Hey everyone! I hope this italizization thingy works, because if it doesn't, there's gonna be some weird symbols all over this! Disclaimer: I am no closer to owning the LXG than I was when I started this fic, even though I have contacted the people that do own this. Right. I do however, own Marian, Jarson, and my Dargonites. Oh, and some random little characters I like to throw in for laughs and giggles. Well, not technically. But never mind. Thanks SO much to all my reviewers, I love you and THANK YOU!! I am SO sorry this took so long, the Blockabarbarians from the EVIL planet of Writer's Block kidnapped my muse, then kidnapped ME, so I've only JUST escaped and my muse and I are back at work. Unless they invade again, I'm hoping I can get a couple more chapters up before the next attack, which I pray doesn't come. Oh, thanks to Krisian who pointed out to me my mistake in italization on the Jekyll and Hyde scene. Thanks! Anyway, here are your shoutouts:

KRISIAN: Hey! I know, I know, making the League psycho, not cool. I'll try to tone down the inner thoughts a bit. Hehe, poor Tom. Oh, his adorable forehead! Sigh. blinks, then realizes where she is and that she has to finish writing. Oops! Sorry, sort of...zoned out. Okay, anyway, yes lots of awkward moments, the poor things. Yes, all roads lead to Dorian in this case. Don't worry about it. watches you drive around on the mini Nemomobile while she laughs laughing hysterically Have fun. Brandon is nice and shiny, don't worry. I'm taking good car of him. Sorry if it's fast, hopefully toning the down the voices will help. Thanks, and here're your cookies , milk, and a... Tom plushie! I'd give you a Skinner plushie, but his are sort of hard to make, as he's invisible. Okay, well enjoy! Oh, and thanks for the tip on italicization. If it works or not, hopefully so. If it doesn't, I'll just look like an idiot, but oh well! Enjoy!

he clothes-trying on part and Skinner's shut-in were sort of products of just continually writing and seeing what came out. Hey, it worked, didn't it? Anyway, here are your cookies, milk, and... shoot, I don't remember who you like! Darn it, okay, pick one! shows Funyun a variety of LXG plushies, which are Tom, Jekyll, Nemo, and Mina. I'm trying to work on my Skinner plushies, they aren't coming out right. Anyway, enjoy!

NICKY007: Aw, thank you Nicky! PLUM CREAM! YAY! How did you know, Nicky? How did you know? Thanks for reviewing and so sorry that took so long. Here's your milk, cookies, and a Jekyll plushie and a hamburger! Hehe, try out our American way of eating them, it's fun! Hope you like this!

ZANNA AVONS: Hey! Aww, thank you so much! I'm so happy! That brightened my day! Thank you! Here's your cookie, milk, and... a Tom plushie! I think that's who you like, anyway! I'm so happy you like it and I hope you continue to!

CLEZ: Yay! You reviewed! I'm glad you liked that line, and you are the first to comment on it! I'm glad it got noticed. Oof, the glasses and the eyes. Yeah, the glasses were an author mistake, so they won't show up anymore and you can completely forget they were there! Oh, yeah, his eyes. That was an author mistake and partly my brother's because he stole my LXG movie and I couldn't look back on it, so I relied on my horrible memory and for some reason, blue eyes popped up! Sorry about that, but I was also just pointing out that Marian has the same Dorian LOOK in her eyes, as in a hidden superiority that she doesn't know is there. But Mina's just too good at figuring out things! Anyway, glad you liked and I hope beyond hope that you will continue to! Here's your cookies, milk, and a Tom plushie, because I think that that's who you like. I'm pretty sure, considering I talk to you all the time. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Okay, now that that's taken care of, because y'all (you all, excuse the Southern) are so wonderful that you HAVE to be thanked individually. I need to not make them so long, but I have too much to say. MUST TONE DOWN RAMBLING! Okay, one little thing, I use some information I got out Mark Twain's novels about Tom Sawyer in this, but in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he never says how old he is, so I'm just guessing that he was around the year eleven or twelve. Anyway, just a little something FYI. So, here we go, chapter 8! Wow, I'm at chapter 8! Yay! Sorry, okay, on we go.

After that strange conversation with Mina, Marian felt a little confused, but she decided not to ponder it. Not today, she thought. I don't want to have to work at trying to figure her out. Now that she was back in time and had saved the League, she didn't know what was going to happen like she had before. She was in the dark because they were supposed to be dead.

I wonder why I don't know what happens, because if time keeps going, I'll still be born and raised with this new information and... Marian stopped herself there. Oof, I don't want to think about that either. Way too confusing. But maybe it's because I'm taking a part in changing history, so I won't know what happens, but the rest of time will. Huh. But I feel as though if I wanted to, I could see it, as though it were an answer my mind can almost touch on, but can't seem to reach. Marian was merely confusing herself, so she decided to stop thinking about it. Instead, her mind fell to her stomach.

Her eyes fell on the clock on her wall. It was two fifty-five. "A little late for lunch, but hey." She said out loud. Marian walked over to the door and headed out.

Marian's mind scrambled through all the information her training had taught her. She had been given detailed descriptions of the ship, and she was trying to remember it all. She wasn't sure why she had asked Tom where his room was, as she had been told throughout her training. She was supposed to remember all the room coordinates, but sometimes you can't remember if the fifth door on the left on the sixth deck is a closet or a spare bedroom.

But she shouldn't blame herself. She was too busy trying to process the new information she was getting. All the training in the world wouldn't have prepared her for the characteristics of the League. Tom's sweetness and chivalry, Mina's coldness and strange ways of warming up, Nemo's secretness, Skinner's drunkenness, Jekyll's nervousness, all their different characteristics. It was mind-boggling for a girl who had trouble remembering people's name and rank. She had always made the few teachers that each fortress had had upset and angry, and even the CIA was worried about taking her in, but decided to give her a try when she passed the physical and mental tests. She knew she never would have had this mission if not for her powers. The powers her parents had despised and her siblings had loved. It was her siblings who had coaxed her on to practice, to gain control on them. After about fourteen years of practice, she was pretty good at aiming and controlling.

Marian was so lost in thoughts that when she looked up and saw a door, her brain registered it as Skinner's room and she realized she had walked right past the staircase. Cursing herself silently, she pushed aside her thoughts and was concentrating so hard on finding the dining hall, seventh floor, fourth door on the right, door with intricate markings and glass, she bumped right into someone. Of course, it wouldn't have mattered how hard she had been concentrating, she wouldn't have seen the person anyway, as they were there and they weren't there.

Marian realized in a second that it was Skinner, currently grease-paint less and, disgustingly, clothingless. Marian had walked head on into Skinner's back, thankfully, even though she wasn't too fond of running into him at ALL why he was naked. She knew it was him and didn't need the cockney voice that she could hear from in front of her.

"'ey! Watch it, luv! Oh, Marian! It's you!" The change in his voice from irritation to pleasure was apparent.

"Yes, it's me, and why are you running around the ship naked?" She asked disgustingly.

"Spying purposes, my dear, spying purposes!" the invisible man answered truthfully. She could smell scotch on his breath and realized he was a more than just a little drunk.

"Spying? What have you got on this ship to be spying on?" She asked, not really wanting the answer, but trying to make conversation.

"Well..." he said, about to begin, when she felt air sway past her and there was a loud THUD as though someone had hit the floor.

"Oh, Jesus." Marian said. She had already had to deal with a room full of Dargonites, a "smooth" spy, her own awkwardness, a suspicious vampire, and now a drunken and apparently unconscious invisible man. And she had been here how many days? She groaned and leaned down to help Skinner.

"Alright, up ya come, c'mon, you drunken slob," she said distastefully, knowing he was sound asleep. She picked him up, and his weight fell on her, making her knees buckle and her nearly fall.

"Jeez, you're heavy drunk. How the heck am I supposed to get you to your room?" They had continued walking, and now his room was at the other end of a particularly now long hall. Suddenly, she remembered. And started laughing at the thought.

"You don't have to carry him across the hall on your back, Marian. Are you telekinetic or not?" She giggled a little to herself, then used her mind to find Skinner and push him along. She knew she was pushing him, because in her mind she could see him, drunk to the bone (at three in the afternoon, no less!), his toes barely skimming the carpet. There seemed to be a weight in her head, as though she were pushing something with her mind, which she technically was. She pushed him down the hall, making sure he hit a couple of things to try and wake him up. But he snoozed on.

After what seemed like an eon later, they reached his door. She opened it with her mind, as well as keeping Skinner balanced. She turned on a light and pushed him in, all the way into a chair. When she knew he was in, she turned out the light and shut the door with her mind.

She sighed. "Now, what was doing? Ah yes, the dining hall." She managed to find her way there without a problem and without running into anyone, thank goodness. She managed to grab a sandwich and head back to her room without seeing anyone. She did, however, pass a couple of crewmen on her way back, but no one in the League.

When she was safely inside her room, she shut the door and collapsed onto the bed, tired from all the people. She had interacted with people before and everything, but never to this degree. People had been in and out of her life all the time, it was always one fortress after another, with different people inside who were too stunned with their lives to talk, move, eat, anything. She was always amazed some of them made it this far. Many went crazy after awhile, but some stayed the same. She supposed everyone was a little crazy, and was quite sure she was, too. After growing up in her conditions, though, who wouldn't be?

Marian got up. She needed a shower, and she needed one bad. Showers were good for the cleansing of the body and the soul. She walked into the bathroom.

"Thank God that Nemo's gotten some showers," she spoke aloud to no one. Smiling happily, she closed the door and turned on the faucet.


Tom paced. He paced from one end of his room to the next, east to west, north to south. He covered all the carpet in his room in a matter of five minutes. He had always paced when he was thinking deeply. He was hyper and over-energized, a curse that had followed him since childhood. And pacing merely came with it. He wasn't even exactly sure why he was pacing. He knew it was something to do with that girl.

Marian. Tom's mind flashed. He remembered a character in one of his all- time favorite books, The Adventures of Robin Hood and His Merry Men. He remembered the character of Maid Marian, Robin's love interest. He started to smile, remembering that as a child, he had always held a certain high regard for Maid Marian. It seemed funny that now, ten or twelve years later, he was now rubbing holes in his carpet on a ship thinking about a woman named Marian.

He continued to pace, without knowing exactly what he was pacing about except that it had to do with their strange arrival. He tried to sit down, but only succeeded in hopping up again and pacing. Marian. Her name kept running through his head. Some of the League had taken to her, such as himself and Skinner. Jekyll and Nemo were always a hard read, and he could never figure out what they were thinking unless they voiced it. Mina didn't seem to like her at all, but hopefully that would clear up. He wasn't sure if it would, though. Skinner and himself seemed to be the only ones who really liked the girl. The poor thing, she crosses an entire century to help people, only to be distrusted. He wasn't sure if he himself should trust her or not, as the wary half of his brain tended to kick in every now and then when he thought about her. But then he would remember last night and how she had poured out her soul to him, and she had been so compassionate, she had seemed so truthful. Tom could almost not bring himself to not believe her.

He continued to pace as his mind ran ahead with these thoughts.


Mina picked up a tube of some blue liquid. She swirled it around and added a clear liquid, making the blue one churn, turn green, and bubble over. She wrote down the information in her journal. She did these experiments to get her mind off of life around her, and she had always felt if you were busy, then you're mind wouldn't wander on to other topics. It had served true for many years, and she specifically wanted to keep a certain topic out of her mind.

She knew she would always think of him, he always haunted her mind. She could never escape his memories. They hovered over her, swallowing her whole at times. She would catch a scent that would remind her of him, or she would see something and he would immediately come to her mind. She pretended not to miss him, would never allow any of the members of the League to see her cry. Contrary to some belief, vampires cried, and she did when there was an overwhelming amount of his memory that came at her. Her dear, beloved, dead, husband Jonathan.

How she missed him. She thought of him a lot, more now than ever. He was always her true love, no one else could ever take her heart as he had. Dorian had come close, and might have succeeded if he hadn't been so evil. Dracula had corrupted her, but no one had ever captured her heart so fiercely as Jonathan Harker. He had walked into her life that day, and at first glance, she knew her life would never be the same. She had loved him with a passion, and he the same.

He had saved her from Dracula, but she had remained a vampire. They had thought she'd been cured, but she hadn't. She remembered the day she first met him...No. She would not think about it anymore. She wouldn't, she couldn't. He still brought tears, and she was on the verge of breaking down. She could not think of her beloved Jonathan. She refused. Setting her mind on the chemical analysis at hand, she got back to work.


As Marian was showering, Tom was pacing. As Tom was pacing, Mina was thinking and concocting. As Mina was concocting, Skinner was sleeping. As Skinner was sleeping, Jekyll was talking. Not to anyone but himself. Or, that is, he was talking to Hyde. He would sit in a chair, then get up and move to another one. He was jittery and nervous. Hyde was yelling at him like usual.

C'mon, Henry, the horrible voice begged. Take the serum and let me free. You know you want to. I'll show them all what you can do. Or rather, what I can do. Heh, heh, heh, the deep voice from the monster inside his head beckoned to him. But Jekyll would not give in.

"No! I will not, will not!" Hyde roared at him.

Yes, you will! Henry! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! The chant went on and on in his head until Jekyll unleashed a scream right back at Hyde in his own head.

NO, YOU MONSTER, YOU DISGUSTING, MURDERING THING! I WILL NOT LET YOU OUT! Hyde was quiet for all of twenty seconds. But for those twenty seconds, Jekyll was at peace. Then he was back, and the horrible chant continued.


Nemo stood at the helm of his ship. Normally his crew did this, but not today. He wanted to do it today. It was an anniversary, but not one he wished to celebrate. It was the anniversary of the day he had first killed someone, and it haunted him every year. The crew knew of this day, and that the Captain was not to be bothered in any way. This was the day that the Captain took over the helm entirely. No one bothered him about anything. The world could collapse around them, and no one was to interrupt him. They were used to it. No one except Nemo even knew how long ago it was, and Nemo was never in any mood to share. So on this day, the crew left him alone, to deal with his past at the helm of the love of his life.


It seemed everyone on the ship was dealing with their demons, past and present. One washed her past away down a drain, another stamped out his anxieties into the floor while one stirred and poured out her demons through a tube and a bottle. One was drinking and sleeping his problems away, while one screamed at his. And one merely stood with his hands on a wheel, turning it every now and then to the beat of his own misfortunes. People deal with disaster and struggle in different ways, and it is through our reactions to certain things that shape who we are and give others our inner characters. Heroes and villains are made through reactions to problems. They are what separate us from man and beast. Everyday, our demons are speaking to us. It is how we deal with our demons that separate us from everyone else.

Okay, so I was feeling preachy. Yeah, I'm deep...not. Basically this was just a big reaction chapter, trying to help through my writer's block. I promise, I promise, the next chapter will be better. Okay, thank you so much to all my reviewees, I love you all, you keep me writing. Thank you, thank you (is there an echo, echo, echo?) keep reviewing, please! In fact, start now! Again, so sorry this took so long, I'll try to do better! It may seem random now, but it's gonna get faster and more important. And I won't be so preachy. Okay, thanks everyone!