Reviews for Trapped
Bleeding Kunai chapter 3 . 9/30/2005
once again; I have NO clue why I'm reviewing; probably to keep my mother off the computer. YAY! I finally mnow what that little '~' thing stood for. -vampire ego- too u long enough, dumb ass. -me- SHUT UP, FINCH! um... *sweat drops*
Bleeding Kunai chapter 2 . 9/30/2005
. I have NO freaking clue WHY I'm reviewing this chapter. dude... that 'wake up' shit is reminding me of that one episode of Futurama where Leela ended up in the hospital and Fry kept saying 'wake up' in her dreams. weird... awfully weird.
Bleeding Kunai chapter 1 . 9/30/2005
damn, poor InuYasha. okay, my dumb-assed mistake and my lake of attention, in your story 'Betrayal' I did NOT mean to put 'please update'. my own freakin mistake. Sango and Miroku are right... they NEED to admit their feelings for another.
fanficti0naddict chapter 15 . 7/2/2005
sesshy's servent chapter 15 . 6/23/2005
wow that was pretty good keep up the good work
Nicole Miklos chapter 1 . 4/6/2005
Dear writer,

I know you have stopped writing your stories, but was hoping that would try and finish trapped and addicted, me and my sister have been hoping that you might finish these two stories, we enjoyed them alot and thought they were well done and good read.
Azmidia chapter 15 . 9/7/2004
thank goodness this story had a happy ending. I was really starting to wonder. though that was a most bizaar way to end it, it was good none the less. Well done!
Kitsune Kinu chapter 15 . 7/14/2004
Okay confuzzled? I am. Anywho good story but very confusing because if Naraku had never been there Sango and Miroku would never have met Kagome,Shippo, and and Miroku wouldn't have even met each other!

~ Kit (Q_Q)Haunted
ShadowBlue chapter 15 . 6/23/2004
THat was really good! It was really confusing, but really good! But OMG YOU ENDED IT WEIRDLY! I'm still confused. What's going on? How the heck did you write something like that without getting yourself confused? You must be talented to be able to keep the plot like that. Ok, I'm gonna have to reread that somtime and tyr to figure it out a little better. But all in all it was very good!
Dumber then a Moogle ass chapter 15 . 6/10/2004
NO! IT CAN'T BE OVER! :( *cries sadly that it's over and happily that Inuyasha and Kagome were together in the end* *huggles author* That was an incredible ending! You made me so happy that I'm in tears. Ignore the stupid flamer reviewer peoples cause they suck! And you ROCK! lol. I hope Inuyasha and Miroku are looking forward to being fathers. ;) Are you thinking about writing any kind of sequel or one shot related to this story? Puhweeze? *pouts and huggles author's arm* Heehee! I'm so happy! The ending was so cute and fluffy! Whe! I'm glad you like my name. :P I love it too! I'll continue to be a devoted fan of yours whether or not you continue this story and, after finals are over next week, I'm gonna go through your list of stories and read them all! Yayness! Thanks for such an awesome, enjoyable, great story! I was so excited everytime I found an author alert in my inbox that I would fall out of my chair. lol. I always close my eyes and open them after clicking on the email, hoping it's one of your updated stories. I'm glad Kagome had a happy ending cause she deserves it after all they've been through. *hands author a "incredible fantasic super-dee-duper story" award and huggles her tightly* I guess I'll see you soon in your other stories. *sniffles sadly* This will be my last review for this story...I just can't get over it...I guess...I'll see you later. Byebyes! *waves goodbye and throws roses at author* :D
freaky-hanyou chapter 15 . 6/8/2004
SOME1 FLAMED U? ROFLMAO! (stupid people) neway, aw...SHE'S ALIVE! WHO HOO! (to quote johnny depp: i luv weddings, drinks all around!) hhe! haha kikyo drowned...but did the jewel ever shatter? y did kagome come back then? and a HUMAN INU? no well! (i ate a half a bucket of cotton candy..sugar overload)
Kibethan chapter 15 . 6/7/2004
Awesome story.
TwilightSakura chapter 15 . 6/7/2004
Woo! Finale! It was sweet and cute and happy without making me vomit. Or maybe I'm getting soft. O.o

Well, I did finish chapter 3 of Retrogression and I'm seriously working on chapter 4 (translation: I have about a page and I stare at it every night in hopes that it will finish itself). If you want to blame anything, blame writer's block. I'll try to work on it a bit more later. O.o

Much gay Miroku-ness,

Torina Archelda chapter 15 . 6/7/2004
You KILLED it. You. Killed. It. HOW COULD YOU END IT THAT WAY? WAH! She didn't even tell them the truth! And what about Shippo? And Inu is HUMAN? *sobs* He should have stayed hanyou... Other than this chappie, I loved your story, tho. Please write more!
D.K. Willikers chapter 14 . 6/6/2004
omg! u evil person! u left us on a cliff hanger! how could u! !$%!~ ~$?$ update soon or i will send my evil kittens of doom out to get you go my kittens! *looks at the kittens* eh? *kittens are asleep* O.O? WAKE UP! *they wake up* kittens: mreow? me: go get vipper! MHUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!1
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