervent kiss, Omi found his way underneath Aya's shirt as well. No sense in not visiting old places, he let his fingers drag down Aya's spine. Aya held onto Omi tightly, kissing him intensely, and breathing hard. Enjoying this, Omi repeated the action. A moan escaped from Aya's throat.
Aya explored the younger boy's body. His skin was smooth, and burning with heat. So was his own. He found his way to Omi's chest, and his fingers tracing myriad patterns over his torso made Omi cry out.
Aya let go of his partner, but only to move over him. Omi leaned up to kiss him again, and took his hands. He guided them to the hem of his shirt. His eyes almost pleaded. Aya slowly pulled Omi's shirt over his head, looking down at the smooth body of his companion. He gently wrapped his arms around him again.
He leaned down to draw his tongue from Omi's stomach, all the way to his chest. Oh, he tasted so goddamned good. The action caused Omi to moan and wriggle under Aya's hold. Mmm...wonder if he'll do the same thing if he did it again. Aya did it again, a little harder this time.
"Aya!" cried Omi, who grabbed onto his back, almost clawing. In this position, Aya kissed his collarbone, letting his tongue glide over his hot skin. Omi moaned, holding on tightly. Aya kissed his cheek.
"Say my name." He whispered in Omi's ear, nibbling on it afterwards. He settled Omi back down on the bed, caressing his sides. Omi shivered.
"Aya." He whispered, his voice heavy with want. Aya placed his hands on Omi's chest, letting his fingers drag down his body. Omi gasped his name, and Aya licked his torso again. Omi buckled, doubled over, writhing under this painful, burning desire.
"Aya! Aya..." Omi was breathing heavily, as was his partner. Aya let him rest a little. He got to playing with the boy's chest, running the nipples through his fingers. He heard Omi moan, then try to speak, and leaned closer to hear him better.
"Try it with your teeth." He whispered, guiding Aya over him. Aya slowly nibbled on the first, stroking it with his teeth. It felt so good, and Omi moaned, and twined his fingers in Aya's hair.
"Oh damn. Definitely a good idea." he breathed. Aya moved to the other one for a while, and got bolder. Roughly he bit down on it, causing his partner to wriggle again. Mmm, he was enjoying this. He got rougher, but not rough enough to lose grace, and ran his hands all over Omi as he did so.
"I like this part. But I still miss..." Aya brought his mouth over Omi's, sharing a heated, ever deepening kiss. He was unquestionably in love with Omi. Not just his body, his supple, slick body, but for who he was. Omi...Omi drove away the pain in his heart, made him complete. He had caused Aya to feel again.
The two lovers slowed down as the morning was upon them. Aya slowly, and regretfully, let Omi get his shirt back on. They lay in bed together then, holding onto each other. Each knew the other loved them deeply. Suddenly, Omi sat up.
"Aya...you know we can't do this."
"What?" Aya put his arms around the boy, sitting up as well.
"We can't keep doing this. I...I can't be selfish." He wasn't looking at Aya, who was now somewhat afraid.
"Aya, somewhere there's a girl out there looking for you. You'll meet her and she'll be everything you ever wanted. But how can you do that with me here?" Omi didn't want to say it, his voice was broken. Aya was beginning to understand, and he held onto his love tighter.
"Omi, I love you. I don't want anyone else. Just you. I don't even like S- "
"I know that. But you'll find someone. And I will too. We'll forget all about this, and be able to move on." Aya was trying hard not to release the tears that were fighting to break loose. It wasn't fair.
"I can't forget about you. Did I do something wrong, Omi?" he asked softly. Omi turned around to face him, and caressed his cheek.
"No, no Aya. You've done nothing wrong. I just don't want you to regret this."
"Omi I won't..." Aya began, but the boy put a finger to his lips, and hugged him. Aya held on to him desperately.
"But I don't want to say goodbye." Silent tears fell like rain. Aya let them go, now that they were there. This wasn't fair. He shouldn't have to. "We've only just met, only just understood. It's not fair." He cried. Omi let his fingers go through his hair.
"Aya, please don't cry. If you start crying..." Too late. Both of them held on in tears. "But what could we do? If anyone found out...and I don't want to rob you of that special person. She'll be perfect, Aya."
"You're perfect. I love you, I can't get around that."
"I love you too, Aya. Oh God, I do. But don't you understand we can't do this?" Aya nodded his head. The tears were beginning to subside, but his chest ached.
"Promise me one thing Omi. Promise you won't forget me." He stared into those sapphire eyes, bluer than blue. Omi nodded.
"I promise."
"Can we have one last kiss goodbye." Aya whispered. He was fighting grief again. This was all too familiar.
"As long as it's not too long." Aya nodded, and their mouths met for one last time. A salty, sweet kiss, and one that would burn in his mind forever. When they broke apart, both were crying again. They stayed together, holding each other desperately until the tears stopped.
"I have to go, Aya." Omi said, standing up. Aya hesitantly let go of this one person in the whole world he loved. Omi cast a miserable look in his direction, then turned and snuck out the door.
Aya silently screamed after him. Don't go! I don't want to say goodbye...I don't want to...His heart really felt as if it was breaking, sending the scattered, sharp pieces through his blood, making every part of him hurt. He collapsed on his bed, sobbing quietly.
Omi...my Omi. I love you. I'll never forget you. Thank you for what you've given me, I'll treasure it in my heart forever. The sun laughed through the window, causing bright warmth to everyone but him. The world was cruel, separating him from love. Instead, the sun was a harsh, glaring reminder that days would go by, and he could never touch his love again. Never hold him.
"Hey Aya, we're going to open the store in twenty minutes. Want some breakfast?" Yoji's voice, accompanied by a knock on the door, struck through his mind, reminding him that he was still here, alone. He got up, went past Yoji silently, and took a shower. After getting dressed he went to the shop early.
The sky was a bright and happy blue. But not as blue as Omi's eyes. Everyone was out and happy, except for him. Why was he so cursed? Everyone he ever loved was taken from him. Omi was so close...just beyond reach. It hurt so much.
The flowers sparkled with little water droplets, but Aya saw none of them. Not until he saw the little flowers that Omi always loved. He smiled, Omi's signature flower. He went to the back to get dirt, and set aside a pot of them to take home.
The others would be here in a few minutes, so he buried himself behind the icy glare. No one would know that he was dying inside. They would never be able to tell that he was broken, alone. He was protected, but not from the agony in his heart.
His gaze fell on a bouquet of flowers. They caught his eye, commanding his attention. He picked them up, holding them close to his chest. Unbidden, and unwanted, tears sprang to his eyes. He quickly brushed them away.
He would never be alright. This could never be okay. Not as long as this void in his heart existed. Omi...Omi come back to me...but he knew his lover never would. Had he been anyone else, he would have screamed and fallen to his knees in heartache. But he was Aya, the cold, unfeeling assassin, and could only think of doing such things.
Forget-me-nots. The flowers in his hands were forget-me-nots.