A/N: Whoa! I haven't written one of these poems in ages! In, like, 6 months! Whoa! But this one will go with my latest fic, Power of darkness, so it's got kind of a Harry/Bella pairing (which I really, really love).

Oh Shit!


Oh shit!

It can't be!

I can't be in love with him!

Oh shit!

Why me?

Why did I have to fall for him?

Oh shit!

I'm a Death eater!

And I'm in love with the Boy Who Lived!

It can't be so,

It defies all logic!

I'm loyal to the Dark Lord!

I can't be in love with him!

But… I think I know why,

His skin, his hair, his mind,

His looks, his intellect, his everything.

I think I'm in love,

Maybe it's meant to be,

Maybe we're supposed to be.

But how can it,

When we're supposed to be enemies?

How can it be?

A/N: Okay, it's not that good, but it's hard to write such a pairing! Especially in poetry!

Goldengirl2: You wouldn't think Hermione would, would you? But then again, love can do crazy things (this would be a good example of that).

Miz Zag: Yeah, but I think that's supposed to have stopped now.

Nightwish-sama: Thanks! And I know it's you Gemz! It's so obvious! We've just finished talking on MSN too!