Chapter 2

Mokuba was thrown into a dark room. Mokuba didn't even know what happened, it had happened all too fast for him. One minute he was following the police car, and the next, he was swiped right off the sidewalk by someone. Mokuba felt something shaking next to. He slide his hand over to the person next to him. The person jumped and had a frantic yelp of fright.
"I'd shut up if ya value ya life." A click of a gun was heard. Police sirens were heard, and also a police officer.
"We know your in there! So come out with your hands up!" Mokuba couldn't believe this. He was somehow dragged into a police chase of some kind. A light was shown in front of him. There was a rugged looking man standing in front of him who had opened a window. Mokuba quickly noticed the gun in his left hand.
"Take a step closer" Mokuba was then in the grip of the rugged man, "And the boy gets it!" The man put up his gun to Mokuba's head. Mokuba started to struggle.
"Struggle anymore and you'll get killed" the man whispered to Mokuba. Mokuba froze.
"Put the boy down!" another police man called up. The man threw Mokuba down into the darkness once again. Mokuba looked around. Now with some light he saw a blonde girl next to him. She was shivering in fear.
"Fine! But I still have two other hostages here, and you move any closer to this building then you already have, I will shoot ether one of them!" Two?
"Mokuba?" Mokuba jumped when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. Mokuba turned to his right. There was Niomi. Blood was dripped down from the edge of her mouth.
"Niomi!" Niomi put her hand over Mokuba's mouth, "Do you want to get one of us killed Mokuba?!" Niomi said in a loud whisper voice. The man turned, his gun in the direction of all three of them.
"If you don't shut up, one of you won't be here anymore." The blonde made another tiny yelp. The man pointed to the blonde. Her eyes widened as he moved closer to her.
"So... are you the one who wants to die as an example of what 'll do to the rest of you." He looked across at Niomi and Mokuba. Mokuba and Niomi were staring at the man's gun that he still pointed at the blonde's gun. The man had his finger rested on the trigger of the gun.
"Let the hostages go, or we will have to go to dirastic measures." The man let out a sigh, and walked over to the window. Mokuba glomped Niomi's arm. He noticed that one of the sleeves on her long-sleeved shirt were missing. Mokuba also noticed in the light that her dress was torn and dirty along with the rest of her clothes.
"Please don't let them hurt me..." the blonde plead quietly. Niomi nodded, showing that she would help the young blonde. In the light, the blonde appeared to be younger then both Niomi and Mokuba. The blonde started to crawl over to Niomi and Mokuba. The man instantly turned around.
"So you thought I didn't notice the little conversation you were having behind my back, eh?" once again, he lifted up his gun in the direction of all three of them. Niomi stood up in front of the blonde and Mokuba.
"If you want them, your gonna have to get by me first!" Niomi glared right into the eyes of the man. The man glared back at Niomi. He could see no fear in her eyes, therefore it would be no fun to kill her.
"So ya wanna fight?" the man took up his gun and slapped Niomi across the face with the side of his gun, "Then you'll get a fight" he hit her in her forehead. Niomi still stood in front of the blonde and Mokuba.
"Still want a fight?" Niomi looked up from her blow. Blood tricked down her face. Her faded blue eyes still glared into the man's. Even thought the man was the one with the gun, he was the one who getting the fear out of the fight.
"Fine." He took up his gun once again, and hit Niomi on side of her neck. Hitting the bone connecting her shoulder and her neck, she fell unconscious. The blonde gasped. Mokuba looked up to the man with shock. The blonde screamed.
"Time to put you out of your misery" the sound of gun shots were heard. Bullets were flying everywhere, but Mokuba didn't know where. Mokuba watched as the man shot the blonde once, and once again. Even after the first shot, she would've been dead, but the man took pleasure out of shooting an innocent girl. A door was then broken down.
"Put your gun down, your under arrest!" the police were well armed. The man lifted up his gun to fire at one of the police men, but another police man tackled him to the ground. The gun flew out of the man's hand and right in front of Mokuba. Mokuba closed his eyes in fear. There was a struggle going on between the police man and the man who had captured him.
"It'll be alright kid" another police man lifted Mokuba into his hands. Mokuba was petrified from all the shooting and blood.
"Go get an ambulance, we can still save the brown-haired girl." Mokuba's eyes were consuming all the violence of the fight. Mokuba then turned to the girl. Her hair wasn't blonde anymore. Blood lay all over the limp body. Mokuba started to breath loudly as he was carried out of the apartment by the police man.
"We're going to call your parents, everything is going to be alright" the police man said as he placed Mokuba in a police car. Mokuba seemed to be in another world. After a while of all the shouting and siren noises from outside the police car, Mokuba placed his hand on his shirt. Mokuba could feel his precise locket there. Tears slowly fell down his face. ~*~*~A Few Hours Later~*~*~
"He's right here Mr. Kaiba" Mokuba could hear in the distance. But it didn't matter, he was still off in his own world. It seemed as if he was trapped in his own world. Or maybe he wasn't in his world. Did he lose his mind in the Shadow Realm? Seto and a police man walked into the lobby where Mokuba sat on a bench.
"Mokuba, are you alright?" Seto asked sternly. Mokuba didn't look up to his big brother, he was still trapped in whatever place he was in. His eyes were all black, he look as if he was an empty body with no soul. Like he looked when his soul was taken by Pegasus.
"What happened to him?" Seto said turning to the police man.
"We don't exactly know everything that happened while he was being a hostage, but we do..."
"What do you mean hostage?!"
"For reasons that we don't know, he seemed to have been captured by our latest criminal. The criminal had killed one of his hostages and injured the other, but Mokuba showed no real signs of injury" the police man went on, "We've tried asking him what had happened, but we got nothing. He seems to be in another world of some kind."
"Another world?"
"Well, let's just put it as he is deep in thought." Seto turned to Mokuba. Mokuba, still staring at the floor, was very still.
"If you don't mind, I'll be taking him." The police man placed his hand on Seto's shoulder.
"But we..."
"Unless you dislike your job, you'll be letting me leave." Seto picked up Mokuba and walked down the hall and out of the police station. ************************************************************************ I think this is a great place to stop, don't you? So, what will become of Mokuba now, now that he's... well... not here right now? Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!