Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.  J.K. Rowling and the WB own Harry Potter.

Part/Chapter: 1

            Harry Potter got in the car and watched as his friends grew smaller.  He didn't want to go back to the Dursleys.  He had to though.  All because Voldermort killed his parents.  If he hadn't killed his parents he wouldn't have to have gone through the hate he lived with.  He couldn't stay in the wizarding world he belonged to because Dumbledore didn't think he needed the fame.  It would be better if that was the only reason.  The other was Voldermort couldn't touch him when he was with the Dursleys. Of course that was because of some old spell.  He had no choice but to stay there for awhile in the summer.

            When they got to the house Harry, got his trunk and stuff out of the trunk of the car and took it to his room.  By himself of course.  Yes Moody, Lupin, and Mr. Weasley threatened the Dursleys but Harry didn't think they would care after a week or two.  He was in for a long summer.  After he unpacked he went downstairs thinking they would be watching TV.  He wasn't wrong.  Vernon and Dudley were watching the news.  Harry would have to keep a close eye on it to see if anything out of the ordinary was happening. 

            When it was dinner time he went to sit at the table with everyone else for the fun of it.  He wasn't going to eat.  His aunt Petunia wouldn't give him much anyway.  As he sat there everyone sat the quietly.  Well Dudley was munching down like he hadn't had food for months as always.  But Petunia told him to eat more politely.  Leave it to her; Harry thought.  Vernon was chewing quickly.  Of course Petunia ate slowly and took a long time to chew.  No one seemed to notice Harry wasn't eating.  Not that he cared.  It was better that way.  When everyone was done they put the food in the sink and Vernon told Harry to do them.            

            Harry went upstairs after he finished the dishes.  He didn't want to watch stupid TV shows.  He only wanted the news, but then again he didn't.  He wasn't ready for Voldermort to take action. Harry wanted time to look at all of his books and notes.  It would come in handy if he learned stuff he missed in school.  He knew he didn't pay much attention in school.  He never thought he would have to be the one to kill Voldermort.  Yes killing Voldermort would make it look like he was no better.  But he had no other choice.  Killing!  Harry hated the word.  The actions that would need to be taken place.  Everything about it.  But dieing was part of life right? 

            Harry had no idea how much time he spent up there think.  All of a sudden he could hear the Dursleys going to bed.  He wondered if they thought he was asleep.  Oh well. He thought. No use in saying goodnight.  They can think he's asleep.  It wasn't like he was planning to go to bed anytime soon.  As soon as he closed his eyes for more than ten minutes he would see Sirius.  Let them sleep.  He'll stay up and write to the order. After the order to Ron and Hermione.  They would be mad if they didn't hear from him.  Wait what was he going to say? 

            Hello order, Ron, Hermione,

              I'm fine. I made it here safely.  My summer's going great.  How about yours?  Well just thought I'd write. Bye.


That sounded great.  Now they're going to think its pay back for last year.  Well there is no other way though.  If he said anymore they would worry even more than what they would with that.  The note was fine for all of them.  That was the note he was going to use.  So he wrote it three times.  He sent Hedwig to the order first.  After she came back he would send her to Ron then Hermione.  Yes that would be good.  After he tied the first note to Hedwig and gave her a treat he sent her on her way.  Next he would spend all night doing homework and studying.  He would also write three letters every three days. Then during the day he would have to do what the Dursleys told him to which took away from finding something to do.  When he got too tired he would sleep because he would be too tired to think.  Then when he wasn't tired he would go back to his schedule.  It was the perfect plan. 

So that night he put his plan to work.  He could go anywhere from 4 to 7 days with out sleep.  He would sleep for two nights.  He looked like hell but he didn't care.  He couldn't care about himself or so he thought.  The Dursleys would make sure he had stuff to do during the day.  They didn't beat him or anything.  Well Dudley would punch him once in awhile for fun but that was all.  They didn't change other than that.  Same old mean people.  Of course he didn't tell that to the order, Ron, or Hermione.  He didn't want to think what would happen if he did.  It rained all the time.  On warm and sunny days Harry would work outside.  He liked working outside because no one bothered him.  No one watched him or so he thought.  He loved that the most.

"Harry get down here to eat dinner." Petunia yelled.

"Coming" Harry replied.  He didn't know why they called him down tonight.  They caught on that he didn't eat.  Well he didn't eat anything for dinner only lunch.   So he went down anyways.

"Boy what took you so long." Vernon asked.

"I was cleaning my room."  Harry lied.  He was looking actually at a charm.

"Well you almost missed dinner." Petunia said.

"Well um do I need to stay?  I'm not hungry."  Harry asked politely.

"Well you don't have to eat but your going to have to wash the dishes. So you can sit here and watch us eat." Petunia said.  "And you can't change your mind." Vernon added.

"Ok" Harry said glumly. 

            He didn't want to stay there and watch them eat.  It would get boring.  It was boring after the first night he watched them.  It was the same every night.  Dudley was still on a diet not that anyone would know.  Harry had to write to the order, Hermione, and Ron tonight too.  None of them were pleased with any of his notes.  Every reply he got was why don't you write more.  Is this because of last year?   To which he says in every letter no.  They weren't happy with him.  Oh well it was all for them.  He thought.

            It was the night of his birthday. July 31st.  He slept the past two nights. So he would be up all night.  He usually was up on his birthday.  Pig was taping at the window already and it was 12:01am.  Harry wasn't expecting Pig now.  But then Ron would do something like that even if he was mad. 


Happy Birthday buddy.  16.  I think its' suppose to be special.  So I hope it is for you.  Well I'm going to give you your present later on.  I hope that's all right.  I can't wait to give it to you.  Well Happy Birthday Harry.  Bye.


"Well that wasn't too bad." Harry said out loud. (a/n: this is Harry's pov.) He was worried that Ron might have just put happy birthday.  He had to think of something to reply with that wasn't Hi thanks bye.  That would be a little to mean.


           Thank you for the note.  I can't wait to see you.  Of course it's alright if you wait to give me my present.  It's not like I need it or anything.  Well I'll write in three days.  Have a nice day.  Bye.



Ya that looks really good.  Well it's fine. It could be worse.  Hedwig came next with Hermione's note.  So Harry sent Pig back to Ron. Of course she would write too.  You have to love her for that.  Ron and Hermione would make a good couple. 


Well Happy Birthday.  16.  Is special. (I read what Ron put for that part.)  I hope you would write more so I knew what you where feeling but I guess I'll live with it.  Make your birthday special. For me please.  I will give you my present later like Ron.  Hope that's okay.  I would hate for you to think your not getting anything but you are so don't worry.  Oh did Ron tell you that He and I got together?  What do you think?  Are you ok with us being together?  If your not we'll understand.  Well got to go. Hope everything is going good.   Bye.


            Wow they were together.  Wonder when that happened.  Oh well does it matter?  I think it's great there together. 


Thank you.  It's fine if you give me my present later.  I'm surprise you and Ron are giving me one.  I haven't written much to you guys.  I thought you would be mad at me.  I'll try to make my birthday special.  Wow when did you and Ron get together?  I' great with it.  I thought you guys should be together.  I'm glad you are.  Well write to you in three days.  Bye.


She would be happy with that.  It wasn't to short or anything.  Harry went to Hedwig and told her to take the note back to Hermione.  Harry was getting ready to research with another owl came with a letter.


Happy Birthday.  We are going to come get you in about a week.  I hope that's ok with you.  Ron and Hermione will be there too.  Tell the Dursleys that you will be leaving on Saturday.  We will be there in the middle of the night.  Can't wait to see you. 


 Happy Birthday Harry.  I can't wait to see you. 



            The Order

"On Saturday I'm going to leave." Harry told the Dursleys the next day. 

"What I don't think you are." Vernon said.

"Why not you don't care if I'm here or not."  Harry replied.

"Who will do the yard?  Aunt Marge is coming the falling week." 

"Excuse me?  I don't think you want me here when she is."

"Of course we do. I love to see you get mad." Dudley said.

"To bad. I'm leaving in a week.  I will go do the yard now. Goodbye." 

            Monday he did the yard. Tuesday the garage. Wednesday the house (it was raining).   Thursday the shed.  Friday he had to paint the garage and house.  Then on Saturday he had to do the yard again.  They Dursleys knew that he wouldn't be leaving till night.  Thursday and Friday he slept all night.  At 12:30 Lupin, Moody, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, and two other wizards came to get Harry.  


My plan is to update once a week if not twice.  I can't promise it'll be twice but I'll try.