The Dagger

Rating: PG13

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Even that is too much.

Feedback: Yes, please.

Pairings and Characters: Pairings are those from the series at the that moment of Choises, S3. Main characters Faith, Xander and Buffy. But they will be all a part of it.

Many, many thanks to my beta reader 3D Master.

Distribution: Allready posted on XanderZone, under the Gun-series. Post it here as a single fic.

TimeFrame: BtVS S3. Episode Choices

Summary: Faith is already over to the Mayor's side and it takes place when she desperately want to test her new nice toy, a fancy knife, out on Willow. Of course in a slow and playful way. Quess who comes to the rescue? And how will the Dark Slayer influence the Scooby gang? Especially with only a few days to go for the Ascension. The Mayor has to be stopped, whatever it takes . . .

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Part 1

Willow had been caught by Faith when she got obsessed and began skimming the pages of the Mayor's fine collection called 'the Books of Ascension'.

She just couldn't stop Nancy Drew-ing.


"I'm not afraid of you," Willow said frightened.

Faith pulled out the fancy knife.

"Let's see what we can do about that," Faith tried succesfully to scare Willow.

It was not The Mayor, but Xander who was standing at the doorway.

He was aiming a Walter PPK in Faith's direction. "Leave her alone," he demanded from Faith, for the sake of her own live.

"Oh wow, who do we have here? The Loyal One," Faith said mockingly. "Sucker" she added to it and ignored his gun.

"Faith! Release her!" he said in his soldier voice.

Faith looked up at him at the change of his tone, but still ignored him.

"Faith, you think I won't shoot, do you? To be honest, I don't want to, but I don't know how long I can restrain Private Harris from shooting."

Faith knew from his halloween adventure, she knew he had still the memories and skills from an experienced and well trained soldier.

Only Faith had gained to much of an ego and had become a little mad, so she still ignored the commands from that boy.

"Faith, this is my last warning. You are threatening Willow . . . *my* Willow. Nobody and I mean nobody will hurt Willow and just leave."

For a second he lost his is cool voice and vehemently he spoke "If you lay one finger on her, I'll kill you."

Faith looked in his eyes and saw the passion in his eyes flare for a moment and turned back into plane and deadly look. She stared in them, but he didn't give an inch. Faith remembered Buffy telling her that Xander had threatened to kill her if Willow would be hurt, 'cause she couldn't take care of her issues.

She saw him aiming for her heart and pulling the trigger slowly.

A sudden rush of fear took master of her and she released Willow in an instant.

"Damn, you win, she can go," Faith said, her body shaking with adrenaline as she dropped her knife.

Without loosing his aim and sight from Faith he commanded to Willow. "Go!"

Willow tried to protest, but the look in his eyes was determined and was not something you wanted to overrule. She left the room quickly, leaving Xander with the evil Slayer alone.

For some minutes they just stood there . . .