Author's Query: Are people aware of/listening to Jennette McCurdy's new podcast? Recommended, if you'd like to know more about her fierce thoughts and feelings (I came to iCarly through being interested in McCurdy, not the other way around, so obviously, I would).

In recent years she's written and directed some perceptive short films; was developing a one-woman show until the quarantine closed the theaters, and now this. She seems to be looking for a rewarding way to express the parts of her creative potential she was unable to access as Sam Puckett. I hope she finds it.

PS Added the next day: McCurdy announced on her social media the podcast is in Apple's top podcasts, so she probably didn't need my little plug, but you do what you can...

And now, back to our story:

Freddie's POV

Normally in a blackout Freddie would've turned everything electrical off to avoid a surge when the power returned, but he'd been slightly distracted. Besides the lights, music started coming out of his speakers:

As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you

"Jesus!" Sam said, and dove beneath the covers before appearing at the foot of the bed, getting up, and running into the living room. Freddie enjoyed the view of her running away, then got up himself. He used the circular dimmer switch to put the lights down before doing the same to the music..

Sam came back in and he was disappointed to see that she'd put her underwear back on and was buttoning her pants. Her sweatshirt was over her shoulder, from where she pulled it and slipped it on. He was disappointed not only because, well, obviously, but also, he was sure this meant she was getting ready to leave.

Something she seemed to confirm when she went to his window and pulled it open, letting in a blast of cold air before leaving the room again. He figured she was going to leave via the fire escape. Like a thief, he thought.

He pulled on a Galaxy Wars T-shirt and a purple dressing gown as she returned with his Pearphone and the rest of her clothes. She handed him the phone; sat on the edge of the bed, plopped down her Converse and began to slide her stockings on. He placed the phone on the windowsill and sat down next to her.

"So…" he said.

He realized he hadn't felt this unsure of what to do or say in her presence, since the moments after she'd surprised him with their second kiss, giving him something he'd begun to be aware of wanting but never anticipated actually getting. He could still smell her strawberry shampoo from that night.

"Yeah," Sam said, her voice small. "So...about…"

"This was an…" He said over her, then stopped. He looked at her expectantly.

She shook her head. "No, you go."

"This was...what's a word for a really intense amount of fun?"

"Seddie?" she offered, with a smile. He cocked his head. She almost never used the portmanteau iCarly fans had given the whole notion of their going out. Did her using it now mean she was warming up to the idea of their doing so again, or was it just – was the whole night just – a nostalgic kiss goodbye?

"Seddie," he nodded.

"Yes, it was," she said, stopping before putting her Converse on, hesitating, then going forward with, "It was wonderful." Their eyes met. "But…"

His heart fell. But.

"After all," she continued, "we did say we were just going to 'get back together' until midnight."

"Right," he said. "We said that."


"So…" He closed his eyes. "What time is it, anyway?"

He felt her get up from the bed and opened his eyes to see her walking, shoes on, over to his phone and powering it up. Now she was wearing everything she had been when she'd come in; she was set to leave.

Sam's POV

As the phone started, anticipation mixed with dread as to what she would see. Just a second after the lock screen came up, the clock at the top ticked from 11:58 to 11:59 PM. She looked up, alarmed. Less than 60 seconds?

Freddie's POV

Her face told him everything he didn't want to know. He rose, wanting for some reason to take the blow standing up. She looked uncertain, eyes haltingly stumbling from the phone screen to his face and back again.

Then her eyes narrowed (a look he knew to mean she'd resolved to do something). He braced himself.

And then she threw his phone right out the window.

"I never could keep track of time," she said.

He raised an eyebrow, almost not daring to ask the next obvious question.

She glanced around nervously for a second or two then looked at him directly in the eyes and said,


He rushed a few steps forward to throw his arms around her in a grateful hug, holding her as tightly and long as he could. When he loosened his hold, her face was flushed.

"Happy, Momma's boy?"

"Very happy." He kissed her, lightly.

Then the earlier exertion of the evening caught up with the release of tension and he couldn't stop himself from yawning, quickly moving to cover his mouth with his hand.

She laughed. "Tired, Freddie?"

"Almost as tired as I am happy. Somebody wore me out just last night."

"I'll have to look over your workout plan. We gotta build your stamina up. But for now, why don't we go to bed?" She kicked off her shoes; unceremoniously unbuttoned and dropped her pants.

"Uh, about my stamina-"

"To sleep, Freddie."





Smiling, she took his arm and took him back to his bed, releasing her hold on him to lift up the covers so he could get in. He sat down and suddenly a guilty look flashed across her face. "Oh, hey...there wasn't anything real important on that phone, was there?"

He pulled up the covers over his legs and smiled at her. "You don't think I back everything up twice? It's sad the way you think I don't know you."

Sam's POV

Now it was her turn to give him a grateful hug, and she kept her arms around him as they settled into bed.

"So go to sleep," she said, "we'll be together when we wake up, then you're making me breakfast."

"You're a much better cook than I-"

"True. Okay, then, you're going out to get the ingredients I tell you. And you're not allowed to question them."

"Yes, Princess Puckett." He lay down on his back.

She took up a place close to him, on her side, head propped up by one hand; elbow resting on the bed.

After about 15 seconds passed she said "I can tell you're not relaxed."

He opened his eyes."Sorry. I feel like I used to feel before iCarly shows, you know? Kind of butterflies in the stomach, the mind racing -"

She put her fingers to his lips.

"Shh. Close your eyes." He did.

She reached over and began stroking his hair, gently.

He smiled. "That feels good."

"No talking."

"Sorry," he whispered.

Then, she began to sing to him.

Softly, but for real.

"I'd have a Blue Christmas

Without you…"


Author's note: The song that comes out of Freddie's speakers when the power comes back on is the beautiful; brilliant "Absolute Beginners," by the equally beautiful and brilliant David Bowie.