Disclaimer: This has to be the hugest and biggest crossover project in the history of fanfiction.net, so I will only give you a brief list of what is herein:

The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer

His Dark Materials, by Phillip Pullman

Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling

'Abhorsen' books, by Garth Nix

The Circle of Magic, by Tamora Pierce

This list shall be growing on an almost chapterly basis. No, don't go! For any books you haven't read, I shall be including introductions to their various 'Realms' at the introduction of each character. So, basically, you won't have needed to read the actual books to get the characters, although it is recommended. Also, so people won't get terribly confused, at the beginning of each chapter there shall be a brief synopsis that should jog your memory for each character.

More Author's Notes: This story is co-written by Mothostwen, who is a very dear friend of mine at school. As a result, if you love this story to death (Fat chance), you can thank her too.

This story is completely original. This idea came to me when I saw several of the above stories together at a bookshelf in Barnes and Noble, and was not in any way copied from any stories here. If I accidentally copied a fanfic here, I assure you it was completely accidental.

Characters featured thus far:

Galadriel: Blonde with blue eyes, tall, one of the most powerful Elves in Middle Earth. Her character is in Valinor (She took the dieing Nenya, one of the threee Elven Rings, and the prophetic Mirror with her.)

Celeborn: Silver hair, and silver-ish eyes. Husband of Galadriel. An Elf.

Chapter One: Earth to Mars


It was perhaps ten years from now that the first rocket landed on Mars.

The effect was almost instantaneous; people began to turn from the lives they had built on Earth and look to the stars for power and glory, away from the stories and fantasies they had once treasured. Anything seemed possible to the ten billion people, and soon rockets were leaving by the hundred to colonize Mars, and then on to the more habitable moons. Children threw away their stories in favor of the complex engineering programs they would need to become the heroic spaceship captains they idoled.

Because of this, the Realms of Fantasia were dying.

Fantasia was a curious place, considered even so by its many queer residents. It was made purely by the stories created in the minds of the many writers out there, and sustained through the readers' infinite imagination. For every story and alternate universe created, there was a Realm, with all its characters and places of considerable repute.

First of the Realms was Arda, with Middle Earth and Valinor. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings was the first major fantasy novel, and thus the people of the Arda Realm were counted amongst the most powerful. However, few people cared for the intricacies of the Maiar and the Valar, and they were among the first to fade away.

Thousands of other authors followed in his footsteps in the creation of fantasy, and thousands of Realms followed. Everyone from Lloyd Alexander to C.S. Lewis to Garth Nix unwittingly helped create the Realms, and Fantasia grew in power as people's imaginations soared. But now…

Galadriel turned with a heartfelt sigh from the Mirror, pondering on what she had seen. The Mirror showed many things, and not even she could command the visions seen within. Of late, it had showed dark images, terrifying visions of the Outside and the future of Fantasia.

The people of the Outside were losing their imagination to the world of technology, and whatever comfort they found in exploring the Realms of Fantasia was disappearing. Something had to be done.

She looked up at the stars, twisting the glimmering Nenya on her finger. The mithril and adamant ring glowed a clear white for a few moments, not seen since she had sailed away on the Grey Ship, and then shimmered back down to the noncommittal dullness. Far above, Eärendil's Star pulsed in answer, the Silmaril in the sky. Other stars around the beacon flamed, and the wave of shimmering light rippled outwards, until at last the strange glimmer faded beyond the horizon, towards the stars of other Realms.

"You worry yourself, vanimelda." Celeborn whispered, walking into the silent glade besides her.

Galadriel sighed, closing her eyes against the sudden wave of exhaustion. "The years are not light upon me, nor is the upcoming task."

Celeborn's brow creased, and lifted again as he realized the weight within her words. "Fantasia is dying." He murmured, his silvery eyes darkening with concern. "We are all fading away."

The fountains of Lothlórien tinkled gently, sounding like laughter in the wind in the sudden gap of poignant silence. Galadriel leaned her head against Celeborn's chest for support, a few tears trickling silently down her pale face. Celeborn squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "You have called the Great amongst Fantasia, and they have never failed before. We have survived through worst peril then this, and we shall again."

Galadriel's face upturned, looking at Celeborn's grave face with sorrow etched in her sapphire eyes. "How can you be so sure? We cannot survive the Fading much longer. None of Fantasia can. We have been lingering for a world that no longer needs us. We are all dying." Celeborn was silent at this, and he hugged Galadriel tightly to him, seeking as much support as he was giving.

Far above in the velvet-black sky, the Eärendil's Star flickered for a few moments, and sputtered into nothingness. It had Faded….


More notes:

This chapter is as depressing as it gets.

No beta reader is needed. This is purely a project between friends.

Don't worry, Eärendil's Vingilotë and Silmaril are coming back.

The language barrier in between Middle Earth (Westron) and the rest of all these Realms has been dealt with. Or will be dealt with when they finally meet up (In many many many chapters from now). 

If that didn't make sense, there shall be a better explanation next chapter.

Weekly updates are a safe bet, and the chapters after this one are going to be LONG. As in 20-25 pages-in-a-notebook long.

Please do not put in suggestions with interactions in your reviews. We know exactly what we want to do, and we, not trying to sound terribly cocky, don't need or want that sort of help. And it's probably already going in here already.

All characters shall be very in canon. It's more fun to write that way for character interaction.

There shall probably be a touch of romance near the end, but it all depends. Neither of us appreciates romance, and it would not, if at all, get beyond a few sweet words and a hug. No Legomance, I can promise you.

Reviews are nice. And it doesn't get depressing or anything; Galadriel in this is about as sad as it gets. Poor me… (This is the Weeper speaking. I like angst.). The later chapters shall have 'Colfer-humor', so to speak, smart-humor, ironic-humor, but not stupid-humor (Such as Artemis Fowl appearing in a fluffy pink bathrobe right in the middle of the White Council *shudder*).

There shall be villains, and, of course, they shall try and stop the good-guys. It doesn't make sense now considering that the fate of the Realms is dependant on them as well, but it shall later.

The way that the characters get between the different Realms varies from person-to-person. For example, Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials might use the Subtle Knife (And yes, I know the problems with that. Bear with me.). The 'Golden Trio' from Harry Potter might use an Apparating spell, a portkey, or even the Vanishing Cabinet to get to Avallonë. No promises on if they're even going to use them.

There shall be a lot of characters. Not all of them shall be on the adventure-main. Otherwise, it would get way too crowded.

I, the typer of this (Nallasariel the Weeper) have been banned from the computer for 2 weeks. Don't expect updates until that time is up (I barely snick enough time for this).


*`~Nallasariel the Weeper

& Mithostwen