-Little Miracles-

Author's Note: Since this website doesn't like chapter slots being used for nothing but author's notes and I really wanted to respond to your last chapter reviews, I thought I'd give a treat to my loyal readers and give you a bit of a sneak-peek at the story this is continued in. I started reworking nearly all I have written upon finding I just wasn't happy with much of it. I also wanted to make the chapters longer than they currently are. These are some of the reasons I can't start posting it at this point in time.

So, just to give you an idea of what you might expect in this other story, I present a small snippet:

"James, what was that violet thing I just saw?" he whispered to his friend.

"I couldn't tell you, Nathan, though I saw it too. I hope it isn't what I suspect it to be, though," Norrington replied just as quietly.

"And what do you suspect it was?" He had a feeling his commander thought it to be the very same thing he suspected.

"A woman, though what a woman would be doing down here, I have no clue. In my experience, women would never allow themselves to be near wounds such as these—"

"And do hurry, Rosemary, I shall need those shortly!" called out a woman's voice.

Nathan raised an eyebrow. "You were saying, James?"

Norrington shot him a stern, yet annoyed look.

They scanned through the room looking for the woman they had heard, and unconsciously moved away from Admiral Birch in the process. Nathan was the first to spot the woman stooped over what looked to be a boy no older than seventeen with a rather nasty-looking gash extending from his shoulder to his elbow. She was in the process of stitching the lad up, and appeared to be doing a remarkable job of it.

"Admiral, with all due respect, what are two women doing down here?" James asked over his shoulder. Though many wouldn't be able to see it, his face was the image of horror, and, seeing as the woman had blood nearly to her elbows, it was quite understandable. Gillette felt horrified himself, though his was more buried beneath the admiration he felt that a woman of her obvious station would even be willing to help men much like himself.

"Two women are down here helping to stitch up men who are bleeding to death and would do a much better job of it if certain naval officers weren't standing in what little light they had," the woman said.

Expect the rest of that story when I get more of it finished. In the meantime, I have another story, Matters of Duty, up that you might enjoy. It involves the Naval/military point of view of the movie events.

Author's Responses to the final chapter:

Erusuiel: [blushes] Thank you very much. :D

Cestrel: Thank you! And welcome back. I understand completely. Real life takes precedence no matter what, and no matter how much we'd prefer otherwise. I hope you had fun there, and don't worry; I hope to keep writing as much as my time and ideas will allow me to. I already have several other story ideas in the works, too. It's just getting details and ideas out and down in written form.

Rusty Button: Thank you very much. I was quite sad to end it, myself, but I just have to keep reminding myself that the whole story isn't actually over, even though this one segment is.

Carmen Riviera: Thank you! And don't worry. The next story (or one of them) is already started.

Alori Kesi Aldercy: [blushes again] Thank you very much, and welcome! The reason I'm writing only fanfiction at the moment, is because I have yet to think of a suitable storyline and plot. I've yet to come up with something I'm happy with and that I don't worry that it's already been taken. But actually, I'm not really experienced in professional writing. I kind of missed those days of my fiction writing classes.

Chibi Chingo: Welcome and thank you! I'm very flattered you liked it so well. :D

Moonbeam: Thank you! And I believe that email has been sent. ;) Or at least I hoe so. It seems like I did.

Eledhwen: Yes, unfortunately, that is it. Thank you, though. :D And I've got several ideas for 'a few years down the road'. ;)

Again, I thank all of you who read, and especially those who reviewed this story. There were times that it was the reviews that kept me going when I got stuck, so I most certainly find them to be helpful.

- Gaeruil