Fred fell backwards onto Angel's bed and he towered over her. With quick, nimble fingers he unbuttoned her jeans, then slid them down her body. The back of his fingers skimmed her skin as he removed her pants—down her thighs, past her knees, tickling her calves. He dropped the pants on the floor and reached for her shirt. He lifted it over her head easily, and she laid before him, shivering in the cool air, in nothing but her panties and bra.
She blushed a pretty pink under his gaze. His eyes were dark and heavy. He studied her body for what seemed like hours, and it was all she could do to stop herself from squirming, or folding her arms self-consciously across her chest. She clutched the bedspread, and let him stare.
He bent and kissed her knee. He skimmed his mouth up her thigh and trailed sweet kisses up her stomach, between her breasts, and finally to her mouth again. Each time his lips touched her body they stirred a wildfire in her blood. While he devoured her mouth, he unlatched her bra and pushed it away. The rough material of his shirt brushed against her nipples and made her shiver with delight.
Angel's hands were everywhere. She moaned with relief, and he found every single sensitive spot on her body. His fingers traced delicate patterns on her stomach, he cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples, he dipped his head and sucked on her neck gently, and the small thrill of fear that scattered through her body only added to her excitement.
She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, opened her body to him completely. His fingers traced the edge of her panties, dipping under the material slightly, and she lifted her hips without thought. He abandoned her neck and moved down her body. He trailed his mouth just above the clothe, across her hips. He hooked his fingers around the panties and slid them down just an inch. He kissed the freshly exposed skin and white-hot pleasure raced to through her body and made her light-headed.
"Oh…oh…" she moaned weakly.
He stripped the final bit of clothes and she was left truly exposed to him. A memory hit her so hard that she shook. Being forced to strip completely naked in front of her new master so he could examine her. The…examination…lasted for hours, and she was forced to stand in the room, shivering from cold and shaking with fear, and they all stared at her, pawed at her, invaded her in every way, poked and prodded her, until she stripped of her pride and dignity as well as her clothes.
Angel noticed her distress immediately, and he laid down beside her and gathered her up in his arms. She curled against him, not crying, but just enjoying the strength of his arms, the broadness of his chest. He stroked her hair and ran his hands down her back. Each touch was both comforting and exciting, and as the bad memories faded, her desire was heightened. She didn't even think that was possible.
He stood up and quickly undressed. She traced the hard outline of his body with her eyes, the muscles, his broad shoulders, she could stare at him for hours. She had stared at him for hours, imagining what he would look like without his clothes, imagining how he would kiss her and touch her…it was supposed to be impossible, yet, here she was.
Angel returned to the bed, and braced himself on his arms above her. She arched up to meet him. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. She wanted to feel his body against hers. Her nipples brushed against his chest, and her hands fluttered all over his body. She wanted to touch him everywhere, if for no other reason than she could. His arms, his chest, his neck, his nipples, his hips, his thighs, everywhere she could reach.
Fred was caught up in exploring his body, and she didn't notice immediately when he stopped moving. "Fred…"
"Stop for a minute."
"Why?" She asked, bewildered. His voice was like a very unexpected bucket of ice water dumped on her head.
"Somebody is outside the door." As if on cue, there was a heavy knocking.
Fred froze, her blood turning to ice.
"Angel? Are you still up?" Cordelia asked through the door.
"Yeah. What's up?"
"Fred isn't in her room."
Fred's eyes widened.
"She's in here with me," Angel responded calmly. "We're making plans for tomorrow."
Fred's mouth hung open in shock.
"Oh. Well then, I'm going home now. Goodnight!"
"She was here the whole time?" Fred squeaked.
"I guess she's been upstairs."
Fred trembled slightly, afraid that the moment was over, the spell was broken. Maybe it had been some sort of folie deux and now it was over. She didn't know if she could handle him asking her to leave…
"Do you want me to go?" She asked shakily.
Angel answered by kissing her, stealing the breath from her body, and making her heart beat so hard, it echoed in his body. Soon, Fred completely forgot about the interruption. In just a few short seconds, he had her at fever pitch again, hot and wet and thrumming.
He settled between her legs, and she arched beneath him mindlessly. She was more than ready for him. He hesitated though, hovering above her and studying her intently.
'Are you sure?' He asked silently.
She nodded. "Are you?" She whispered.
Angel nodded slightly and paused for the barest of a moment. Fred caught her breath and their eyes were locked together. He slid into her slowly, giving her time to adjust. She was slick and tight and she bit her lip to keep from screaming and waking the whole hotel.
"Oh god…oh god…" She gasped.
He paused, but she thrust against him, forcing him all the way inside of her. She couldn't stop the short yelp of pleasure from escaping her, as he pulled out and pushed into her again, pushing all of the thoughts out of her head, pushing all her memories away, pushing away everything bad…
"Quiet," he murmured.
Fred bit her lip so hard that she thought she would draw blood. She closed her eyes and let the sensation roll over her again and again and again. She focused only on how it felt, and it felt unbelievable. Spectacular. She had never experienced anything like it before. Building and building and he moved faster and faster and faster the friction and the heat and the solid flesh above her and soft bed below her like a marshmallow and her breath caught and she couldn't breathe…couldn't….
She opened her eyes and he was still watching her. His face was strained, his eyes flashing gold. They looked like the sparklers she used to play with every 4th of July, waving around in the dark summer nights. He noticed she was staring and he blinked his eyes, looked away, hid his expression.
"Look…look at me," she insisted.
He faced her again, but his eyes were clear. She dug her nails into his arms, and her muscles tensed, ready to spring, ready for the recoil. She clenched her entire body around him, and waited for that final push, the final thrust, that would send her spiraling through space.
Angel rested his head against her shoulder and she felt him inhale deeply. "You're beautiful," he breathed in her ear, and she felt it more than she heard it, and she felt it everywhere in her body, echoing from her ears to her toes, racing through her body like electricity. Jolts zigzagged under her skin, sparked off each other, met again, sizzled and exploded in a rain of gold and red…
She thought she felt him shift against her skin. Thought she felt his ridges and his fangs brush against his shoulder. Thought she heard him growl, but it was impossible to tell because the blood in her ears was so loud. When she finally came back to earth, Angel was looking at her again with clear eyes, his face human and handsome.
He slowed, stopped, rolled off of her. She frowned, confused, and whispered, "Did you…?"
He shook his head and laid back against the pillows, his arm covering his eyes. She looked at him shyly—he was still hard and sticking straight up.
"Why? Don't you…?"
Without a word, he pulled her onto his body. She understood immediately what he wanted and she straddled him, then slid onto his shaft carefully. Bliss radiated in her body as soon as she started rocking on him. He covered her body with his hands, rubbed her nipples, caressed her breasts, and spread his fingers over her stomach.
Fred noticed his eyes started flashing again, gold on black, and she felt another small sprinkle of fear. She wasn't really afraid of him though. She could feel all of his muscles flex beneath her, all of his strength, physical and otherwise, all of the force he used to restrain himself, and that thrilled her more than anything else.
This time it wasn't his words that shook her body with pleasure…it was his hands. His fingers were everywhere, playing her body expertly, so cleverly, so sweetly. He turned his face away again as she felt the climax building, but this time she caught his chin with her fingers and gently forced him to look at her again.
He gasped and slammed into her one final time, hitting her g-spot squarely, and sending her into the second mind-numbing orgasm. Angel caught her as he fell forward, and rolled over, securing her snugly between him and the bed. She curled against him, deeply content and exhausted and comfortable.
He pressed his lips against her temple, counting her pulse as it thudded and eventually slowed to a steady, sedate pace. She didn't want to fall asleep, but she couldn't stop her eyes from falling, couldn't stop the black curtain from falling across her mind.
Angel reached behind him and turned off the light. She wanted to talk to him, but she didn't have the energy. And he massaged her back, taking the knots out of her shoulders and neck, and that sapped even more of her strength, until she was just a helpless pile of goo.
"I think I had my moment of perfect happiness," she murmured.
He smiled against her head, and for a brief moment, it occurred to her that he could kill her in that moment. Suck her dry, and maybe turn her into a monster. She knew the risk the whole time, and how much could you trust a demon? Really?
"Relax, Fred. I didn't turn into Angelus," he said, his voice soft.
"How did you…?"
"Your heartbeat just went wild."
For the first time in years, she fell into a sleep so deep, so comfortable, that it was dreamless. The monsters were kept at bay, and she wasn't a person in limbo any more, caught between two dimensions, incomplete in both of them. She cuddled closer to Angel, and smiled softly in her sleep.
The End.