AN: Sorry it took so long to update. I had writer's block and was trying to make the chapter long enough.

Embrace Me in Love

By Hellishly Innocent

Chapter 4

Two months have passed since Akane's date with Ranma and they officially became a couple. But not many people know about it because Ranma was trying to keep it a secret from the press about his new girlfriend. During those two months, Ranma and Akane wasn't the only one who got together. Nabiki is with Kuno, Ukyo with Ryoga, Kasumi with Dr. Tofu, and Shampoo with Mousse. Akane, Ukyo, and Shampoo finally put aside their differences and became friends. As for Soun, he has been spending all his time away visiting friends and hasn't been around much. But one thing hasn't changed though, Katsura was still jealous of Ranma. He has tried to steal Akane back countless of times and has re-double his efforts in getting her back, especially since the prom is in just a week. Katsura just came up with a new plan to make Akane so jealous that she will just have to come back to him. But will it actually work? Probably not. But he can still keep dreaming, right?

So it was a normal day. Just like any other day for the past two months. Akane woke up at six in the morning, took a shower and got ready for school. The night before, she had iron her uniform so it's smooth with no wrinkles. Then Akane tied her long blue hair up in a neat ponytail with two loose strands of hair framing her face. She also put a little makeup on and lip gloss. But not too much because Ranma told her he didn't like girls who wear tons of makeup on their faces. Besides, you'll get premature wrinkles if you use too much. Ever since Akane started dating Ranma, she became slightly more feminine.

After she was done, she took a minute to admire herself in a full length mirror and check to see if anything is out of place. By then, it was 6:45. Enough time to make a quick breakfast for everyone before leaving at eight-twenty. Usually, by this time, Ranma would be on his way here for a quick bite and then drive Akane to school. And sure enough, after Akane finish setting the table, Ranma came strutting in, said a quick greeting, gave her a soft kiss on the lips and sat down, waiting to be served. Since they have been dating for so long, he never needed to knock anymore whenever he came over. Then as usual, Nabiki and Kasumi came down, looking like they had just got out of bed, which they had. Nabiki was in her pj's, her hair was unkempt and sticked out in weird places. Her eyes were still half-closed and she looked a little drowsy. Kasumi was in her nightgown, her hair wasn't tied back, but unlike Nabiki, she had a big smile on her face.

"Morning. You're just in time. Breakfast is ready," Akane said smiling, while scooping them a small bowl of rice. "Hey Kasumi, did something happened yesterday. You look happier than normal."

In response, Kasumi giggled behind her hand, unable to contain her glee. "Actually, little sis, something did happen. Something so wonderful." Kasumi sighed happily, staring into space with her hands clasped together.

"Well, what is it?" Nabiki asked. She was wondering how someone can be so happy so early in the morning. She was definitely not a morning person.

"Oh, I'll tell everyone when father is here," Kasumi replied. She was so happy that she could barely eat and kept giggling throughout the whole morning.

"By the way, Akane, when are you planning to tell everyone that you're dating Ranma? The people who see you come to school in the morning are starting to wonder who drives you to school everyday. And the people who don't know, thinks you are still hung up on Katsura," Nabiki asked, directing her gaze from her food to Akane.

Akane just shrugged. "People will see us at the prom. And who cares what people thinks. They can think whatever they want."

"Yeah. Besides, I don't want the whole world to know about my love life," Ranma said, between mouthfuls of rice. "I like our relationship just the way it is. I don't need the paparazzi prying into my life because I'm so famous and everything."

"Oh yeah. I forgot that you're the great Ranma Saotome," Nabiki said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "But it's so easy to forget. Seeing as how you're like the human vacuum cleaner when it comes to food. You would eat anything that's in front of you."

"Only when it comes to good food," Ranma paused from eating for a while then added, "I would never eat your cooking, though, Nabiki. Your so called 'food' can put a person in a hospital after one bite." He laughed.

"Oh yeah! Well Akane used to be just as bad if not worse than me!" Nabiki cried out indignantly.

"And look at me when I'm talking to you."

"I thought ice queens are supposed to act calm and compose. What would you're little friends say when they see you now?" Ranma said, teasingly. His eyes were filled with mirth. He always got a kick out of making his future sister-in-law angry... especially since no one else could. That's what made it so fun.

"I don't know what Akane sees in you, anyway. You're nothing but a freeloading, arrogant, cocky jerk with a bottomless pit for a stomach," Nabiki said as coolly as possible.

"Probably because I'm such a gorgeous hunk, a great actor, and a great personality to boot," Ranma boasted. Then he continued to shuffle more food into his mouth. He could never pass up the opportunity to brag in front of others.

"You know, as much as I would love for you to continue your endless bickering," Akane said sarcastically, "I have to get to school. Let's go, Ranma." Then Akane stood up and dragged Ranma out of the room. It was really pathetic how Ranma and Nabiki always fight over petty things like that. At least that is what Akane thought about it. But at least it was amusing. That is why she never tried to stop it.

So, on the way to school they were just talking about random things while Ranma was driving. "You know, the prom is in one week. You are going to come with me, right?" Akane asked seriously.

"Of course I am," Ranma said, glancing at her for a second then diverting his eyes back to the road.

"If I don't, who knows what Katsura will do while I'm not around? He'll try to hit on you and there's no way I'll let anyone lay a finger on MY girlfriend. I have to keep the guys with raging hormones in line. You're just too pretty for you own good, A-chan."

"Aw, that's so sweet. Possessive... but sweet," Akane smiled at him, her gaze softening at his words.

"Hey! I'm not... that possessive," Ranma said, looking slightly offended.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing. In fact, I think it's kinda cute." Ranma blushed, which made Akane giggle. "You're cute when you blush. You should do it more often." This only made him blush even more.

When they got to the school, everyone stared as Akane got out of the car. They were once again, wondering who she was with and if she is really over Katsura. Especially one in particular. A freshman girl to be exact. Her name was Misato Erizawa. She had shoulder-length light brown hair, and slanted dark brown eyes. She was also short, about 5'2". She was fourteen years old and like every other girl, had been crushing on Katsura ever since she bumped into him on her first day of school. To her, Katsura was perfect. He was handsome, well built, kind, caring and most of all he was the only person who was nice to her since she became a new student. But when she found out he had a girlfriend that he has been dating for three years, she was crushed and hated Akane for it. Misato was somewhat a loner. She had no friends and thought of Akane as her greatest rival at love... until now. She wasn't so sure anymore.

There were a lot of rumors concerning Akane's relationship with Katsura. Some said Katsura got bored of her and dumped her. So now she was trying to get him back by making him jealous. Others have said that Katsura has been cheating on her and Akane was getting back at him by seeing someone else. So now Misato is trying to find out which rumor is true and do whatever it takes to make Katsura hers now that he's single again. Even if it means someone gets hurt in the process.

Meanwhile, Katsura was watching from a window, bitterly. 'I should be the one to drive Akane to school and not that despicable cretin, Ranma Saotome. How dare he steal her away from me!? You just wait, Ranma Saotome, she'll be mine again, soon.'Feeling his gaze on her, Akane looked up and glared at him, pure disgust in her eyes for him. 'Or not so soon,' he thought dejectedly.

So as Katsura was walking into the mass of students and teachers, looking for a suitable girl for his plan. There were plenty of girls who are willing to date him, but he was looking for someone who is not too clingy and doesn't hang all over him, unless he's the one who is making the moves. And someone who is comfortable with PDA (public display of affections). As he was looking around, he suddenly bumped into a girl and she dropped her books all over the floor.

"Sorry,"Katsura apologized. "I wasn't looking where I was going."'Hmm, she's cute. Nice eyes, chest might not be as big as the usual girls I date, but she'll do.'He flashed his most charming and lady killer smile at her, while picking up her books. He mentally smirked when she blushed.

"It's okay. But you don't have to help, "she said timidly and shyly, while avoiding his gaze.

"But I insist," Katsura said. "And besides, I don't mind helping a beautiful girl like you."

Her cheeks, if possible, turned even redder. Then she uttered a quiet "thank you"and turned away to walk off in the opposite direction.

But before she was out of hearing distance, Katsura called to wait and ran to her side. "You never even told me your name. How will I ever be able to find you again?"

"Umm, my name is Misato Erizawa,"she said, looking at the ground, then quicken her pace.

"I'm Katsura Aritoma. Would you like me to walk you to your homeroom?"he asked politely.

"Sure. Okay."And after that, not a word was said between them. Mostly because Misato was too shy to talk to him and Katsura was too deep in thought. After Katsura dropped her off, he was thinking, 'Perfect. The cat is in the bag now.'


After Ranma dropped Akane off at Furinkan High, he drove to the studio to start filming his new movie. When he got there, the costume designer and the makeup artist dragged him off to get ready for some filming.

After they finished shooting the first couple of scenes, Ranma got ready to pick Akane up since her school would end in about ten more minute. Then suddenly, the producer came up to him.

"Saotome, we have a problem and we need your help,"the producer said. "You see, we still need to find a girl to play one of the main characters that will come in later in the movie. She's going to be your co-star, but we can't find anyone fit for the job. So I was wondering to you could keep you eyes open for anyone who could play the part of a secret agent."

"Sure thing, man. But don't you usually have these things taken care of before we start shooting?"Ranma asked, while putting his jacket on and getting his keys out.

"Yes, but most of the girls we asked either turned it down, doing another movie, too busy, or would faint and giggle too much in your presence."

Ranma sighed dramatically. "Ah yes. That's always the case, isn't it? Well, I'll try to find somebody. But right now, I need to pick up my girlfriend from school or else I'll be late."

"Dating a high school girl? I'm surprised you even have a girlfriend,"the producer replied, amused.

"I met her two months ago. And don't tell anyone, alright? I'll see ya in a couple of hours. Bye."Then Ranma left. Leaving the producer to wonder just what kind of girl could hold Ranma Saotome's interest for two months.


It was lunch time and Akane went to the tree where she usually met with her friends to eat lunch with, mainly Ryoga, Ukyo, Mousse, and Shampoo. As she was walking towards them, a girl intercepted her and said she wanted to talk to her privately. Akane recognized her as the girl she competed with for the role of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. So they left for a less crowded place to talk.

Then the girl suddenly whirled around and asked, "Who is the guy that dropped you off this morning?"

"Before you even ask me anything personally, shouldn't you introduce yourself first? I'm not going to tell you anything unless you tell me who you are." Akane replied, a bit peeved at being asked something personally.

"Misato Erizawa. Who is the guy that drives you to school?" she asked again, crossing her arms.

"My boyfriend. Who else?" Akane stared back, just as hard.

"Aha! So it's true! You're trying to make Katsura jealous and then take you back, aren't you?"

Misato shouted, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Why would I do that? I was the one who broke up with him!" Akane said, trying to keep her temper in check. She was rapidly getting angry for be accused of something that's not true.

"Yeah right. Katsura probably dumped you cause you cheated on him. And you, being the jealous ex-girlfriend, is trying to get him back," she sniffed, disdainfully. "Well, it won't work. Katsura is mine now. So stay away from him!"

"I don't want him back! And he cheated on me! Why would I want Katsura back, anyway, when I have a perfectly nice boyfriend!?" Akane shouted angrily. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't know that this is what other people were thinking.

"Nobody ever even seen your boyfriend. So he's probably some ugly, fat guy with no muscles to speak of."

"Oh, he has muscles alright and he's definitely better-looking than Katsura. In fact, he's better than Katsura in every and any way," Akane boasted, pridefully. She noticed that they were drawing attention from other people, but she didn't care.

"Then why how come I've never seen you two in public?"

"That's none of your business," Akane glared at her, trying not to reveal too much.

"You probably just can't think up an excuse and hide the fact that you have an ugly boyfriend." Misato laughed. "But just remember what I said. Katsura is mine. So stay away from him." And with that, she walked away, swaying her hips back and forth.

When Akane went to meet her friends for the last fifteen minutes of lunch, she was still angry. And to vent out her frustrations, she told her friends everything and took it out on them. She spent the whole fifteen minutes talking about how annoying it was that Misato didn't believe a thing she said and that she thought Ranma was ugly. Ukyo tried to say that Misato didn't know it was Ranma she was talking about but Akane just ignored her and just kept on ranting on. And throughout the rest of the school day, she spent her time sulking and didn't pay attention in class.


'Finally, school's over. Now I can go home and take a nice, long, hot bath,' Akane thought happily while waiting for Ranma to come and pick her up. 'Hmm, Ranma's late. He should be here by now.' Just as she thought this, a red sports car pulled up in front of her.

"Hey A-chan. Sorry I'm late. The producer had to talk to me for a bit," Ranma said. He had one hand on the wheel and was looking at Akane. She thought he looked so cool like that and noticed how handsome he looked in this black pants and white shirt. And just seeing him like this made her feel better and reassure her that her boyfriend wasn't ugly.

As he was driving, Akane kept staring at him. She thinking just how did she get someone as handsome as Ranma as her boyfriend and was wondering if all this is a dream. Suddenly she was brought out of her reverie.

"Hey A-chan. Have you ever done any acting before?" Ranma asked.

"Yeah. Every year, I always get the leading role."

"Really? Do you think you're any good?"


"'Cause the reason why the producer had to talk to me is because we still don't have a female actress that could act as the main character. And I thought you'd be perfect for the part. Since you know some martial arts."

"You want me to be your co-star?" Akane asked excitedly. She was staring intently at him to see how he would react.

"Well, you are my girlfriend. And I would also get to spend more time with you."

"Alright. I'll do it. Besides, I'm sure it'll be fun working with you." Akane smiled, content with the way her day is starting to end. Especially since her encounter with Misato Erizawa. They were quiet for the rest of the way home. But it was a comfortable silence where they didn't feel the need to say anything. That's how close the two have become in the two months they were together.


When they got to the Tendo Dojo, Soun was waiting for them. Next to him was a bald man with a white bandana, who was busy eating. Kasumi and Nabiki were right across from them.

"Akane, I'm so glad you're home. Who's your friend?" Soun asked, noticing Ranma for the first time.

"Never mind that. Girls, I would like you to meet someone. This is an old friend of mine, Genma Saotome."

"ISaotome/I?" All three sisters said in unison. Ranma just stood there, surprise evident on his face.

"Yes. A long time ago, we made a pact to unite our two dojo together. And we agreed that the best way is to engage his son, Ranma, to one of you girls." Soun said nervously, waiting for their reaction.

End of Chapter 4.