Reviews for Blaze
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22
one question.. will jay get a girlfriend in season 13 with princess vania? cause jay is the only one without. love your stories. goodbye!
CaptainSteve1 chapter 3 . 7/21
Oh, goodness XD

I think we'd better keep an eye on Jay now. Hopefully he'll be more responsible than those other three.

That line about Jay's allowance being revoked was hilarious XD

Great job!
SandNinja GS chapter 3 . 7/20
Maybe when you find a love interest for Jay and they have a kid, would Lei be a good name if they have a daughter?
PrincePacman47 chapter 2 . 7/17
I'm liking this, though Maya and Ray not approving of Skylor just because she's related to Chen I feel is a bit cruel, though they better come around If they ever get the ideas of seeing their grandchild.

Will say, not a huge fan of these shot chapters, if they were at least within 1k or 2k words, I would be fine with it, but they just seem short to me, other than that, good work, cant wait for the next chapter.
CaptainSteve1 chapter 1 . 7/15
Oh lord, these ninja and their 'accidental' pregnancies. Ever heard of something called birth control? XD

I think sensei is gonna have to ground them off sex for awhile otherwise we re gonna have miniture ninja running around everywhere!

Great job!
SandNinja GS chapter 1 . 7/14
How are they gonna explain that to Wu?