1 PIECE another time travel

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and I've been getting a repeated request for a time travel story involving a certain pairing…and I decided why the hell not. AU OOC OP!Crew and rare pair! And a bit of bashing too)

When the Straw Hats landed upon Raftel they hadn't been expecting for the fabled treasure of One Piece to be able to send them back in time due to all of the regrets they had and how guilty the crew had felt over not being there for their captain in his darkest moments. They weren't going to let it slow them down or stop them from doing everything over again and this time they'd make sure that they did things the right way and were there for the man who gave them all hope and a reason to live.

Just because he became the Pirate King once didn't mean he wouldn't want to do it a second time after all, in fact he'd be very happy to redo his journey the right way. Especially since his two wives had been sent back in time with the rest of the crew.

As one the crew regained the memories of the future that hadn't happened yet.


He Awoke on Dawn Island a week before he was to set sail and as soon as he Awoke he took off into the woods to check and make sure all of his abilities were still there and able to be used.

Dadan and the bandits damn near had a heart attack at the already monstrous boy (for the East Blue at least) suddenly being even more monstrous and able to actually blow air into his bones to make them more than ten times their normal size. Much less his strange ability that made every animal on the island fear him and do as he said. He could barely wait to set sail again. He wanted, needed, to see his Nakama again. He needed to see his family again…he needed to have his wives back in his arms. He refused to wait more than two whole years to see them again.

He should probably find a jewelry store or smith soon too to get their rings, it felt weird to not have his ring on his finger. He was the King and he was going to make sure that this time, he did things like a King should. He was the Pirate King and it was time that the world learned why.


He Awoke just as he killed the wolf in Shells Town and blinked for a moment, he had both of his eyes back…and his muscles weren't as far developed as he'd prefer them to be but he was also missing his swords aside from Wado.

Zoro smirked slightly. That's fine. He'd be able to get back into shape in no time. And since he was about to be put on the cross in the execution yard for killing the wolf, that meant his captain would be showing up soon enough. Hmph. Well this ought to be fun. Since this time they had a hell of an advantage and he refused to be anything but the best.

It was what the Pirate King deserved in his first mate. He was the King's Sword and he was more than ready to cut down all who stood in his Captain's way of his goals. Of course…if anyone dared tried to hurt his Captain…well…the Queens had once joked that he was like a demonic dog for his master and he'd show everyone that this dog had a hell of a bite.


He Awoke on the Baratie and paused for half a second before smirking to himself and continuing on with his cooking. So they did end up coming back huh? That was perfectly fine with him. Now he'd be able to be there for everyone, especially his shitty Captain. This time he won't have to worry about the Germa getting ahold of Zeff either and could tell the old fart about the All Blue!

The next pirate that tried to eat for free and bragged about his ability to not take damage cause of some logia fruit he had eaten, a silver one by the looks of it but Sanji didn't really care, the blond cook had shocked the hell out of everyone by being able to slam his foot into the assholes face and knock him flat out with no issues at all.

Hmph. He needed to go ahead and start getting ready. He should expect his crew to show up in a few weeks after all. He refused to not be ready for his Family's arrival. He was the King's Cook and he would throw a feast worthy for a King as soon as they arrived. He idly wondered if the Queens would make it here in time as well, he'd better stock up on their favorites too just in case they did.


She Awoke while alone in a small boat on the sea. She immediately twirled her staff and made sure she still had her Armament Haki and Observation Haki, which she did. She smirked a bit at that. So it had worked after all. They were back in time to the start.

And judging by where she was and the amount of money she had on hand, it was just a little while before she saw Luffy for the first time on that cruise liner that had been attacked by pirates.

Hmph. Well it was time to live up to her epitaph of Cat Burglar and then later the Weather Witch. She had to wait until they got the proper materials for her Climate Baton again but for now she could work with this. It'd be good practice after all.

She refused to be weak ever again even if she knew she'd never be as outright strong as the Monster Trio or even Robin. Her Captain and King deserved nothing but the best and she was his Navigator. She showed him the way forward once and she'll do it again. Besides at least this time they'll have the Queens show up earlier and keep the Captain from being too reckless.


He Awoke just a few steps away from his secret path into Kaya's house and smirked slightly. So they were back huh? And that asshole from the cat pirates was still here and planning to kill Kaya in a few weeks most likely. Oh well…he couldn't have that.

Sneaking into Kaya's mansion with much better skills than before Usopp found her and began to tell her a tale of the second Pirate King and his crew who had gone back in time to change history. Starting with a tale about how the future Pirate King landed upon a simple island and helped his future sniper take out a scheming former pirate who planned to kill a sickly princess.

Usopp's Observation Haki certainly helped him avoid Kuro a lot easier this time and it wouldn't be long before Kaya put the pieces together on her butler being the scheming pirate in Usopp's stories. The fact that Usopp 'dropped' an old bounty poster he had found of Kuro of a Thousand Plans on his way out for Kaya to find one day certainly helped.

He refused to repeat his past mistakes or be a coward any longer. He was a Brave Warrior of the Sea, the son of a pirate who was strong enough to be on a Yonko's crew…he was the King's Sniper and anyone who stood in his King's way was in his crosshairs. The only one's safe from his range were the Queens because he knew without a doubt that they'd both kick his ass and would only stand in Luffy's way if something big was going on.


Chopper Awoke while he was with Doctrine and blinked a few times before he gave a savage grin that would be more at home on the Monster Trios faces instead of his. Wapol was still here. He was still here and that meant that Blackbeard hadn't come by here yet.

Well…when Blackbeard dared show his face Chopper was going to be sure to earn his future title of Monster Doctor. Oh he wouldn't kill Blackbeard, he was a doctor so he avoided fatal shots unless there was no other choice after all, but he'd definitely make sure that Blackbeard had a healthy fear of reindeers when he left. Besides…the honor of killing that Bastard Teach belonged solely to his captain.

That didn't mean he wasn't forced to spill the beans to the Doctrine, to his mom, as soon as she noticed that he was suddenly a lot better and more knowledgeable about medicine then he should be right now.

He refused to be weak or unprepared ever again. He was the King's Doctor and patched those idiots up after the battles but he was also the Monster Doctor who will disable all who dared try to harm his Captain. Maybe this time since the Queens will no doubt show up earlier then there might be a prince or princess…he hoped so. Chopper loved kids and he knew that the child of his Captain and his Captains Queens would never be scared of a talking reindeer.


When she Awoke she paused for half a second to go through her memories and blinked just once as she noticed that she was in a meeting with Crocodile. Ah so she was back to working for him was she? If her Captain hadn't needed to defeat him to gain the respect of Alabasta back and possibly need his help in Impel Down and Marineford again (something she would personally make sure happened differently this time even if she had to do so alone which she knew she wouldn't) then she'd snap his neck right now.

"What are you waiting for? Go and find the one who knows who I am already!" Crocodile snapped at her and Robin gave a practiced smile.

"Of course. I was just trying to run through the list of who the person could be before I waste valuable time and resources." Robin said before turning and leaving and resisting the urge to strangle him right here and now. After all his defeat had earned her Captain quite the bounty increase and some well earned respect.

If she happened to come across that Bastard Blackbeard during her travels though then she'd not hesitate to incapacitate him and make sure he had a nice little bow around his neck for her captain.

She refused to let her Captain feel the pain that the bastard had caused him ever again. She was the King's Archaeologist and, when it called for it, …his Spy and Assassin. She knew he'd never ask her to kill his enemies, he was far too pure and kind for that even if it was more for her sake than his enemies…She knew he'd never ask her to do it but he didn't need to.

She was the King's Assassin and she would kill any who dared threaten her King's smile and happiness with a smile on her face and a laugh on her lips. She briefly wondered when the Queens would arrive and join them though…and how many people would have heart attacks over it.

Maybe the Queens arrival would make someone's heart actually implode?


When he Awoke the first thing he did was start making some adjustments to himself. The second thing he did was start designing the blueprints for the Thousand Sunny. He wasn't able to build her yet, he didn't have the money for the required materials, but he could start designing her and making sure that some of the upgrades were included in the overall design and price.

He knew he'd have a couple of months at the most before his crew were here but until they got here…well he could start making the family something more respectable and have them set up for when he left.

He just hoped that Robin wouldn't use her hands on him again.

He refused to make the mistakes of the past and if he didn't need to keep the blueprints for Pluton until they could burn them in front of everyone he'd destroy them right now.

He was the King's Shipwright and had seen his ship make it to the finish line once, he'd be more than happy to see it happen again. He was also the King's Robot if need be and would be more than happy to absolutely dismantle anything that got in his Captain's way.

Although he did make special care to design a Captain's cabin for his King and Queens. Sure they loved sleeping in the crew quarters with the rest of the Crew but…well if they wanted alone time then it'd be easier for them to have their own room rather than try to empty out one of the quarters.


When he Awoke he was still in the darkness, his shadow long gone and for the longest moment he thought it all a dream. A figment of his imagination that he had made up to help him with his loneliness. But then…he remembered a smile as wide as the ocean and as bright as the sun. He remembered a gangly thing with a big smile, a bigger dream, and the biggest heart. That's when the rest flowed back to him.

The smell of sake and sweat and a man with three swords and unwavering loyalty, Zoro. The small furry reindeer who knew more about medicine and bones than Brook ever could, Chopper. The smell of mikan's and a love of weather and money, Nami. A trembling scared sniper who could hit any target and loved his Nakama fiercely, Usopp. A woman who loved asking him about history and the time he had lived through that he could remember and who smelled faintly of flower blossoms, Robin. A large man with mechanical enhancements more advanced than anything Brook could ever dream of, Franky. A large blue skinned fishman who was a master of karate and had rough skin but gentle hands, Jimbe. A black suit and a curly eyebrow and the smell of the most delicious food Brook had ever smelled with a faint hint of smoke as well form his ever-present cigarette, Sanji. A curly eyebrow and pink hair and two large wings to go with a poisonous seductive smirk and all the bearings of the Queen she was born to be, Reiju. A pair of horns and a small tail and darker pink hair pulled into curls and red lips that almost never smiled before she joined them but still had royal bearing from her heritage as a pirate princess, Galette. A tall figure in a mask that wielded a club and had only recently stopped thinking she should be male, Yamato.

And finally…the straw hat and the scarred chest and the wide bright smile that melted into a serious look whenever his nakama was threatened. A man who followed his dreams and saw them through to end and loved his whole crew fiercely as if they were his own flesh and blood family. A man who married two beautiful women and became the King. Luffy. Brook's Luffy. Brook's King.

Brook clutched his sword tightly as he felt tears flow from his empty eye sockets. His Nakama. His crew. His Family. They were going to come and find him. He knew they were…but until they got here…well he'd have plenty of time to practice his Haki and make sure his sword skills from the future were engrained in his muscle memory…not that he had muscles anymore! Yohohoho!

Skull joke!

He refused to believe them to be a dream. He knew they were real and were going to come for him. He was the King's Musician and he'd throw his King a most wonderous concert once they were reunited. And the Queens! When they showed up he'd throw another concert for them and had dibs on being the main musician at the wedding once more!


He Awoke in the middle of a Warlord meeting and he was grateful for his iron tight control over his emotions and body. He showed no sign that he had just gained memories of things that hadn't happened yet. He was also grateful that he didn't often speak in these meetings. He wasn't sure he could keep his rage at the sight of Akainu under control if he had to talk to the man, and the less said about how much he wanted to beat the hell out of Garp the better.

Luffy had never talked about his past, not because he was ashamed of it or anything but simply because he didn't care about anyone else's past and no one asked him about his own. One time when Jinbe had asked though…the whole crew damn near tried to track down and kill Garp. The forest, the ravine, the balloons into the sky and the injuries that Luffy had told them he had gotten, the feeling of loneliness from having no one to take care of him or care about him aside from a bar owner until he was seven and met Ace and Sabo.

Jinbe's hands clenched into tight fists on his lap, so hard that they drew blood. He wouldn't move a muscle to attack though. His Captain would be upset with him for doing so…well actually probably not but his Captain might need his help later if things happened the same regarding Impel Down.

He would hold himself in check. His Captain, his King, was depending on him and he refused to let his King down. He was the King's Helmsman and he would make sure his Captain could get where he needed to go and do what he needed to do, no matter what.

Maybe he could come up with a reason to go by the Queen's home islands and pick them up as well? He was sure that his King wouldn't mind and would in fact be happy to see all three of the Queens much sooner than before. How to get them past everyone else though.


When she Awoke she was in the middle of a spar with her older sister Smoothie. She paused for just a moment as her memories came back and during that moment her sister jumped near her attacking with her sword although she was using the flat of the blade.

"Don't get distracted!" Smoothie yelled at her little sister only to be stunned and wonder if her sister had baited her when her baby sister jumped up higher than normal and landed on the sword easily. Smoothie recovered admirably, she wasn't a Sweet Commander just because of her Devil Fruit after all, but her brief second of shock was all the time Galette needed. Using her powers over butter she made the grip of the sword too slippery for her sister to hold onto and then jumped up when her sister tried to grab her with her free hand.

Landing on her sisters arm Galette stared unafraid up at her big sister and hesitated for just a second, until she noted Smoothie's other hand coming down near her and jumped to the side. That's when Smoothie effectively hit herself hard enough to leave an almost immediate bruise on the skin. Galette wasted no time in jumping up on her bigger sisters shoulder and socking Smoothie right in the jaw with Armament Haki coating her tiny fist.

The rest of her siblings present watched stunned as Galette put up a good fight but then seemed to slip up and get caught by Smoothie who had more than a few bruises on her.

They never knew that Galette had thrown the fight to try and keep their interest in her new abilities down a bit. All the better to slip away if they weren't watching her so closely. After all she needed to get to her true family as well as her fellow Queens and her King.

She refused to wait two years to see them again. It's only been minutes after she Awoke and it already felt weird to not have her golden band on her finger. She was one of the three Pirate Queens and she had earned her title, and not just because of marriage either. Soon the world will know the power of the Devil Queen.

The question remained though of how she would get to her wife much less get to her husband without the rest of the family noticing and trying to drag her back.

Wait a second…Galette was glad she was alone after getting her injuries treated when the idea struck her. The bastard Teach, the asshole who became a Yonko in the future after the death of Whitebeard. If she was remembering right then he'd be killing his Nakama and abandoning Whitebeard right about now if he hadn't already.

Galette's evil devious grin fit the devil horns and tail she had perfectly. Oh was this going to be good! No one would suspect a thing either until either she was long gone and safely with her husband and wife or Blackbeard was dead! Maybe even both!

Oh was her husband going to be ever so happy if she managed to keep the War of the Best from ever happening just by making two problems take each other out. Now how to make sure one of her wives was in position to extract her…she couldn't send a letter or call on a snail but…

The News! She and both of her wives loved to read the ads in the news out of boredom so it'd be easy to put out an ad under a false name that they would both recognize that contained a code that they'd know! This might take a few weeks to plan out but it'd be worth it to see her loves and true family again.

Oh was this going to be epic.


She Awoke while in her room at the castle in the New World and smirked as the memories of things that hadn't happened yet entered her mind. It had worked, they were back and better than ever. Sanji was still unknown to her so called brothers and sorry excuse for a father, and her mental conditionings and brainwashing had been shattered the very second she Awoke.

Hmm now how should she plan to handle this? Should she go ahead and kill her father while beating it into her other brothers heads that since she was the strongest she was in charge? Yes that sounded good. They were murderers yes, but they were still her baby brothers and they had grown up with the conditioning and mental alterations that not just took away their emotions and made them empty shells from birth but also meant that they would follow whoever the strongest was. And Reiju knew without a doubt in her mind that she was the strongest person on the island right now.

After she had them firmly in hand then she could move on to getting her fellow Queens, her wives, out of TottoLand and Wano respectively and then going to find her husband and King.

She refused to wait two years to meet them and meet them the way she had last time.

She was one of the Pirate Queens and though her finger felt empty without her ring she was going to prove to everyone just why exactly she had gotten that title, and it wasn't just because of her husband either! The world would soon know that she wasn't just Poison Pink, she was the Poison Queen.

Now…how to get ahold of her wives to come up with a plan to get them away from their false families…she had to be very careful because of the Homies and Sweet Commander Katakuri's ability to see a few seconds into the future as well as the fact that Kaido no doubt kept his daughter under close watch.

Hm…wait…oh she had a hell of an idea. She wouldn't have to take out her father or brothers herself. No…she could just make two problems cancel each other out! She just had to get a letter to her wife's ministry building without anyone else checking it or at least make sure she used a code to keep others from knowing about the true contents of the letter…or better yet…

The news. It'd be easy to have a small ad in the paper written under a false name that her wives would recognize and since both of her wives read the paper from cover to cover she'd see it immediately.

This was going to be fun.


When she Awoke she was alone like she usually was at this time, it was her daily training after all, and she froze for all of a minute before she smirked behind her mask and hefted her large kanabo and made another swing, taking out two dozen trees with just the air pressure from the swing. So it had worked. They were back. Well this ought to be fun.

Of course fun was a relative term since she knew what she had to do to achieve Oden's dream of opening Wano's borders again...but she could also fulfill her own dream now as well. A dream of traveling with her fellow Queens and her King and his crew, their true family, instead of being stuck in Wano for the rest of her life simply because of who her father is.

Hmph. As if. Not when she knew who was waiting for her. After all she refused to wait two whole years and then some to meet her lovers again.

She was one of the three Pirate Queens and it was timed the world learned that she hadn't gotten that title simply by marrying the King. No...she was the Beast Queen and they were going to learn to respect her no matter if she hid her gender again or not.

But how to get away from Wano and her father? She'd probably need her two wives help with that but how could she contact them...the news of course! They all three loved reading the news and especially the ads to see what kind of things they can pick out of it and if she used a fake name that only her true family and wives would recognize and spoke in codes...well...this ought to be fun.

And if things ended up going as she thought they would then not only would her father be most pissed at that fruity flamingo he kept around for whatever reason (maybe even pissed enough to kill the psychopath if they were lucky enough) but he would also not even look for her if he thought her dead. And it wasn't like most of the Beast Pirates or in fact most of Wano knew of her real gender, much less her real appearance even if they knew her name.

Hmph. This was definitely going to be interesting.