DISCLAIMER: I don't own Krynn or anyone on it. Yet. (Rubs hands, laughs evilly) Just kidding. Anything you recognize isn't mine, anything you don't most likely is.

Chapter 1: An Interesting Experiment

I tentatively knocked on the door. "Shalafi, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Come in. I have been doing some experiments that may interest you." I cautiously opened the door. Things have been known to blow up in my face. Nothing blew up, but what I saw in Raistlin Majere's workroom was definitely the weirdest assortment of things I'd seen in my life. Including when I had to retrieve some "borrowed" spoons from Tasslehoff's pouches! My Shalafi was sitting at the enormous table hitting something with his fingers. He was staring into this odd machine that looked like glass except it had images on it. Around him were objects of every shape and size imaginable. There were things that appeared to be clothes, but looked like nothing ever make on Krynn. And to top it all, there was this big glowing portal in the middle of the room from which the Archmage would occasionally pull something out of. For a minute, I could do nothing but stand in the doorway, gaping.

"Well, are you coming in, or not?" My Shalafi's voice was impatient. I hurried in and closed the door. "I have been doing experiments with the ancients' concept of portals, but I've expanded the distance as far as I can stretch it. I believe I now have contact to a whole different world. What you see around me are samples of their technology, culture, and life. My next step is to go through the portal myself. I will be going as a teenage human."

When I could finally speak, I thought of something. "Shalafi, maybe it would be better if I went. I have become very adept at keeping up a glamour constantly." *cough* "Holes!" *cough* "Sorry, frog in my throat. Anyway, I'm more expendable, and if you don't mind me saying so, I do have a higher tolerance level for idiots than you. So, can I go?"

Raistlin looked at me ponderingly. "You may have a point. You are usually more comfortable in places like schools, and less likely to curse someone. And as far as I know, they have no magic, as we know it there. I could always make a spell that would allow me to see and hear everything you do, and allow you to talk to me and vice-versa without others hearing. All right." He pulled out a huge sheaf of strange papers. "Read this by tomorrow morning. It's everything important that I've been able to learn about this new world."

There had to be at least 500 back and front pages there, but I knew better than to argue. I took the papers from him and went to my room to start reading.


The next morning after breakfast, we met in the workroom. Raistlin handed me a tiny shard of something. "You must put this on your eye and never take it out. It will not obstruct your vision. As long as you have it, I will be able to see through your eyes and hear through your ears. Also, anything I say that's directed to you, you will hear, and any thought you direct to me, I will hear. You will be joining the High School called Oak Hill, in the eleventh grade. It is in New York, which if you read the information I gave you, you will know is in the United States. Here is what you are to wear." He handed me a pile of the unusual clothes. "Change, get your Glamour ready, and meet me back here in 30 minutes."

I went to my room and tried to figure out the clothing. From what I remember from my informational package, the pants were a blue fabric known as denim. The shirt was fairly big and had a strange emblem on it. I'd have to remember to find out what that meant. The shoes were a bit odd, but after a bit of trial and error, I got everything on correctly. Then I spent a couple of minutes fixing my glamour. I tried not to change my appearance too much, because that would make it harder to keep up constantly. I rounded out my pointed ears, and made myself appear less fine-boned. I also made my eyes rounder and less slanted. I remembered reading that there were some young human males with long hair on this "Earth" so I just left my hair as is. I looked in my mirror and found (a bit to my dismay) that I looked exactly like a young human. I made my way back to the workroom.

As I entered the workroom, a rare smile touched Raistlin's face. "You look like a human, Apprentice," he said wryly.

"Don't rub it in. I believe I'm ready to go. How will I find the school where I'm going to go?"

"Don't worry about that. You will enter the world in the woods behind the school. Just sneak around the front and enter with all of the other students. I've seen a floor plan of the school. Directly in the main entrance is the office. Go in, and ask for directions to the 'Guidance Office.'

"Once you are there," he handed me a letter, "Give them this. It explains that you will be entering the school in the eleventh grade. I've explained your lack of knowledge about their culture and history by explaining that your father worked as a doctor in a small village in Eritrea, Africa and you've spent most of your life there. The letter is spelled so that whatever name you give yourself will automatically appear on the letter, and the last name will go on you 'father's' signature.

"Any supplies you need immediately, I will send you through the portal, which for the most part will be able to follow you without being seen. If you're forced to answer any questions you don't know the answer to, listen for me; I may be able to tell you. I believe that is it. Now, all you have to do is climb onto the table and walk through the portal. Good luck. Remember to always keep the object I gave you, or you will lose all contact with myself, and Krynn. I don't know if I'd be able to find you again. Now go." Raistlin was now adjusting the portal's position with the object I believe is called a "computer", so that I'd be completely hidden from view when I emerged. I climbed onto the table and walked through the portal. I felt a weird feeling akin to walking into a wall of jelly, and there was a loud booming noise in my ears.

Author's Note: Please review!! I have several more chapters already written, but they're not going up until I get reviews! You can say whatever you want when you review (criticism is fine) as long as you have a good reason for it. Sorry this chapter was so short; it was really just an introduction. Well, hope you enjoyed it.

~Dalamar Nightson