Author Note: This is the bonus chapter I had mentioned at the end of Paradox Key. If you have not read it, or have not read it in years, it's not necessary to understand the plot for this short story, but it doesn't hurt to read it first since this story will have spoilers. I broke it up into three chapters because everyone (Saka) is always complaining how long my chapters are. Sorry it took 7 years for me to post it (especially since it has been written since then), which is convenient since this takes place 7 years later. You can thank the Covid 19 quarantine, me wanting to read so many Hei and Misaki stories again and realizing I never posted this. Had to work on some fight scenes and clean it up. Thanks again to Sakabatou for his help with the fight scenes. Please enjoy.
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Paradox Key
Chapter One
The Chase
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It had been seven years, since Misaki and Li had turned Izanami into a human.
During that time, Misaki had decided to take a break from field work in order to help raise her and Li's child. Instead of being on site after a contractor incident, either Saitou or Kouno had brought over images of crime scenes so she could work from home. Kanami kept her informed of star activity, and Misaki would communicate over video conference or phone. It was a rare occasion that she felt she needed to see a crime scene. The pictures and witness testimonies were usually enough information for her to help put pieces together. If not, Kanami was more than happy to watch over Sora, or Li's staff was capable of running his restaurant.
Her father had felt it would be better to take a desk job until Sora was old enough and offered her a promotion again. She had cringed at the thought, thinking it was best for her daughter, but Misaki wasn't that type of person. However, she didn't want her to grow up without a mother, like she had. Her and Li had made the decision that it worked best for her to work from home, versus shutting down his restaurant. The Section-Chief didn't spend as much time on cases as she had done in the past, considering Sora took a majority of her time. Besides, she was nowhere near as obsessive at trying to solve random cases than she was when trying to solve BK-201's case.
But now that Sora was five and was attending school, Misaki had focused more on field work. Li knew she loved her work, but feared for her safety. Thanks to Kanami alerting him, he would interfere whenever a high-risk contractor appeared. She constantly reminded him her alternate memories of Hazuki's training were present, in addition, Li had been teaching her as well.
"So, you don't have to worry about me," Misaki had said.
However, to ease his mind, Misaki informed him about her assignments and the contractor that they were after. He knew that her and her team were experienced at apprehending contractors, so he would intervene only when things went south. She had made sure to give him the proper protocols on apprehending a suspect to ensure charges against contractors would stick. Even though his star could not be tracked anymore, he rarely used his power to prevent Section Four or coroners from questioning why suspects or corpses had been electrocuted. If possible, the former Syndicate agent would knockout his target.
A part of her wished that he would just join her team, but she knew he loved working at his restaurant. It gave him the feeling of being normal, and her better half seemed more exuberant than he had in the past.
Since Misaki's old apartment was too small for the three of them, her and Li had found a new place. They chose a three-bedroom apartment, in case their family grew, two baths if she and Li had to depart hastily or they had company, and a medium sized kitchen, allowing Li to prepare substantial meals for all three of their bottomless appetites.
Misaki's doorbell rang. She had just finished tucking Sora to bed and was watching her as she fell asleep. Pleased it had not awakened her, the young mother exited, quietly closing Sora's door and checked to see who it was. Probably Kanami to baby sit Sora so her and Li could go out for a late dinner. It was, after all, their anniversary. They had married just before the baby was born. For Li, it was important for her to keep her name so he took hers, explaining that he had countless aliases and technically his heir name had been buried by the Syndicate when he was thirteen. In fact, his name meant little to him than hers. It had led to a long conversation concerning his past. Misaki hoped to meet his family, but realized that that would not be possible.
However, this was an alternate time line, there could still be a chance that his family was still alive. Not to mention, who knows how much of his memories were modified by the Syndicate to where he would not pursue and dedicate himself to them. When he was ready, she would help him find out.
"Kanami, thanks a million," chimed Misaki, as she opened the front door, revealing Kanami. "Li's not back from work yet. He said he had to work a little later than normal since one of his employees called in ill. He was going to close up earlier and should be home soon. I need to fresh…"
"Misaki, you haven't heard?" Kanami exclaimed, a worried look on her face.
"Heard what?"
"You won't believe this, so I'll have to show you."
Kanami walked over to her balcony, opened the curtains and pointed at a shining bright star.
Misaki stood frozen for a few seconds.
"What—what's going on?" she asked, trembling at the sight of BK-201's star.
His star has not shined since merging with Yin. She hoped it didn't mean that he had died and somehow had passed on his powers to someone else, like his sister had.
"I don't know."
"Is Li… is Li all right?" Misaki didn't take her eyes off his star. "Have you talked to him at all today?"
"No, I have not. But his star is showing some heavy activity in Shinjuku like it had in South America."
Misaki, terrified even more, picked up her phone and dialed Li's number. There was no answer. She tried a second time and a third with the same result.
"I've been trying to call him too. I couldn't even get through to you. The phone lines must be down," commented Kanami.
"Mommy?" Misaki looked over at Sora departing her bedroom. She wiped her tired midnight blue eyes that resembled her fathers, and slowly walked over to her mom. Her silky long black hair already in disarray and her two sizes too large Mulan nighty falling off her shoulders. Misaki was always amazed how much she looked like her father. "Is daddy okay?"
"Sweetie, I thought you were sleeping," murmured Misaki.
"I couldn't sleep. Daddy missing." What? How did she know. Sora finally noticed Kanami standing by her. "Auntie Kami!" A spring in her step, the little girl ran into her arms.
"Your daddy is fine, buttercup," smiled Kanami.
"He prom'sed finishing his story under stars. I wanna know what happen to silver hair girl."
Li always had a way of telling fairy tales and using people in his life as the main characters. Telling parts of their stories while keeping it PG for Sora. Misaki loved listening in and after their baby girl fell asleep, she would ask how much was true.
"He is just working late. He'll be home soon, sweetie," assured Misaki. Seconds later, a cat jumped in from the balcony, surprising Misaki. "Mao?"
"Misaki, it's…" Misaki held up her hand to cut him off, gesturing towards her daughter, and motioned her eyes at Kanami to look after Sora.
Nodding, Kanami guided her goddaughter to her bedroom.
"Come on, princess," said Kanami, kissing her head. "Your daddy and mommy are just going out for the night. Auntie Kanami's going to read you a story."
Knowing something was up, and not pleased of being pushed out, Sora put on the brakes and said, "But mommy, I wanna see daddy. He prom'sed silver girl story."
Misaki sighed. She was so much like her father. Kneeling before the blue-eyed girl, Misaki cupped her cheeks and said, "Daddy's fine. I just talked with him. He'll be home soon to give you a kiss good night. You can watch the stars from my balcony with Kanami while you wait for him. Daddy's telescope should still be out there."
Sora's eyes lit up. She loved spending time with Kanami. Sora, looked up at her godmother and asked, "Can ya read me the story 'bout Dread Pirate Roberts?"
"You betcha!" promised Kanami, ushering Sora into her room. That was one of Misaki's favorite books too. She turned towards Mao.
"It's Hei, I'm worried about him," spoke Mao.
"What happened?"
"At the restaurant earlier, I recognized a contractor I use to work with in the syndicate, who was eyeing Hei at his restaurant. I warned Hei about him. He went to go check it out, but I lost him in Shinjuku and he never came back to the restaurant."
"And now his star is back
"His star?" perked Mao. "How is that possible?"
"What's this contractor's ability?" Misaki asked, crossing her arms.
"Nothing that Hei can't handle. He could float objects in the air. I thought he may be spying for someone."
"Where in Shinjuku?"
"Close to his old apartment by the park we used to have our meetings at."
"A park?" Her eyes widened, then narrowed. "Show me where, Mao."
They departed her apartment and drove towards the park, flashing her siren in order to reach their destination as quick as possible. When they arrived, she exited her vehicle, leaving her door open for Mao and entered the park.
She looked around, not noticing anything unusual, until spotting droplets of blood near a tree surrounded by a bench. Letting instincts take over, Section-Chief Kirihara examined the blood spots and could tell they were fresh.
After years of chasing him, she hoped the Syndicate had not ambushed him and wiped his memory again. She finally had a peaceful life and now Misaki feared she might lose him.
"What do you think happened?" asked Mao, reaching her side.
"I don't know," replied Misaki, scanning the scene. "But it's obviously nothing good."
As she turned to leave, she noticed a black-haired man walking by, wearing a white button up shirt and blue jeans.
"Li!" she screamed out, as she ran after him. He turned a corner, and after she rounded it, there was no sign of him. "Li?"
Now she was fretting the worst.
Misaki entered her car with Mao and made their way towards his old apartment. It was possible, if the Syndicate had wiped his memory, he might head there, thinking he may still work for them.
Misaki parked a few houses down, hoping not to spook Li if he was his old self.
"I'll wait here," moaned Mao, as she exited the Porsche, but left her window open in case he needed to depart quickly. Misaki was sure with that tone Mao didn't want to find a broom up his ass if the old landlady was still here.
She still was.
"Oh, Officer, it's been awhile," she greeted, helping her husband garden. "You're looking good."
"Yes, it has been," smiled Misaki. "Thank you."
"What brings you by?"
"Has Li-kun ever returned here?"
"Li-san? No. Has he come back from China to finish his schooling?"
"Oh, I wouldn't know. I thought I saw him the other day and thought I'd check here to see if he's back in town."
"If he is, he's not staying here. There is someone else staying in his old apartment. A female with pink hair. Looney girl," the landlady's face hardened, "that doesn't pay her rent. I really miss Li-san."
"Do you mind if I look around and question a few of the residents if they have seen him?"
"Oh, please tell me he isn't in trouble?"
"NO… NO!" assured Misaki. "I'm just trying to find out if I really saw him."
"Then I don't mind."
Misaki headed up the stairs over to room 201 and knocked on the door.
"Yes," greeted the pink-haired girl. "Can I help you?"
"I was looking for a certain young man that used to live here and was wondering if he had been by here at all?"
"LI-SAN!" the girl chimed. "IS LI-SAN BACK!" Her eyes sparkled with delight. Sweat ran down Misaki's forehead, recognizing her as Li's stalker. She hoped she didn't remember her.
"I'm not so sure, I'm trying to locate him."
"LI-SAN is back!" she yelled, storming out of the room and forgetting to close her door.
"W-wait!" Misaki blabbered, as she was pushed aside, "Where are you going? I have more questions." Misaki realized the pink girl was so lost in thought she didn't remember her as Li's date when he had paid for her and her boss's meal.
What was his name? Misaki mused, knowing he was a private-eye.
"To the Home Run House," she yelled down at the end of the stairs, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake. "If he's back in town, he's probably hungry, and I'm not missing those delicious collarbones!"
A man poked his head out of apartment 203 to check out the commotion.
"Hello, have you seen…." she began to ask, as she went up to him, but he nodded and closed it on her.
Misaki sighed. She supposed she should follow the girl to the Home Run House and hope he was there.
Seconds later, a man in a white button up shirt and black hair passed the apartment complex.
"Li!" she yelled out, as she ran down the stairs. However, when she reached the sidewalk, she saw no signs of him. Following his path, she ran over a bridge, turned another corner, and stopped to stare out at the empty street exhausted. "This is just like when I was trying to chase him as BK-201. What is going on, Li?"
Misaki's phone rang, surprising her. Guess the phone lines were working again.
"Hello," she answered.
"Misaki, where are you at?" Kanami asked.
"His…old apartment."
"Did you find him there?"
"No… not… really. Kanami… I'm… I'm…sc."
After a brief pause from Misaki, Kanami asked concerned, "What is it, Misaki?"
"I'm scared…" she forced herself from crying, "that I may have… lost him again."
There was silence. Misaki could picture her friend trying to find the right words to comfort her.
"Misaki," began Kanami, her voice sounding soothing and calm. "You know Li better than anybody. He'll come back to you. Don't give up."
Unable to hold one back, a tear ran down her cheek as she smiled.
"Misaki," came Mao's voice behind her. Wiping away her tear, she turned around to greet him. "I found him!"
"Follow me."
Mao led her to her car.
"I thought you just saw him?" Misaki reminded him. "Isn't he close by?"
"I saw him get on the JR line."
"The JR line? How do you know where he is?"
"I overheard him talking to the Syndicate member. His instructions were to have him…"
"His instructions?"
"I think someone may be controlling Hei," pointed out Mao.
"Controlling him? Is this part of that contractor's ability too?"
"I'm not sure. I've never seen him use that power. He may have someone else working with him."
They reentered her Porsche and Mao instructed her on where to go. When they reached their destination, Mao informed her to pull over. Misaki stepped from the car with Mao following.
"Down the stairs is the place," he commented.
"I'm familiar with the area."
But it was strange to believe it was the place where November lost his life and she spotted Li, asking him out to eat. If someone was controlling him, how would they know their past? Or was this just a coincidence.
Ready to descend the stairs, she caught a glimpse of Li walking by with his hands in his pocket looking sad.
"LI-KUN!" she screamed.
He paused as he looked up at her, nodded his head and continued walking on.
She stormed down the stairs, as he continued walking. She caught up to him under a bridge, and reached for his shoulder.
"Wait a minute, Li!" pleaded Misaki, as he turned around to stare at her startled.
"Kirihara-san," he smiled.
"Li-kun?" she began, and then realized her worst nightmare had come true. It was not that he didn't know her, but it looked like she was back to square one. The world was cruel to them. He didn't remember their time together, their struggles to find each other again, nor their marriage. How was she going to explain to Sora how her daddy does not remember her? It was like an endless nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. As if Kami was saying that they were not meant to be. That Li did not deserve happiness after all he has done. That he didn't deserve her. "Is everything all right, Li-kun?"
"Hmmm?" he smiled, head tilting.
"I mean, I've been trying to find you all night."
"You've been looking for me, why?" he asked confused.
"Umm… I…" Li's stomach growled, lightly, surprising Misaki. His stomach was usually ten times as loud. But she ended up giggling. "Are you hungry?"
"My treat."
He smiled, "I would love too."
She turned around as Li's smile turned dark and struck Misaki from behind.
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Hei came home later than normal, but he was excited to take Misaki out for dinner. When he entered their apartment, he saw Kanami sitting on the couch holding Sora in her lap reading to her.
"Are they kissing again?" came Sora's displeased voice. "Do we have to read the kissing parts?"
He smiled at her as Kanami gave him a baffled look.
"Hello, Kanami, is Misaki getting ready?"
"Li-kun?" she questioned.
"Daddy!" Sora shouted happily, and ran over to her dad. Hei picked her up and gave her a big hug.
"How's my big girl?" he smiled.
"Auntie Kami was showing me the stars earlier. There's a new one that had disappeared years ago, but is back."
"A new one?" he questioned, wondering why Kanami did so since she never had.
"It's really bright, daddy."
"Bright?" Fear was forming in Hei's gut. Kanami looked at him concerned. He asked her, "Is everything all right?"
"Where have you been?"
"Working late. I told Misaki why."
"We tried calling you. Didn't you get our calls?"
"No." He looked at his phone. "I don't have any missed calls either."
"Mao mentioned you were acting strange, so they went out looking for you. Especially since your star re-appeared. We thought something happened to you."
His eyes lit up.
"My… star?"
"Daddy, let me show you." She took his arm and pulled him over to the balcony. "Auntie Kami said it's mom and yours fave." He opened the sliding door, stepped out and gazed upwards. However, his star was not present.
"Ah, where it go?" Sora whimpered. "Auntie Kami, do stars move?"
"What the…?" Kanami gasped, peering out. "It was there an hour ago."
"Where'd she go?" demanded Hei.
"Your old apartment."
Mao hopped onto the balcony, and commented, "Not anymore."
"Mao? Wh-where is she?"
He was about to respond.
"Mao!" exclaimed Sora, picking him up and squeezing tightly. "Daddy, can I take him to show and tell. Other kids don't believe my kitty talks. They think I lie."
"Sw-sweetie, you're… you're gripping… too tight," Mao wheezed.
"Angel, we talked about this. You can't let the other children know he can talk."
"But, daddy. They make fun of me."
"Ah… I… think something… err… popped," chimed in Mao. "Definitely… err… Hei's kid… err…!"
"No buts." Hei looked at Mao. "Where is Misaki?"
"You don't… err… remember," Mao asked, cringing from pain, as he pushed against Sora's grip. "Err… something else… popped…"
"MAO!" yelled Hei, "WHERE DID SHE GO!" Startled, Sora dropped Mao and looked at her dad scared. Mao breathed out in relief. Hei saw fear in her cheeks. She had never witnessed his anger before, nor did he ever mean to present it to her. Quickly changing his tone, he bent down in front of her, and smiled, "Sora, I'm sorry, angel. I didn't mean to startle you. I'll make it up to you tomorrow. I'll come home early and we'll all go out for some ice cream."
That cheered her up.
"Yes." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then glanced over at Kanami. "Could you take her to our room please."
However, Sora was not allowing her dad to say goodnight yet. "Did something happen to mommy? Does it have to do something with that star that appeared?"
Hei smiled at his little angel. She got her smarts from her mother.
"Angel, mommy's okay," said Hei, easing Sora's worries. "She's just out looking for me. I must have misunderstood where she wanted to meet for dinner. Remember we're celebrating our anniversary tonight."
"Can we celeb'ate together and have ice c'eam tonight?"
Hei smiled at her. "No angel, tomorrow. Tonight is mommy and mine's special night."
Sora pouted. Kanami walked over to her.
"Come, let's get some ice cream out of the freezer and get a brain freeze. Then we can finish Princess Bride."
"Yay! Ice cream tonight!" She quickly ran over to give her dad a hug.
"Night, angel."
"Daddy. You still going to finish story tonight, right?"
Hei smiled. Just how many stories did she want tonight. "I'll wake you when I get home." Sora joined Kanami, who grabbed a tub of ice cream and they entered the bedroom.
"I hope they don't get it all over the bed," Hei mumbled to himself. His focus shifted on Mao who was checking over his body. "Where is she? Mao!"
"Eh?" questioned Mao.
"My wife. Where is she?"
"You really don't remember what you did?"
"What I did?" Hei almost screamed, but he caught himself and asked smiling, "Mao, please tell me."
Mao was more frightened by his smile than Sora squeezing him again.
"I went with her to the area where November Eleven had lost his life. She greeted you, but then when she turned around you knocked her out."
"It wasn't me. When was this?"
"About twenty minutes ago."
"Tsk! I was just leaving work then." Hei spoke to himself. "A Contractor who can shapeshift probably has her." He looked back at his old partner. "Did you follow… me?"
"Um, I was knocked out too. I had assumed it was you. When I came to, you both were gone."
Hei stormed out of the apartment.
"Wait, Hei! Don't you need me to show you were that was?"
He ignored him and hurried for the JR line. Once on it, he thought about what he would do if something happened to his beloved. She was his balance that held together his humanity and soul. Without her, he would have lost his sanity and feared he would revert back to Kuro no Shinigami and annihilate anything or anyone. He hoped that was not true. Hei still had their daughter, but he feared what he would do around her. For Sora's safety, the best solution was for her godparents, Kanami and Saitou, to have custody. Growing up without her parents was another thing that plagued his mind, like he had to after his sister became a contractor. Even more frightening: what if he had lost her too.
A loud growl echoed. Everyone on the train glared at Hei stupefied.
Hei scratched the back of his head, and smiled, "I'm sorry, I haven't eaten dinner yet." He had made a snack at his restaurant, if you call five bowls of ramen noodles a snack, figuring it would hold over for tonight. Guess he was wrong.
Looking at him concerned, women dug through their purses and pulled out a snack to hand him. He stared at them dumfounded.
As his tummy growled again, he wished he had eaten more and graciously took a bean bun from an older woman.
Are you sure?" Hei asked.
"Oh, don't you worry 'bout me," she began, "I ate one already. That's an extra one. Young man, you need to make sure you keep your strength up. You need to stay strong for your lady," she insisted, pointing at his wedding ring.
Another woman sighed after finding out he was taken.
"Thank you," he smiled, while accepting the bun.
"It appears your woman is not feeding you enough," whispered a third woman sitting behind him. "I can help with that."
"Eh…, no thanks."
When the JR line finally came to his stop, he hurried from the train and ascended to ground level. Not intentionally, Hei bumped into other pedestrians, having some drop bags, pushing people into buildings and knocking a teenager off his skateboard as he came out of nowhere. He was in a hurry to help, but after hearing the kid shout profane words, he knew he was okay.
Once he arrived, Hei saw Misaki laying at the bottom of the steps. He thought it odd people ignoring her unconscious form. His heart raced, fearing the worst.
"Misaki?" he inquired, as he ran towards her, kneeling to run his fingers through her hair. "Honey!" he whispered. "Misaki?"
She cringed while waking and pulled slightly away, as she sat.
"Li?" she questioned.
"What happened?"
"Not sure. One minute I was offering to take you out to lunch, and then the next, I'm here. Did I faint?"
"It doesn't matter what happened. As long as you're okay," he said. He leaned in and kissed her. At first it seemed she meant to avoid his lips, but instead Misaki embraced it. However, something seemed off. Perhaps they were being watched by his wife's attacker. If so, they needed to leave.
Misaki pulled away, and asked, "You do remember me."
Hei looked puzzled by her comment. "Of course. Why would you…"
"You acted like you lost your memories again."
"I'm fine, let's get you home. You look exhausted. I'll cook you a lovely meal for our anniversary instead. Sora wants us to celebrate all together with ice cream, and I owe her." He picked her up and carried her to her car that was taking up two parking spaces.
However, seconds later, he felt a sharp stabbing sensation in his neck, and slowly began to lose conscious. Before blacking out, he saw an evil grin across Misaki's face.
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