A/N: Plz forgive me for my lateness - Many stress with college, love a.s.o Hope you still like this fic oO; Have fun with it!

Forteenth Chapter

Night of Tears

Max hid behind Tyson's back, was afraid, that his father would break out every moment. Then there were zero reactions to be seen, when Tyson spoke about their relationship. The turtle trembled like hell and buried his face in the fabric of his friend. Soon there will be a disaster.
But nothing happened like that, besides, that the tall demon began having a good laugh and took his son into his arms, made Max shrink back.

"It makes me happy to know you have found your love of life! o "

Question mark.

"How do I know? If demons fall in love, then this is for eternity - " First Tyson and Max didn't quite know, what they should think of it, the confusion was written in their faces, till they recognized the true meaning of it.
At once both youth turned red like cars of the fire department and looked shaken at each other.
"Well, yet you could say, you're married! 0 " laughed the father good-humoured and poked his more reddening son on his shoulder. "As I know my son, he surely dies with hunger, doesn't he? . " Uncertain the blue haired nodded, wasn't able to say something, and watched after his father, how he went out of the room and entered the kitchen.

Rei opened his eyes and the first thing he saw, was Kai lying on him head an head and slept. He didn't lie a little, not half, no, he lay wholly on the angel. 'WHAT! OO!' He just was able to prevent a nose bleed attack in cupping his free left hand (the other was under Kai's heavy body smirks) over his nose.
His heart beat till under his throat.

'It couldn't be better, could it? '

But Rei was wrong, then at once he felt Kai driving his hand up and down his side, stroking him gently. 'What the'
The Chinese stiffened and began to sweat. A tickling feeling extended in his belly and slowly, quite slowly, the redness crept in his face.

What was Kai doing! And WHY did he do this!

Suddenly Rei had to moan, when the Russian streaked his thigh, and seized instead of his nose his mouth.

"Don't you like this?"

Rei's breath stagnated and he saw, how his team chef rose his head in a sudden, looking at him directly and strokled his cheek with the left (nasty) hand. He couldn't believe, what he had heard a few minutes ago. And he wasn't able to hide his redness anymore. His lips were stirred, but no tone left them.

"Hm, no answer is also an answer ..." said Kai with a strange crafty smile and started unexpectantly with kissing Rei at his neck.

"Wha..wha..what! D..don't! " Shocked and also...he didn't simply know this feeling (Cute...so innocent hg)...he lay there paralysed for a few secs. Rei offered resistance, although his arms felt like its strength was exhausted by someone. But he managed to push Kai away from himself.
"Wha..what happened to you!"

Again they looked deep in their eyes; the Russian came suspiciously near his lips, but stopped (Let us say about one milimetre .
"I..." whispered Kai, while Rei discovered this gently gleam, which was reflected in those blood-red orbs. Suddenly something intervened, with what nodoby of them has expected it...


"ATCHOU!" the raven haired sneezed silently, when the sun came through the open window of the little cloud house and tickled him at the nose. At once he got from Kai a mumbled "God bless you", for which he thanked him.


The neko-jin opened his eyes a half and the first thing he saw, looked like a male chest (A female one would be worse XD;; ). He flinched briefly, suppressed a cry, backed a little away and had a look around at first. Right, he was back at home again. And the person, who lay before him and still claimed him into his arms, was nobody else than his leader. He remembered the day before, how the slate haired had just clinged to him, how he got Devi as 'little brother' and the party they were at. His memory didn't even leave the night (Oioioi.
Finally he has told, that he...was an orphan. But that it was Kai of all people...

The said one mumbled something not understandable und pulled Rei into a closer embrace, caressing briefly his neck.

'Hello! Does Kai know, what he's doing? ' cried the Chinese inwardly and hid his face behind his hands. Not only his dream played im a trick, but also his destiny!


Max: Ty?

Ty: Yes?

Max: Was this really your father?

Ty: I'm thinking over this o.o I guess so...

Max: Cool.

Ty: You said it.

The blue haired neared his blond friend for seducing him for another kiss, if the other made him miss abruptly, cause he still had a burning question.

"Well, Tyson...where's actually your mother?"

The dragon looked at him with a mixture of surprise and dismay, had bridled. He avoided every eye contact of his lover and mumbled silently:

"I...don't have a mother anymore..."

Shocked due to this declaration the turtle put his hand on his mouth and starred at his vis-ívis. The other one couldn't manage to turn to him again. His gaze was void, his face was blank. The loss of his mother gave him apparently a great deal of trouble.
Cautiously Max crawled over to him, wanted to touch his face, when the father burst into the room:
"Tyson what do you want for...Oh! Sorry, I didn't suppose to disturb you -;; " "Ah, you didn't dad! . Well, I wanna have a huge steak! With rice, noodles, potatoes, salad..." The blue haired called off everything, which came into his mind, therefore everything, while Max gaped at him mouth wide open.

Did he watch right or had Tyson's mood always such vacillations!
In any case this Tyson looked like always. "Max! Come on, I'll show you the rest of the house! o " the turtle was interrupted in his train of thoughts. "Um, yes!"

Kai's POV

It's long time ago, that I slept so peaceful let alone that long. A fragrance made me doze further on.
'Hey, don't go away'
Probably I had slept much more longer against my nature, if I hadn't felt how Rei got more stiffen in my embrace.
'I still held him in my arms? Anyway'
It was kinda strange, that I did all these things for lending assistance to him. What was I doing here at all! If this comes out to the others, becoming weak, they'll play fast and loose with me! And with this going on my nerves ;; Ah, fuck off! As long as they ain't here, I can do what I want!

I cracked my eyes to have a look, why he lay so still although he was awake. I looked drowsy at him covering his face with his hands and thought, Rei would...cry again. But nothing came and proved my foreboding true. Fortunately...

It couldn't be kept back anymore, it was about time to begin opening his eyes. But that it was me of all people having this job, I'd never imagined. For such things Max was more appropriate
Indeed I still don't know, what really depresses him, but at least he opened up a part of his agony.
I feel responsible for his well-being, why I did grasping his hand, when he wanted to make off.
He always runs away, if it's getting ticklish, he always searches after a new excuse. And this sucks! For this reason I tatsachen sprechen!

By the way, what does he have again? Why is he lying in my arms so cramped? (Right, my friend, in YOUR arms! .;; )
When I asked him after this, what happened, he shoved me away from himself, got out of the bed in great haste and ran out of the room into the bath without showing me his face once.

Rei's POV

Oh God! What has he thought with doing this?
Leaning against the bathroom door I turned my head to the mirror above the wash-basin and caught sight of myself, flaming red in the face and covered with sweatdrops.
Lost in thought I stroked over the spot at the neck, where he'd touched me. Goosepimples were the result, extending over my whole body. What was this feeling, which came over me?
I winded my arms around my body for handle those emotions, which were threatening to burst out. My knees went weak and I felt so feeble.

Why couldn't I get a clear mind?

"Rei?" came Kai's voice from outside. Did I hear a touch of uneasiness? "I..I...I.." Just indefinable words came out of my mouth, my tonghe was like paralyzed. I got hot, so hot, that I feared to burn inwardly. Suddenly I saw my surrounding just in a blur and I got staggering. Carefully I groped forward and wanted to lean on the edge of the bath tub, but I didn't come that far. I only heard the door breaking open, before my consciousness completely left me.

Max' POV

Phew! I'm full! Tyson's father is really a good cook . "And, how was it? " I nodded satisfied and rubbed over my small belly, while I squinted to Tyson. There was it again, this empty gaze in his eyes, which disappeared at once, when his father turned to him.

"So, my boy, I have to go to work now. Make yourself home . " "Alright, dad! o "

And soon the always good-humored father went and left us alone. Tyson stood up and went to the fridge for pouring some juice in a glass. "And, what are we doing now, Maxie? " I looked at him penetrating and didn't move one inch.
"What? oO " I eyed him sceptically. "How can you be so relaxed, although your mother has died! First you look extremely down-hearted and in the next minute you behave like the old Tyson. Explain me!"

Tyson watched me flabbergasted. I know, that I rarely get pissed off, but I couldn't let him off so easy.

"Why are you doing this...?" whispered I and I felt my mouth corners went down.

He put down his glass on the dining-table, which he'd held in his hand the whole time, and whirled his head to me. I couldn't interpret this, what was in his face at the moment, could'nt also recognize, what happened in his inner life now. He stepped to me and when he stood before me, he took my face in both hands and looked right into my eyes.

"I must do this, because I don't want to burden my father." he whispered unaccustomed softly. "Then he suffers yet due to my mother's death..."

His eyes were gleaming. Were these maybe tears...

"Come on! . Moping doesn't help me in any way! Shall I show you the area? "
And again he astonished me with his changeable bearing! But when he stroked once with the thumb gently over my cheek, I woke up from my brief trance and nod.

"Good! Hmm, what about going to the springs? At this time nobody visit them anymore . " "Cool! 0 " I settled down again and entered into his little game. Then I know very well, that everything was fake, therewith he didn't worry anyone. Oh Tyson...

Normal POV

Due to the whistle of a tea-kettle Rei woke up with a slight headache and touched his forehead, where he found a small wet towel.


He propped up on his ellbows, with the cloth in his hand, and wondered, what has happened. "You broke down in the bathroom." his question was answered from the kitchen and Rei wanted yet to get up and follow Kai, if the slate haired didn't captivate him mentally at his bed with a harsh "Stay in bed.
After this he came with a tray into the room and put it on the bedside table.

"Thanks." it came silently from the neko-jin, but Kai didn't attend to this and poured some scalding hot tea into the cup. "How...?" Rei wanted to ask, but he was cut short immediately:
"After bringing you into the bed of your parents back, I just had a look in the kitchen. Do you think me being that dumb"
Rei shook his head vehemently and took the passed cup.

"What has happened?"

Rei flinched, but said nothing to this and sipped his tea. Again the redness took over the area of his face, whereupon Kai touched his forehead. The angel backed away, wasn't prepared for the coldness of this hand.


"Did I do something or why are you acting so strange?" But the Chinese reponsed nothing again and hid his face half behind his cup.
It was so embarrassing for Rei, wasn't able to talk with Kai about this. Either about what happened in his dream nor the occurence after this.

Silence came into the room.

Max was fascinated about the different places, which Tyson showed him, before they went to the hot springs.

Max: Woah! I've never thought there're so many things being similar like things on earth! o.o

Ty: Well, the inhabitants like the life up there, why they established many customs like them

Max: Like shopping streets? òô

Ty: Oh, these are just for the female demons ; Love being in fashion .;

Max: So, that's why their cloth looks like the one from earth women oO

Ty: Is it so different in heaven?

Max: 'So different' is beyond of it! Some time you come with me to my home! 0

Tyson nodded happily and went with Max to the hot springs, where they put off their cloths and got into the warm floats with towels around their hips.


"Huuuh...Tyson, it's wonderful! Much better than in the onsen-hotel! 0 " "And you really aren't upset with the sulphur smell? oO " "Not a bit! . It even opens my nebenhöhlen X3 "

Tyson had to laugh; Max was simply cute And much more cuter, when he laughed...

Max: Youuu, Ty?Ty: Hm?

Max: bends for smoooch

Ty: OkissedO!

(You're smart, if you get this! XD )

Max was happy, that Tyson felt better again, even if he didn't get rid of the feeling, his boyfriend still was...

"Max?" "Huh, yeah?" The blond looked confused at his lover. "Everything okay, honey?" "Well..." The blue haired quinted briefly to the side. "In my point of view this was too short!" grinned he cheekily and pulled the astonished Max to another kiss, which was much more fervent than the one before.

Hungry he sank his tongue into the mouth of the other one and asked for more, both wet bodys clasped close.

Max didn't get anymore, where up and down was, everything was whirling around him and the steam of the hot springs took his sight. Feeling Tyson at himself, feeling his hands over his body, over his back stroking, this was something, he never wanted to miss anymore.

When the dragon pressed his against himself more firmly, the blond perceived something else, one stage deeper, and couldn't avoid to moan a subdued sound and to blush immensely (They still have their towels on! 0 ).

Ardently Tyson's desire grew stronger and he wanted it here and now. Like being hypnotized his hand carefully wandered down the hips and wanted to open the towel, when suddenly...


a well-known loud called their attention. At once both stopped their grewing passion and gazed each other breathing heavily in a deep red.


Again this loud and it came from "Max? o.o " The smaller one smiled wryly, had still red cheeks. "Uuuhm"
On a sudden the two couldn't help but laugh loud, kissed cheerfully and stood head at head in the arms of their beloved.

"Later." "Yes, later... "

So both of them got out of the bath, put on their cloths with turning their back to the other and set out to the next eating trip.
"What do you think of sushi? I know someone, who can cook very well! X3 " "Hm, dunno. Ty...I've..never eaten sushi ó.ò " "What! You're joking, aren't you! In your whole life you couldn't taste this taking! 0! " Like a flash the blue haired snapped Max' hand and dragged him to his favourite restaurant.

Rei yet lied in the bed, while Kai was busy in the kitchen, preparing the lunch. Both had no time for eating breakfast, cause Rei fell unconscious and Kai had to have an eye on him. And now they also haven't a conversation, since the Chinese was so discreet. Being nervous he fidgeted with the cover and always had a bad conscience, cause he couldn't tell Kai, what was oppressing him.

Unexpected it was knocking at the door and Rei wanted yet to go open, when Kai came out of the kitchen in this moment, rather ran, cried "Stay in bed!", stumbled clumsily (MUUUARGH! OOC! ) and accidentally fell on Rei.

"WOW!" a cry out from both, who looked at each other perplexed and were quite speechless.

Yet the door got open and who came in...?

After a little while the two hungry boys reached the sushi-bar and Tyson, totally emaciated (So like always .; ), greeted the boy behind the aquarium.

"Hello Tala! o "

Did I say aquarium? Right, then it was like said a bar, surrounded by a aquarium full of fishes and little boats before this turning circles around it which were laid with all kind of titbits, making Tyson being greedy of them.
A quite tall boy with flaming red hair stood behind this, whose gleaming blue eyes could have entered into competition with Max' ones. That blond hid behind the dragon's back and watched a bit anxiously to the boy behind the aquarium brandishing with a stern face his sushi knife (g) and cutting two rolls with one stroke in twelve small bits, as though the cooking tool would go through butter.

This fascinated the turtle so much, that he stepped forward without any fear and neared the boy to study his doing further.
"Hello Tyson." it came voiceless from him without looking up at him. "Who's your friend?"

"Well, he is it im wahrsten sinne des wortes! " That was reason enough for the red head to turn his view away from work and devoted to his customs. "Really? Where did you pick him up"
It sounded kinda sarcastic, nearly contemptuous from the mouth of the demon, making Max turn up his nose and not to deign looking at him.
"I got to know him on earth, Tala, and it would be nice, if you also treat him like a guest, alright"
Tyson had immediatly seen, that his boyfriend wasn't truely talkative with Tala, but he had to do the best of the whole situation.

His warm hands comprised Maxie's hips and lifted him easily on the stool before him without attending his protests.
"Hm! Now you will have a nice lunch with sushi with me, okay? See this as our first date! . "
Of course this strucked the angel all of a heap and he looked ashamed to the floor, while the empty boats passed him and disappeared in turning the corner.

A good-humored Jun entered the room with a message in one hand and a smile in his face, which showed, that his present day had to be very amusing. But this changed abruptly, when he saw the demon lying on his master, looking frightened and scared (The second thing was fancy...). Like a furious storm the servant raged through the open door to the bed, seized Kai at the collar, almost strangled him, and had nearly thrown him into the next corner, if Rei didn't call him to order with an unusual warning voice:


His master has never bawled at him, his master has never raised his voice in such a intensity. And this was a shock for the older angel, why he dropped Kai on the bed without saying something, turned with a POF! into a white mouse and scurried into the kitchen. Kai, who led his hand to his throat coughing and gasping, watched Rei standing up from the bed smoothly and following Jun.
"I come back soon." was the only thing the Russian could hear, then the neko-jin left the room.

In the kitchen

"Jun, come out." called Rei after him, but the older one didn't answer. "Please, Jun..." A slight entreaty was in the Chinese's voice. He didn't have the purpose to cry at him that gruff, but as he had seen, what he almost has done to Kai... he got panic.
Suddenly Rei heard a squeak from a corner and discovered Jun crawling out of an open cupboard, hopping on the chair and from there onto the table. Rei could see that his for him promised servant had the gleam of remorse in his eyes and maybe even had punished himself for his misdeed, if Rei hadn't bowed forward for deepening an eye contact.

"Jun...I know your good intention, but don't you think, that I have to get by this on my own some time?" The small mouse squeaked silently confirmatory and sad before it turned back into the portly but nevertheless weak man. He sat on the chair, but couldn't look in his master's eyes.
"Since I was able to think, you was at my side, has supported me in every plight. But now time has come for standing on my own."

Slowly Rei walked around the table and to the other angel. He opened his arms and pulled the much more taller man into a gently embrace.
"I'm not alone anymore, Jun. I have friends I can trust. I have the necessary self-confidence for fulfilling my mission." "But mas...!" Jun was interrupted by a head blow.
"You quite know, that I can't stand this, Jun, and still you cannot leave it." Rei had to snicker, when his long friend and helpmate got silent with embarrassment.
"The event with Kai was just a mistake, Jun. He only stumbled and happened to fall on me, nothing more. Kai isn't a bad person..." With this he got a bit red and hid his face half in Jun's snow white hair.

"When I was a child, Jun, you was the only one, at whom I could cry my eyes out, when I was sad. I didn't want Lee get to know this nor the others. But you, you were the one, who wiped away my tears and dried my cheeks, who comforted me and took me into your arms. And this made you my friend, not my servant. That's why I'm wishing only one thing, Jun"
The addressed one rose his head and gazed at the gentle golden eyes of Rei. "I wish you to have your own life and be happy!" "But Rei-san! (At least no 'master' ; ) Are you surely...?"

Rei just nodded timidly and stopped Jun going on to speak with putting a finger on his lips. "I am." whispered he.
The older angel has never seen such contentment sending out from his charge and he had to admit, that Rei seemed to be more relaxed too. Is it due to?

"Yes, Rei-san?" "What about the letter you had in your hand? oO "

"Oh! I've nearly forgotten it! Forgive me! It's from your friend Max-san (WAIII!)." He handed the writing over, stood up from his seat and had the purpose to go, if Rei didn't stop him in seizing his sleeve and wrapping his arms around the abdomen. He buried his face in Jun's belly and wanted to show with this his thankfulness. And Jun accepted this gesture, stroked over the Chinese's head.
"It's time, Rei-san. I have to fulfill my last task..." Rei rose his head and look right into the other's countenance.

"...in leaving you."

And with this the tall angel shoved Rei aside with gentle violence, walked out of the kitchen passing the sleeping room, bowed once again before Kai, who was still sitting on the bed, for offering his deepest apology, and went off.

Kai understood not a bit. He didn't know, about what both has talked, but it seemed to be a farewell forever.
"Are you okay?" heard he a smooth voice from the door frame without a door and he turned his gaze to Rei, whose smile looked so sad, as if he wanted to start again...

And soon it fell, the first tear...

After a while Max had gotten known the different kinds of sushi but not tried once. Like on salvers the appetizing bites swam along and he couldn't decide at all with which he should start, while Tyson had at least ten plates. There weren't also only sushi but other delicious things like baked vegetables or fried shrimps, which though had their source from the kitchen behind this scene.

Previously he got from a funny guy called Ian a small rectangular plate, on which ginger and a green paste were arranged. Cautiously he tasted ginger and made a grimace thereupon:
"Bah! That's disgusting! Xb " "Well, ginger isn't everyone's thing, darling! But it's better, if you don't..." Too late.
Yet the turtle tried the green paste and looked first more like a dragon vomiting fire who was struggling for something to drink. Without further ado Ian gave him a pot with cold green tea which was emptied in one draught and barely dropped, if the little man hadn't caught it in time.

Tala watched this activities amused and couldn't hide a grin in his usually serious face.
"I should have warned you for the biting taste, shouldn't I?"

"I would have been nice from you." answered Max gasping, drinking from Tyson's (!) cup.

"Come on, Maxie! Try finally something! Maybe at first the maguro (1)! X3 I guess, this won't kill you! "

The blond took hesitating the plate which Tyson pointed at from the boat and put it in front of himself. He hoped that such an event like before saved him and he took carefully one little roll with the sticks into his mouth. Slowly he chewed...and you could see -

he liked it.

"OIIIIISHIIII! XDDDD " Max threw himself enthusiastically at Tyson and almost bumped him down from his stool, if the dragon hadn't gotten the bar in his fingers oO;
"MAX! Come down! XD; " laughed he and put his boyfriend gingerly back onto his chair. Right away the angel took three more plates and finished them within 60 seconds. Tyson looked very astonished at this. And he thought, he was that greedy XD;

In the meanwhile Max watched the fishes swimming from right to left and back, eating from the ground or playing with the others.
"Look, Ty! This one looks kinda like Kai, ne? X3 " Max pointed at one fish with light and dark blue stripes which was scouring the ceiling of the aquarium. "You're right! And this one, the black and white streaky, could be Rei! o " Both couldn't help but laugh loudly, when they saw, how Kai-fish swam to Rei-fish and bit him in his tail (LOOOOOOOL XDDDDDD .
And the game with attaching the fishes went so long till all of a sudden a plate was passing them and called their attention, deep black covered with roes.

Ty: The black monster of the Japanese kitchen oO

Max: giggles

Tala: Eat it or let it be. I don't mind.

But both boys left it, then it was too early for Max to dare such a meal ; Instead of this they went on with eating until they didn't get anymore in their stomachs and liked to go back home.

Ty: Have a nice day, Tala!

Tala: Not for you.

Ty: Kind as always ;

They left the bar. Max was happier than before! He hung himself at Tyson's arm and babbled and laughed, that Tyson felt warm in his innerself.

Arriving at home they realized the weariness overtaking them, why they got ready for bed and lay down in their futons side by side.

Max: Say, Tyson, when do your father come back? o.o

Ty: Mostly in the morning. His work claims him fully

Max: What does he work?

Ty: He's a guard at the devil's night patrol He told me something happened so that he's busier and couldn't be always at home...

The depression in Tyson's voice couldn't be overheard. That's why Max came near his lover, looked right into his eyes and rushed through the dark blue hair with one hand.
Tyson flinched by this touch. He was so absent with his thoughts he looked through Max like through glass.

Suddenly the feeling of sadness overcame him, settled down in his chest and took his breath for a moment. Why now? Why did he have this oppressing feeling again...?

Without noticing it Tyson felt a Hand on his cheeks which wiped an unshed drop away. And there it happened. He burst out crying...

He trembled his whole body long; his carriage resembled of a fetus, small and cringed. He couldn't anymore, he hadn't anymore the strength to be strong.

All those years which he spent with pretending everything was okay, no problems did concern him, were frustrated with one touch. All those tears he held on, came up in one night. All this pain he burdened himself, relieved. And this happened with just one touch...

When serenity came back into the room and Tyson finally found peace, Max pulled him nearer to himself. With the thumb he caught the last tears before he breathed a soft kiss over the lips of the blue haired. But the other one didn't want to let him go, wanted to lie in Max' arms further on and pressed him firmly. So he deepened the kiss, pressed him against himself in seizing his hips and slipped his tongue into the other's mouth. One last time a tear shed...

Rei wiped over his eyes with the back of his hand and said: "Don't look like this, it's really okay. Then I resolved to stop pretending something before you ; "
Kai's expression was again inscrutable. Rei didn't know, how to interpret him, but when Kai jumped off the bed and walked straight to him, he could feel this penetrating gaze on him again.

"You say you don't pretend me something anymore? Then tell me, what happened to you at the present morning."

Oh, oh, he knew he forgot something .;

This time Rei smiled but looked embarrassed to the side. What, if Kai now misunderstood this...?


As if someone wanted to disturb them purposely in this moment, a knocking sounded at the door. Kai wanted Rei not to go but he was irresistable went to open it. He thought it would be Jun again coming back but that it was "Kaz!" of all people, he'd never considered.
At once Kai hastened to Rei and loured at the bat more than cross.

"How in devil's name did you come here! What are you doing here, bitch!" "Kai..." "Shut up, Rei!"

Kai wasn't really pleased seeing Kaz. He couldn't forget the incident in thr room at the onsen springs.

Kaz: Hello master! . Nice to meet you again! .

Kai: Answer my question, if you want to keep your tongue in your mouth!

Kaz: raises his hands appeasing Keep cool ; How I came here is a minor detail, because you will soon come with me, master. And that's the next reason why I am here. The Lord asked your presence. You shall come back home at your earliest convenience 0

Rei's head swung from Kaz to Kai. Kai had to go back to that place where he was manhandled!

Rei: Kai stay here! ò.ó

The slate haired looked surprised to the Chinese like his servant, being nervous cause he had to go by degrees, otherwise he got in trouble with his other master. And this was noticed from the phoenix. Therefore he put one hand on Rei's shoulder and said determined in a rough voice:

"I have to go. Like you who followed your Lord's call I have to obey the order of mine." Of course the tiger knew this. Notwithstanding everything strove against it.

Kaz: Don't worry, Rei-san, I'll send you Max-san, therewith you're not alone .

Yet both demons wanted to go.

Something cramped in Rei's chest, when he saw Kai going away. His lips were quivering but he couldn't say it aloud...

'Don't go!'

Unexpected Kai turned to Rei again, and the first thing the angel saw was pure astonishment in the Russian's face. Rei had forgotten again, like always, that Kai had the ability reading his thoughts, and when realization hit him he kept his mouth shut, although it was innocent.

"I..I'm sorry. I...I.." Only stammering came out but Rei didn't want to stop Kai, why he shoved him out of the door, said a silent "See you later" and waved them good-bye with a truely afflicted smile.
Kai rose his hand once again but he dissolve immediately and left Rei alone.

To be continued

(1) tuna

A/N: Now finally I did it again I hope, you're pleased with it