
By: Cheryl W

Disclaimer: I don't own The Lord of the Rings or anything in conjunction with the Lord of the Rings nor am I making a profit from this story. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: Well, here it is, the last chapter. Technically, I could have split this chapter up but I just couldn't bear to do so. I truly hope this ending meets everyone's expectations and that I did not leave any loose ends!! I am dying to know what everyone thinks of this chapter and the story as a whole!

Replies to reviews are at the bottom of the story.


Chapter 9

Consciousness seeped back to Aragorn slowly, goaded on by the perception of pain, pain that seemed to be coming from every part of his body. But amidst the hurt a source of comfort blanketed his soul and it was to this source he now clung.

When the hand Legolas desperately held weakly gripped his hand, Legolas sprang from his chair and settled on the side of Aragorn's bed. "Aragorn?" he quietly beckoned, his worry and urgency unveiled as his eyes searched Aragorn's face for any indications that the man would truly awake.

Immediately Elrond roused from his slumber in the chair that he had claimed hours prior when Aragorn's labored breathing had eased. Elrond's eyes flew to his son in alarm. With a questioning look, he faced Legolas.

"He gripped my hand," Legolas quietly answered, sparing Elrond but a quick glance before he focused again on Aragorn. Elrohir, Elladan and Gandalf now all stood behind Legolas, each praying to detect a change in Aragorn's unconscious state.

"Come back to us, mellon nin," Legolas pleaded and he gripped Aragorn's hand more tightly in his grasp.

Elrond ran his hand lightly over Aragorn's forehead and was pleased to find the skin cool. Sliding his hand down to cup Aragorn's cheek, Elrond entreated, "Break through the void, Estel. We are waiting for your return with anxious hearts."

The comfort Aragorn felt increased and soon it began to dull the pain. With resolve he struggled to push back the void that blanketed his soul, letting the hand that gripped his own lead him through the turbulent waters of darkness to the light that beckoned.

With overwhelming joy and relief, Legolas watched his best friend's eyes flutter open. A smile that could not be diminished lit up the prince's face.

Slowly, Aragorn managed to focus his eyes and his foggy brain recognized that the face that hovered over him was his best friend's. Then his vision widened and he noticed the other faces that looked down upon him. Swallowing, Aragorn tried to form words but found the effort was too great a task in his weakened state.

Elrond leaned down close to his son and, having sensed Aragorn's intention for speech, soothed, "Shhhh, my son. There will be time for talk later." Picking up the cup by the nightstand, Elrond gently ordered, "Here, drink some water."

Aragorn attempted to lean forward to drink from the cup but his body refused to obey his commands. Instead, gentle hands slipped behind him and eased him forward. Looking up to see who supported him in their arms, Aragorn's gaze fell on Elladan's face. Indecision warred in Aragorn. Part of him wanted to offer his brother thanks for his assistance and another part of him wanted to insist that he could sit up without aid. But neither part of Aragorn won, for speech was still beyond him. All he could do was simply drink from the cup that his father pressed to his lips.

Swallowing the cool water, Aragorn felt like it was a taste he had not had for a very long time. When the cup was drained, Elladan eased Aragorn back on the bed and again claimed his seat in the chair beside his brother's bed, leaving his left hand resting on Aragorn's shoulder.

Aragorn focused on his father's face, searching for the answers to the questions he had not the strength to voice.

Reading his son's eyes, Elrond quietly explained, "The curse made you very ill. It nearly claimed your life, Estel."

Prideful disbelief surged through Aragorn, until he studied the faces of his loved ones. Each face that peered down upon him reflected exhaustion and worry. But it was their eyes that told him the truth of his father's words, eyes that still bore the marks of soul wrenching anguish.

Now Aragorn understood the terrible weakness in him and the pain that seemed to be coiled around his every muscle. Death had had it's clammy grip upon him ...again. More and more Aragorn was coming to recognize the frailty of his existence...even as he discovered the strength of his will to live.

With determination, he banished those thoughts and settled his look upon Gandalf, surprised yet pleased to see the wizard among the worried onlookers.

A smile pulled onto Gandalf's lips as he saw the curious gaze Aragorn was leveling at him. "I foolishly thought you needed my aid to defeat something so trivial as a cursed mire," he gave as an explanation for his presence.

This brought a weak smile unto Aragorn's pale, exhausted face and he watched as Gandalf turned his look to Legolas and raised his eyebrow in anticipation. Settling his look upon Legolas, Aragorn studied the face of his best friend, waiting for his part in this tale.

Legolas's eyes steadily met Aragorn's. "It was your strength alone that defeated the curse, Aragorn. You survived because you are a man...not an elf. Your humanity gave you the strength that no elf possesses."

Surprise glittered in Aragorn's eyes.

Elrohir piped in as he smiled tauntingly down at Aragorn, "You finally found a way to prove that you are not our equal but instead our superior." Then the elf's smile faltered and his words became a quiet, desperate plea, "Next time, brother, prove it in a fashion that does not practically destroy all our hearts with worry and anguish."

Aragorn smiled more broadly and tried speech again. "I'll try," came from his throat but it was merely a whisper of sound.

"Try very hard," Elrohir countered, a matching smile once again gracing his features. Leaning over, he tenderly brushed back locks of Aragorn's hair from his brother's forehead.

"I think its time for you to rest, my son," Elrond advised as he cupped his son's pale, exhausted face with both his hands, earning him Aragorn's full attention. "And when you next awake you will find your strength much returned." Then Elrond placed a kiss on Aragorn's forehead before he stood up and looked to Aragorn's visitors. "Come, let us give him some peace," he beckoned as he headed toward the door, latching on to the arms of his two protesting elder sons. Elladan and Elrohir gave Aragorn a final brotherly inspection before their father pulled them from the room.

Gandalf smiled to Aragorn. "Sleep well, young one," he bade and then he too left the room.

Legolas, who had watched the departure of the others, now turned his look back upon the face of his best friend. "I am glad you have returned to us. We all have need of your presence in our lives. More than you can imagine," he softly, emphatically confessed. "Now get some rest, Aragorn." And with one last squeeze of Aragorn's hand, he released the man's hand and claimed a seat in a chair by the bed.

Aragorn wanted to respond to Legolas's words but the void was again tugging at his consciousness. He watched Legolas settle in the chair as if he expected it to be his accommodation for the night. Knowing that Legolas would be there when he awoke, Aragorn let sleep claim him without regret.

Having convinced his two sons and Gandalf that they all needed to eat, Elrond now looked at his dinner companions and smiled. Exhaustion and joyous relief covered the faces of his sons and Gandalf. Sighing with released tension, Elrond turned to the task of eating supper.

For a long while, no conversations were engaged as the happiness they all felt blanketed the room in comfortable silence. But when the food was gone, the dinner companions seemed reluctant to part company.

It was Elrohir who broke the silence with a barely audible question, "Ada, do you remember Elros?" At his father's sharp look, Elrohir clarified, "I mean, do you vividly remember what he looked like, how he laughed, the tricks he played upon you?"

All eyes rested on Elrond and they watched a wistful look enter the elf lord's eyes and a smile grace his lips.

Meeting his son's gaze, Elrond answered, "Yes, my son. I do. And for that I thank the blessing of the Valar. I could not bear to lose the only part of him I still possess."

But at his father's words, Elrohir paled and he looked down to his hands in his lap. "But what if my memory should prove less resilient to the passage of time than yours?" Elrohir raised imploring eyes to his father. "How can I hold on to the ...things which will some day fade away."

"Like Estel," Elrond quietly supplied, understanding only too well where his son's thoughts were coming from. Elrohir nodded his head. Elrond reached out to his son and laid a hand upon his cheek, "Do not worry, my son. Your elven heart remembers forever those it loves. And it trains the mind to clutch onto the memories of that person and never relinquish them."

Elladan's quiet words drew his father's sharp attention. "Estel believes he will be forgotten by Legolas...probably by us all. He thinks Legolas would have been wiser to accept him as a pet rather than a friend... for pets are ephemeral and easily replaceable in one's heart."

Elrond paled at his son's words. "And he spoke these words to Legolas?"

Elladan and Elrohir both nodded their heads but watched their father in silence.

With new clarity, Elrond understood the turmoil he had sensed in Legolas's heart. Meeting Gandalf's eyes, Elrond saw that understanding also glimmered in the wizard's eyes. He too must have felt Legolas's emotions. With resolve, Elrond swore to talk to both Estel and Legolas about this crazy misconception his son was carrying in his heart. But for now, Elrond concentrated on his two elven sons.

"I believe Estel's time with the rangers has greatly changed him. He has seen many of his mortal brethren pass away and it has taught him the painful truth of his mortality. All men die." Elrond watched as his sons flinched at his words. "No matter how strongly we love Estel, death will one day claim him. And Estel knows this..accepts this, even if we can not. It is for our sakes, for Legolas's sake, that he wishes that we did not love him so dearly. He knows the pain his passing will cause to us but, still, he can not fathom the importance he has in our hearts and lives ...the importance he will forever have in our hearts and lives."

With quiet determination, Elrohir pledged, "Then that is a lesson we will teach him."

"Over and over again until he accepts it," Elladan added.

Gandalf's steady voice echoed softly through the room. "Yes, that is a lesson that will need to be taught again and again to Aragorn. But it will be one of the truths that will see him through the many trials in his life."

When the cocoon of sleep next fell away, Aragorn forced his eyes open and found sunlight filtering through his room. Testing his body's reaction to movement, Aragorn stretched marginally. To his satisfaction, his body returned only a small ache of pain at the action and even his leg offered only a dull throb of pain. Taking in his surrounding, he saw Legolas was still nestled in the chair he had claimed when last Aragorn had seen him. But now the prince was in the solace of sleep.

With curiosity, Aragorn pulled back the covers to reveal his injured leg. A white bandage wrapped around his thigh but he could detect no blood spotting the cloth.

"Your father stitched it last night," Legolas quietly supplied.

Startled by Legolas's voice, Aragorn snapped his head up to look at Legolas, surprised that the elf was awake.

Stretching Legolas sallied, "We do not all sleep as deeply as you, human. I heard the rustle of the bedcovers." Then Legolas stood, picked up a glass of water and sat upon the bed. This time Aragorn managed to lever himself off the bed and drank from the cup Legolas held. When the cup was drained, Aragorn settled back unto the bed while Legolas reclaimed his chair.

"I slept through father putting in stitches?" Aragorn asked incredulously as he looked to his best friend.

But Legolas smiled back softly, "You have slept through a great many things these past days, mellon nin."

"Days? How long ago was our hunting trip?"

"Four days," Legolas supplied, watching for his friend's reaction.

Aragorn sighed and carefully turned on his side and studied his best friend. "It was as bad as father said?"

Legolas found that emotions again choked him and he simply nodded his reply.

"And it was my human blood that saved me?" Aragorn's tone was tinted with doubt.

But Legolas firmly stated, "Yes, Aragorn. Elves have no strength against the curse but you did, you defeated it because you are no elf but a man. Your father even took steps to weaken your elvish blood. None can doubt the power of your human strength or stubborn will after this."

"Where before you did?" Aragorn quietly questioned but Legolas knew it was a statement of accusation.

Legolas leaned forward and put his hand on Aragorn's shoulder, "Yes, I held some doubt....but not so strongly as you did."

Surprise glittered in Aragorn's eyes along with acceptance. "I am fragile..." he began but Legolas cut in firmly.

"But not without strength." And Legolas's eyes bore into Aragorn's. "Your strength and your heart will see you through the paths you travel in your life, wherever those paths lead." A smirk pulled onto Legolas' face.

"What?" Aragorn prompted.

Legolas looked down to his hands in humiliation before facing his best friend with a look of chagrin. "I tried to convince your father to keep you here, in Rivendell."

Aragorn stilled, "And what was his reply?"

"He told me that your life was your own, to do with as you pleased."

Relief surged through Aragorn. At last his father was starting to come to terms with his choice to join the rangers.

Seeing the relief enter Aragorn's eyes, Legolas revealed, "He loves you, Aragorn. No matter what path you choose."

"As long as I fulfill my destiny," Aragorn softly added.

But Legolas shook his head, "No, Aragorn, his love is not depended on anything. He loves you because you are his son and nothing will change that...not your destiny and not your fate. Just as nothing will change the fact that I love you as strongly as I would a brother."

"And you know that you are my brother whom I love dearly," Aragorn tenderly confessed.

Legolas nodded, "Yes. We may bear different blood but in our hearts we are brothers. Forever. And I welcome our differences, Aragorn. I would not have you be an elf, for your humanity shaped you into the only person I trust with my very soul."

Aragorn smiled. "Good, because I have not the means to turn into an elf simply because you desire it."

Legolas gently shoved Aragorn as they both laughed. "Fine, but I would have you do something about that wicked tongue of yours," Legolas teased back.

"I would leash mine if you would but leash your own," Aragorn countered.

And from there the friendly verbal abuse only increased.

Later, when Aragorn succumbed to sleep once again, Legolas left his friend to the watchful eyes of his two brothers. Finally pangs of hunger assaulted him and he sought out the kitchen. He came up short as he met Elrond in the kitchen's doorway.

Smiling, Elrond beckoned Legolas to the table. Legolas claimed a chair as Elrond disappeared for a moment or two only to reappear bearing a plate of food and a drink. Putting the plate and drink before Legolas, Elrond claimed a seat across from the young prince.

At first silence reigned as Legolas ate. Legolas almost jumped when Elrond spoke, "Aragorn's strength is returning quickly."

"Yes," Legolas agreed "thank the Valar." And his eyes finally met Elrond's. "I know I do not deserve your forgiveness but I wish for it with all my heart. I had no right to speak to you about the way you have raised Aragorn. You have loved and cared for him without equal. He could ask for no better father."

But Elrond offered a gentle smile at Legolas's words, "Nor could he ask for a better friend." Putting a hand upon Legolas's arm, Elrond stated, "You are forgiven, Legolas. I know how hard it was upon you seeing Aragorn so vulnerable. I have experienced the same terror and have had the same fears about the destiny that is Aragorn's many times. But you have taught me that I can not be assured of Aragorn's destiny being fulfilled...it is but a path he may walk...a choice Aragorn himself must make. It is not a choice I can make for him. But no matter what he decides in the end, I will not abandon him...I will not abandon hope as I almost did had it not been for your faith."

Legolas looked away from Elrond's gaze, "But I also let doubt creep into my heart and when you weakened Aragorn's elven blood..." Legolas swallowed hard as those terrible moments returned to him.

But Elrond put his hand on Legolas's chin and forced the young elf to meet his eyes. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for but not seen.* You placed your hope in Aragorn and, though there was no tangible proof of the outcome, you believed in his survival. If Aragorn is named for hope, maybe you should be named for faith."

Legolas chuckled, "No, do not burden me with such a weight. Aragorn has both hope and faith enough for us all."

Elrond nodded in agreement but a moment later his eyes darkened. "My sons told me what Aragorn said to you...that he thought you would forget him."

Legolas quickly denied, "I will never forget him!"

But Elrond gently reassured, "I know that, young one. I know that." Silence fell in the room for a moment. "We just have to find a way to convince Estel of that fact."

Legolas nodded his head but remained silent. He himself had already tried in vain to devise the words to open the ranger's stubborn eyes to the truth.

"He worries about the pain his passing will inflicted upon you." Elrond said, earning him a startled look from Legolas. "He would spare you it...if he could."

"But he can not....not even if he ends our friendship today."

"He will not abandon your friendship, Legolas. He can not. Not even to spare you pain."

"For he must know that would bring me even greater pain than his death," Legolas quietly said, his eyes darkening with the very thought.

A light grew in Elrond's eyes. "Maybe that is the key. You must make Aragorn see that his friendship is worth the pain his loss will cause you, that, above all things, you could not bare the loss of his friendship. If you prove that to him, Aragorn will know that he will never fade in your heart or mind ..no matter the passage of time."

Legolas gave Elrond a look of mock chagrin, "You ask no small feat from me, my lord," but a tone of light mirth coated the prince's words.

"Oh, you have managed greater feats, young Legolas." And Elrond rose from the table, "Like the time you talked Aragorn out of trying a triple flip from the tree out by the front gate."

Legolas eyes flew up to Elrond's in surprise, but Elrond didn't give him time to reply.

"Well, actually you *tricked* Estel into not trying the stunt. Insisting that you try the stunt first and purposely allowing yourself to slam unmercifully into the ground...now that was a sign of true friendship."

Legolas blushed at having been caught in his deception. "Well, Aragorn has never let me live that "failure" down."

Elrond laughed, "Of course not...especially since he knows you purposely failed the stunt." And with that, Elrond left the prince to ponder the strange components that made up his relationship with Aragorn.

Aragorn, having struggled to swing his legs off the bed, finally sit up. But immediately he hung his head, trying to even out his harsh breathing and gather more strength for his next move. A moment later his head snapped up as he heard the approach of many footsteps. Before he could even think to maneuver back onto the bed, his family, Gandalf and Legolas were at the doorway.

Aragorn's visitors halted half way into the room, surprised to find Aragorn attempting to get out of bed so soon.

Steadily meeting all the eyes that rested upon him, Aragorn braced himself for the lectures and the many hands that would lend him support. But no one came forward to force him back into bed or spoke a word of lecture. In truth they all remained motionless and quiet even as their facial expressions spoke loudly of the cost of their restraint.

"What? No lectures?" Aragorn taunted with a raised eyebrow. "No shoving me back into bed?"

Elladan spoke for the group, "No. We now know your strength can sustain you. You have no constant need of our aid."

Elrohir continued, "And we have come to accept that you are an adult, capable of making your own way in this world."

Shock tore through Aragorn and he searched all the faces before him. But he found no deception in any of them. His brothers' words were the truth. Finally he had earned the respect that he had long sought.

Surprisingly, a small part of Aragorn's heart clamored with pain and sorrow. Though he had railed against his family and friend's over protectiveness, it was the memories of those times when they had smothered him in their care and love that had nurtured his soul during his worst times among the rangers. He had been able to stoically endure the reserved relationships that were maintained between the rangers because he knew that there were those in this world who trustingly offered their heart, mind and soul into his keeping.

Now it seemed that all that had vanished, traded for his much desired respect.

Sensing a sadness in Aragorn, Legolas stepped forward and lifted his friend's chin so their eyes met. "You have earned our respect but that has not diminished our regard for you. You have but to ask and our aid will be given to you." A mischievous smile crept unto the prince's face, "And if you are in need of a lecture, I can offer one that will last into next month."

Aragorn laughed as did the rest of the room's occupants. Playfully he gave Legolas a shove. The prince stumbled back slightly but then claimed a seat beside Aragorn on the bed.

Elrond came forward and claimed a spot on the other side of Aragorn. Turning to his son, he studied Aragorn's eyes for traces of pain. "You are truly on the mend, Estel." For a moment, father and son simply watched each other, then Elrond cupped his son's face within his hands. "You have grown into a man, a man which I am very proud of, Aragorn." Elrond paused as he watched Aragorn's eyes brighten with relief and joy at his words. Suddenly Elrond wished that he had spoken these words long ago and lifted the burden of uncertainty from his son's soul that Aragorn had carried these past years.

Accepting that the past could not be undone, Elrond resettled his focus on the here and now. "But in my heart," Elrond tenderly continued as he picked up Aragorn's right hand and laid it upon his chest, letting Aragorn feel the beat of his heart, "you will forever be my son. And I will always want to aid you and protect you. Not because you have need of such sheltering but because of the strength of my love for you." Seeing in Aragorn's eyes that his words had been accepted, Elrond gently pulled Aragorn into his arms. "I love you, my son."

"I love you too, ada," Aragorn breathed against his father's chest, unashamed that he found comfort in the embrace.

After a moment Elrond whispered in his son's ear, "But if you ever hide an injury from me again, whether it be fresh or healing," and he lightly touched Aragorn's back, indicated to his son that that injury had been unveiled to him, "I will ground you, no matter how old you are at the time."

Snickers broke out among the watchful elves, their ears picking up the whisper easily. Gandalf remained unknowledgeable of the words of the latest exchange by Elrond and his youngest son but by the smirk on Aragorn's face, he guessed the man's father had given him a gentle reproof.

"Yes, Ada," Aragorn replied with a falsely submissive tone that he had used as a teenager after he had endured a lengthy lecture from his father.

Elrond chuckled at the tone, even as the others smirked.

Then Elrond reluctantly released Aragorn from his embrace but before he could say another word, Aragorn was engulfed in a hug by Elladan. Almost immediately Elrohir stepped forward and joined in the embrace and Legolas also leaned over and wrapped his arms around the brothers. Tenderly all foreheads touched.

"Valar, Estel, promise me you will outlive the oldest Numenorean in history," Elladan pleaded.

Pulling back, Aragorn's eyes met his brother's. "With the five of you protecting me, how could I not?"

But it was Gandalf who gave a retort, "I believe we will need to enlist many others to ensure that you stay out of trouble...young one," he taunted with a twinkle in his eye.

Aragorn smiled up to Gandalf. "You may be right, wizard, you may be right."

And a chorus of "Definitely," came from the gathered group a moment before laughter rang through the room.

Days later, Aragorn sat beside the waterfalls, deeply breathing in the outside air, glad to finally be able to walk, albeit with a limp, to his favorite spot. He looked up as he sensed he had a visitor.

Legolas sank down to sit beside Aragorn and he too took in the beauty of the falls. For long moments, silence reigned comfortably between the friends.

Then Legolas's quiet words broke the stillness, "You are wrong, Aragorn." Legolas turned his look to Aragorn and the two friends' eyes met. "I will never forget you nor will the memories of you fade against the onslaught of time. I have told you once but still you do not accept the truth. You do not fully understand your worth to me. In my heart, you are my brother, Aragorn. You are the other part of my soul. Should you or your memories fade in me, then I too would fade away. We are intertwined for eternity, mellon nin. In my heart, you shall live as an immortal."

Aragorn's face colored with shame, "I am sorry for my past words, Legolas. I had no right to question your friendship..your loyalty. Fear led me to speak harshly to you. I could not bear the thought that ..."

Interrupting Aragorn's confession, Legolas gently stated, "Our friendship will never cease, Aragorn. You will forever be my best friend." Then a playful light gathered in the elf's eyes, "Besides, who else would put up with all my prissy ways?"

Aragorn laughed, "That is the truth!"

But Legolas grumbled back, laughter in his words, "As if there are many that are willing to travel with a scruffy human such as you! Many a time no horse will even bear your company."

At that the scruffy human tried to take a swipe at the prissy elf. However, Legolas had already gained his feet and had begun to make his escape. But Aragorn's hand wrapped around the elf's ankle and the graceful elf crashed to the ground...right into a muddy puddle of water.

Legolas raised his head from the puddle and leveled a deadly glare at Aragorn. Laughter burst from Aragorn at the sight of the prissy elf with mud clinging to his face and his blond hair. Grasping a handful of mud, Legolas flung the mud at Aragorn and it splattered the human's face, hair and clothing.

Startled by the elf's action, Aragorn's laughter halted and then his eyes glittered with revenge. "Oh, you should not have done that, mellon nin," he threatened with a smile covering his muddy face as he reached forward and grasped a handful of mud.

An instant later it was a full out battle as they slung mud at each other and, if the chance arose, smashed it against the other's face. Their laughter rang through the forest.

The sound of a clearing of a throat brought them to silence. Together they looked up to see Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan and Gandalf standing above them, a look of reproach on each of their faces.

Elrond tried hard to keep a smile off of his face as he looked down at the mud covered friends, "I said the fresh air would do you wonders, Estel, not a mud bath."

Elladan said with humor glinting in his eyes, "Is this not how this all began...Estel deciding to take a mud bath instead of catching that stag."

This invoked laughter from Elrohir even as it drew a look full of daggers from Aragorn.

Aragorn shot a look to Legolas and then in complete agreement, they both threw handfuls of mud at Elladan, laughing as the mud splattered the porcelain features of the eldest child of Elrond.

"Ohhhhh... you will pay for that...", Elladan threatened but a wide mischievous smile belied any true anger on his part.

Legolas, sensing the upcoming war, disengaged himself from the mud and pulled Aragorn also from it's grip.

"I think the battle lines have been drawn," Legolas murmured to his best friend, his eyes never leaving Elladan who bent down and got two handfuls of mud, his eyes gleaming with revenge.

"You are right...and we are going to be the victors," Aragorn agreed and then with a conspiring wink to his best friend, he and Legolas flung more mud at Elladan, at the same time Elladan unleashed his own muddy projectiles.

Elrohir, Elrond and Gandalf burst into laughter as all three combatants were splattered more thoroughly with mud and were scampering to reload even as they laughed. Elrohir was startled when he was nudged by his father's elbow. Meeting the elder elf's eyes, he saw the mirth there. "What are you waiting for? Mud in your eye?" Elrond questioned his son.

With a smirk, Elrohir joined the fray, lobbing mud at Aragorn and Legolas beside his brother.

Contentment settled over Elrond as he watched the young ones battle and heard their laughter. He shot a look to Gandalf, who had cautiously taken a few steps back from the muddy battle, and watched as mirth covered the wizard's face.

Elrond turned back again to the battle in time to see Aragorn throw a packed mud cake at Elladan's face. But Elladan, at the last second, ducked and the mud hit a new unexpected target...Elrond.

Silence fell on the group the instant the mud hit Elrond's face. Aragorn paled as he watched his father remain stock still as the mud clung to his hair and face. An apology was on his lips until he saw the slow smile crease his father's face.

"Oh, now you have done it my son!" Elrond threatened with laughter in his voice and he swiftly bent down, scooped up a muddy handful and flung it at his youngest son's face. And it was a direct hit, covering Aragorn's nose and eyelashes and mouth.

Laughter roared from everyone and the battle raged in earnest. And Gandalf, a beaming smile on his face, watched as the human, the three young elves and the elf lord smashed mud into each other's faces and hair and down their backs. Destiny and Fate had no hold over any of them this day. No, today love was the victor...as it always would be in the end.

The End.

*"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" - Hebrews 11:1

As I said before, I would love to hear your thoughts now that this story has concluded. So that I may reply to your review, if you do not have an account with ffnet that lists your email, list your email in your review or drop me a line at my email ([email protected]) and I'll respond back to you!


I want to thank every person who took time out of their reality to read this story!!

To my faithful reviewers, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! Without your loyalty, encouragement, compliments, and knowledge, this story would have remained another unfinished tale stuffed in a file drawer. You brought the best out of me, out of my talent!!! Every single review was truly a gift, a gift I always felt unworthy but extremely honored to receive. I guess I write harm/comfort/angst because I have always believed that adversity brings out the best in people. Well, now I also believe that if you take a tremendous risk and share a part of your soul with others (even the crazy fanfiction writing part of your soul) you will not only get the best out of others but you will get the best out of yourself! Thanks to one and all!

Star-Stallion: I am sooooooooooooooo grateful for your loyalty and support for this story!!!! You gave me that much needed encouragement in chapter one. (I am always so nervous posting anything and I was truly terrified to post a LOTR story containing a plot and numerous chapters...my other posted LOTR stories were just ramblings). And then, like a wonderful gift, you reviewed every chapter!!!! I love you for that!!!!!

Grumpy: Yes, it is too bad that they went to all that work to dump that water on Estel for naught!! (Ain't that the way life goes!) And as you could tell from this last chapter, Aragorn's clothing was still being abused!!! (Well, at least the mud can be washed off!). Thanks to your comments, I was able to hone my scenes with Elrond and Aragorn in this final chapter!!!! You were the inspiration for me having Elrond tell an awake Aragorn that he was proud of him!!!! Great idea!!! Thank you soooooooooooooo much for your loyalty and support for this story. You've stuck with this story from the start and I truly loved all your reviews!!! You've been a great inspiration doing this story! Love ya!

Daniela: Actually I'm glad you guessed Aragorn would react badly to the potion ...that means my storyline wasn't unbelievable!!! And you are right, I couldn't pass up the opportunity for yet more angst!!! As for the vivid picture you think I painted, I'm blushing here!!! I so appreciate that! Hope all your questions for this story got answered/resolved in this chapter! Thank you soooooooooooooo much for your loyalty and support for this story. Your beautiful, compliment filled, analyzing reviews were great and so helpful not only in encouraging me to write more but also in shaping this story! This story would not have been the same without you! Love ya!!

Marbienl: Yikes!! You sent your pet spider after me!! I HATE spiders!!! See I'm posting, I'm posting! Call off your spider!!! (breaths sigh of relief as spider retreats). What made my days as I was posting this story was your reviews!!!! I truly appreciated that you told me what sentences/conversations you liked and encouraged me to be my crazy self! I probably would have written this story like a sane person if you had not saved me from my own fears of rejection! You've been a help to me in making this story come to life! Thank you!! And yes, there is that tiny problem with writing what you want to read....you don't want to read it! (Drat! There has got to be a way out of this nasty cycle! Ah...I know, plead with others to write stories for your enjoyment! Please write a harm/comfort/angst story or else I'll send my....cat to harass you! O.K.) Thanks again for your lovely presence in my life. Love ya!!

Bill the Pony2: I'm hoping I have not lost you ...that you are out there somewhere in the world and just didn't get a chance to review the last chapter? Never the less, I wanted to thank you for all your encouragement and compliments. And for putting me on your favorite list!!!!! (I'm doing that blushing thing again!) I really hope that, now that the story is complete, this story remains one of your favorites. You can't say I didn't give you what I promised- Angst! Your reviews really brightened my day and heart and I can never truly repay you for that! Love ya!!

Athelassa: Ops...I guess I kinda did "kill" Aragorn. But hey, he started to breathe again! As for the "better to have loved and lost..." phrase, actually I don't know who came up with that but I've heard it a few times and thought it fit appropriately for this story. I know you wanted Aragorn angst and recovery and well, just more Aragorn. I guess I could have written more on that but when you made that request I had already penned the ending! Hope this chapter kinda satisfies your cravings for all things Aragorn. I'ld love to hear your comments! Maybe we can torture Aragorn in another story and show more of his recovery and angst?! (Hint Hint) Thank you so much for all your reviews. They made me blush and laugh and kept a smile on my face. Love ya!!

Lady Jaina: My little old scene with Legolas ranks up there with Frodo's tear in the movie?!?! You do know how to make a girl blush!! I am truly touched by your compliments as I have been from the start. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my story. I've really appreciated it!! Love ya!!

Tychen: I'm glad you are feeling better!! And I'm touched that I almost got you to tears..those elves do that to you. I hope this chapter wasn't too short or too remiss in showcasing Aragorn's own angst and recovery? (I'ld love to hear your comments). Thank you so much for "write hard, and do not look back". I smile and laugh every time I think of that!! And by the great way you use words in your review, I'm guessing you've penned a story or two yourself. I'ld love to read them...are they on ffnet? Well, I wanted to tell you that I really appreciated and needed all your kind reviews...they really made my day and lightened my heart! Love ya!

Ymmas Sirron: After your last review, I LOVE YOU TOO!! I'm glad you liked my angst feast last chapter. I guess it was at the point in the story where I could either cure him or almost kill him. (Evil grin) And as you can see I went with the latter! Thank you so much for all your complimentary, encouraging reviews!! They made me want to post the next chapter right then and there just to hear what you thought of that chapter. (But I restrained myself as you could tell). Hope to hear from you about this chapter and the story as a whole. Love ya!

Alex Mistress Squirrel: I had to snicker with your "what you talking about willis" I guess we grew up in the same era?! And I'm relieved that you didn't feel I dragged this story out. And I'm hoping you don't think I rushed the ending? Thank you for all your reviews, they kept me going when reality was starting to hedge into my allotted time for fanfiction. (I hate when that happens!) Love ya!

Frodo16424: I was afraid I was making this too sappy so I appreciate that you liked my sap in the last chapter!! It is so great that you tell me what sentences/scenes/ conversations you like!!! I'm always trying to improve my writing style and that helps greatly to know what I am doing right. Thank you for all the time you took not only in reading my story but in reviewing it. It really meant a lot to me. Love ya!

Roccovende: I'm glad you "sopped" up all the angst last chapter! Hope there was enough angst in this ending to do this story credit? And I hope the Legolas and Aragorn scenes met with your approval? I want to say a heartfelt thank you for your reviews. They were wonderful for my heart and soul. Love ya!

Silvertoekee: Sad and sweet are some of my favorite combinations in things I read..as long as the sweet overwhelms the sad. Glad you liked the Aragorn and Elrond scenes and the Legolas and Gandalf scenes. They were so much fun to write!! And you can't get people to open up and talk about how much they care without good old angst so I had to pile it on!! Thanks for all your reviews! Love ya!

Emiri-chan: Glad you got a chance to catch up on the latest chapters! I'm glad I almost faked you out with Aragorn's "death scene"! If only I hadn't confessed earlier that I had no intentions of killing him...now that would have truly faked you out!! Thanks so much for your awesome compliments during this story, they touched my heart! And I'll be sure to check out some of your stories. Love ya!

Tailspin: Did you say "Sharpe movies"?!?!? I LOVE them!!!! And it was truly funny because I just started to read one of those books the morning before I read your review!!! And you are absolutely right, those movies have great friendship scenes!!!! Hence why I tend to watch those scenes again and again and again. I am such a sap for that!!!! As I am for all buddy movies but they are kinda hard to come by. I guess that's why I latched on to the lethal weapon movies so tightly. If you can suggest any other buddy movies, I'ld appreciate it!! Well, seeing as this is the last chapter, I wanted to say how much I appreciated your reviews, they were awesome!! As for another story...well I have one in the works but I was writing it at the same time as this one and I'm a little afraid that it's a little too similar. You know the whole, Aragorn is hurt, Legolas is worried and has to encourage Aragorn to survive, thing. Well, I'll look over it with my critical eye and see what I can come up with to make it different than this one. Thanks again for all your encouragement. Love ya!!

Rosie: It's so funny that you said "friendship and love conquers all" since that's the ending thoughts to this story! (So you have been paying attention!!) Thanks for taking time to read and review my story! Love ya!

Ainu Laire: Glad you think mire is poetic too! And now you can breath a sigh of relief. Aragorn survived!! Hope you liked the ending? Thanks for your reviews! Love ya!

Linchi: Torture seems such a cruel word...but also so appropriate for all I have put these characters through! And it's great that I've encouraged you to reread the books. (OK now here's my confession...I've only read the FOTR and TTT. The movies hooked me and then I read the books but I'm fanatically about not learning anything about ROTK. I want to be surprised during the movie with how everything plays out. Heck, I stopped reading TTT when it started to go further than the movie!) Hope you cried and did a happy dance at this ending? Thanks for your reviews!! Love ya!

Scape: For being terrible at reviews you sure know how to make an author feel GREAT! Thank you so much for your beautiful compliments! Love ya!

Trustingfriendship: Yes, you've joined this story at the perfect time!! And I for one am glad you have. Hope you liked the relief and happiness in this ending? I would like to hear what you think of this chapter and this story as a whole. Love ya!

Unadrieniel: I love Aragorn's stubbornness, it always gets him into terrible scrapes (grins evilly) Hope you get a chance to read the rest of the chapters and tell me what you think of them! Thanks for reviewing. Love ya!

Amanda: Glad you tuned in to my story! Thanks for your review and I'ld love to hear from you again! Love ya!

Thanks again for everyone's wonderful support! You might see another story from me but I can't image I can top this one.


Cheryl W.