I felt my eyes snap open. What I saw next could only be explained as a movie scene with a crap ton of CGI.

I, a teenager, am in my pajamas, standing on an island I had never seen before, and not just any island, a flying one.

I tried to calm down, but it was to no avail. The island I was standing on kept getting higher and higher. It soon got to the point where I started to experience shortness of breath.

A few minutes later, I fell on my knees, the island must have reached a very high altitude because I could tell my consciousness was about to slip at any moment.

My vision was getting blurry, I couldn't hear anything anymore and just as I was about to close them I saw a flying woman with white hair and a redheaded girl she was carrying.

I couldn't make out their faces, but after the redhead touched me I suddenly felt more in control of myself. But there was something else, I felt like there was some sort of connection to this girl who just touched me.

The island slowly descended to the ground, and by the time the island reached sea-level my vision and hearing finally returned.

While I still couldn't hear properly, I managed to regain my breath and could finally make out the faces of the two women who helped me.

I had no idea who the redhead was, but there was only one white-haired African Goddess that can also fly. "Are you Storm[1]?"

-Flashback, An Hour Ago, With X-Men-

Cyclops[2] was looking at a tablet, monitoring one of the Six Lights, new mutants that activated his or her X-Gene after Hope Summers returned from the future.

X-Men had started helping these Lights come to terms with their new lives. Hope[3] had recently helped Laurie[4], a college student from Canada, and Gabriel[5], a speedster from Mexico, and just an hour ago Hope and Storm helped a 13-year-old girl in Nigeria.

And now, they were going to help a new Light. And not just any Light, a powerful one. He just activated his powers and was already powerful enough to raise an island. He seems to be a Potential Omega Level Mutant.

"Hope, Storm, the Light is just outside the coast of Lagos."

"Roger that, how far is it from our location?" Storm asked

"It's fairly close, 250 miles from there. This new light appears to have lifted an entire island and currently flying it over international waters. Luckily, the island seems to be uninhabited, we are unable to get a visual, but hurry up, it could be dangerous."

"Understood, we'll leave as soon as possible," Hope said

-End Flashback, General POV-

"ARE YOU STORM?" The newest mutant shouted

"Yes she is, and you do not need to shout, we can hear you just fine," the Mutant Messiah said

"I don't think he can hear you. Hope, he has been in high altitude for a while without any kind of protection. Give him some time." the Wakandan Queen said.

"WHERE AM I? WHAT HAPPENED?" the Light asked, still screaming

Hope put her hands in front of her "Calm Down! We'll Explain It When You Can Hear Better!" she shouted.

"OKAY!" he shouted back,

After waiting for a few minutes in silence, the newest light spoke "I think I'm okay now."

"Good," Hope said as she smiled, Storm also smiled

"Can someone explain to me what just happened?" he asked

"Short version is, we're the X-Men, you just became a Mutant, and you can become an X-Man too." the redhead said

'FUCK. It's like I thought. I'm in the Marvel Universe.' he thought to himself "Wait a sec, does that mean it was me who lifted the island."

"We think so. We can help you understand your powers better, and possibly get you something better to wear than those pajamas" Hope said

The connection from before tried to compel him to her will, but it wasn't powerful enough. "Look, it all sounds good and all, but I have a few questions," he said

"Understandable, we'll answer any questions you may have, but for now, we have a few of our own." Storm Said

"Fair enough," he said

"What's your name?" Storm asked

"Lucas Long," he said "My friends call me Luke"

"Okay, Luke… What is your mutation?" Storm asks again

"I'm… not sure. Ever since she touched me I started to feel like I'm much stronger than before. But I was also able to lift an island so I would say minor strength boost and gravity manipulation? I don't know what to think, this all seems… so crazy!"

"Don't worry, we'll help you figure it out once we get to Utopia Island," Hope said

"What is this Utopia Island?" Luke asked

"It is where the majority of mutants live after the M-Day" Storm answered

'Right, I heard about that. Scarlet Witch went crazy and said "No More Mutants", inactivating almost everyone's X-Genes' Luke thought to himself before turning towards Hope "What are your powers, and why did your touch made me feel… whole again?"

"My power is mutant power mimicry, and well you see… the second question is hard to explain" Hope said

Storm smiles gently "Well Luke, what Hope is trying to say is you are different from most mutants. Hope here re-ignited the X-Gene, and now, touching her stabilizes the mutation of newly awakened mutants." Storm explained, "Do you have any more questions?"

"Just one, can I borrow your phone?"

-Luke's POV-

Alright, let's check the date, September 22, 2010. So I'm 10 years in the past, in a fictional world… Just great.

The last thing I remember before waking up here was making that Marvel Comics Jumpchain. Come to think of it, I did buy Graviton's powers and Mutie drawback, is it possible I have all the powers I bought there?

sigh* Let's just google my name… and no results, let's check my parents as well… again no results. So we don't have any alternate versions in this world.

I'm… not entirely sure if that is a good thing or not. On one hand, no alternate versions to worry about, on the other hand, I will never be able to see my parents again.

There is not much I could do for now. All I can do is go with them "I'm ready to go"

-A Few Days Later, General POV-

Despite not finding any background information on him, the X-Men welcomed Luke with open arms. Rogue[6] even helped him understand his mutation better.

Currently, Luke was sitting in a jet next to Laurie, Gabriel, Idie[7]. They were the Four Lights X-Men found so far. Gabriel and Laurie were around his age, but Idie was only 13 years old.

They were now going to the location of the Fifth Light, Miami.

"The Beach! Yesss!" Gabriel shouted

"Bathing suits. I don't know." Idie said while she may be confident in her own body, next to two female X-Men who were in the prime of their lives would make any middle school girl self-conscious.

"I didn't pack for that. Will there be time for shopping?" Laurie asked

"Well, you can always go commando," Luke suggested, which resulted in him getting a weak punch to the arm.

"Guys. I know we've all been cooped up here a long time, it's a long flight from Kiev, but we'll have boots on the ground soon and get some optics on the situation. This will all be wrapped up soon." Hope then smiles "I can just feel it"

-Scene Change, Miami Beach, Hotel Room, General POV-

"Well, then let's go back and talk about what we do know Laurie," Hope said,

"He started in Kiev. He marauded his way through numerous restaurants, taking food nearly assaulting women. One woman's boyfriend got between them and Teon[8] broke his ribs" Laurie said while wearing a pink dress.

"Yeah, he probably climbed inside of the wheel-well of a plane to explain how quickly he got from Kiev to Paris, or London, or New York, and finally here," Gabriel said as he sped through the room

"Also seems to act like an animal. Kinda like a poor man's Sabertooth, who is just a poor man's Wolverine." Luke put his sentiments

"But he goes to high-end establishments exclusively. The women he absconds with are all high profile. They have money, education, they're beautiful." Idie added

"Alpha Women. He's going after Alpha Women." Hope said, not noticing a large man climbing through the window

"Watch out-" Rogue tries to warn her but to no avail.

"Wha-? Ahh. So you're Teon." Hope said

'Mate? Fight?' Teon thought as he looked at the women inside 'Mate?' He then labeled everyone in the room as Fight, except for Hope, she was in the 'Mate!' category.

He tried to jump her, but Hope punched him "Get the hell-" before she could finish her sentence, the speedster wannabe smashed Teon into a wall. But then Teon punched him across the room.

Teon then looked back at Hope, however, before he could jump her he felt gravity around him become 10 times normal. Smashing him into the ground.

"No means no Bill Cosby" Luke said as he continued to immobilize poor man's Sabertooth. "Hope, would you do your thing, I don't think he can break free, but I'm kinda new to my powers"

She nods her head before starting to stabilize Teon. During this process, Teon's thoughts about Hope changed from a 'Mate' to 'Master'.

Luke let go of his hold and Teon kneeled before Hope

"What is going on?" Laurie asked in concern,

But Hope started laughing like a madwoman on crack and said "What's it look like? He's kneeling! So when do we go to Tokyo?"

Luke wouldn't admit it, but he was kind of scared of Hope at that moment, 'I understand why Teon's animal urges become manageable after stabilization, but why does it feel like Hope has absolute control over him? Is her touch more than just stabilization? Does she have this control over the rest of us?'

Marvel Comics Jump

Name: Jumper - Lucas 'Luke' Long

Time: 2005 2010

Background: Drop-In


- Body [100cp] You have Marvel's peak human body. Your strength, speed, toughness, wit, healing, jumping, and everything else are at the MAX for "normal people".

Combination Powers:

- Kinesis (Gravitokinesis) [300cp] Flight [250cp] Energy [Free] Strength [100cp] You have the powers of Graviton

- Helm of Xorn [300cp] Brain [100cp] Your brain has a Faraday cage. This makes Telepathy pretty much useless against you.


- Combat Training [200cp] You have trained with your powers to use them optimally in combat, and you'll always keep your head in a fight.


- Blade [Free] You have a dagger that can stand up to your use.

- Unstable Molecule Uniform [Free] A SuperHero Uniform made out of some super-material while it doesn't have much protection, it is self-cleaning, auto-sizing never impedes your powers in any way and is nigh-indestructible


- That Can't Be Good [50]: Any item you bring with you from another universe that doesn't have CP backing (or that isn't installed in a living being) will slowly begin breaking down if removed from your warehouse.

- Mutant [300cp]: It is well-known that your powers are mutant in origin. Expect to be vilified by the press even for saving people, and mobs, sentinels, and various groups are already out for your blood"


- The ROB who sent him there decided to take his Warehouse away, and the Free Item he 'bought' were destroyed due to the That Can't Be Good Drawback

- The ROB decided to let him keep his original age and gender, but sent him to 2010 instead of 2005.


Storm [1]: Ororo Munroe, an Omega Level Mutant with powers over Weather. She is also the Queen of Wakanda and a goddess

Cyclops [2]: Scott Summers, a mutant with powerful optic blasts. He is currently the leader of the remaining mutants

Hope Summers [3]: Mutant Messiah from the future. She is the adopted daughter of Cable and has the power to mimic other mutants' powers. She also appears to have some form of control over post-M-Day Mutants.

Laurie Tromette [4]: A 19-year-old Canadian mutant. She has the power of flight and is smart enough to get 1590 in her SATs, although she is dumb enough to take the SATs while living and studying in Canada where you don't need them.

Gabriel Cohuelo [5]: A 16 years old Mexican High School student who awakened his X-Gene. He is now a speedster wannabe. He ages at a rapid pace.

Rogue [6]: A Southern Mutant with powers to absorb others' powers upon touch. Do not let her touch you for more than a few seconds unless you wish to die.

Idie Okonkwo [7]: A 13/14 years old African girl, she just lost her parents and village, but seems to be coping with it quite great. 'Seems' being the keyword there.

Teon Macik [8]: A poor man's Sabertooth, who is just a poor man's Wolverine. He acts purely on instincts. All he cares about are Eating, Mating, and Fighting, and now his Master.

Lucas 'Luke' Long [X]: My OC, he was a High School Senior. He is 5'11" (1.80 meters) and after coming here he seems to gain the powers he bought in a jump chain he made, if you don't know about the jump chain, it doesn't matter just think of him as a Super Soldier with Graviton's powers. Also, telepathy is pretty much useless against him.