Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma1/2... but I do own Katsura Aritoma. This is the last time I'm going to write this for this fanfic.

AN: Some of the girls are not very well liked in this story. But there's really no intentional bashing.

Embrace Me in Love

By Hellishly Innocent

Chapter 1

It started out as a normal day for Akane Tendo. She woke up, went out for her morning jog, went to school, and is currently walking to her boyfriend's apartment. They have currently been dating for the last four years ever since she was a freshman. Now, she's a senior who's graduating in two months.

Katsura Aritoma, Akane's boyfriend, is the hottest and popular guy in Furinkan HS. He's 5'7" with an average build, short, messy, brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. Every boy in school wants to be him and every girl wants to date him. Even though Katsura is dating Akane, Ukyo Kuonji and Shampoo, who are Akane's rivals, still try to steal him away from her. The people, who aren't jealous of their relationship, think they make the perfect couple because they look so cute together. These people being her two only female friends: Yuka and Sayuri.

Akane is the most wanted girl in school, but that doesn't necessarily mean the most popular. Especially with the girls, which is why all her friends are boys with the exception of two girls. She's 5'4" and with her gorgeous, long, bluish-black hair, brown eyes, and delicate figure, it's no wonder that all the guys want her. Her best friends are Ryoga Hibiki and Mousse, who likes to play the role of the over-protective brothers and 'discourage' guys from hitting on her.

But lately, Akane noticed that Katsura had started to drift away from her. Becoming more and more distant in the process. He has become more reluctant to be intimate with her in any way. Not that they had gone all the way or anything, but it seems like he was avoiding her. He even started canceling their dates more and more often with each passing day, saying that he had to study for his exams. But that's understandable, considering that it is nearing the end of the school year and everything. So Akane decided to give Katsura a break from studying so much and surprise him with a visit.

Akane was so lost in thought that she didn't notice the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. The closer she came upon her destination, the more her feeling of dread increased. She entered the apartment with the spare keys that Katsura gave her. When she stepped in, the first thing she heard was moaning, groaning, grunting, and creaking noises. It was then that her brain finally registered the dreaded feelings she's experiencing. Akane frowned. 'Why do I get the feeling that I not suppose to be here?' she thought. 'Must be my imagination. Katsura wouldn't hide anything important for me. He's probably just frustrated from spending too much time in his room,' Akane reasoned. So with that thought in mind, Akane walked towards Katsura's room to surprise him. But instead, she was the one being surprised. Surprised and shocked. Behind the door, Katsura was making love to Kasumi!

Akane was so shocked that all she could do was stand there gaping at them. She could not believe he would cheat on her. But they didn't seem to notice her presence there at all. "Katsura-baby, could you please hurry up? If you don't, I'm gonna find some other guys to satisfy me," said a very seductive and familiar voice. Akane turned her head towards the source of the voice in the room and saw that it was none other than her sister, Nabiki!

When Akane realized what was happening, she abruptly left without a sound. The trio, not knowing Akane was there a second ago, continued what they were doing. Meanwhile, Akane hurried home without shedding a tear. Even though she knew he had a reputation as a playboy in junior high, she truly believed that he loved her. Loved her enough to stay faithful to her. After all, they've been dating for four years. But to find out that her the boy she loves is cheating on her the hard way was just too much for her. And with her sisters, too! Then she did the only thing she could down at the moment. She broke down crying. I mean, wouldn't you if your boyfriend that you believed yourself to be in love with cheated on you? Akane cried... and cried... and cried. Then she cried some more, unable to stop for a second. Until she exhausted herself to sleep that is.

She woke up two hours later, with puffy red eyes and feeling drain from all the crying she'd done. She so desperately didn't want to believe that her loving boyfriend would hurt her like that. But she didn't want to be in denial, because it would only serve to make her look weak and pathetic. This, of course, took a lot to convince herself that she was probably better off without him. So she finally accept it and decided to break up as soon as possible. Akane wrote a text message to break up with him. Then she called Ryoga and Mousse to come over.


"Hey, Akane. You forgot to lock the door," Ryoga said, as he and Mousse showed up in Akane's room.

"So we let ourselves in. Why are your eyes all red? Is something wrong?" Mousse asked, concern written all over their faces.

"I found out that Katsura is cheating on me," Akane said in a deadpanned voice. Everything became very silent. Even the birds stop chirping. Suddenly, the pillow she was hugging looked very interesting. Better than looking at her best friends.

Then suddenly, you can hear two very enraged voices asking various questions.

"He WHAT!?"

"With who!?"

"Want us to teach him a lesson?"

"Did he say anything to you?"

"You dumped him, right?"

"Did he try to take you back?"

"You said no, right?"

"How could he do this to you!?"

"Did you have any idea this was going on?"

"RYOGA! MOUSSE! You guys are talking too fast. Calm down and I'll explain everything," Akane said. After she got them to calm down and sit across from her on the bed, she proceeded to tell them everything that happened up to that point.

"So... what are you going to do?" asked Ryoga.

"I already broke up with him and I'm going to take tomorrow off school," Akane replied. "I can't face him just yet. Just give me some time to think and I'll get over him... hopefully," Akane said sadly.

"Did you tell him you know he's cheating on you?" Mousse asked.

"No, and I don't plan on letting him know... EVER," Akane gave them a look that say if-you-tell-then-you'll-be-sorry.

"If that's what you want, then I guess we'll help you get over him," Mousse said.

"We'll even do whatever you want us to do," Ryoga added.

"Really?" Akane asked, her mood lighten a bit at her friends kindness.

"Yeah, that's what best friends are for," Ryoga said.

"We would never abandon you when you sad," Mousse added, both of them smiling softly at her.

Thanks, guys. You don't know how much this means to me," Akane said.

"Anything for our best friend," Mousse said, taking hold of her hands.


"I knew it. She always does this to us," Ryoga said sulkingly, standing his shoulders hunched and his arms crossed. Between him and Mousse were two bags clothes.

"It's all your fault! It's because you said we'll do whatever she wants," Mousse argued, standing in a similar stance as Ryoga.

"MY fault!? You're the one who said we'll help her get over Aritoma," Ryoga retorted.

"I only said that because she's our best friend. How was I suppose to know she would make us go shopping, then make us pay for everything and hold her bags!?" Mousse shouted angrily, and that's exactly what Akane made them do. So they're at Nerima's biggest mall with Akane trying on lots of clothes while Ryoga and Mousse complain out of complete boredom.

"Oh, quit whining, guys. People are staring. And it isn't that bad. At least I model these clothes for you," Akane said while going through, yet another, rack of clothes.

"Only because you want our opinion on them," Ryoga said. "And if we don't say something nice, you'll just mallet us."

"I'm just trying to get over Katsura. Honestly... you guys will never understand the wonders shopping can do to a girl," Akane sighed, exasperated. Suddenly, she spotted her favorite store and abandon what she was doing to get there. Ryoga and Mousse was having a hard time following because they're not as small as Akane so they can't dodge people as easily. And the bags they were carrying hindered their speed. So pretty soon, they lost her in the sea of people.

It wasn't until Akane got to her favorite store and looked around did she realize that Ryoga and Mousse were nowhere in sight. Shrugging it off, she decided to worry about it later. After all, she could just use her own credit card and make them pay later. 'They were just slowing me down, anyway.' Akane thought. Now, she could shop all she wants, for as long as se wants, and not hear them complaining. And after she's done, she would go look them. Most likely, at the food court, pigging out.

Three hours later, Akane has been to ten stores and tried on lots of clothes and is currently holding ten bags. Five in each hand. Akane was so happy, because the all store she's been to had a sale or clearance, that she had a huge grin on her face. She was practically on cloud nine and daydreaming of wearing her new clothes and Katsura drooling over her. Then Katsura would beg for her to come back to him, and she would laugh in his face and reject him in front of everybody.

Akane was so happy that she wasn't looking at where she was going was suddenly brought back to reality when she waked into a wall and fell back, dropping her bags in the process. Cursing her luck, she began to pick up her bags. Somehow, that wall turned into a very handsome, blue-eyed, black-haired, pig-tailed boy. He was about 5'8" with a slightly better build than Katsura. So in short, he's more attractive than her ex-boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" the mysterious guy asked. "You're not hurt, are you? You looked a bit dazed. Oh, let me help you pick up your stuff." Without waiting for an answer, he bent down and began gathering the clothes that spilled out and put them in a random bag.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," Akane said. "Did anyone ever tell you your body is as hard as a rock?"

"Yeah, and from what I hear, that's a good thing. And from experience, it's true." The boy smirked.

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's flirting with me. Oh well, might as well play along.' Akane thought. "Oh really?"

"It's either that or girls just can't resist keeping their hands off me because I'm so irresistible," he boasted, flashing a very charming, suave, and sexy smile.

"And you're so full of yourself."

"So I've been told," the guy smoothly replied. "I'm Ranma Saotome. It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful, lovely, and stunning woman such as yourself."

"Akane Tendo. The pleasure's all mine," Akane said, giving him a flirtatious smile. "Thanks again. Oh, I gotta go and meet up with my friends, now. See ya around." Akane started to turn around and walk away when his voice stopped her.

"Wait. You're not gonna leave like that, are you? You didn't give me your phone number," he said crossing his arms. He stared right into her chocolate brow eyes with his piercing blue ones, trying to make her bend to his will like he has to the many girls previously.

"And I wasn't planning to."

"Why not? Usually girls would just throw themselves at me. Why should you be any different? So just make it easier on both of us and quit playing hard to get," Ranma said, confidently that she likes him.

"Alright. Would you like to go see a movie with me sometime when you're free?"

"Where and when should I pick you up?" Ranma asked, satisfied that she gave into him.

Akane smiled innocently. "Why, after you find out where I live, of course. After all, you can't pick me up if you don't know where I'll be staying at."

"You mean you're not gonna tell me!?" Ranma was shocked that a girl would actually consider turning him down, cause there's no way he'll along with this.

"Well no, you're just gonna have to find out yourself. Cause I'm not gonna give it to you just like that. What's the matter? That too much of a challenge for you?" Akane giggled that the shocked expression on his face. 'He looks funny like that. But still, I can't help but wonder why he'd be so shocked. Sure he's hot and all, but isn't that going a little overboard?' Akane thought. 'I must be the first girl to ever come close to turning him down. Hehe.'

"Don't worry your pretty, little head about it, 'cause I will," Ranma said, right after he got over his initial shock. "Then we can go on a date."

"Confident, aren't ya? Well, we'll just see about that. Till then, see ya." Then Akane turned and walked away. But before hearing Ranma get in the last word.

"Just try to keep your hormones in check. I know I'm gorgeous, but save your fantasies until we actually go on a date."

Still getting over her interesting encounter with Ranma, Akane didn't realize that she'd been in front of the food court the whole time. And Ryoga and Mousse were sitting right in front of her! Ryoga munching on popcorn and Mousse sipping his coke.

"Interesting conversation," Ryoga stated, looking at her amusingly.

"Oh, yes. So is this what you mean when you said the wonders shopping can do to a girl? Cause you get to buy new things and meet potential dates?" Mousse said. "I think I finally understand how a girl's mind works."

"Oh, be quiet. Why didn't you tell me you were here?" Akane asked a bit miffed.

"We didn't want to interrupt your flirting with what's-his-name... Ranma Saotome?" Ryoga said.

"Nice tactic, by the way, playing hard to get," Mousse said. "Who knew he was the type that likes challenges? Especially when it comes to girls."

"I didn't challenge him," Akane replied.

"Course you did. You issued a challenge when you attacked his manly pride. And he accepted. Any guy would've accepted. That is, any guy who's a man. And you knew it, too. You use the same strategy on Katsura. Only in a different way," Ryoga said teasingly. Akane just huffed.

"By the way, you guys owe me about ¥50,000. Here are my bags. Don't drop them. So let's go home now!" Akane said cheerfully. The guys just gaped at her, surprised she spent that much money.

"What did you do? Go on a shopping spree in the most expensive stores here?" Ryoga muttered under his breath. It's not that they couldn't afford it. In fact, it was nothing to them... almost. Their parents own large companies so they were rich. They figured since it all started because of Katsura Aritoma, they resolved to make him pay... in money and in pain.


When Akane got home, there was a note saying Kasumi wanted to talk to her taped to her door. So she went to find her eldest sister.

"Hey Kasumi. You wanted to talk to me?" Akane asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to be very busy from now on. So I need someone to do the housekeeping. And I noticed you never do anything around here, so you're going to be cooking and cleaning from now on." Kasumi said as-a-matter-of-factly.

Akane was livid. 'Yeah, busy making out with my ex-boyfriend, you mean,' was what she wanted to say. But instead she settled for, "But I don't even KNOW how to cook! And cleaning is too time-consuming."

"Now is a good time as any to learn. And you'll just have to learn to deal with it. Just think of this as bridal training. Now, please leave. I need to catch up on my beauty sleep." And with that, Kasumi pushed her out of the room and shut the door in her face.

Akane stomped all the way to her room and slammed it close. 'Now what am I suppose to do? I can't even cook to save my life. Not that I ever tried, but still, I don't even know the first thing about cooking. My cooking would probably kill someone. Or at least poison them...' Akane sulked. 'I got it! I'll get Ryoga and Mousse to help.'


"Alright, what did that cheating bastard do to you now?" Ryoga asked darkly.

"Tell us and we'll punch the daylights out of him," Mousse said, bring his palm up to his face and punching it to prove his point.

"Nothing. And Katsura is not a bastard."

"Yes, he is." Ryoga said.

"He told you that his mother didn't marry his father when she got pregnant in high school," Mousse added. "That's probably why he's a player."

"Whatever. I didn't call you because of Katsura. I called you over because Kasumi made me the new housekeeper. So I have to cook and clean. But only in the mornings and at night, since nobody is ever home during the day. So I thought you guys could help. You know, since you guys are so nice and such good friends," Akane said pleadingly, giving them the puppy dog look that they just can't say no too.

"Alright, we'll do it," Mousse sighed.

"Fine, I'll help clean," Ryoga said, claiming the easiest job.

"What!? Why do you get that job?" Mousse asked, outraged.

"Because you always help around the Nekohanten, so you're bound to know how to cook," Ryoga explained.

"Fine. I guess this means I'm more talented than you after all!"

"Feh. Only when it comes to womanly chores, which makes me more of a man than you are," Ryoga retorted.

"What!? I dare you to say that again, pig-boy!"

"I said, only when it-" WHACK! "Ow, what did you do that for?"

"That's enough, you guys. I still have to learn how to cook before the end of the day. So let's get started. Ryoga, start cleaning. Mousse, let's go to the kitchen!" Akane said excitedly as she skipped to the kitchen mumbling about finally learning how to cook.


"Now, you have to listen to me carefully and follow the recipe exactly, and check to make sure you have the right ingredients, okay?" Mousse said.

"Okay, I understand. The recipe is a set of instructions I have to follow, right? And I have to check what I put in, in case I put vinegar instead of white wine."

"Right, and make sure you taste it before serving it. It's what all good cooks do. We'll start with something easy. Then do something a little harder," Mousse said, filling in the role of a teacher perfectly.

A couple hours later...

"Done! My first full course meal!" Akane shouted happily.

"Did you forget to taste it?" Mousse asked accusingly.

"Oops, oh well. I'll do it now!" Akane said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hey Ryoga, finish cleaning yet?" Mousse asked, turning around.

"No! I still have to vacuum the floor and dust everything," Ryoga said, frustrated that he had to clean the whole house and dojo.

"Hahahaha! I bet you're regretting to decide to clean instead of cook. And it wasn't THAT hard to teach her to cook. I was able to turn the worst cook in the whole world to a fairly decent cook. She's certainly not the best, but what can you expect from Akane?" Mousse laughed, a very smug grinned planted on his face.

"Oh really? Well, I think you should explain what you said about tasting it before serving." Ryoga pointed behind Mousse to Akane.

"AHHH! Akane! What are you doing!? That was my dinner!" Mousse screamed.

"Well, you told me to taste it. So I did. Did I do something wrong?" Akane asked sweetly with an innocent face.

"WRONG!? You just ate my and Ryoga's dinner! I told you to taste, not eat."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!? That was MY dinner!?" Ryoga shouted.

"Oops. Oh well, there's always take-out. Hey, maybe we can have free ramen from the Nekohanten!" Akane suggested, not at all guilty that it's cause of her that they had to order take out.

"Oh fine. Have it your way."

"Great. I'll go call Shampoo," Ryoga said.

"Are you sure you won't get lost?" Akane asked.

"No problem. I'm practically cured of my bad sense of direction," Ryoga said confidently.

Five minutes later, we find Ryoga in the bathroom.


End of Chapter 1.