A/N: Just noticed a goof in the story....Syd says Jessie's slavery wasn't part of the deal....but that was wrong....it was. So, never mind that.

Syd was taken aback due to the sudden violent tendencies of her sister. As Des lunged, aiming for Syd's neck, thinking quickly, Syd ducked out of the way. She flared her hands, although she knew that Des was immune to the flames. "Ready to die, Sydney?"
"As if you could catch me." Syd glared defiantly at her sister, confident that this time she would win. With one mighty blow, Des had knocked out her sister, whom was believed to be the strongest of the two. It all made sense to Syd now, the clone was behind everything, trying to break her spirit. The clone would surely kill her soon, she was obviously toying with Syd, bringing her to near-death several times.
"Well, she's dead." The S-Clone observed. "Great job, Destiny."
"Thank you." Des responded.
Syd was an expert at holding her breath for extremely long periods of time, and no one else knew this about her. Des stepped back as the water slowly surrounded Syd's body like a whirlpool, and Syd opened her eyes, very much alive. Syd jumped up to the ceiling, striking a Spiderman-like pose, and stuck her tongue out. Almost immediately, the agile raven-haired heroine was blasted with water, making her lose her balance and fall.
Crashing through a picture window and out of the lair, Syd and Des struggled to beat the other. The two somersaulted down a nearby ramp, down a hill, and into a small, shallow ravine. Des' head struck a rock, knocking her unconscious. Syd cautiously helped her sister up, and looked back at the lair. Drew was running towards them, panicking. He immediately ran over to Syd, wrapping his arms around her neck. "Drew? What's wrong?" Syd asked.
"They've got my mom!"
"What?" Syd's voice was shaky now.
"The clones are trying to kill my mom, Syd!"
"Drew. Listen to me carefully, okay?"
Drew nodded. Syd continued.
"I need you to get Des up, then I want you to hide. I'll find you later, okay?" Syd rested her hands on Drew's shoulders to get his attention.
The clones were expecting Syd's return. Syd knew they were waiting for her, and she cautiously infiltrated the clones' enormous lair, a size that would rival that of Senor Senior, Sr's. Syd scaled the wall, turned the corner, and saw Jessie, chained to the wall. The clones were nowhere to be found. Syd motioned for Jessie to keep quiet as Syd melted the restraints with her hands, Jessie bit her lip to keep from screaming. "Sorry," Syd mouthed an apology.
The two quickly managed to sneak out, undetected by the clones, and Drew and Des, who had been acclimated to the current situation, she was no longer subject to the clones' mind control. Quickly, the group of four managed to set up camp.