(A/N: New chapter yay! It's been in the works for a while, and I'm still unhappy with the outcome, so please tell me what you think...I appreciate what everyone thinks,

Instinctively bringing the sword up with both hands wrapped around the intricately designed hilt, she felt the force of metal upon metal. Sparks flew the moment metal touched. Pushing the force of the attack upon Snape, Hermione was able to stand up properly as Snape stumbled backwards, shock evident on his usually closed face.

'Good,' he said after what seemed like an eternity to Hermione, then he raised his version of the sword she held. Off handily she noticed that it was ever so slightly different- more masculine. He once more lunged at her. A moment of panic overtook her, not really knowing what to do, then once more the sparks and force of metal upon metal. Hermione did not have time to think as Snape launched into another attack. Spinning out of the way, she met the force of his sword in a counter attack, leaving him preoccupied for just a moment, that was all she needed though, and she brought he right leg up and kicked him with some considerable force in the stomach, effectively winding him.

Panting slightly she watched Professor Snape warily as he tried to regain his breath. Suddenly her senses returned to her, over whelming her for an instant. She slowly walked backwards, gradually aiming for the door that Professor Snape had charge through, starting his attack. All sorts of thoughts were rushing around her mind, 'What just happened?', 'I hit a teacher!', 'Where are we?' where the most prominent of them.

A gust of cold wind came from the door, making her jump and drop the sword with a loud clatter. It hadn't really occurred to her that she was still holding it. It felt as though it was an extension of her being. Turning around slowly, she jumped once more to see an amused looking ghost, complete with a flourishing wizards robes. What made her freeze was how young he looked. Sure, there were ghosts at Hogwarts, but most of them were fairly old when they had died, except for Moaning Myrtle.

She felt slightly safer knowing that ghosts couldn't do any real harm to humans, besides making them feeling incredibly cold. Turning back to Professor Snape, she watched as he finally regained his breath and removed himself from the space he'd landed. Looking at him know, she didn't see any of the earlier anger, but some sort of recognition- for what she didn't know.

As soon as Hermione had disappeared from the Transfiguration classroom, Professor McGonagall hurriedly dismissed the class, motioning Harry and Ron to follow her. Leaving their school bags where they were, the trio headed straight up to the Headmasters office, nearly at a run. Ron and Harry were to stunned and worried about Hermione to ask anything about what had happened. One question that kept popping up in Harry's mind, 'Was she kidnapped?'

'Ah, Professor McGonagall, shouldn't you be teaching?' Professor Dumbledore said, the smile on his face and in voice irritated the Transfiguration teacher no end. He eyes seemed to twinkle ten- fold.

'It appears that Miss Granger has disappeared, Headmaster,' she replied grimly. The eyes still twinkled. 'He knows something,' the aging women thought.

'How did she 'disappear', my friend?' He stood, motioning them all to take seats on the opposite side of the large oak desk.

'Hermione took the sword on the wall. She just hit it, at the bottom…she managed to catch it before it fell to the floor. She kept insisting that it hadn't been there before today,' Harry said, puzzled exchanging looks with Ron. 'What if it was Voldemort, sir?' Both Harry and Dumbledore ignored the shiver Ron and Professor McGonagall gave, 'What if someone managed to change it to a portkey-'

Harry was interrupted by an amazing sight. Blue and white circles of light started dancing in front of the desk, in front of all the occupants of the room. As soon as it started, it was over, and there stood their Defence Against the Darks Arts teacher -Prue Halliwell.

'Professor! We have a problem. Hermione and Severus have disappeared. I can't sense them at all!' she said, starting to panic for some reason, although why she should 'sense' them added further confusion to the muddle. And Professor Dumbledore's eyes just continued to twinkle away. Professor McGonagall's patience was starting to wear incredibly thin.

'You all have no need to worry, both Hermione and Professor Snape will return shortly, Prudence, please return to your lesson the students need to learn how to defend themselves.' Looking at Dumbledore with both worry and slight anger in her eyes, Prue disappeared once more in those mesmerising white blue lights. 'Harry, Ron rest assured Hermione will be back by dinner time, and Minerva I believe it is time for 2nd year Transfiguration.' Professor Dumbledore said it in such a tone that no questions were asked as every one filed out of the circular office.

Hermione wasn't sure how long she had been there, however that didn't really seem to matter. She was hearing an incredible tale, of courage, love and the constant fight against darkness. This story was being told by the ghost that had entered earlier, who had called himself 'Merlin', although whilst she seemed to trust him, she didn't want to believe he was the ghost of the age old wizard, because if he was, something incredible was going to happen…and she wasn't sure if it was good or bad.

…'There was a prophecy made long ago, as most prophecies were, that '…in a time of great need would arise the heir to help defeat the darkness, allowing for a time of peace to follow…' of course that not the actual prophecy, but you get the general gist of it.'…

He was quite a strange old ghost, not really what she would have imagined, slightly on the eccentric side- as she expected to be. Someone with as much power and on the force of good always gave the impression of being ever so slightly crazy. He had mentioned this prophecy several times now, but never divulged much information about it, other than it was made by a powerful Seer of his time.

Looking over at Professor Snape, she could see blatantly that he was troubled by being here himself. They still hadn't really gained any real answers when they asked just why they were there, and it was very unlike Snape to not get the answers he needed or wanted. That was part of what made him such an effective spy during the 'First Reign of Voldemort'. Not many people knew he had been a spy, and she had found out only by accident.

'Miss Hermione Granger, please rise,' 'Merlin' said, 'It is time fore you to face your true destiny, not just as a student at Hogwarts School, but as the future of the wizarding world in it's entirety. It is time fore you truly to take the sword, otherwise known as Excalibur, once wielded by your ancestor King Arthur, and help protect the side of Light once more. Are you willing?'

(A/N: Not a terribly exciting chapter I know, and does not answer any questions, although it may raise a few. Drop a line, tell what you think please,
Ryan x )