Toilets Being Abused
Harry Potter was having the worst time at Hogwarts. After the last four years he never believed it could be worse, yet it was. First most of the students believed he was insane, a liar, and after more attention for saying Voldemort had returned.
The worst though was that the minister for magic, Cornelius Fudge was out to ruin him and Dumbledore. Fudge had sent his undersecretary to Hogwarts as the defence against the dark arts teacher, yet she wasn't teaching anything. The students were only allowed to read the theory of the spells, but they weren't allowed to perform any spells.
Harry wondered if Fudge was trying to get every student killed. He couldn't think of any other reason why the minister would forbid students to learn spells, especially when Voldemort was back and gathering followers. Harry also wasn't sure if Fudge was just an idiot who had his head buried up his arse or if he may be involved in some way with Voldemort. Maybe he had his head buried up Voldemort's arse. The students weren't leaning and very soon the next war with Voldemort was about to start which could mean a lot of deaths.
Hermione had come to Harry asking if he would teach them. At first Harry was going to so Ron and Hermione would be able to defend themselves. When Hermione said there were others, Harry put his foot down and practically yelled that he would never help anyone ever again, not with how he was being treated and what the Daily Prophet was writing about him and because most people believed what was being written. Hermione had been shocked then tried to use logic to get Harry to agree, he refused. Later that night Harry heard Hermione and Ron talking. They decided to help, first get Harry to teach them, then they in turn would teach others. The following day Harry told them he would not be teaching them or anyone. He's had enough. He said people can only take so much before they crack and Harry was just about there. He left Hermione and Ron worried, not just about the way Harry was acting and what he said, but now they knew he wouldn't help them. It would put them in more danger. All they could do is look up spells and find somewhere they could practice.
They didn't know that Harry had been sneaking into a room in the castle that Dobby the house elf had told him about. The house elves of Hogwarts called it the come and go room, but some called it the room of requirement.
Harry had finished going through the spells from one of the books he had taken from the restricted section. Harry knew he would need to learn more than fifth or sixth year spells since Voldemort was determined to kill him.
Harry was panting as he staggered back to the chair to find Dobby waiting with a wet towel and a cold butterbeer.
'Harry Potter is wearing himself out so Dobby has decided to help Harry Potter.'
'I wish you could help Dobby, but thanks for the drink and towel.'
'Dobby can help Harry Potter sir, I is a free elf so I can help anyone I want.'
Harry sat up straighter. He had forgotten that Dobby was free and was now being paid a wage to work at Hogwarts.
'If I tell you something Dobby and tell you what I would like to do to help stop me being tortured, will you promise to keep my secrets?'
'Dobby will always keep Harry Potter's secrets, Harry Potter sir. But if someone is hurting the great Harry Potter then Dobby wants to help stop it happening.
Harry conjured a smaller version of the armchair he was sitting on then told Dobby to sit. Naturally Dobby began to cry so Harry waited until he got himself under control.
'Have a look at this Dobby,' Harry held out his hand to Dobby, 'She's making me cut into my own hand, yet no one here will help. It's happening to others as well, even some first years are being hurt.'
'That is not right Harry Potter sir. This is a dark artifact.'
'I worked that out after the first time I was made to use it. But it seems the headmaster nor the staff care.'
'Dobby will help Harry Potter sir, just tell me what to do.'
Harry smiled then went on to explain what he wanted if he could get the item. He wasn't sure he could since he would need to buy it from the muggle world. Dobby told Harry there was a potion that would do the same thing. Dobby explained that Madam Pomfrey gave old dumbly one of those potions twice a week. He was warned that he could not have any more than two potions a week or it would go through him where he would not be able to stop.
Harry hugged Dobby making jump up and down in excitement. He had made Harry Potter happy.
Harry asked Dobby if he could get the book with the recipe of this as he knew he would be able to make it. Harry had used the room of requirement to practice making potions. It was owl year and he wasn't going to allow Snape to wreck his education. Any potion Harry made while in the room turned out good, in some cases they were perfect. Harry knew he would get an e or an O for potions.
Dobby popped out and was back within a minute with a small book that belonged to healers and nurses. Harry realised that Dobby had taken it from Madam Pomfrey. Harry got Dobby to sneakily bring his potions kit to him but to make sure no one saw him. Again, Dobby was back within a minute.
As Harry began to make the potion he talked to Dobby but asked the elf if he might have some ideas that could help against Snape, Malfoy and a few others. Dobby told him he had overheard some of the old house elves talking about a big prank that had been pulled on snape when he was a student.
'The ones who pulled the prank, was it the Marauders?'
'That is what the other house elves called them Harry Potter sir.'
Harry smiled, 'My father was one of the Marauders and my godfather is another. Okay, tell me what they did and I might just do the same to honour them.'
Harry listened to Dobby explained what he had overheard from the other house elves. Harry ended up laughing so hard he fell onto the floor. Dobby jumped up and down excitedly, he knew he had made Harry Potter happy again.
It was a few days later that Harry went down to breakfast alone. He didn't want to listen to Hermione go on and on about trying to help the other students learn to defend themselves. One thing Harry noticed was Dumbledore, who kept watching him and he didn't look happy. Well Harry wasn't happy with Dumbledore or any of the staff. They allowed students to be tortured by that bitch which meant that now Harry had lost the last of the respect he had for any of the staff. His respect had begun to decrease during his first year at Hogwarts. It started with how Snape acted and how nothing was done. Then it was the danger that just seemed to get worse. Because of everything, Harry had already worked on some plans. All he needed to do was get through his owls then he planned to leave. He already knew he would not return to Hogwarts, but he planned to make sure he never saw the Dursley's again. What he was planning, with Dobby's help would happen now but Harry planned to do it again the day before the students left. He needed to which would give him time to disappear and the old man wouldn't know anything about it until it was too late. Harry planned to put Dumbledore and many of the order of the phoenix out of commission, but only for a few days. Just enough time so Harry could disappear. For now he had to deal with Umbitch.
As Harry sat eating his breakfast, he kept glancing up at the staff table. He had to lower his head but he saw Umbitch eating her breakfast and drinking her cups of overly sweet tea. It was the tea that had been dosed with five times the amount of potion that a person would normally only take in one dose. Harry had read what would happen if anyone had more than one or two doses a week and that's why he decided to use it on Dolores Umbridge.
Within a few minutes of drinking some of her tea, Umbridge had jumped to her feet and practically ran from the great hall. Harry noticed that the headmaster spoke to McGonagall who got up slowly and followed the short fat woman from the hall. Harry knew Dobby would have her other drinks dosed when she made it back to her room. If Harry knew anything about the sadistic bitch, she would never remain in the hospital as it would make her look weak. Harry also knew she would be worried about retaliation especially since she was too weak to protect herself.
Harry waited for the second part of his plan to begin. Many students screamed or began to laugh as Severus Snape along with half his Slytherin students turned into garden gnomes. Harry forced himself not to smile, he made sure he looked confused. Dumbledore looked straight at him before he began to gather the gnomes and lead them out of the great hall with Flitwick's help.
'I just passed Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick with a group of garden gnomes,' Hermione said as she sat down beside Harry. 'Do you know why they had gnomes with him?'
'Yeah, it was Snape and a few Slytherin students. First Umbitch ran out of here but she wasn't a gnome. She only just got out of the great hall when they changed. It seems someone is pranking some of the staff and students.'
'You shouldn't swear Harry.'
'She's a sadistic bitch and that's what I'll call her,' Harry turned back to his breakfast and made sure to ignore Hermione and Ron who had just sat down. Just as Harry was about to leave the great hall, Fawkes appeared before him holding a note. Harry had been hoping not to hear from the headmaster, but he knew it would happen, 'The old man wants to see me.'
'Harry, Professor Dumbledore is a great man and deserves our respect.'
'Fucking bullshit Hermione. He's useless and past his time. He needs to go on to his next great adventure then I might not face death every year or get tortured,' Harry growled then stormed out of the great hall leaving a shocked Hermione and Ron behind.
'He's really cold lately,' Hermione sniffed.
'He said he could only take so much, it seems he's reached that point. But you have to admit Hermione that Harry's right. He's being tortured and the teachers who are supposed to make sure we're not hurt just sit there and don't do anything to help. It's not like he has parents who would stand up for him. Then, how many times has Harry almost died over the last four and a half years? I might not like the idea that Harry has basically stopped being our friend, but I do get why especially with the way he is being treated. It's like second year all over again and again like last year when his name came out of the goblet of fire. He's being shunned and the teachers aren't helping.'
Harry approached the gargoyles hoping they wouldn't move since the note didn't have the password. But as soon as he got within a couple of feet, the gargoyles jumped aside. Harry sighed but took a couple of calming breaths before heading upstairs and into the office.
'You wanted to see me headmaster,' Harry made sure he sounded indifferent.
'Yes Harry, I did. This joke should not have happened, and I wish you to reverse it.'
'You think I had something to do with this?'
'Yes, since I know it was your father and Sirius who did the same to Professor Snape when he was a student.'
'Okay, for one I have not seen Sirius to ask him about his pranks. And two, everyone made sure when I was at…that house I wasn't alone with my own godfather. And three, I don't remember my father so I could not have learnt anything from him,' Harry glared, 'So, do you have proof that it was me or can I leave?'
'Harry, I need Professor Snape back to himself.'
'It wasn't me,' Harry growled, 'But just like always, no one in this blasted hellhole believes me, it's no wonder I can't wait to be shot of this place and all of you,' Harry snarled then turned and hurried out of the office before the old man locked him in. Harry didn't return to Gryffindor tower nor did he go to any classes, he went to the room of requirement to work off some of his frustrations.
Dobby once again brought him a drink but this time brought him some tea. After Harry had blasted his conjured mannequins with spells, he sat down and took the cup of tea, taking a big drink.
'Thanks Dobby,' Harry gave the elf a smile, 'You did brilliantly,' Harry handed over some galleons, 'Buy yourself something fun, you deserve it.'
'Thank you, Harry Potter sir.'
'So when will you give her the next dose?'
'Tonight, Harry Potter sir, I will add it to her night time glass of water that she will drink after her next lot of potions.'
'That's great, thanks Dobby. Go have fun until then. I'm just going to calm myself down before I head to bed.'
Harry waited for more than two hours before he used the map to sneak back to Gryffindor tower. Hermione and Ron were sitting there and to Harry it looked like they were waiting for him. Harry just turned and headed up to the dorm room. He grabbed his shower things then headed to the bathrooms. After working out he desperately needed a shower.
As Harry stepped into the dorm room, he saw Hermione and Ron talking. He ignored them again and put his stuff in his trunk before getting into bed.
'I'm tired,' Harry said then flicked his wand so the curtains closed around his bed.
Hermione sighed, Ron shrugged, 'Wait until the morning Hermione. There is no use trying to talk to him when he's in this type of mood.'
'But Professor Dumbledore is worried about him and wanted us to find out why.'
'We're not going to find out anything when he's not in the mood to talk.'
Hermione sighed again. She took one more glance at Harry's bed before she left the room.
A minute later the twins and lee stepped into the room, 'After what happened to Snape,' Fred started.
'We figured we'd be blamed for it,' George said.
'But we noticed that Dumbledore's turkey gave Harry a note,' Lee said.
'All he said was the old man wanted to see him. He only just returned and refused to talk when Hermione went to talk to him. He's been in a really bad mood lately, I can't blame him. But when he came out of the bathrooms, he looked really angry.'
'So you think the old man…' Fred said.
'blamed Harry for this prank?' George finished.
'I have no idea. But if you three weren't blamed then he must have a reason to look at Harry or someone else.'
'The Marauders did a lot of pranks,' Fred said.
'Especially to the Slytherin's,' George said.
'So, if this prank with the gnomes was one the Marauders did then he probably thinks one of the Marauders told Harry,' Lee said.
'Snuffles would have told Harry, but they hardly got any time together and when they did, not much was mentioned about what pranks they pulled, only they pulled pranks on the Slytherin's,' Ron said.
'He might have written the pranks down in a letter,' Lee said.
'I can try to find out but with the way he's acting I'm not sure he would tell me even if it was him. But if it wasn't Harry or any of you's, then who could it be?' Ron asked.
'There are a few that will pull pranks,' Fred said.
'But never on a teacher,' George said.
'Unless someone finally had enough of the way Snape acts,' Lee said.
'They would need a way to get to Snape and the Slytherin's. You three learned more about the castle because of the map. Harry would know as much as you, but he has more of an advantage due to his cloak. How would others be able to pull this off?' Ron asked.
'That's why when we saw Fawkes we figured it might have been Harry,' Lee said.
'We wanted to congratulate him,' Fred said.
'On a well executed prank,' George said.
'And find out how he did it,' Lee said.
'You'll have to wait until tomorrow to ask him,' Ron said.
'Then we wait,' Fred and George said together before leaving with Lee.
The following morning Harry was again sitting alone eating his breakfast. He knew the old man was watching him again and wondered if he would be asked to his office, again. Harry didn't understand why the old man was worried. The Slytherin's and Snape would return to normal after four days.
Harry looked up when the twins and Lee sat opposite him. The three of them were grinning at him. He had overheard them last night but acted confused.
'We want to know…' Fred started.
'If it was you?' George finished.
'We're not going to tell anyone,' Lee said.
'Why would you think it was me?'
'Snape and the Slytherin's.' Fred said.
'You're the one they harass more than anyone else,' George said.
'And we figured one of the Marauders might have told you how to do this,' Lee said.
'We want to know how…' Fred started.
'…it was done so we can work it into a joke product,' George finished.
'You did say you believed everyone could do with a laugh now he was back,' Lee said.
'Fine, it was me, but we'll talk later and somewhere that no one can overhear, somewhere private.'
'Was it Snuffles?' Fred and George asked together.
'No, I'll explain later.'
'Great,' the twins said together.
'Do you know what happened to Umbitch?' Lee asked.
'That will be explained later as well. Meet me on the seventh floor near the picture of the dancing trolls right after dinner. But now tell me about some of your stuff. I don't want the old man getting more suspicious of me then he already is.'
'So he does think…' started Fred.
'it's you,' George ended.
'Yes, because the Marauders did it to Snape as a student. Okay, jokes, what have you got so far?'
The twins and Lee began to tell Harry about some of their products. When Hermione sat down, she huffed when Harry laughed at some of the things the twins had come up with. Harry instantly said he wanted to buy some to use on certain annoying individuals. He even said he would throw them a few more galleons if they can work on some products that might hinder people like death eaters. He mentioned an idea he had but it would need the twins and Lee to figure out how to do it.
Potions class along with defence against the dark arts was cancelled. Harry spent those times in the room of requirement. When it was close to dinner Harry had used a few cleaning spells on himself and his clothes so no one would know he had been working out. As he stepped out of the room, he found a blond girl that was one of the few that didn't believe he was crazy.
'Hello Luna.'
'Hello Harry. Been working hard?'
Harry shrugged, 'I try,' he knew there was no use asking the blond how she knew. Luna just seemed to know things, 'Why are you here?'
'Something told me that there is an item of importance hidden in the big room behind the wall. I don't know what it is or why it's important, just that I had to tell you.'
'So, there's something important in the room with all the junk that has been stored in there?'
'Yes and I know it has something to do with Ravenclaw. It's very confusing at times.'
'How about you join me on the weekend and we can see if we can find this item?'
'I would like to go on a treasure hunt. I'll meet you here after breakfast on Saturday morning.'
'Okay, but I'll probably sleep later so make it around ten.'
'Oh yes, I expected it to be later. Bye Harry.'
'Bye Luna,' Harry smiled as he watched the blond skip down the corridor. All Harry could do was shake his head. He liked the strange blond, yet most thought she was looney. Harry didn't, he knew she had some special gifts. If there were people who were true seers, then Luna was one of them.
Harry sat down near the twins and Lee, he dished himself up some dinner just as Hermione and Ron entered the great hall.
'Can we talk now?' Hermione asked.
'What about?'
'Professor Dumbledore came to see us not long after you went to see him. He said you sounded angry and he was worried about you.'
'He blamed me for the prank on Snape and the others. He refused to believe it wasn't me, so yeah, I got angry with him then walked out.'
'Why would he think it was you and not the twins?' Ron asked.
'He said the Marauders did the same to Snape when they were at school. I reminded the old man that I don't know my father and I never got any time alone with Snuffles due to everyone butting in when we were talking,' Harry growled, 'It was like everyone wanted to make sure we were never alone. Did they think I was going to get corrupted or something? I was allowed to spend time with Moony but not my own godfather.'
'I'm sure other students found out how the Marauders did some of their pranks,' Fred said.
'Yeah, then told their kids,' George said.
'And they could be the ones that pulled this prank,' Lee said.
'Right, there's no proof it was me, yet I get blamed, just like I get blamed for everything. It's one of the reasons I don't trust the old man or any of the teachers.'
'But Harry, the teachers should be trusted. We have to respect them.'
'I don't respect any of them Hermione. They have done nothing to earn my respect. They have done the opposite in fact. If you want to trust them then it's on your head, I never will so don't try to tell me I have to.'
Harry pushed his plate away then left the great hall before Hermione could say any more.
'He's so angry all the time,' Hermione said sadly.
'Can you blame him Hermione?' Lee asked then held out his hand, 'we've both been tortured and none of the teachers or Dumbledore has done anything to stop it.'
'This is supposed to be a school,' Fred said.
'Yet it's a torture chamber for those that disagree with the ministry,' George said.
'How can it be the safest place when students are being tortured and where some, like Harry has almost died a dozen times since he's been here?' Lee asked.
'This place is not like we were told,' Fred said.
'Unless things changed dramatically,' George.
'Which they have,' Lee said.
Hermione didn't know what to say or how to argue with them since she knew what Harry has been put through over the years. She stared at her half eaten dinner but she realised she had lost her appetite.
The twins and Lee found Harry leaning against the wall opposite the picture of the dancing trolls.
'I thought you'd want to…' Fred started.
'talk somewhere private,' George ended.
'Yeah, portraits talk so it's not private,' Lee said.
Harry grinned, 'Just watch the master work boys,' Harry smirked, 'But make sure no one comes this way,' Harry gestured for the three boys to move back a bit then walked back and forth three times.
'A door,' Fred and George said as lee hurried over to the door that just appeared.
The four boys entered the room, 'Welcome to the room of requirement, or also known as the come and go room.'
'This was a cupboard,' Fred said staring around at a room that looked a lot like the Gryffindor common room.
'When we were hiding from Filch,' George said.
'It becomes what you need. I usually use this room to practice spells in. But I figured since we were going to talk, I would make it a nice comfortable sitting room. Dobby,' Harry called.
The excitable little elf appeared with a tray. 'Dobby brought your drinks and snacks Harry Potter sir.'
'You're wonderful Dobby, thank you. How is she doing?'
'Moaning and groaning, she also croaks a lot.'
Harry, Fred, George and Lee began to laugh, 'Keep up the good work Dobby,' Harry slipped him another galleon. Dobby squeaked excitedly before popping away.
'So, you have a house elf helping?' lee asked.
'Dobby came to me and said he wanted to help. Since he's a free elf he can help anyone.'
'He helped with the prank on Snape?' Fred asked.
'and the Slytherin's?' George asked.
'Dobby said he overheard the house elves talking about some pranks done to Snape as a student. I asked if the Marauders were mentioned,' Harry grinned and nodded, 'I gave Dobby my vault key and asked him to get my parent's diaries for me.' Harry pulled a dark blue book from his robes and held it out, 'This was my fathers. You can copy it, but I want this back in the same condition it's in now.'
'Are you telling us…' Fred said.
'that the marauders wrote their jokes down?' George asked.
'Yes, Sirius' book was lost when he was thrown in Azkaban. Remus never kept one because he moved around a lot. I don't know if the rat had one. But I found this in my vault along with a diary that my mother wrote. I leave it in the vault since I didn't want the muggles to destroy it. Both have personal things in them, but my dad's is mainly filled with some of the jokes they pulled and idea's they had. Try to skip the personal things but if you do get curious, just don't tell anyone.'
'We give our promise mate,' Fred, George and Lee said together as they stared at the book.
'Now about an idea I had. See, in there, dad wrote that they turned some Slytherin's into chickens but it only lasted a week. It made me think and I wondered if you blokes could work on a way to make death eaters turn into chickens but it lasts a lot longer, or if maybe you could make them cluck like chickens or quack like a duck. Imagine if they were trying to curse people then all of a sudden, they couldn't say the spells when all they could do is make animal sounds. Now I know some spells can be cast without speaking but not the unforgivables and some really dark spells. For some reason those three spells and dark spells need to be spoken and that's what the death eaters use more than anything else. So, if all you can do is make them sound like animals it would stop people being killed or tortured.'
'Okay, first is we can figure out how the Marauders actually turned them into chickens or garden gnomes,' Fred said.
'Then maybe we can turn them into a lot of different animals. But we can at least make them act like animals.' George said.
'That will be easy enough.' Fred said.
'Does the diary have how they turned Snape into a gnome?' Lee asked.
'It wasn't a spell, it was a potion they invented. So, all you have to do is work on that and change it. If you can it just might give people a chance if we can somehow change it so they don't have to drink it.'
'Something they touch,' Fred said.
'Or breathe in,' George said.
'We'll work it, we just have to make sure the rest of us are affected by it.'
'Great, also, there is a thing in the muggle world called a flash bang. The police will use them sometimes to shock and disorient dangerous criminals which gives them time to get inside. See, they will throw these flash bangs through a window or door, they wait until it goes off then rush in. It emits a bright light and a loud noise but I'm not sure what else it does, if anything. It sort of disorientates them for a while. It gives the police time to arrest them without any danger. I thought maybe you could work on a magical version of one.'
'Do you know where we could get hold of some of these things?'
'Sure, but we would have to use magic to sneak in and steal some.'
'We could do that,' Lee said.
The twins, Lee and Harry worked on some plans. First was sneaking out of the castle one night so they could get to a muggle police station. They needed to work on when they could do this apart from it being late at night, so the weekend makes the most sense.
Saturday morning Harry grabbed some food from the kitchens then headed to the seventh floor where he found Luna sitting against the wall reading the Quibbler. She looked up at Harry and smiled before getting to her feet.
'Let's go treasure hunting,' Harry grinned. Once Luna moved away Harry thought about what he wanted then walked back and forth three times. Luna opened the door and stepped in followed by Harry, 'Whatever this item is you know is in here will take a long time to find.'
'Yes, but it's not like we have to find it today. It will be fun to go through everything.'
'Yeah, it will. Come on, let's get started,' Harry took Luna's hand and they headed down the aisle on the far left.
Luna and Harry kept searching for a few hours before they took a break. They did find a lot of things, including money and jewels. Harry liked the gold dagger with emeralds all over it. He conjured a wrist holder then slipped the dagger into it. He made Luna take some of the money and the jewels. He said most of this stuff had been lost for centuries. If someone wanted them or was looking for them then they should have found them by now. Luna agreed but she also made Harry keep some of the money and jewels.
Dobby brought them lunch, but the little elf sat beside Luna and they began to have a conversation that Harry found amusing.
They spent another couple of hours going through a few more aisles before Luna pointed out the item.
'That is the lost diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw.'
'It feels wrong,' Harry moved his hand over it without touching it, 'I can feel the dark magic on it. I wonder if there is some type of ritual that will remove the dark magic without destroying something so old and beautiful.'
'The goblins do many rituals Harry, so do the unspeakables.'
'The trouble with the goblins is they can't be trusted not to tell others. For all we know they joined Voldemort. Now I know most of the unspeakables would be trustworthy, but I did hear one that became a death eater during the last war.'
'You could write to Madam Amelia Bones and ask her which one would be trustworthy.'
'Is she related to Susan Bones?'
'She's Susan's aunt. Susan's parents were killed not long after yours.'
Harry sighed, 'I don't like to ask. I hate people asking me so I figured others might not like having things like their dead parent's brought up. Okay, I can at least write to her and see what she has to say. Since she lost some of her family then I know she would never support Voldemort. But I hope she doesn't support Fudge.'
'She doesn't. There are many that are hoping she will become the next minister. She's tough but fair. She may even know how to remove dark magic from an item without having to see an unspeakable.'
'I only heard about unspeakables before the start of the year. How did you know about them?'
'My mother was an unspeakable. She used to invent spells and potions. That's how she died.'
Harry hugged the small blond, 'I'm sorry Luna. But my godfather said they never leave us and are always with us. And I know we will meet up with them one day, when it's our time.'
'I believe the same. So, are you going to leave that here?'
'I do and I don't. Maybe we should just hide it but in a better spot.'
'The wardrobe can make a good hiding spot, then use some basic spells to keep it hidden.'
'Like a notice-me-not spell,' Harry grinned then levitated the diadem into the wardrobe and began to cast his spells. He placed an ugly bust on top with a wig on the bust.
'It's the fourth aisle so we should find it again. But Harry, that big black cabinet over there, it has a twin in Knockturn alley.'
'A twin? What do they do if they are twins?'
'It works as a passageway. Daddy told me about them when we were in Borgin and Burkes one day.
'That could be dangerous,' Harry's eyes narrowed then pulled his wand and sent a bombarda maxima at it. Luna had quickly cast a shield charm to protect them from flying debris, 'Thanks, I didn't think of that.'
'It's fine, you were thinking of death eaters coming into Hogwarts.'
'Yeah, with Voldemort back it would be easy for someone to get hold of the other one then the castle could be filled with death eaters. I'm glad you told me Luna. But how about we get out of here?'
'Can we do this again next week?'
Harry grinned, 'Sure, it was fun. Make sure you hide that stuff or you might get questioned.'
'Daddy bought me a trunk that has a hidden compartment to stop people stealing my things.'
Harry sighed, 'It's terrible when you can't trust people who you live with most of the year.'
'Like you Harry, I don't trust anyone here. Daddy said I can leave after my owls. He said he might be able to work it so I can take them this year. I know I will pass and get a couple of o's. That's all I need since I plan to work with daddy on the magazine.'
'Then how about you join me here most days after dinner. I practice spells that will probably come up during the owls. I cover defence, transfiguration and charms, I can even make potions here. Without Snape I make them perfectly which should get me an O, or at least I'll get an E.'
'I'd like that, potions are one I need some help with.'
'Then right after dinner, meet me here, but the room I usually use is like a classroom. I conjure mannequins to use spells on.'
'I'll be here.'
Harry went straight to his bed where he wrote a letter to the director of the department of magical law. He hoped she might know how to remove dark magic. He also hoped she not involved with Fudge. One thing worried Harry, he knew having to show Madam Bones the tiara could mean the staff and Dumbledore find out about the room of requirement. Harry liked having somewhere to go where he wasn't watched all the time like he was down in the school.
He headed to the owlery ignoring Ron and Hermione who kept staring at him as he left the tower. Hedwig flew straight down onto his arm.
'Take this to Madam Bones at the department of magical law at the ministry Hedwig.'
Hedwig hooted happily then flew out the window. Harry watched her until she was out of sight. As he left the owlery he realised he could take the tiara out of the room of requirement and tell Madam Bones he found it in the chamber. The trouble with that is if she wanted to see where he found it.
Harry ran all the way until he reached moaning myrtle's bathroom. He did a few revealing charms, ones Sirius showed him. He didn't find any on the entrance to the chamber. He sealed the door to the bathroom then opened the entrance.
Harry cleaned the pipe at the top and again at the bottom. He cleaned away all the bones at the bottom of the pipes. When he got to the part where Lockhart made the roof collapsed, he carefully repaired the roof but also conjured a few beams to make sure it stays up. He cleaned as he walked towards the door to the main chamber.
The smell hit Harry the moment he opened the door. The basilisk was still there but it was slowly rotting. Harry thought it would look worse, but it was still mostly intact. Harry slowly walked around the chamber cleaning until he conjured a ladder. He climbed up to the mouth of Salazar Slytherin's statue. He conjured a box the size just bigger than the tiara. He made sure it was forced down the mouth then summoned some of the dust and carefully placed it in the mouth and around the box. He gently levitated the box up then vanished it. Looking at his work Harry thought anyone could easily believe a box was sitting there. Now all he had to do was find an old box in the room of requirement and place the tiara in it before he hid it in his trunk.
At dinner, Harry once again sat with the twins and Lee or were talking quietly about their pranks.
'We never asked…' Fred said.
'How long with snape remain a gnome?'
'Four days.' the four boys laughed, 'But as you would have read, it normally last twenty four hours. I experimented a bit and was able to change it so it would last longer.'
'You should experiment more often mate,' Lee said with a grin.
'I have been, but it's hard to sneak away. I read a lot when I do then practice, but reading dad's diary is what gave me the inspiration to try to change things.'
'We studied what your dad wrote Harry…' George said.
'They were geniuses,' Fred said.
'You might have more of your dad then just looks,' Lee said.
'Since I read it and played around with a few spells and potions, I think I do. I want to talk to Snuffles, I'm just not sure when I can. So, are we going to…you know, that tonight?'
'Yes, we've been working on plans,' Fred said.
'One of us will take you by side-along apparition,' George said.
'You don't need to,' Harry looked around them moved closer, 'Sirius used the attic to teach me before we returned to Hogwarts. He said because of the dementors and Voldemort, he thought I should have a way to escape if I need to. I would have used that when the dementors turned up if I knew how.'
'Then we wait until everyone is asleep,' Fred said.
'But we're worried that Hermione might only pretend since she watches you a lot,' Lee said.
'We spoke with Angelina,' Fred said.
'She's going to keep an eye on her then distract her if she comes back down to the common room.'
'She thinks I'm working with you three to prank the Slytherin's. She believes it was you three that turned Snape into a gnome. Ron told her it wasn't you, she doesn't believe it. I think Dumbledore told her it was me so she's keeping an eye on me for him.'
'So, she's spying on you?' Fred asked.
'We'll make sure she ends up asleep, so she won't know you were up late,' George said.
'Good, I don't trust her. Even though I'm still pissed at Ron, I know he wouldn't spy on me.'
'No, he wouldn't,' Fred said.
'He knows we'd prank him,' George said.
The four boys began talking about some of the pranks that were being made for the shop the moment Hermione and Ron sat down. No one knew Harry had given the twins the triwizard money and none of them were in a hurry for anyone to find out. Harry had slipped them another hundred galleons and promised more when he could get to Gringotts. Harry had already seen progress on the jinx to make people imitate animals, so far they only lasted a few hours, but he knew the twins and Lee wouldn't give up until they could make it last a few days, at least. They would make one for the joke shop which would last a few hours, but the other one was to help against Voldemort and his death eaters. Harry hoped they can work it so it would be permanent but if they did, that one would only be used on people like death eaters.
When it was getting late, the twins got Angelina's attention when Hermione headed up to her dorm. Lee kept Lavender and Parvati talking for a few minutes so they didn't see what Angelina was going to do.
Angelina followed Hermione making it look like she was heading to her dorm room. As soon as Hermione went to enter her room, Angelina stunned Hermione then levitated her onto her bed. She was able to get the sleeping potion down her throat then covered her and closed the curtains. Angelina walked out, closed the door then headed back down to the common room where she brushed against Lee which was the signal that her job was taken care of. Lee told the two girls he was going to bed and moved towards the stairs.
Harry kept reading as the common room emptied out. The twins went to their dorm leaving Harry alone. Harry waited for half an hour then checked on the boys in his dorm room. They were all asleep. He grabbed his cloak and the map then met the twins and Lee at the back of the portrait.
'There's no one from here to the one-eyed witch statue.'
'You keep that open and stay under the cloak,' Fred said.
'Only talk if someone is getting close,' George said.
'That way none of the portraits can report you were out with us,' Lee said.
Harry nodded then threw the cloak over himself. 'I'll follow close behind just close enough so you can hear me if it's needed.'
The boys found it easy to get into the tunnel and out of Honeydukes. Harry explained where they were to meet then the four of the disapparated.
It took them a short amount of time to sneak in, disable the camera's and find what they needed. The twins wanted to take some bullets so they could experiment with them. They ended up taking boxes of them, but Harry took a handgun along with plenty of boxes of bullets. He figured it just might save his life. He had his wand, but magical people expect that. He had the dagger, again some magical people carried things like daggers. Now he had a gun which most magical people wouldn't know anything about. It would give him the advantage if he found himself face to face with Voldemort again. He planned to practice using the room of requirement. He wanted to find out if maybe the shield charm would stop a bullet and how fast could something be conjured compared to how fast a bullet is.
The following morning Harry was once again sitting with the twins and Lee while eating his breakfast. Angelina sat down beside Harry and held out a note.
'I was asked to give you this.'
Harry sighed but he took the note, 'The old man wants to see me in his office.'
'Do you think he suspects?' Lee asked.
'No, if he did he would have come here himself. It's probably about Snape. I'll let you know.'
Harry made his way up to the gargoyles, they moved aside straight away. Harry stepped into the room to see not only Dumbledore, but McGonagall along with two aurors and a woman with a monocle.
'You wanted to see me…headmaster.'
'Madam Bones is here to see you about the letter you wrote?'
Harry turned to the woman, 'I wasn't sure who to talk to since I pretty much don't trust anyone here. But a friend of mine told me about you and how you lost your family to Voldemort. I figured you wouldn't be one of his pets.'
'Even though I do believe you are telling the truth, I would like to see proof. For now though can you tell me about this object you mentioned in the letter?'
'I will in private ma'am.'
'Harry,' Albus sighed, 'if there is a dark object in this school then I should know about it.'
'You haven't done anything about the dark object that Umbitch is using to torture students with so I figured you wouldn't do anything about this. I wanted someone I could trust so I wrote to Madam Bones.'
'What dark object and why was I not informed that Professor Umbridge is hurting students?' Minerva asked.
'I tried to tell you but you refuse to listen just like you haven't listened to me before. Why do you think I don't trust any of you,' Harry glared then ignored the headmaster and deputy head before he turned to the woman, 'This object is very old but it's been affected by dark magic, I just figured you would know who might be able to remove it, but also know who to trust. I could show you but again in private.'
'I believe we can find somewhere private to talk Mr Potter. At least I can examine the item and determine if it's dangerous.'
'You can use my office if you wish,' Albus said as he stood.
'That's not private when you have all the portraits here who will tell you what we said. I know of somewhere private ma'am, if you and your aurors trust me.'
'Very well Mr Potter. Albus, I will return after I have spoken with Mr Potter. We need to discuss Dolores Umbridge.'
'You will find blood quills in her office,' Harry shrugged then turned and left the office. He knew the old man would want to find them.
'Where are we going Mr Potter?'
'Seventh floor ma'am, to a secret room that only a few know about.'
'They mythical come and go room.'
Harry smiled, 'Not mythical, it's also known as the room of requirement. I've been using it to get some privacy from all the stares and talk.'
They got to the seventh floor where Harry explained that he needed to make the room appear.
Harry opened the door and gestured for Madam Bones and the aurors to enter. He made the room look like the Gryffindor common room.
'Dobby,' Harry called. The little elf appeared with the box, 'Thanks Dobby.'
'Master Harry welcome.'
Amelia stared at the box that Harry was holding, 'You own a house elf?'
'Um, no, I helped set Dobby free from his abusive owners, then he saved my life. He works here at Hogwarts but he's loyal to me. I give him money for doing the odd things for me. I use this room to train since Umbitch refuse to teach us and since Voldemort wants me dead, I needed to learn how to defend myself. Anyway, this is the item and my friend, who is a Ravenclaw told me it's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem, but you can feel the dark magic on it. I never touched it, just kept it in the box.'
'You found the lost diadem?'
'Yeah,' Harry shrugged then held out the box.
Amelia took the box then slowly opened it, 'I see what you mean, it's recking of dark magic. I cannot tell what type of magic, not until I examine it. I also cannot tell if this is the real diadem. Where did you find this?'
'The chamber of secrets.'
'That is a myth.'
'So, you didn't hear about the chamber and the basilisk three years ago?'
'I heard students were hurt, but it was taken care of.'
'I can show you the chamber if you want. The basilisk is still there, slowly rotting away.'
'You killed a basilisk?'
'Yeah, stabbed it with the sword of Gryffindor. I seem to find missing things or like this room and the chamber. But the chamber of secrets is not really that well hidden. The clue is there for anyone to see, but you have to be a parselmouth to open it. When Ginny Weasley was taken into the chamber, Ron and I went to help her. Ron got stuck when Lockhart tried to remove our memories. I went on to find Ginny. When I found her she looked dead and a very young almost corporeal Voldemort, or Tom Riddle as he was known back then, was there.'
'I think I need to hear the full story of this. For now, show me the chamber.'
'It's on the second floor,' Harry grinned as another door appeared, 'That's why it's called the room of requirement. This should lead to the room or at least the second floor.'
'How did you find this room Mr Potter?'
'Dobby. Last year when I was entered into the tournament, I asked Dobby if he knew of a place I could practice spells that might keep me alive. He said the house elves call it the come and go room. I found an old reference to it and how it's called the room of requirement. Rowena Ravenclaw wanted a way to teach students about muggle things so they would be aware but she needed to do it safely. She made this room for that purpose. When I come in ready to learn spells, there is a bookshelf filled with books, the floor is already charmed with a cushioning charm and there are sometimes weapons like swords that I can practice with.'
'I may get you to show me sometime. For now let's head to the chamber and you can show me where you found the diadem.'
Harry led the way through the door and straight into the bathroom, 'Moaning Myrtle usually haunts this bathroom so no one ever comes in here. But during my second year, me, Hermione and Ron used this bathroom but Hermione figured out that maybe Myrtle was the victim of the basilisk fifty years ago. That's another long story, but Myrtle confirmed that she died here after seeing a big yellow eye. She told me she heard a boy's voice speaking another language and when she opened the stall door to tell him to go away, she died. But she did tell me the eye was near the sinks. She also said that one of the taps has never worked.'
Harry walked over to the sink and pointed at the tap, 'A serpent, yet the other taps do not have any pictures on them,' Amelia said examining all the taps. 'So this tap is how you open it?'
'Um, yeah, you need to ask it to open using snake language. Do you want me to open it?'
'Yes, please.'
Harry moved closer, he made sure to make himself believe the snake was moving, "open"
He moved back when the sinks began to move, 'The basilisk used the pipes to get into the school?'
'Yes ma'am.'
'Who was responsible?'
'Voldemort had a diary that one of his death eaters was keeping for him. It was slipped to Ginny Weasley before she began at Hogwarts. The diary was meant to possess someone so they would open the chamber. I have no proof, but I know it was Lucius Malfoy who slipped the diary to Ginny one day at Flourish and Blotts. Anyway, when I was down there and knew I was dying, I figured I had nothing to lose so I stabbed the diary. The strange this is ma'am, when I stabbed the diary with a basilisk fang, the young Voldemort screamed, then turned to some type of black smoke, then he dissipated.'
'I definitely need to hear the whole story. For now how do we get down into the chamber?'
'You slide down the pipe,' Harry shrugged.
Harry casts the cleaning charm then jumped. When he got to the bottom, he moved to the side to see one of the aurors, then Madam Bones, the other auror came last.
'That was quite a ride.'
Harry chuckled, 'It's like a muggle slide, usually they have water running down them though,' Harry lead the way through the next section until he came to the door. He instantly asked it to open then stood back.
'Oh my,' Amelia stared at the huge rotting corpse of the dead basilisk. The two aurors stared from the corpse to Harry then back to the corpse, 'Basilisks kill if you look into their eyes. How did you survive it's stare?'
'Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix came to me and destroyed the basilisks eyes. He left but returned with the sorting hat and that's how I got the sword of Gryffindor. It had been hidden in there for centuries. Dumbledore said only a true Gryffindor could have pulled the sword from the hat.'
'Where did you find the diadem?'
'Inside the mouth of the statue. I came down here a week ago. I don't know why I wanted to come down here, but I'm glad I did. I conjured a ladder then saw the box. The snake came out of the mouth when Voldemort called it. I wanted to see how long it was. When I found the box and saw the diadem, I knew it was cursed with dark magic, so I didn't bother checking out the tunnel.'
Amelia nodded to her auror who conjured a ladder, she climbed up, then using her wand saw the width and length of the tunnel. She also saw the spot the box had been sitting.
'This may need to be investigated one day, to make sure there are no more snakes, or eggs.'
'Um, I spoke parseltongue when I was looking down the tunnel. If there was a snake, I'm sure it would have heard me. There could be eggs, Slytherin might have put more there in case something happened to his basilisk.'
'If you spoke parseltongue Mr Potter than I'm sure you are right, the snake would have heard you. How about we head back to that wonderful room and you tell me the entire story of how all this came about.'
It took a few hours but Amelia and her aurors left, after telling Harry she would contact him when she knew more about the dark magic that was on the diadem.
Harry found out from Dobby that Umbridge had been taken to St Mungo's, she was found unconscious in her bathroom but she was a mess. The laxative potions had worked overtime that she just couldn't stop. The book said if a person used the potion more than recommended, they would never be able to control their bowels. They would basically need to wear a magical adult version of a child's nappy. But in some cases, it can actually kill the person.
Harry had Dobby sneak him into the Slytherin rooms along with Snape's room so he could slip them the potion his father invented. But now he had modified it more so he could make it permanent. Between him, the twins and Lee that had worked together to change the potion so it would last a week or so. Harry got lucky and found the way to make it permanent. The twins and Lee only wanted the temporary one to make into a joke product for the shop where they knew Harry wanted something to stop death eaters before they began killing or torturing. Harry was working on a way to reverse it just in case it was needed. They knew why Harry wanted to use it on Snape. The potions master was nasty to everyone, but he would often say cruel things to Harry about his parents.
During the Christmas break Harry left Hogwarts for the first time so he could spend some time with his godfather. He knew they wouldn't stay alone, the old man would eventually have some of the order stay at the house or even the Weasley's. Harry wasn't going to allow anyone to keep him away from Sirius or butt in when they were talking. He had learned a lot of spells during the triwizard tournament and again when he found the room of requirement.
Not long after Harry had unpacked, he went into the kitchen with Sirius then sealed the door. All Sirius did was look curious but never said anything.
'I heard that Snape and some students are garden gnomes.'
Harry chuckled, 'Yeah, happened right in the great hall, not long after Umbitch ran out, holding her backside.'
'The laxative potion?'
Harry grinned as he nodded, 'But she had been given five times the amount every day for a week.'
'Good, but how were you able to keep dosing her?'
'I had a…little help,' Harry just stared at his godfather until Sirius realised what Harry was saying. Sirius ended up rolling on the floor laughing his head off which set Harry off. During their talk and a lot of laughs, there was constant knocking on the door to the kitchen. Neither felt like opening the door, not until they were ready.
Harry decided to make dinner for the two of them. When he had finished he finally nodded to his godfather. Sirius unsealed the room then sat beside Harry who had dished up two plates and both had a muggle beer in front of them. Molly Weasley and most purebloods would not know what muggle beer was and Sirius believed they would think it was like butterbeer.
It only took a minute before Molly rushed in followed by her husband, Ron, Ginny and the twins.
'Why was the door sealed?' Molly glared at Sirius.
Sirius and Harry slowly put their forks down glanced at each other then turned to look at Molly.
'As it's my house…Molly, I do not answer to you especially anything about the house. Now I never invited anyone but Harry for Christmas, so just what are you lot doing here?'
'Albus told us to spend the Christmas break here.'
'Then I will make sure Albus knows that he can't just invite people into my house without my permission. If you do not leave right now I will seal the house to the entire order.'
'Then Harry must come with us.'
'Fucking bullshit, I'm staying with my godfather and legal guardian,' Harry glared then turned back to his dinner, 'Let's finish eating Sirius.'
'Yeah, you're a great cook, best I've had so far and I don't want it to go cold,' Sirius took a big drink of his beer but both of them were waiting for Molly to explode. When they glanced around the realised Arthur was keeping his wife quiet and was pulling her from the kitchen. As soon as the door closed, Harry sealed it again.
'How long do you think it will be before the old man turns up?'
'Within the hour. I did say the order can use the house, but not just to turn up anytime they wanted. He will know that we know he wanted them here to keep an eye on you but he would never admit it.'
'He'll try to get Remus to talk to you.'
'Which won't help. Remus knows how I feel especially about you and how you cannot get any privacy. Albus also knows that Remus and I blame him for the dementor incident. If you had been sent straight here, that would not have happened. I wonder if Hermione will turn up.'
'She will, eventually.'
'I can stop her coming, if you want?'
'She's not a member of the order of the phoenix. I told Albus the order can use it. I get why the Weasley's were here before you lot returned to Hogwarts. It was safer moving all of you in a group to the Hogwarts express. Anyway, I can adjust the wards.'
'No, don't worry about it. You know if you did it would cause more trouble. Let's just put up with it, then I'll be out of there and away from them. I'll just ignore her until then.'
'So, you're still going to stay hidden in the cabin?'
'I want both of us to, but I get you might need to be here. I just want to get away from Hogwarts, the old man and the way I'm being treated. I know what's going to happen when Voldemort is spotted. I just don't want to deal with everyone and how they will expect me to help them. I've had it with the way everyone has acted towards me. I'm also pissed because you're still not free when you should be. I know the old man is stalling, I just don't know if he will get off his arse and do anything about it.'
'He doesn't want you living with me that's why he's stalling. Before he lost his position as chief warlock he could have worked on a trial for me, he didn't. He is trying to keep me away from you.'
'Then you disappear with me. We'll hear from him and I'll tell him I'm not returning to Hogwarts or the magical world until my innocent godfather is cleared.'
Sirius grinned, 'That just might work pup. Okay, let's do it.'
Harry and Sirius hurried to pack then told Dobby to meet them to the cabin that had belonged to Sirius' uncle. No one knew about the cabin nor much about his uncle so they knew they would be safe.
It was only a couple of hours later that Albus found Harry and Sirius missing, and he found the note Harry had left. He had been worried about Harry doing something reckless, but he never expected to be blackmailed. He knew why Harry was doing this, he had asked to leave the Dursley's many times, but Albus felt it was the safest place for the boy. Now it looked like he had no choice. He would ask Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley to go with him to speak with Amelia Bones. If she witnessed their memories of what took place in the shrieking shack, she might be able to clear Sirius's name. If Fudge interferes then it could mean Voldemort wins. Maybe it was time to get Fudge out of office.
Sirius asked Dobby to get the pensieve out of his vault for him and bring it to the cabin. He wanted to see Snape being turned into a garden gnome.
Harry couldn't stop laughing at his godfather who was having trouble standing as he watched Snape the gnome being led out of the great hall with a bunch of other gnomes. The other memory is when Harry snuck into the hospital to see Snape and the others. The garden gnomes were all running around the hospital with Madam Pomfrey trying to get them to settle down.
'So, you modified the potion and then did it again.'
'Yeah, the first time I was able to make it last a week. Now it's permanent, but I worked on an anti-dote, in case someone innocent accidentally got turned.'
'You are like your parent's Harry. Lily was the best student at potions, but she never experimented. Since your dad liked to play pranks and was best at potions and transfiguration, he used to experiment all the time.'
'Yeah, I read that in his diary. The transfiguration part was easy, the potion was hard. The twins are going to make it into a joke product that will last a few hours and maybe to last a day or two, they haven't decided on the length yet. But they are working on the chicken one so it will last for a day at least. I wanted to see if they could modify it to use against death eaters. They finally have some pellet's that will break apart after a half an hour then whoever breaths it in will be turned into all different animals, like chickens, ducks, toads, lizards and a bunch of other small animals. They are going to work on it to see if they can make it permanent. Going on dad's notes and how I changed the garden gnome one they believe they will have it ready in another couple of weeks. I showed them the room of requirement which means they have a place to work without anyone finding them.'
'That is one room I wished we found when we were there. Heard rumours, like the chamber but never found either of them. Did the potion help that I sent?'
Harry lifted his hand to show the scars are now gone, 'Yeah, worked great. I showed Madam Bones after I showed her the chamber of secrets. The old man searched Umbitch's office and found the blood quills, so Bones is going to make sure she ends up in Azkaban.'
'It was a good idea Harry. Now the staff won't know about the room and saying you found a dark artifact in the chamber is believable. Did she say anything about letting you know if they could pull the dark magic out of it?'
'She said she would let me know, but she wants someone she trusts to examine it before removing the dark magic. She suspects she knows what the dark magic is, but she wants it verified by someone that knows more than she does.'
'I've been going through some of the books in the library at the house. There are so much dark arts books that it will take a long time, even then I need to know what I'm looking for.'
'Hopefully Madam Bones will find out. But I was thinking about this potion I used on Snape. If we could find a way to use it on death eaters then it will save innocent lives, it also might stop people ending up like the Longbottom's.'
'It's just getting it into them. That's the hard part Harry.'
Harry's brow furrowed, 'Maybe not. I mean I had Dobby help me. He's free. I know of another house elf that is free but she's drinking herself to death because she was free. She wants a family. I'm sure there are other house elves that are free that either want a family or they are willing to work for someone like Dobby does.'
'Most want to belong to a family. But you made a good point. People like death eaters use house elves so their homes aren't warded against them. They don't believe a house elf would be dangerous to them, yet we know they can be.'
'Dobby showed me just how powerful they are. How would we find more house elves?'
'A house elf can do that. I'm not sure how it works but they can sense them or something.'
'Then I can get Dobby to bring there here. A couple of things though. First is working on how much to pay them if they want to remain free. Second is where will they sleep when they aren't working?'
'We can build something for them away from the cabin. All we need to do is transfigure things into the materials we need then build it. Using magic is easy, but we need to know what it will look like, so we'll know where it all goes and fits together. There's more too it but I'm not sure how it all works. There are books on building your own home or adding more to existing homes.'
'Dobby could buy us the books we need, for now though we could get a tent for them.'
'Then let's do that first. We have to set everything up including warming charms so when Dobby brings us house elves, they will have someone to rest, heal and recuperate. Without having a family many of them slowly starve to death. Or like the one you mentioned, slowly kill themselves because they've lost the will to live.'
Harry called Dobby and explained the plans. The first thing Dobby did was buy the tent then stock up on food that house elves liked, along with potions for house elves. When Dobby left to find free house elves, Sirius charmed the inside of the tent to stay warm then he and Harry remained in the tent waiting for the house elves to arrive. They wanted to be there in case any house elf needed help.
One by one Dobby would bring house elves and all looked terrible. Winky was first. When Sirius offered to take her into the family, she agreed to get well so she could serve her new master. Some of the house elves wanted to bond with Harry or Sirius, others were happy to work and be free, so Harry and Sirius worked everything out for them.
Sirius walked into the living room to see Harry writing in a book that looked like a diary.
'More idea's?'
'No, modifications to some of your old ideas. Once I started, I found working potions easy but changing them wasn't as hard as I thought. Going through the herbology book helped as well. I'm going to use the potion I changed to make anyone turn into small animals, I want to do that to the death eaters, but also Voldemort. The death eaters will be easy, I'm not sure if Voldemort has someone check what he eats and drinks.
'He probably does.'
'Then working them into the pellet's the twins invented will help. They break down and then it's breathed in. I just need to change it to make it invisible. Right now, it would be easy to see which means they could get clear in time. Did Dobby get the book?'
'He didn't need to. Four of the house elves know how to build as they had to do it for their old masters. So, I said we'll transfigure things into the material tomorrow, then they can take their time to make their new home. They still need to get well before they start doing anything.'
'Yeah they do and I want them healthy,' Harry handed Sirius the book, 'I don't think I'll have any trouble, then all we have to do is have the elves drop a few of the pellets around the house. The only trouble is knowing when most will be at Malfoy manor.'
'Since Snape's out of the picture, I'm sure Albus is working on another spy. But maybe we can use the elves to spy. We make sure they aren't in danger. But they can pop out straight away if they are discovered.'
'Dobby said house elves can become invisible. He said a lot of owners don't want to see them as they go about their work.'
'Then that's our first plan. We have them spy and find out when they might be altogether. Maybe we can be close but concealed.'
'Not with magic though. If any are able to escape, they might see if anyone magical is around. The army teaches it's soldiers how to blend in to their surroundings so they don't get seen. I might take a trip into London and get some books.'
'Good idea. Okay, we've got some basic plans and if everything goes okay then it might be over before it really begins.'
'Let's hope.'
It took a week before most of the elves were up to working. A few got stuck into building their house while some went to spy on the homes of different death eaters. Sirius was going to help the house elves make the cabin bigger. It would give him and Harry more room and privacy if they wanted it. Harry got the books he needed, but he also got a letter back from the twins which explained how they made their pellets. Now Harry just had to modify the potion so it can't be seen or smelt. Sirius was going to study up on how the army can conceal themselves while Harry worked on the potion.
The students returned to Hogwarts after the Christmas, new year break, but Harry never returned. Albus realised things could turn badly if he couldn't get Harry to return and listen to him. He could start by explaining that Dolores was arrested for torturing students, maybe Harry would return then. Albus didn't know that Amelia Bones had already told Harry how she arrested Umbridge when she was taken to St Mungo's. She had to remain in the hospital but she was under guard until she was well enough to stand trial.
Albus tried asking Hermione and Ron to help convince Harry to return. They explained that Harry hardly had anything to do with them anymore and he would not tell them anything either. Albus was at a loss. Amelia said she would try to clear Sirius' name, but she didn't believe it was possible until Fudge was out of office.
Harry was able to make the pellets to take his potion, now he just had to wait until all the death eaters were together and with Voldemort. But Harry thought he might be able to use it on Fudge. It would get him out of the ministry which would stop death eaters inside the ministry.
Harry left his work room and headed to the kitchen where Winky and a new elf called pip was helping.
'So the pellets are ready, when do you want to do this?' Sirius asked as he began eating.
'Not until you're free. If we did this now, we'd have nothing to bargain with.'
'The main obstacle isn't the old man, it's Fudge and how he listens to Malfoy or people like Malfoy.'
Harry had only had a passing thought about using the pellets on others but now it was time they used their products to get rid of Fudge before that man got people killed. Harry and Sirius didn't need to say anything, they knew exactly what their next move will be, which hopefully means there will be a new minister for magic.
Harry was able to get one of the house elves, one named Winnie to place a pellet in Fudge's office. Winnie used to belong to the Fudge's cousin, but like with many others that abused house elves, the elf got blamed and freed by their owner for something they didn't do.
Dobby would get the Daily Prophet every morning for them, now they just had to wait until the story about Fudge ends up in the paper.
It was only three days later that the healers and an unspeakable was able to determine that the small mouse found sitting on Fudge's chair in his office, was Fudge.
'We'll be reading who will be up for the job over the next week or so, then in a month the elections will be held.'
'Do you have any idea's on who might end up minister?'
'Heads of departments usually run, if they have enough support. Now I know the head auror isn't one of Voldy's lackies, so he might run. There's a good chance that Madam Bones will run as well. The trouble with that is, she's too good at her job and from what I've heard, she liked her job so she might not want to be minister.'
'If she stays where she is, then it would help if she had a good working relationship with whoever becomes minister. The head auror is someone she works with now.'
'Then let's hope if Bones doesn't run, the head auror will.'
It only took a month before Rufus Scrimgeour, the head auror, to be voted in as minister for magic. The first thing he did was announce Voldemort's return and he published the list of death eaters who all had warrant's for their arrests. The minister worked with Amelia, first he gave her more funds so she could train more aurors, but he also wanted people watching Gringotts for when any of the wanted death eaters tried to get money from their vaults.
Harry wandered out, yawning and rubbing his face as he sat at the table. A couple of house elves quickly got him his breakfast. Harry gave them a tired smile before he finally looked over at his godfather, who was reading a letter.
'I'm legally free,' Sirius held the letter out for his godson to read.
Harry sat up straighter, took the letter and began to read, 'The unspeakable Madam Bones talks to was able to charm the ministry to change any animagus back into their true form. He originally hoped it would work on people like Fudge, but he caught Pettigrew.'
'Yeah, so after being questioned using the truth potion, they realised they had all the proof they needed. All I need to do now is sign a few forms and it's all over, finally. But I got this as well,' Sirius handed Harry another letter.
'So, the old man was going to try to make it look like he was involved in getting you cleared, bastard,' Harry growled, 'Do you plan to tell him you and I know the truth?'
'I already sent him a howler,' Sirius smirked.
Harry laughed as he put the letters down and began to eat his breakfast, 'Okay, so I can return to Hogwarts, but not until we've dealt with Voldy and his death eaters.'
'With all this going on inside the ministry, he will be planning right now. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear of a big meeting soon. Do you have enough pellets?'
'Plenty, but I was talking to Tanny, he worked for Runcorn a few years ago. He can still get into the house. I figured we could keep some pellets for other places in case some are delayed when Voldy calls them.'
'Then we'll talk to all the house elves and find out exactly who they worked for and do a bit of scouting. I know the reason you are hesitant to return to Hogwarts, is the old man. But is there a reason why you want to return, apart from doing your owls?'
'Luna, I began to like her and we were getting close. She's going to try to do her owls this year as well even though she's a year younger. She's smart, but no one would realise as everyone just thinks she's loony or crazy. She didn't want to stand out, so she doesn't call attention to herself in class. She used the room with me a few times, just before I left and she could easily get E or O in all her owls.'
'Her parents could request permission for her to take her owls this year. If she fails, then she will have to wait two years before she can do them again. Most kids don't want to take the chance of having another year added so they just do it when they are in fifth year.'
'Luna won't fail. She's up to what the fifth years are doing but she's also ahead of me in some things.'
'Then she shouldn't have a problem. If you do return just so you can do your fifth year, then you can continue to use the room. What subjects are you concentrating on?'
'Defence, charms, transfiguration and potions, but I know I could get an A or E in astronomy, herbology and care of magical creatures. But the first four I want O, if possible. I know I will in defence and I'll try in the others, I just don't know. With so much going on it's been hard to concentrate.'
'Since Umbitch is gone and Snape, it will be better. I wonder who the old man will get to take over those two classes?'
'He hasn't bothered to get anyone yet. Luna told me the students just read their text books during those periods. Her, the twins, Lee and the girls from the quidditch team use the room so they can at least practice spells and potions. It's ridiculous and I feel for anyone taking their owls or newts and were hoping for O's.'
'The old man is failing Hogwarts and it's just going to get worse.'
Sirius had an idea and if it worked, then hopefully Hogwarts will end up a better place. Sirius told Harry that it will take a while, but he will be back by dinner.
Harry wanted to go with Sirius while he signed the forms at the ministry, but knew if the old man found out he would force Harry back to Hogwarts and right now Harry didn't want to be there. Harry did send Dobby to keep an eye on Sirius to make sure he was safe. He and Sirius had plans, they wanted them done before they decide anything. Harry did continue to write to Luna, she was the only one that knew of the plans and knew he might not be able to return to Hogwarts. That decision wouldn't be worked out until after Voldemort and the death eaters were taken care of.
Harry had just sat down at the table for dinner when Sirius walked in. The first thing Harry noticed was Sirius looked tired, but he was also smiling.
'I would say all went well by the smile on your face.'
'Better than I thought. So, I'm officially cleared and I was compensated for the twelve years in Azkaban. Madam Bones said that even though money doesn't make up for the fact I had to live like that, it would help. I was given one million galleons, which was paid out of Bagnold's vault, along with Crouch's and Pettigrew, but some came from Fudge's since he was informed by you that I was innocent. Those others are also facing charges, except Crouch since his dead and they have to wait until Fudge is back to his true self before he will face the Wizengamot.'
'Do you have to wait until his back to get the money?'
'No, his wife was notified and if she tried to fight it then she would end up facing charges. I didn't need to know all that, but I was guaranteed the money would be in my vault by tonight. I got an owl from Gringotts right before I left the ministry, it's all there.'
'That's great news Sirius, now you can take your time while you work out what you want to do with your life.'
'I already sorted some things out. First is Albus was removed as headmaster. He was given the option to take over defence or potions, but he would have no say in how the school is run or any decisions when it comes to students. He decided it was time to concentrate on his other two jobs.'
'So McGonagall is headmistress?'
'No, since she always agreed with Albus, she was passed over,' Sirius stared at Harry, 'I was offered the job as headmaster and I took it. The first thing I did was hire Remus back as defence teacher and I spoke with my cousin, Andromeda, she's taking potions while her husband, Ted is taking over history of magic.'
Harry grinned hugely then hugged his godfather, 'So, we can keep going with our plans, but do it from Hogwarts?'
'Yes, I got my old mirrors from Grimmauld place, then ones that your dad and I used when we were students. We can keep each other updated. But I'm going to make a few more for the house elves. They can come to us at Hogwarts but there will be times others could be around and we don't want them getting suspicious. The news about my appointment and Albus leaving won't be known for a couple of days. We need to be at Hogwarts in case old snake face finds out and attacks before we get those pellets in place.'
'We should get there tonight. How long will it take you to make some more mirrors?'
'A few days. I want at least five more sets that will be spread out with the house elves. I'm going to charm them to glow but only I can see them when they are in my desk. I can't have anyone hearing a house elves voice or they might get suspicious. Right now, if some at the ministry found out what the house elves were doing, they would push to have them killed. I want to make sure they are protected.'
'Only Fred, George, Lee and Luna know Dobby has been helping me and they don't know about the others. But I know they won't say anything.'
'No, they won't. Let's eat then we can pack our stuff ready to return to Hogwarts. Oh, I'm making Andromeda head of Slytherin, they will hate that since she's married to a muggleborn and her daughter is an auror.'
Harry couldn't help but laugh. He knew how those Slytherin's felt about muggleborns and what they called them. He was sure that Slytherin were going to end up on the bottom of the ladder for the house cup.
When Harry and Sirius arrived back at Hogwarts, Harry did ask if he could stay in the room of requirement just that night. He really didn't want to answer questions and he knew some would not stop hassling him for information, especially Hermione. Sirius didn't mind and gave Harry a permission note to keep with him in case any of the staff found out.
Since it was just before curfew, Harry hurried to the room of requirement and wasn't really surprised to find Luna already there and the room looked like a combination common room and dorm room, with two beds, along with a bathroom.
'The answer is yes, Harry.'
Harry grinned then he was kissing his girlfriend. Once they stopped, Harry explained about Sirius and the new teachers, including how Remus was returning. Sirius would take over defence on the nights of the full moon.
Sirius called a meeting of all the staff. He fired Filch instantly, told Binns he wasn't needed anymore, then explained to the rest of the staff who he had hired. He wasn't really surprised when Minerva said she would be leaving, but at the end of the year. She did not agree with the decision that Albus had to leave. Sirius also knew she wasn't happy that she was overlooked for the job. Once all the staff left, Sirius spoke with the portraits who would visit all the other portraits in the castle. He was going to use them to get the truth about any trouble that happened in the castle. Sirius was also going to speak with the ghosts and house elves. He always thought Albus could have easily found out the truth behind the trouble that happened at Hogwarts and he never did. Or he did and just didn't bother to do anything about it.
Harry worked it out with Sirius not to show himself until it was announced about Sirius's appointment as headmaster. He spent his time in the room of requirement, Luna was there a lot, but they didn't just snog all the time, they did practice, in case it was needed.
Sirius and Harry spoke using the mirrors, Sirius told him how Albus really wasn't happy that he had to leave Hogwarts, but he did, packing his personal belonging and leaving the castle for good. It would be the following morning that everyone will know that Albus was working full time as chief warlock and Sirius Black was now headmaster of Hogwarts.
Harry and Luna stayed snuggled up on the large sofa in front of the fireplace that night. Sirius had given Luna permission to stay with Harry, but he also said the bullying would stop and her things that had been stolen will be returned, or the students responsible will end up suspended until they were returned. He would explain that to Filius so he could tell his Ravenclaws. But all the heads of house will be informed about the new bullying rules and how those students would be gone from Hogwarts unless they changed their ways.
'So McGonagall is going to leave because she didn't believe Dumbledore should have lost his job.'
'Yeah, but Sirius also believes she's upset she didn't get the job. Nothing would have changed if she ended up as head. She never did anything to help students before. Sirius has only been here two days and he's already worked it to get proof of who causes trouble and how to deal with them. It was so simple, portraits can report the truth to the headmaster, but so can the ghosts and house elves. There would have been a lot less trouble if the old man used what is readily available. But no, he wanted to give everyone second chances, not to mention third and fourth chances. They won't learn if they keep getting away with everything and not facing any punishment.'
'It's all changed now Harry. Everyone will see Hogwarts as a safe place again and you will not end up in danger again.'
'I hope not. I know we still have to deal with them, hopefully the elves will hear something soon.'
'I'm sure someone will let him know, or he already knows and he's working on the plans for Hogwarts.'
'Probably. It's late and tomorrow everyone will be asking questions, about Sirius and you.'
Harry and Luna snogged a few more times before they curled up in their own beds, but they were facing each other as they drifted off to sleep.
The following morning, Sirius waited for Harry at the bottom of his stairs to his office. He wasn't surprised that Luna was with him and they were holding hands.
'Let's go shock Hogwarts,' Sirius smirked making Harry and Luna laugh.
They talked as they walked down through the castle. Many students stopped and stared at Sirius Black, but some also stared at Harry Potter holding hands with Luna Lovegood. When they stepped into the great hall, it fell silent. Sirius hugged his godson then Luna before heading up to the staff table. Luna sat with Harry at the Gryffindor table, which shocked a lot of people. But when Sirius stood in front of the headmaster's chair, they realised something big was happening at Hogwarts.
'Harry, why is Sirius here?' Hermione asked.
'You'll find out in a moment. It's his announcement.'
Sirius called for silence, then the door behind the staff table opened. Andromeda and Ted Tonks stepped out then took seats at the table. Remus Lupin stepped out and sat beside Sirius.
'There has been some big changes over the last few days. The first is I am now headmaster. Professor Dumbledore has decided to concentrate on his job as chief warlock, especially now with the danger of Voldemort and his death eaters. Now to the new staff members. Professor Lupin has returned to take the post of defence against the dark arts teacher. He has promised you will all be ready for your tests at the end of the school year.'
Sirius grinned and waited until the applause died down to continue, 'There are now two Professor Tonks. Professor Ted Tonks will be taking history of magic,' there was again long and loud applause, 'Professor Andromeda Tonks, will be taking potions, also she has agreed to take the post of head of Slytherin house.'
Many of the Slytherin's looked murderous, but they just sat there staring at the woman they knew was Bellatrix Lestrange's sister yet she married a muggleborn. And now that woman would be in charge of their house which meant they could not talk freely without her knowing and there was nothing they could do. The head of house could, if they wanted to, listen in to everything being said by their students.
Sirius and Harry, plus many others noticed the looks that went on between most of the older Slytherin's. They wouldn't know that not only would Andromeda been watching them, but so would the ghosts, house elves and portraits and they would all report to Sirius.
Sirius finished his announcement then called for the food before he finally took his seat in the headmaster's chair.
'How did this come about?' Ron asked.
'Sirius went to sign all his forms, I was at the house since I didn't want anyone to find me. He came home late that night and explained. Dumbledore was offered the job as defence teacher or potions. It was his decision to leave Hogwarts and concentrate on helping Scrimgeour and Bones at the ministry.'
'When did you and Luna get together?' Hermione asked but she did glance at Ginny who looked upset.
'Officially, a few days ago, but unofficially, a few weeks back.'
'How could you get together a few days ago when you just returned?'
'I've been here for three days. I wasn't going to show myself until Sirius could make the announcement. Luna and I spent most of our time alone, snogging.'
Luna grinned then turned Harry's head and snogged him right there at the table. Girls like Ginny were all glaring at Luna. Some had been hoping Harry would forgive them for believing the rumours. Now it seemed he was taken.
Sirius made a few more announcements before sending the students off to class. He did get Harry to follow him to his office though.
'I got word from Pip, he's called a meeting for tonight, he also wants the sixth and seventh years marked at the same time.'
'So, do we let them leave?'
'Yes, then they will be taken care of as well.'
'Both of us have to sneak out without anyone knowing.'
'No, the elves have said they can distribute the pellets. We can't take the chance that he could send some here to keep watch in case there is a spy in his ranks. So, come here tonight before curfew, if anyone asks, it's family business and it's the only time we could talk.'
'Okay and if it works as its supposed to, then it will be over by tonight.'
'It will pup, you tested the potion, the pellets will do what you designed then to do.'
'Alright, it's just so close now I can't help thinking something might go wrong.'
'Nothing will. Try to put it out of your mind until after dinner. Go to class, spend time with your girl then meet me here later.'
Sirius hugged his godson before Harry left. Sirius then removed the spells keeping the portraits blind and deaf. Even though the old headmasters were supposed to be loyal to the new headmaster, Sirius wasn't going to risk them talking with others that might let it be known that Sirius and Harry were the two that turned Voldemort and his death eaters into garden gnomes and they would remain that way, forever.
Harry found it hard to concentrate on lessons, all he kept thinking about what was going to happen that night. It could be all over without anyone losing their lives.
Harry sat with Luna during dinner, a few made some remarks about Luna sitting at the Gryffindor table. But that was one of the things Sirius told them that morning. Students could now sit anywhere, except during the welcoming feast and leaving feast, as well as the first morning of the new school year. The teachers needed to hand out the class schedules so the students had to be sitting at their house tables.
Right after dinner, Harry snogged Luna who would be returning to Ravenclaw tower, but Flitwick was about to give them another talking to but this time they will hear the consequences of bullying and stealing. Harry was just glad that his girlfriend would get her belongings returned. If for any reason they weren't returned, Harry planned to find out which ones had stolen Luna's belongings and turn them into toads. He would use the one for a week first. If they still didn't return her belongings, then they would be turned for good, but he would give them a warning, without them knowing who was doing it.
Harry and Sirius sat in the headmaster's office talking to the house elves. Some were still at their house or the cabin, the rest were placing the pellets all around Malfoy manor. Some of the elves were sealing the house so every part of the house will be affected by the potion, which meant every person, or living being, like the snake, would not escape the potion.
'This is nerve wracking,' Harry said staring at the mirror on the desk.
'Yes it is, but nothing will go wrong Harry.'
'I know, I'm just a pessimist.'
'You have reason to be pessimistic. Nothing will go wrong. The potion worked perfectly, and the house elves know what to do. Many of them like their lives with us and they are still upset with their old masters for how they were treated. Even though they will not say it, they want those people dealt with as well.'
'Yeah, I know. I was talking with a few of them, about how they were treated. I wonder if some law can be made that will make sure house elves are abused.'
'We can always talk it over with the new minister, see if he would be willing. As headmaster and your godfather, I do have some advantage and a far bit of a support. We'll speak with Filius after all this is over, see if there is some type of charm that can be placed on all house elves. It will allow the hurt house elf to leave, but it will also alert the department of regulation and control of magical creatures.'
'Master Sirius sir, there are a house full of garden gnomes,' Dobby's excited voice came over the mirror.
Harry and Sirius laughed as Sirius picked up the mirror, 'Did any not turn up or escape?'
'No Master Sirius, we waited until they were all there.'
'What about the snake?' Harry asked.
'It is a strange looking garden gnome. Voldy garden gnome has red eyes.'
'All of you are going to get a big treat on the weekend. Tell everyone good job and go rest,' Sirius said again with a big grin on his face.
Harry stared at his godfather, 'It's over, but no one will know, unless they decide to go around to all the houses and see why many are missing.'
'Oh, I'm sure Amelia will organise a search after I explained that half the older Slytherin's disappeared right after dinner.'
'Since she knows you were going to block the tunnels, she will realised they had port key's on them.'
'Yep, she will. Now Andromeda might turn up tonight, but since it is late, I doubt she would still be awake. But in case she is, it's best if you were not here,' Sirius held out the note, 'Take that just in case. But just remember Harry, it's all over, thanks to you and the house elves.'
'And you and dad, it was your prank ideas that made this happen, I just changed them, a bit,' Harry hugged his godfather then practically skipped out of the office, with Sirius laughing behind him. He unfroze all the portraits, then made his way to his private chambers. Even in there he would be alerted if anyone approached his office. He didn't think he would, it was very late. Even though he was still happy about what had happened, he was also tired, and needed to get some sleep.
By the following morning, all of Luna Lovegood's belongings were returned. Not one student in Ravenclaw said anything, most just gave her wary looks. She was dating the-boy-who-lived, who was the godson of the headmaster. She was also friends with the Weasley twins, who everyone knew could do some nasty pranks if they felt a friend was being hurt or harassed. They decided it wasn't worth what could happen to them if they continued to torment Luna and steal her belongings.
It was only two days later that a story appeared on the front page of the Daily Prophet. The aurors, led by the head of the department of magical law enforcement found every death eater and Voldemort had been turned into garden gnomes. All the gnomes were in Azkaban, but nothing would change them back to people. The dementors had all be destroyed, the ministry hire goblin's to guard the wizarding jail.
Amelia knew what the diadem was and listened to Albus go on about how Voldemort could not die until the horcruxes were destroyed completely, including Harry.
'Albus, if these things worked as the books say, then we would be surrounded in immortals and as old as the pharaoh's. The unspeakables explained they don't work, they just allow the person to live longer than normal. But none of it matters, Voldemort will live out his day as a garden gnome and inside Azkaban. I already told Sirius and Harry and right now you are ordered to stay away from the boy. You put him through too much, it's time for him to finally just be a normal teenage boy. Go back to your jobs and leave the rest of us to do ours.'
Albus sighed, 'I never meant for Harry to be harmed, but I was thinking of the whole wizarding world. How did you find out he made horcruxes?'
'Harry found one at Hogwarts, in the chamber of secrets. Once I took it to the unspeakables we were able to determine who made them. They are working on removing the soul without destroying Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem. It's over Albus, it's time to make this world better for every witch and wizard. No more will purebloods have control.'
Albus realised Amelia was right. Even if Voldemort remained alive, he could no longer hurt anyone. Harry could finally be what he always wanted, a normal boy.
Harry couldn't stop smiling as he finally finished his last test for his owls. He looked over at Luna who had also put her quill down. Her father had sent Sirius a request for Luna to take her owls, he granted it straight away.
Harry stared around at some of the other students. Hermione was still writing, Ron looked confused, but most were still finishing, some like him had finished and were waiting for the time to be up. It was a long tense two weeks, but Harry knew he did well, better than he thought.
He saw Sirius watching, so he gave his godfather the thumbs up who grinned.
Luna was sitting on Harry's lap on the Hogwarts express. Sometimes they would be talking, other times they would be snogging. At one time Ron went off about hurting Ginny and when Harry asked how he had hurt Ginny when he hadn't seen her or talked to her. Ron explained how Ginny hoped she would end up Harry's girlfriend. Harry turned around and said there were many reasons that would never happen. First, was he loved Luna. Second, he wasn't attracted to red heads. Third, she had a temper, like Ron which Harry hated. Harry then went back to snogging Luna and ignored Ron who kept glaring at Harry. Hermione hadn't said much but after Ginny had ran out of the compartment, Hermione followed her, hoping to help her friend.
Harry got to meet Luna's father, officially, who welcomed him to the family. He even said, with many others listening, that he couldn't wait for the grandchildren Luna and Harry would give him, many grandchildren. Luna then turned around and said there would be ten, which made Harry grin hugely. So many that heard that thought Harry wouldn't agree to having so many children, but it seemed they were wrong. Harry Potter wanted a very large family, and when he married his girlfriend, Luna Lovegood, he would get that very large family.
Once Harry was back at the cabin, he couldn't help smiling. Only a few months ago he thought he wouldn't end up surviving Voldemort and had to keep putting up with teachers abusing him. Now Umbridge was locked up for using a dark object on students. Snape was a garden gnome, just like Voldemort and all his death eaters were. They were all locked up in Azkaban but they would remain garden gnomes.
It all started when Harry just wanted to give Umbridge the runs, it ended with their world finally being safe. Voldemort and his death eaters were taken care of and Hogwarts was finally a decent school, with bullies finally realising just what would happen to them if they didn't change their ways. It would be impossible for everyone to like everyone else, but at least now there were no bullies and no danger inside Hogwarts. It would be the first time in around fifty years that Hogwarts was safe and bullies would end up detention or suspended.
The wizarding world was finally looking up, for witches and wizards, but also for all magical beings like house elves.
The end: