A/N: Yeah yeah, I know the drill, I know what you're gonna say! I haven't updated since, like 3 days before Christmas (Happy belated Christmas in that case), but I've been updating my other fic (what? Before I started updating that it only had 3 chapters, and now it's got 7!) and I just couldn't be arsed to write. Okay, That's my excuses over with. Now what are yours? I only got 1 review! 1 bloody review! I'm not too bothered, it's just that... I get the feeling not to many people are reading this. Well, on with the story. For which I've developed some half-way decent plans for.

Disclaimer:  do not own, nor do I claim to have ownership over the parties of another universe, namely, Potterverse. If I did you would be very scared by now.

Chapter 7

Ben awoke in the hospital wing not long later to the sounds of Blaise and Draco's voices. He stayed still for a moment, listening to them.

"I can't believe we were so stupid to do that!" he heard Blaise say angrily.

"I can believe you would be," said Draco jokingly.

Ben heard something that sounded like someone hitting the floor, and a small "oomph!" that sounded like someone had gotten the wind knocked out of them.

"I was only joking!" he heard Draco protest as he burst out laughing.

"Do you two know how funny you are when you argue?" laughed Ben, infuriating the two of them.

"He started it!" said the two of them in unison. They looked at each other for a second, before they started arguing at the same time. "No I didn't! You did! I did not! Will you stop that? Ah!"

This was all too much for Ben, who had just started to control his laughter again, as he started up again, only multiple times worse.

"So what happened," asked Ben after he finally stopped laughing again and the other two stopped looking like murdering him would be a good idea. "I remember them firing the expelliarmus's at us, but then nothing."

"Um, well, we were knocked unconscious for a while. Then Snape found us and brought us here. When Draco woke up Snape had got Dumbledore," said Blaise quickly, for some reason trying to get it over with.

"Yeah, and Dumbledore asked me some stuff about what happened. I told him, and then he said something like 'this is a very grave matter indeed' and left," continued Draco.

"What do you think he meant by that?" asked Ben, puzzled by the Headmasters strange actions.

"We think that, well, they're gonna expel Pansy, Millicent, Mark, Crabbe and Goyle (A/N: Calling them Vincent and Gregory just seems... weird), or at least give them detention for awhile. But if anything, I'd vote for expel," said Draco.

"Oh, and Tom came in here earlier," added Blaise. "He looked like he was possessed by the Dark Spirit again."

"Really?" asked Ben, trying not to laugh at what he knew would happen to the other Slytherin's if Tom caught up with them. Let's just say he knew it would make Millicent and Pansy even uglier than they already were.

"Yeah, it took Snape, Black, McGonagall and Sinistra to calm him down."

Ben nodded. It wasn't exactly hard to believe that his father would be angry about this. But it was funny.

Looking around properly, Ben noticed how dark it was.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes," said Blaise. "Around 5 in the morning. We really should get some sleep."

"Yeah, we should, but that doesn't mean we will. So what were you talking about when I woke up? I only heard part of it."

"Oh, nothing really," said Draco quickly, so quickly that Ben immediately got suspicious.

"For some reason I don't believe you, and I want to know the truth."

"Ben--" started Blaise, but was cut off by a tired looking Madam Promfrey.

"Oh, you're awake," she said to him, scowling. "You two, get to your beds if you want to get out of here sometime before the next millennium!"

Surprisingly, Blaise and Draco obeyed her, though it was probably because they knew she probably be able to carry out her threats.

"Okay, Mr. Hunt, sit up. I need to check you over."

"But madam Promfrey! I'm fine!" protested Ben, hating to have a fuss made over him.

"I'll be the judge of that! I don't know! What were you thinking! I don't know what this place is coming too! And magic! I can't believe this! It shouldn't be aloud!" she ranted quietly, more to herself than anyone.

"Um, madam Promfrey? You're a witch too," said Ben nervously. She could have quite a temper when she wanted to, or so he'd heard.

"I know that! Now be quiet! You're fine, but you need to sleep if you want to get to lessons tomorrow! The same goes for your friends! I know they're not asleep!"

She left the room, and Blaise and Draco reappeared suddenly. Draco looked nervously in the direction she had headed off in before speaking.

"Maybe we should get to sleep."

"Yeah, I'd rather face a Hungarian Horntail than her again," said Ben weakly.

Later that morning the three of them woke at what was an average time for them to wake up during the school year, which was amazing considering the previous nights events. Moments later a bustling Madam Promfrey. She told them they could leave, and that if they didn't soon she would keep them in for the rest of the day. They had left within minutes and were down in the great hall eating breakfast.

The Slytherin table was quite a bit emptier than it should have been, probably because of the incident the night before. The Slytherin's that were there all seemed to be glaring at them and making snide comments about them quietly to their friends.

The three of them sat down at the table, only to have the whispering and comment increase. After a few moments the timetables were brought round.

"Doesn't look like we're too popular at the minute, does it?" whispered Blaise quietly.

"I wonder why?" asked Ben sarcastically. "I don't think I stay here at the moment, at leas not for much longer. Let's get going. What have we got first?"

Blaise looked down at his timetable and then back up again with a grin on his face.

"Defence, with the Gryffindors."

Ben's face broke out into a grin identical to the one that Blaise was wearing, Draco doing the same.

"This ought to be fun."

When the three of them arrived in Tom's classroom they saw they were amongst the first there, though the room filled up pretty quick, as if they were scared that he'd revert back to his 'dark lord stage' in life if the were late.

When everyone was settled down, Tom stood up in front of the class and started to talk.

A/N: That's all. I only got it out because next Friday is my birthday, and I thought I'd celebrate early. And I know I promised to get Tom's first class in this chapter, but this was already getting kind of long. If I had of included one of the scenes I was planning to it wouldn't have even gotten to this point. Anywayz, onto my review response.

ping*pong5: Thanks. And yeah, nobody apart from the obvious does know about Ben being Harry. Should be fun.

K, that's me done for now. But I'm thinking of setting a day aside about once or twice a month where I update each of my fics. It should make me update more regularly.