Reviews for Prejudice
Twila Starla chapter 8 . 7/29/2006
Really good!
Shego2Drakken chapter 8 . 8/22/2004
Are you gonna continue this sometime soon?
live2swim chapter 8 . 6/28/2004
Naco, this story is golden. If you polish it up, you'll have a real gem on your hands. You have a really good writing style. Your way with words helps the readers connect with the story. You paint vivid word pictures that I can picture in my mind as I can good sci-fi novels. Very few people have this gift. Keep going, girl. You're doing great!
fudje chapter 8 . 6/7/2004
A goof! Shame on you!

This is becoming mysterious and intriguing. And it keeps getting incrementally deeper.

Excellent work, keep it coming!

(Although, Syd seems to recover from being knocked out rather fast. I guess it's from Des's point of view at that point.
Spice Of Life Too lazy to log in chapter 6 . 6/6/2004
Coolies :)
Spice of Life Too lazy to sign in chapter 1 . 6/6/2004
Eek! Oh my gosh, you make me feel so loved. I read the author's note at the begining, and I like...jumped out of my chair in surprise :) Well, your welcome! Awesome! *Goes to read next chapter*
Shego2Drakken chapter 5 . 6/6/2004
Cliffhanger! Will Syd die? Or will she kick some serious clone boo-tay? Stay tuned to find out! Same bat time, same bat channel...
Shego2Drakken chapter 4 . 6/6/2004
Exciting! Tell me it doesn't necessarily end there!
Shego2Drakken chapter 3 . 6/5/2004
Ah, so it was the Syd clone. But the question remains: Is the clone on her own? (Heh, I rhymed.) Or is some unseen foe after Syd as well?
Shego2Drakken chapter 2 . 6/5/2004
Ouch. Syd really has it hard, doesn't she?
Shego2Drakken chapter 1 . 6/3/2004
This is S2D, doing the "Con-tin-ue" chant. Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue! Con-tin-ue!