Sara had been thinking a lot since Oliver had died during crisis. She had been thinking about how everyone she knew had died since she had left to be a Legend. She was upset that everyone that knew her before the Gambit had died except her mother so that only left her with one thing to do.

"Gideon, I need you to do something for me." Sara said

"What do you need Captain?" Gideon asked.

"Can you make the Mirakuru cure that Oliver go from Star Labs in 2014?" Sara asked

"Yes, I can do that Captain." Gideon said.

"Get to work on it and make a lot of it just in case." Sara said.

"Right away Captain. It should only take a hour or so." Gideon said.

While Gideon was working on the cure, Sara got her supplies ready and she thought about what she was about to do. She had to go back and change things. She didn't think that she could live with things the way they are now. Oliver was the last straw.

"The cure is ready Captain." Gideon said.

"Ok Gideon, is there a way that I can put my mind in my younger body back in 2012?" Sara asked.

"There can't be a two of you in one time so you will automatically be joined with your younger self. What are you planning Captain?" Gideon asked.

"I am going back in time Gideon. I need you to wipe the crew's minds so that it is like I was never here. Make Ava Captain and everything will be fine." Sara said.

"I will do that Captain. Just don't change things to much or the crew will know that something is up. I hope you get what you want out of this." Gideon said.

"It will be better for everyone because they will be alive and not dead." Sara said.

"Any last orders Captain?" Gideon asked.

"Don't let the team know that I am changing things. If they find out they will come back and stop it." Sara said.

"I will not tell them anything Captain." Gideon said.

"Thank you and Goodbye Gideon." Sara said.

Sara stayed until she knew that the crew's minds had been wiped. Once that was done, she got one of the portal watches and opened a portal to 2012. She woke up in her room that was hers when she was part of the League. Before she had left the ship, Sara had also had Gideon get everything about Malcolm Merlyn and his undertaking and give her a copy of the files. She got the information and went into the room was Ras thrown was and said, "Master I have found some information that you might want to see."

"Bring it to me and I will see if it is worth my interest." Ras said.

Sara took the folder to him and waited while he read the file. "This is very interesting. How did you come to have this file?" Ras asked.

"I acquired it the last time I was in Starling City." Sara said.

"What do you want? You wouldn't bring this to me unless you wanted something." Ras said.

"I will kill Malcolm Merlyn for you in exchange for my release." Sara said.

"Very well. Either you kill Merlyn, or he will kill you. You are released either way." Ras said.

"Thank you Master." Sara said and then she went to go and pack her things so that she could go home.

Sara traveled to China so that it would look like she was found on an Island just like Oliver was. When she got to China, she calls her dad and said "Dad, it's me Sara. They found me on an island. I'm alive and I am coming home."

"Oh, my baby girl. I am so happy. When will you be at the airport? I will pick you up." Quentin said.

"They are going to take me straight to the hospital so that I can get a checkup. You can pick me up there. I should be there tomorrow. I will call you when I land." Sara said.

"Ok, I will see you then. I love you so much sweetie." Quentin said.

"Love you to dad." Sara said and hung up.

The next day Sara landed in Starling City and was taken straight to the hospital for her checkup. After the doctor was done checking her over, he left the room to give her some privacy to change into her clothes. She could hear the doctor telling someone about all the injuries that she had and then all of a sudden, the door opened, and her father and Laurel walked in. The both came up to her and hugged her. All of them were crying they were so happy.

"I am so glad you are alive. I forgive you for everything. After seeing some of what Oliver went through, I just couldn't be mad at either of you anymore." Laurel said.

"I am glad that you forgive me for what I did, but I wouldn't blame you if you were still mad at me. So, did you two get back together?" Sara asked.

"No, I am actually with Tommy now." Laurel said.

"Well that a change. I am happy for you." Sara said.

"Thanks." Laurel said.

"Ok, lets go home." Quentin said.

Sara went to Laurel's apartment. She was going to be staying there until she got back on her feet and got a job. Later that night she looked at Laurel and said "So, what do people do for fun around her now?"

"Well Tommy is running Oliver's club so I guess we can go there if you want." Laurel said.

"Sounds good. Do they know that I am alive?" Sara asked.

"Not yet. Sorry to say this but you are not a big celebrity look Ollie, so your return was very quiet." Laurel said.

"That's ok. I like it better that way. I don't really like the attention anymore." Sara said.

"Ok, lets go get dressed. You can borrow one of my dresses." Laurel said and Sara nodded as the went to go get ready to go to the club.