I do not own Power Rangers! I only own the story and some of the characters *not all*! I'd like to thank Decode9, LovingGinger30, Heroeschamp,

fantastic. rhapsody , and Voltronblue123 for the characters! I hope everyone who enjoys this story fills free to review, rate, and follow! -ICrzy

EPISODE 3: Origins Part 3

The minions were throwing trash cans in the hallway and smashing the lockers. Papers on the floor. Some broken glass laying on the tile. In the classrooms there were students and teachers hiding for their lives. Some began to scream now a minion grabbed the doorknob and began to try and jerk it open.

"Not so fast!" A voice exclaimed.

The minions halted.

They all turned to the direction of the voice. It was a male's voice. Well a young male's voice.

And thus, standing at the end of the hallway was the six newly morphed Power Rangers. They wore their respected color on their spandex suit. They had white gloves and white boots. Their helmets were their respected color as well with a visor to help them see out of. On their waist was a belt and attached to the belt was a sword.

"Great, now we have their attention." Whitney says turning to Blaine, "Now what?"

"We get the fight outside and away from the people," Abe says.

Blaine looks at Abe, "I was just about to say that."

"When?" Abe asks looking at Blaine, "After you shout at those things."

Alice groans, "Ugh, stop it please."

The minions did some sort of howl. It was freaky the fact that those minions could howl despite not having a face.

"Looks like we got their attention," Miku says, "We should run."

The six teens sprinted down the hallway and towards the nearest door they could find. Upon arriving outside, the minions only arrived after the teens a few seconds later.

The teens all pulled out their swords and held them in their hands.

"Remember their chest is their weak point," Blaine reminded them.

And then the fight began.

Jay ran into the fight, swinging his sword. He saw one coming near him and he kicked that one in the chest, causing it to turn to dust. Then he turned to the one near him and he swung his sword at the chest of the minion. It turned to dust.

Alice did a roundoff and then turned to see three surrounding her. She did a toe touch as two come near her first, hitting them in the chest. The two turn to dust. And as the last one came over, she sliced it on the chest with her sword, during to dust.

Miku ducked for a moment, as one tried to physically tackle her. She looks up to see a minion coming close to her, she slices her sword at the chest, causing it to turn to dust. She seemed impressed by that, only to be knocked down by one of them. She was struggling in their hold and then she hit her head off the head of the minion, it caused some pain to her and it seemed to daze the minion. She rose to her feet and kicked the minion in the chest. It turns to dust.

Whitney attached her sword back to her belt and ran in fists up. She dodged a few coming near her and then punched one twice in the chest before it turns to dust, and then turned to see one coming from behind. She did a high kick at the one coming near her at the chest of the minion, and it turned to dust before her eyes.

Abe and Blaine ended up being back to back. Blaine had sliced at a minion coming over with his sword, as Abe did the same time. The two looked at each other for a split second before lifting their gaze to see a minion coming near them. Blaine grabbed Abe's arm and pulled him away from the minion and then kicked it in the chest.

Blaine turns to Abe.

Abe noticed one coming from behind at Blaine, so Abe shoved Blaine to the ground and kicks the minion and turned it to dust.

Blaine stands up, "Thanks for shoving me," He says.

Abe shrugs, "I got it didn't I?"

Blaine turns to his team.

The minions were gone but that did not mean it was over. Despite everything seemingly going back to normal, the teens knew this was the beginning of their crazy year.


"What do you mean the Power Rangers stopped you?" A wicked voice screamed.

Stepping into the light was a dark haired and pale skinned witch. She wore a long elegant purple dress and held a scepter. The scepter was black with a purple glow at the gem at the top.

The minions were grumbling in some weird voice that the witch seemed to understand. The witch grew frustrated and her eyes began to glow purple and that minion was levitating into the air and then thrown across the room.

The other minions seemed to howl in laughter.

"Silence!" The witch screams.

The howl laughter stopped.

"So, the rangers think they can stop me." The witch snickers, "Well, they haven't met Reynna yet."


Back at the ranger HQ, the teens were back in their normal clothes and were standing with Liz and JT in front of the monitor they were looking at before.

"It seems the attack is done," Liz says, "For today."

JT sighs, "And this is only the beginning," He says, "Chances are Reynna knows the Power Rangers are back. Which means the battles are going to get difficult as time goes on, you six think you can handle it?"

Liz turns to JT, "You ask them this, now? After they already accepted the morphers?" She spoke.

JT looks at her, "Look we didn't have the time a while ago." He says.

The banter between the two adults didn't stop there, they continued to sort of give each other a hard time. Guess, that's why you don't go into a partnership with your ex.

Blaine's gaze moves towards the other side of the room and notice hanging on the wall was a photograph that was framed. In the photograph it appeared six teens wearing the ranger suits and holding their helmets while smiling into the camera. An older man, maybe older than JT, stood next to them.

"Uh, who are they?" Blaine asks.

This gains everyone's attention.

Everyone moves over to the photograph.

"Oh, that's the first Ninja Fore team." JT says, "They were first a team in the 1980s. Reynna was sealed after the fight then."

Liz frowns while crossing her arms on her chest, "It was the only way to stop her then." She says, "But it obviously didn't hold long."

"And where are the first rangers now?" Miku asks.

JT shrugs, "Moved away from Hamilton, raised their own families, forgot about being a ranger." He shakes his head, "Honestly, we don't know."

Whitney looks at them, "How are you two connected to all of this?" She asks, "Are you related to a past ranger?"

Liz and JT looked at each other.

"My father is the man in the photo," Liz points at, "He single handedly developed the morphers and discovered the headquarters."

"His name is Professor Hector Chang," JT says, "He taught ancient Japanese history at Hamilton University before retiring."

Abe nods, "Alright so your dad made the morphers, how did you guys get involved?" He asks.

JT and Liz looked at one another. JT had a blushing and embarrassed look on his face and Liz just shakes her head.

"Look we accidentally stumbled into this when we were grad students. My dad offered us credits for college to help him out with trying to locate the rangers," Liz says, "We did that and even learned about the tech and the key to get us to HQ."

"We both have one," JT says, "But you don't need to worry about needing one."

Liz nods, "As mentioned before the morphers teleport so you don't have to worry about needing a key to come and go." She says.

The rangers nod.

Jay looks back at the photograph of the team.

"And they saved the day, obviously." Jay says.

JT nods, "It took a lot of time and effort, but yes. They won." He says, "Just like you all will."

The teens glance at each other.

"Remember you mustn't tell a soul about you guys being Power Rangers. It'll put not only you in danger but your loved ones." Liz says, "I mean it, don't go running your mouth about this just to boost your popularity."

There were some eye rolls among the teens.

"Believe us," Abe says, "Even if we did tell someone, no one at this school would consider us as cool."


The rest of the day was a blur. The mixture of the sheer horror but excitement of fighting against bad guys, caused the six teens to sort of space out from the reminder of the day. Good thing it was the first day.

Blaine was pulling his skateboard out of his locker and glanced over to across the hallway. His eyes land on Whitney. She was closing her locker too and then glanced over at him.

"What, Evans?" Whitney asks.

Blaine shuts his locker and walks across the hall, "Nothing, Whit, just uh- I remember you telling my mom that things in your personal life wasn't good so uh-,"

Whitney frowns, "Don't pry, Blaine." She says, "Really, don't pry."

Blaine shakes his head, "No, no. I- I wasn't," He sighs, "I was just saying that if things are too crazy where you live and you need an escape you can always come chill at my place."

Whitney stares at him a little baffled.

"I mean it's up to you," He says, "My dad is never home really and so it would be us, but- but not like I plan to do anything to you."

A small smile appeared on Whitney's face as she listened to Blaine get a little flustered. Blaine didn't even seem to notice it.

"I apricate the house offer, Evans." Whitney says, "Now please stop calling me, "Whit"."

Blaine grins, "Come on it's a fun nickname."

Whitney rolls her eyes, "I don't do nicknames."

"Did someone say nicknames!"

Blaine and Whitney turn to see Miku and the others approaching them. Jay was on his phone texting someone, Alice was being held by Miku who had her arm wrapped around her arm, and Abe just seemed to have been forced to come along.

"I always wanted to have a fun nickname." Miku says and turns to Alice, "Should we all have nicknames since we're a team now?"

Abe shakes his head, "We don't need nicknames."

Blaine looks at Abe, "Says the guy who is referred by a shorten version of his name." He says.

Abe rolls his eyes at Blaine.

Jay looks up from his phone, "If we do nicknames, they shouldn't be forced, Miku." He says, "If anything the right nickname will come with time."

Miku just nods accepting Jay's answer.

"Are we just going to stand here and talk all day?" Abe asks.

Alice glanced at Abe, "Don't have to sound harsh saying that," She turns to Blaine and Whitney, "Jay suggested that we all go to the Angelica's Diner to just get to know each other better."

Miku nods, "He says it would be good for teamwork." She says smiling.

Blaine nods his head, "Yeah- Yeah that is a great idea." He says.

Whitney glanced at Blaine.

"Whitney, you in?" Alice asks.

Whitney then turns to them, "Fine. I don't have plans."

And then just like that six unlikely teens began to leave the school together. Alice was socializing with Miku. The two beginning to bond over their similar interest, that being fashion. The two girls gushed on about it.

Meanwhile, it was sort of silent among the boys and Whitney. Every now and then one of the boys might says something. Jay was far more concerned with sending a text to Grace letting the sitter know he is going to hang out with friends, which seemed to excite the woman. Abe was also texting his caretakers saying the exact same thing, which they were also happy to hear the news of new friends.

Whitney was just walking in silence, but then felt a nudge. She glanced over and saw a book being offered to her. It was being offered to her by Blaine. Whitney looked at the teen, he had tucked his skateboard under his armpit to reach into his backpack.

Whitney accepts the book and then looked at the cover.

"Les Misérables," Whitney says looking from the cover to Blaine, "I'm a little shocked that you'd be interested in it." Blaine gives her a grin, "You know me," He kept the grin on his face, "Always reading." A smile crept on Whitney's face.

After what seemed to be a quick five-minute walk to the diner, the teens manage to find a booth in the 1950's design diner. The diner is the biggest hot spot after school, so sometimes it is hard to find a spot to sit. Although they had a booth far from others.

A waitress came over. The waitress was a woman in her late thirty's, blonde hair, green eyes, fair skin, and dressed as a 1950's pinup girl.

"What can I get for you?" She asks.

"How about a large plate of fries for starters," Jay says, "And six glasses of water."

The woman nods and writes it down. The waitress walks off leaving the teens alone in the sort of loud diner filled with classmates of theirs from school.

"So, how do we start this?" Alice asks.

Abe groans, "Have any of you guys had friends?" He asks, "We just talk that's it."

Whitney narrows her eyes at him, "In case you forgot, Abe, but we're all outcasts in some way or another. We don't do social ques." She says.

"Maybe that's what we should do," Miku says, "Talk about why we're all on the outside. Like for me it's sort of obvious but I'm the new girl."

Eyes shift between the teens. Blaine shrugs. Jay and Abe glance at each other. Whitney rolls her eyes. Alice just nods at Miku.

"I- I just I can say it." Alice says, "It's pretty obvious for me. Last year, I lost my virginity to Freddy. We were dating and- and I thought he really cared about me, but I was just a number for him. He told his buddies about me and they began to laugh about me."

"That's awful," Miku says.

"He told everyone, and now everyone thinks I'm easy or some sort of slut." Alice says fighting off the urge to cry, "I can't report it to the football coach."

Miku frowns, "Why not?"

The others glanced among themselves. It was sad for Miku being new. She was on the outside of the group to an extent. She knew only what she was and was told, she didn't have the insight as the others.

"My father is the football coach," Alice says, "And the boys are his pride and joy. He only cares about winning championships than his own daughter."

The table got silent. Then the waitress arrived at place down the six glasses of water on the table before parting from the table once again. The teens look from the glasses at each other.

Jay studies the ice cubes in the glass, "For me it's easy. I got my ex-girlfriend pregnant. She and I were once the most popular couple in the whole school, and then our entire lives changed. When word got out about the pregnancy-," He sighs, "Let's just say life hasn't been the same."

Miku frowns. "I- I heard you had a little girl," Alice says.

Whitney glanced at Jay.

Jay lights up, "Amanda." He smiles, "She's my whole world. She's beautiful and perfect."

Miku smiles, "You sound like a great dad." She says.

Jay glanced at Miku, "Thank you."

Whitney looks up at the ceiling, "There is no real crazy reason why I am on the outs here. I am not originally from Hamilton," Whitney says, "I just don't do friendships. I don't need someone in my life that will end up only disappointing me."

Miku looks at Whitney, "You really believe that?" She asks.

Whitney glanced at Miku, "You've had enough disappointments, yeah you would."

Miku frowns.

Alice glanced at Whitney, "Well we won't be a disappointment, right guys?" She glanced at the others.

Blaine nods with a small smile. Whitney sees the boys nod and then sees Miku also nod aggressively to show how much she means it. Whitney was a little shocked by it but kept her cool by it.

Blaine then fumbles with his fingers, "Kinda like Whit, I don't have a good reason why I am an outcast." He gives a sad smile, "I had plenty of friends two years ago but- but after my mom passed away, I just became a loner."

Blaine looks up at the ceiling.

"I'm really sorry about your mom," Miku says.

Miku watched as Blaine reached for a necklace around his neck and held onto the charm or whatever was attached to the chain.

"You know it also has to do with the fact you were the first opening bisexual guy at our school before Abe was outed." Alice says.

Miku glanced back and forth.

Blaine shrugs, "It wasn't a secret," He says coolly.

Abe frowns.

Blaine just looks at them, "But being completely honest I'd take this than going home to an empty apartment any day, right now." He grins.

The waitress arrives to the table and placed a large plate of French fries on the top of the table. Then the waitress walked off leaving the teens to eat their food and drink their water. Abe hesitates to reach for a fry and looks at Blaine. One thing that Abe always got annoyed with regarding Blaine was how chill he was with his sexuality; it wasn't like he was bullied by it like Abe was and has been by his former teammates.

"I was outed by my team in junior high," Abe confessed, "They thought it would be fun to harass me for being bisexual."

Eyes glance at Abe.

"It just seems so weird," Miku frowns, "I've lived in California all my life. No other place seemed to be as bad a Hamilton when it comes to the LGBT community."

Alice frowns, "We may life in a modern world, but these kids are being raised by the people who strongly disagree with change." She says, "It's the same ideals of being against inter-racial marriage."

Miku seemed stunned, "Really?"

Jay nods, "Oh yeah," He says, "And sure, not everyone reflects this that lives in Hamilton, but we had some bad apples in the group."

Blaine just nods.

Miku glanced at Abe, "I'm sorry you were teased about it," She says, "If I hear you being made fun about it again, I'll be there."

Abe seemed a bit shocked by that.

"No," Blaine says, "We'll all be there."

All eyes on Blaine.

"We're a team now," Blaine says, "It's not going to be easy but is life ever easy? We're going to figure out the journey together and we'll stand by each other no matter what."

Blaine reached for his glass.

"Who's with me?" He asks.

Miku grabs her glass first and holds it up like Blaine. Alice follows next with Jay after her, Whitney had a smirk and does it next, and then Abe locks eyes with Blaine before raising his glass.

"Cheers, team weirdos." Blaine says.

(A/N: Hey sorry for the long wait. I went apartment hunting yesterday and it seemed to be very successful! I also have been consumed by my one job. I just want to be done with this one and begin the other one so badly, but I need to move first. But yeah! I really hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a good length one.

Also addressing Heroeschamp's review from the second chapter. I grew up watching Glee and re-watch it every now and then, and I didn't realize I named Blaine Evans based off Blaine Anderson and Sam Evans. That's so funny. I always liked Blaine's character from Glee, but may not liked all the stuff the writers made him do, but yeah. I thought that review was funny with that comment and making me think of that.

I will respond to reviews in future chapters if you want to ask me something or maybe like Heroeschamp making some sort of observation and asking if it's true. I won't answer questions if they relate to spoiling characters or plot wise stuff. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed it. -ICrzy)