
Disclaimer: Blaze is mine!


Skylor was sitting at the kitchen table inside the Monastery of Spinjitzu, looking lost in space. Nya walked and paused.

"Morning." The water Ninja greeted, Skylor blinked and turned to her.


Nya walked to the table and sat down. "How are you feeling? Are you up for any breakfast?" She asked gently.

The red head shook her head. "The smell of food is still making him feel so ill."

Nya nods. "Ok, maybe that is a good thing since Cole really wanted to make breakfast this morning."

"Why is it so quiet?" Skylor asks. "It's eerie."

"PIXAL, Zane, Jeanette and Lloyd went to see Cyus Borg for for the day, they left early this morning. Cole is still snoring away, Master Wu is meditating, Kai is singing in the shower, and Jay is playing video games." Nya listed as she thought about it.

Skylor gave a short nod. "Have you been thinking of giving Rocky a sibling?" She asks, giving Nya a sideways look.

The raven haired girl shrugged. "We have been talking about it, but Cole is too scared on what Master Wu would say or do." She grinned. "We still have fun though."

Skylor looked down at the table. "I did hear from Lloyd that Master Wu doesn't want the Ninja to have any more kids."

Nya sighed as she moved from the table to walk up to the counter. "I think Master Wu was telling only Lloyd that." She paused after opening a cabinet, and turned. "And then Rocky came."

"Well." Skylor took a deep breath. "I guess I just got Kai into trouble then."

Nya's eyes widened. "What?" She turned to the red head. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Skylor looked at her. "Cause I think I'm." She trailed off, and Nya squealed.

"No way!" She ran at Skylor and hugged her. "This is great news!"

The Master Of Amber smiled. "Thanks."

Nya pulled away from her. "Have you talked to Kai yet? What'd he say, what'd he say?" She was bouncing, her eyes shinning.

"I ... I haven't told him yet."

Nya's excitment fades. "You haven't?" She sits back down at the table. "Why?"

Skylor looked at her. "Because this is Kai we're talking about. His reactions are a little." She trailed off.

"Not the best." Nya laughed. "I'll help ya!" She quickly got up and hurried up to the countar again.

"What did you have in mind?" The red head asked with a smile, watching a Nya reached into the bread box.

"Jen said it was easy just to tell Lloyd." Nya opened the bag she was holding.

"How did you tell Cole?"

Nya looked up from pulling off a bun. "I dropped a bag of home tests in front of both Cole and Kai. My brother did not like that." She placed the bag of bread on the counter.

Skylor nodded. "What's with the bun?"

Nya grinned. "Need to call Kai first."

"Call me for what?"

Both Nya and Skylor turned to quickly to the door of the kitchen to see Kai standing there.

"Kai! Leave the kitchen!" Nya order, Kai blinked.

"What? I just came in here, and I'm hungry."

"Relax hot head, I'll be making breakfast soon." Cole said as he walked up.

"No, no, no, no!" Nya stalked up to them. "Both of you two leave the kitchen now!" She orders.

Both boys looked at her, then at each other. "But Nya." Cole started.


The boys backed away back into the hall.

Kai blink. "What just happened?" He asked, looking at Cole just as Jay walked up.

"Why are you guys out here? I thought you wanted to make breakfast this morning Cole?" Jay asked as he walked into the kitchen, and the two boys tried to stop him.

After a few minutes they heard Jay burst into laughter, and a few more minutes Nya came back to the kitchen door.

"Alright boys." She said. "Come on in."

The two looked at each other before they slowly walked into the kitchen. Finding Skylor leaning her back against the oven and Jay had a few buns stuffed in his mouth.

"What's going on?" Cole asked.

Nya turned to the only red head. "Go ahead Skylor." She encouraged.

Jay bobbed his head rapidly.

Skylor took a deep breath. "Ok." She turned to the over and turned on the light, revealing a bun inside.

Cole's eyes widened. "Whoa!"

Kai blinked. "What's that mean?"

"It means that she is expecting." Master Wu's voice had everyone turn to him, finding Master Wu standing in the middle of the doorway.

"Expecting?!" Kai cried. "As in a baby?!" His eyes are very wide.

"Kai?" Nya asked, walking over to him. "Are you ok, brother?" She asked with worry.

"He looks a little pale." Jay noticed.

"Kai?" Skylor asked as she walked up to Nya's side.

Kai fell to the floor in a faint.


Hope you like it!