Authors Note:

Dear Reader,  This would be my first work of Fan Fiction and it incorporates two of my most favorite works,  Star Wars and Harry Potter.  Needless to say that this is going to be quite a bit of an undertaking for me but nevertheless I felt I had to do it as a contribution, or we can say a payment and tribute, to those others who have brightened our dreary days (especially when waiting for the next installment of a book) with their works.  Also, with the saying that 'imitation is the best form of flattery', This is my way of saying 'Thank You' to Ms. Rowling and Mr. Lucas, for giving us a chance to glimpse worlds which are although different, are very much the same to the world we live in.

Why a crossover? Well, for one I cannot guess what JKR would do in the next book. So due to my own hyperactive caffeine induced thoughts, I came to a few precepts of the story that would follow, which I hope you would agree that are based on cannon and hopefully through the progress of this story be made more clear. 

Well, that's my introduction and what follows would be the trailer.  I will accept any criticism, yes even flames, as long as you give a reason as to why.  After all, I'd like to be better.  For the trailer, I chose to do this as a modified script type; I do hope you have a vivid imagination. J

Thank you,

Icy Manipulator

Fade in

Visual- A cloudless night sky alit with stars. Show Caption 1

Audio- distant sound of thunder

(Caption 1. Center screen. Burning HP font which slowly fades)

There is no emotion, there is peace;

Visual-as caption fades… Camera pans and zooms down showing rolling dark clouds. Rain falling heavily with the occasional flash of lightning. Show Caption 2. As cam breaks through the clouds Hogwarts castle is shown in its majestic glory. Camera to revolve around the castle towards one of the castle towers where an old man with white and long flowing beard can be seen with a Phoenix sitting atop his shoulders..

Audio-  thunder  and rain

(Caption 2. Center screen. Burning HP font which slowly fades)

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge;

Visual- as caption fades… Camera pans and zooms towards the main gate passing then revolving around a couple that are locked in an embrace, one with brown and the other with red hair. A few other students running towards the gate. Show Caption 3. cam continue on to the village where people can be seen preparing for war.

Audio-  thunder  and rain. Random distant  Explosions

(Caption 3. Center screen. Burning HP font which slowly fades)

There is no passion, there is serenity;

Visual- as caption fades… Camera pans and speeds of over the hills evading trees and finally  towards a cave, enters it and everything turns to black

Audio-  thunder, rain and distant explosions disappear into silence.

(Caption 4. Center screen. Burning HP font which slowly fades)

There is no death, there is the Force.

(as the caption fades)

"Except for you, Tom" Harry said in the darkness and with a snap-hiss the lightsabre he was holding came to life and illuminated the cave. Its soft glow adding to Harry's fiery emerald eyes...

Visual - black screen. main title appears. Burning HP font.


and the

Way of the Force"

Fade Out.

Coming soon!