Disclaimer: Own nothing and don't sure because I only do the things the voice in my head tell me to do!

Summary: A sorceress traps Inuyasha inside a world of his own nightmares, and the only way for him to get out is to finally admit his love for Kagome. Meanwhile Kagome and the others must fight Naraku, who has an evil plan to finally get all of the jewel shards.

A/N: Yeah the summary sucks but you'll just have to read it. I still have a few kinks I have to work out in the story but hopefully it'll be OK. Soon. I hope.


Inuyasha walked slowly through the dark woods. Silver streams of moonlight poured into a clearing ahead of him. Stopping to sniff the air again he sighed. He had been wandering around the night forest for some time now. Not only did he not know where he was, he didn't know how he got there. One thing he knew for sure was _what_ he was doing.

"Kagome!" he cried out in frustration. He had been calling for her ever since he had come to this place. And still he could not find her. There was a heavy fog that prevented him from seeing more than a few feet in front of him and it was very frustrating because Kagome would not answer him. Inuyasha growled softly.

(Where is she? *Maybe she's with Kouga.* No! I mean err, she said that he wasn't her type.)

With a snort he continued to walk aimlessly through the forest, calling out Kagome's name.~~

He wasn't aware of how long he'd been there but he was sure it would be dawn soon. Or at least it _should_ be dawn soon. There was something about this place though. Something that wasn't right. Usually the night forest would be filled with the sounds of singing insects or nocturnal hunters. But there was a deafing silence that was unnerving the half-demon with every step he took. This whole place was wrong. The sounds, the smells. Even the fog that prevented him from seeing was producing an eerie kind of calm.

"Kagome!" he yelled once more.

(Stupid wench. Always getting herself in trouble. Or kidnapped! *Yeah. With Kouga.* Oh be quiet. She is not with the stupid wolf!)

Inuyasha was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice the pair of cold eyes that were watching him from the shadows.

"Kagome! Damnit where are you?" He cursed softly and kicked a rock in front of him. He was tired, hungry and he really wanted nothing more than to lay down on a soft patch of grass and rest for a few hours.

(Not until I find Kagome.)

With his new vow in mind, he once again went off in search of the young woman.~~

(Ugh. How long have I been walking around like this? Day's maybe. Gods this wench is hard to find.)

Unwittingly, Inuyasha was slowly approaching the small clearing that he had so clearly missed many times before. A familiar scent drifted through the air. He let the sweet smell waft to his nose before inhaling a deep breath. He let out a low growl as he instantly recognized the scent.

"Kagome!" he yelled in both anger and joy. Fear and happiness coursed through him at the same time.

(What if she's hurt? Oh Gods what if something happened to her! *...* I thought I told you to be quiet.)

Inuyasha sprinted quickly towards the smell, easily avoiding the trees and bushes in front of him. What he reached the clearing he began to search desperately for her. (I know that I smelled her!) His eyes darted from side to side. All he could see were dark trees that towered over him. The fog was beginning to cloud his vision even more. A low chuckle began to echo around him in the darkness. He turned around swiftly to try and detect the source of the mocking laugh.

"Poor Inuyasha." said a familiar voice. (Why does that voice sound so familiar?)

"Who are you!" the irritated demon yelled.

"You know who I am. Catch me if you can little Inuyasha." mocked the tone.

"Come out here now!" Before Inuyasha could even pull out the tetsiga, the laugh ceased and he was once again left alone in the clearing.

Kagome watched helplessly as the sleeping half-demon thrashed violently in his sleep. (Oh Inuyasha. I wish I could help you.)

She sighed and wrung out a small washcloth and dabbed the cool water on his face. She had been watching over him for the past few days. Ever since their fight with the tiger demons. Kagome had led them all to where she had felt a large amount of jewel shards. It was supposed to be a surprise attack. And although they did beat the demons, none of them had expected them to be as prepared as they were. Miroku had used his wind tunnel to kill most of them, but before he had gotten to them all, one of the jewel holding demons had attacked Inuyasha with some kind of weird cane. Since then he had been in some kind of dream-state. Well, more like nightmare-state from what Kagome had seen.

Shippo and the others had been trying to figure out what exactly Inuyasha had been attacked with a few days ago.

"I'm so tired and I have found anything." Shippo complained.

"Come on Shippo. We have to do this for Inuyasha. And if not for him at least think about Kagome." Sango pleaded. Silently Shippo admitted his own defeat and began to look in one of the ancient scriptures the monastery had to offer. "Have you found anything yet?" squeaked a soft whisper from the doorway. Miroku looked up from his seat at the large table to see an exhausted Kagome standing at the door. He gave her a half hearted smile before reply, "Not yet. But we're still looking. Are you sure your description of the cane was accurate?"

Miroku could see the tears that were stinging in her sleep deprived eyes. (Poor girl. She hasn't gotten to sleep in days. And she hasn't even left Inuyasha's side. She must be so tired.)

"Yes. It was almost three feet long. It was gold and had some weird symbol at the top of it." Kagome said desperately. She was quite worried about her friend and felt very guilty about it. They had all known that someday their journey would end. Almost all of the jewel shards had been found. Kagome had been so angry with Inuyasha when he said that he was going to take the shards and become full demon. They'd gotten into an argument and he'd said some of the most hurtful things he'd ever said to her. (I know that he'd always loved Kikyo.But I thought we had feelings for each other. I guess I was wrong.)

Shippo noticed Kagome's distant look and broke the silence. "Why don't you go get some rest. We'll keep looking." She managed to smile at the well meaning fox demon. "No. I don't need to rest. I'll just look after Inuyasha." (I have to help him. I owe him that much.)

She then left the room to go to the demons side. Sango sighed from her seat in the large room.

"When are they going to just admit it." she muttered.

"When are who going to admit what?" Shippo asked. Before Sango could give the obvious answer, she was cut off.

"When are Inuyasha and Kagome going to admit that their in love with each other." Miroku said.

"Yes. How could two people be so blind?"

"I know. Can't he even see the way she looks at him sometimes?"

"And does she really not know how much he cares about her?" Sango and Miroku nodded and went back to their work. Shippo simply looked at the two in amazement.

"Bakas." he finally said when he realized they were really going to just keep researching. Then he stormed out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Miroku asked.

"Beats me." Sango answered.

(Does he not see the way I look at him sometimes?)

(Does she really not know how much I care about her?)

Shippo walked to Inuyasha's room while muttering to himself about the two he had left in the other room. Quietly he crept to the doorway and saw Kagome brush a loose strand of white hair from the demons face.

(He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. And cute. Especially with those pointy ears.) Kagome giggled slightly at the thought and ran her fingers over his ears. "Please wake up soon Inuyasha. Please come back to me."


That was the first chapter, and I will post the other on in a week or so if I get at least four reviews on this one. So please be kind and review! This is my first Inuyasha story, so please don't be to harsh for my poor little (or not so little as the case may be) ego will be forever damaged! You don't really want me to end up in therapy. Do you?

P.S. Special thank you to I's good friend fanfictiongeek72 (see I got your right numbers!). For without her, I would not be able to post this story. No literally. I deleted it on my computer and she had to sent it back. So yeah, if you don't like it blame her!