Reviews for The End of All Eternities
blah123456 chapter 3 . 5/14/2005
This is an awesome story. But Holly has a crew-cut, not a buzz-cut
Pathatlon chapter 3 . 4/8/2005
Please review soon. Can't wait to see whom you've chosen to pick from the HArry Potter universe (Snape and Hermione - hopefully :P) and they'll have a fat chance since they have wands.
Pathatlon chapter 2 . 4/8/2005
This is actually interesting. Please continue.
Angel Angamaite chapter 3 . 1/23/2005

Whee! A huge crossover! So far, oh-so wicked!

Even though, thus far, the only two fandoms I understand fully are Artemis Fowl and Lord of the Rings, I can read this story no trouble. And you have Eärendil! (From what I gather, right, right? *drop to knees and clasps hands*) *whoops, cheers*

Eärendil the Mariner, the Bright, the Blessed, Half-Elven, Peredhil (Meh, same thing, but two different titles), bearer of the Silmaril, former Lord of Sirion, Gil-Estel... Poor Elf has worse problems than Aragorn!

Please tell me he shows up? *puppy eyes*

But, anyways, the story has very good explanations for things, or, at least, to my mind. You might want to work on the dialogue to description balance a bit, but uh-huh. It's good, IMO. Kudos to you for writing such a canonically fitting thing, and keeping with how I imagine the characters to look. Kudos!

Pray, keep writing,

~ Thunder Pichu
Sullen Kitten chapter 2 . 12/26/2004
I rather enjoy this story as of yet. So thank you for writing all this. You have one good reviewer here.
Laiqualaurelote chapter 3 . 11/15/2004
No. Oh no oh no oh no.

No more chapters.

You wouldn't believe the extreme desolation I feel when I see no arrow on the right side of the chapter box.

Please, please update soon. Artemis Fowl & Co. lived up to expectations (and further) although Juliet was definitely uncanonical. I hope you might fix that, but it seems that you need it.

Anyhow, I look forward to more of this wonderful crossover - particularly Vingilote. I've always liked Bilbo's poem about it.

Love from Laiqualaurelote
Laiqualaurelote chapter 2 . 11/15/2004
I love crossovers! And I love this one infinitely much - only two chapters in and I can already tell it'll be good. The jewel in the crown in Jack - I have never been able to portray him so in character as you do, despite the fact I so adore him. And you have just successfully inspired me to read Garth Nix. You really, really must continue - with more Jack, of course, and Lyra - on this wonderful crossover, which is so terribly funny.

P.S. You spelt Pantalaimon wrong - it's not Pantailamon - I hope you don't mind correcting it.
NatashaNiracval chapter 3 . 10/2/2004
This is fun and fine. of course, Sabriel swearing allegiance to Lyra in the last chapter was weird, but heck! This does rock
NatashaNiracval chapter 2 . 10/2/2004
Than, not then! Why do you always do that? Grr. Awesome, like usual, though you called Pan a she and Jack would want to take the crew along, especially the girl. Ahem.
Marendigell chapter 2 . 6/12/2004
Wow, this encompases almost all of my favorite stories...Abhorsen, LOTR, His Dark Materials, Circlr of Magic, POTC...Will the Narnia characters come in somewhere? This is a great story; I want to read the rest but it's really late and I have to go to bed soon. Keep up the good work! Your brilliantly layered and detailed fic puts mine to shame.
Aimee chapter 1 . 6/11/2004
YOU BETTER UPDATE FAST! I know you're done with the next chapter! Or is it because you lost that binder you were keeping it in? Either way you better hurry, or else SOMEONE will show up at your house.
A.E. Hall chapter 2 . 6/2/2004
Oh my goodness, confusion... how did you write that without fainting :) oh well, I'll keep reading but I don't guarentee that I'll understand any of it... nicely written
A.E. Hall chapter 1 . 6/2/2004
Interesting idea, I can't wait to see how it turns out, though I may be more than a little confused. Are Lloyd Alexander's characters in here? I would love to see Taran and Gwydion, Flewdeur Flam and the rest... Anyway on to chap 2
XNemesis chapter 3 . 5/13/2004
AKA: She who is too lazy to log in...
Yes, "gordita" does mean "little fat one". The word for "fat" or "fat one" is "gordo". The suffixes "ito" and "ita" (depending on your gender) mean "little" or "small one". There's your Spanish grammar lesson of the day.
Anyways, good, good, very good. This receives the approval of OFUC.
Slinky-and-the-BloodyWands chapter 3 . 5/13/2004
keep it going.
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