Disclaimer: I do not own the idea 'Dragon Ball Z'. I do not own the song 'Nobody Knows'.

Nobody Knows

Part One

By: aqua spirit

This fic was inspired by card number 239 Hero Collection. It's Bluma, young Trunks, and Vegeta standing in front of Capsule Corp. Vegeta looks thin and tiny in casual clothing compared to what he looks like on the show.

'I pretended I'm glad you went away

These four walls closing more everyday

And I'm dying inside

And nobody knows it but me

Like a clown, I put on a show

The pain is real even if nobody knows And I'm crying inside

And nobody knows it but me'

I look down at my hands. Both of them have blood streaming across, like tiny rivers of red flowing. The beginnings of the little rivers are thin slightly curved little cuts made by my own fingernails. In my moment of rage I had clenched my hands together a bit too tightly, and torn my own flesh. Looking down at my hands reminds me of something, or rather someone.

~We were sparring again in the gravity room. All though we weren't fighting hard, sweat slowly made it's way down my pink stained cheeks. This annoyed him to no end. He was fighting me, while I was fighting the urged to rip his cloths off and kiss him breathless. Suddenly he stops, gives me a disgusted look and walks away. I simply shrug a bit as he bends over, picks up a large tan washcloth and begins to wash his face. He's perfect. Kami even his name is perfect, Vegeta. No, no Prince Vegeta. That's right, my perfect little prince! Well, I can't really say he's mine; he has a wife and children, as do I. We have only really been together once, but if you count all the times I've thought of him while with my wife or even by myself we make love about twice a day. It's been so long since we were together, since I felt myself inside of him. He hasn't changed much in public, or in privet for that matter. He's either completely silent and ignores my attempts at conversation or spitting insults at me. But, I see through him. It's the little things that change. The way he stands closer to the crowd now, and when he thinks no ones watching him he lets his dark eyes linger on me, or when my wife laces my fingers with hers he walks away with his arms crossed over his chest like usual. "Great Galaxy, at least make an attempt to cover yourself up!" He spits out with a bit of a growl in his rough voice, breaking my train of thought. I honestly have no idea what he's talking about, so I look up into his pools of dark chocolate. He looks at me for a moment in annoyance before tilting his head down slightly. Only then, as I look down upon a little tent, do I notice how tight my orange training pants have become. Most people would be more than a little embarrassed, but I almost never get red faced. Well, at least not in embarrassment.

"If you want it gone so badly I know a couple ways to get rid of it, if you're willing to help?" I say this while my eyes run up and down his small form lustfully. Not the right thing to say. He growls, looking up at me with eyes that could kill. This doesn't bother me one bit. In fact, my smile widens as I feel his angry ki rage around me. He's so cute when he's mad. His dark chocolate pools, as I have named them, are narrowing as he begins to breathe heavy with rage. How I long to see those beautiful orbs filled with a sleepy pleasure.

"Fuck off Kakarott!" Vegeta half yells, half growls out at me. I smile and begin to walk toward him. He raises one beautiful gloved hand at me and aims a punch. I block his punch easily by catching his fist in my larger hand.

Now that I've got his hand I find it very hard to let go of it. His small hand hangs lose as he desperately tries to escape my grip. He succeeds, but only for a moment. I manage to catch his wrist. He tries to pull back again, but this time I'm ready for him and I tighten my grip on his wrist. I lessen it a moment later as a slight look of pain crosses his sharp features.

"LET ME GO KAKAROT!" My prince jerks his hand back harder, as if to prove his point.

"Let me go Kakarot, let me go right now, I command you!" He hates not being in control. He has wasted too much energy in our fight to be any match for me now.

"No," I say this flatly and he just gawks at me. I pull his hand to my mouth and gently pull his glove off with my teeth. I feel a bit of guilt when I see the red marks my hand is making on his wrist. He's stopped struggling. As I begin to lick and kiss the tips of his fingers I am reminded just how feminine Vegeta is. He may be a powerful opponent, but he doesn't look it. From his height and on the rare occasion he's dressed in something besides training cloths, I'd say he fits the description of a fourteen or fifteen year old boy. I don't think I'll ever forget the way his hands look, strong and powerful yet thin and delicate. Vegeta isn't like the other sayains I've met; maybe it's from his royal blood but theirs just something different.

I begin to kiss down his well-muscled arm, tasting salty sweet. As I kiss his strong shoulder I pull my prince closer to me, pressing our bodies closer together. He pulls his free hand up, and before I have a chance to react in my lustful state, he gets in one good punch.

After that I push him and myself down to the ground. We wrestle for a moment, but I easily pin him and resume kissing his shoulder. I'm a bit surprised when I feel his hands travel downward and his hot mouth nipping at my ear playfully.

My own hands reach down to where his tail used to be. I begin rubbing that spot firmly. He jumps at first, but then begins to relax into the touch. As his perfect hands entangle themselves in my hair he starts to purr softly.

I can't help myself this moment is just too perfect. The words tumble from my mouth in a moan.

"I love you"~

"Dad hurry up I gotta pee!" It's Goten. I don't know how long I've spent in our bathroom but I'm sure it's well over an hour.

"Gemme a sec and I'll be out!" I yell through the bathroom door cheerfully. I faintly notice the blood from my hands has dripped down to the white tiles of our bathroom floor as I begin to stand up. The tiny teardrops I find, as I look myself over in the mirror above the bathroom sink, do not surprise me. I look... fake. Yes fake is the word. After cleaning the floor and myself up a bit I walk out of the bathroom, cheerful smile firmly in place.

As I walk down the little hall from our bathroom to our kitchen I'm nearly run over by my youngest son heading toward the bathroom. At the end of the hall I make sure to slow my pace. The reason for this is a picture, my favorite picture in the whole house. In this picture Vegeta is standing and holding baby Trunks to his chest, looking very annoyed and disgusted. Baby Trunks is attempting to get as much drool as possible out of his mouth and on to his father's chest. Mirrai no Trunks is standing behind his father looking a bit nervous, and if you don't count Vegeta's hair, is about a head and a half taller than his father. Vegeta hates taking pictures, so since Bulma some how got him to actually pose for one, she made about fifty copies and sent them to everybody she knew. I'm very thankful for that.

I walk into my familiar kitchen to find Gohan seated at the table already, Chi-Chi is pouring bowls of cereal for us. I don't feel bad for her, even though she has had a nasty cold for about a week and hasn't been up to making a full breakfast. It's not because I don't care for her, it's just I'm too busy feeling sorry for myself to care about her problems. Besides I notice when she has a cold, and she doesn't even realize that my hart is broken and I've lost the love of my life. I'm doing it again, it's not her fault Vegeta's gone, yet for some reason I can't help wanting to blame her.

She has no idea that Vegeta and me were ever more than friends. Friends? No I doubt she ever even thought of Vegeta as my friend. Gohan and Goten know somewhat, I'm sure they've smelled his sex on me. I'm guessing Goten had no idea what the smell was anyway. Gohan knows for sure though. He's a smart boy and probably worked out the truth soon enough. I doubt he would ever tell his mother.

Gohan and Chi-Chi haven't been on very good terms since 'it' happened. 'It' is the word we use when talking about Gohan and Videl's divorce, like it's a dirty family secret. I try not to speak of it at all since it makes Gohan so uncomfortable, but Chi-Chi is still talking about it daily. She thinks Gohan should try to win Videl back. It's not her fault; she just has all these ideas about how everyone's perfect life should be. Videl wants Gohan back too, but I know it isn't happening, any chance she has of getting him back is gone now.

When it came time to find living arrangements for Pan she used her father's money to her advantage and got really good lawyers. Then she told Gohan that if he didn't come back to her the closest he'd ever get to his daughter again was five hundred feet. It nearly worked to, but if money's the game there's no better player than Bulma Briefs. Some how I've never felt guilty about being with Vegeta even if Bulma loves him. Some things just feel right. Pan stays with us six months out of the year.

Gohan came back to stay with us rather than living on his own. I'm glad, not only do I get to spend more time with my son, but also with the education he's got he helps provide a better life for our little family. Some things have changed with him though. He no longer listens to his mother's rants about how he should act or raise his daughter. In fact a couple of months ago Mirai Trunks came to visit and he crushed any hope of Chi-Chi's about him going back to Videl. He and Gohan spent almost every day until the time machine was charged again together. But, Chi-Chi could ignore that. What she couldn't ignore was when we all had gathered at Capsule Corp. to send him off and say goodbye. When it came time for Gohan to say goodbye, he pulled Mirai Trunks into a hug that lasted about a good three minuets while making him promise to come back as soon as he could. Then it happened. Gohan and Mirai Trunks joined lips in a very tender kiss. I thought it was sweet.

after that all hell broke lose at the Son household. I don't even want to recall some of the things that were said under this roof.

I am returned from my daydream world by a firm knock on our front door. Then Goten yelling, "I'll get it," from upstairs. As he's saying this I finish with my third bowl of cereal. Funny I don't remember starting on my first. When he dose get the door Trunks walks in. He looks almost exactly like Mirai Trunks, maybe a bit shorter. "Sit down, I'll be ready in a sec," Goten says and then heads back upstairs. As he takes a seat next to Gohan a blush forms on his young face. I guess he still hasn't gotten over seeing Gohan kissing his Mirai self.

He notices me looking at him and gives a smile. I wonder as I smile back if my smile looks that fake and forced. He still misses his papa. Kami, I wish Vegeta would come back to me. To all of us.

A/N: ~If you haven't guessed this means a memory~. This will be a five part fic. The spelling and grammar are really bad, I know. This chapter is mostly just a flash back. This is kind of a song fic since each chapter is going to have a part of the song in it. Please review!

- Aqua spirit