merendinoemiliano chapter 6
Interesting Thank you!
ChernoAlpha117 chapter 6
Good Job, it's always nice to read a balls to the wall heavy lemon fic every once in a while, gets the blood pumping and fluids moving I say! XD Yeah sometimes they are executed right and it is just a nice thing to read from time to time.
Sultan Asil Arslan chapter 6
It would have been fun to see Akeno punished though. I Mean you're not wrong fufu, but it would be for next time.
Guest chapter 6
Sweet. Thank you!
Guest chapter 5
Nice. Thank you!
"Come on fufu you can do more" Rias says seductively as she sat on an outdoor space she had hidden on a Mansion she had bought some time ago.
A few feet away from her was Sukebe wearing only some training shorts and sports bra doing exercises.
"N... No. Th... This should... Should be illegal" mumbled the extremely tired girl as she did her 104th push-up with two massive rocks on her back.
"Come on Su-senpai you can do it for Rias-sama" said the non-expressive loli who was siting next to Rias casually licking her manhood.
"Come on Su-chan you would do this for Rias right?" said the seductive Queen who had her hands stroking Rias' cock and licking her balls.
"No! I mean Yes! But! But I Can't with you guys having fun over there and forcing me to watch!" she days annoyed as she glared at the trio.
This had become something normal since her training started. She would be tasked with a humanly impossible regimen and forced to watch as they had sex without being able to do anything to participate.
Well it wasn't like she was still a human so that wasn't her main probably, but the last. Despite not being a girl for more than a week she was already complely used to being a Sub and on the recieving end of things and it could be said she actually loved it, so seeing them enjoying Rias' manhood and not being able to at least give it a short lick was torture.
"We have barely begun with tour training and you still have to go a long way before you can join us or have sex in general" Rias reminds her as she caressed the head of her trusty cocksluts.
"But what about me?" Said Kiba while performing the same training as Sukebe with pretty much more less complaints despite being around her level in phisical Strength.
"You're ok. You have been doing pretty well in your training so I guess I can give you some later" she says with pride.
Kiba had grown much stronger in general than before in this week of training, and not only her.
Koneko had the resistance of an average high class devil and strength comparable to an average medium class Rook and has learned many fighting styles instead of just swinging her punches Around.
Asia and Akeno had magic reserves comparable to Ultimate Class devils and could cast their spells in at least a quarter of the time it took them before, and they
were also proficient in the use of firearms and some magic-related weapons like Staves or Scepters.
Sukebe well... She could boost 4 times.
She herself was already between the average of Ultimate Class Devils and had managed to manipulate Senjutsu thanks to feeding off Koneko so many times and had access to the Boosted Gear to an extent. She also was a master in firearms and rhe use of Scythes for fighting, discovered when she easily erased an army of stray exorcists using their own firearms and a Scythe made out of light.
The light was being a bit of a problem as it is completely opposite to her very soul and so using it for any other purposes than creation of basic weapons was impossible for now.
"Ne Rias-sama. What are we going to do about that Phoenix guy?" she was brought bad from her thoughts by Akeno's question.
"Oh not much. We are going to force him into a Rating Game. And then crush him. I'll rip his immortality out of him using my bare hands and then take his beloved sister and mother for me and only me and turn them into mindless slaves and then force him to watch as I fuck their brains out " she says with an extremely evil and malicious grin and that sent shivers down her Peerage and made them wet down there.
"Rias-sama you're being mean again" Says the until-now silent blonde European beauty Asia as she extremely carefully and almost lovingly caressed and massaged her feet.
Since she was starting to think and act more and more as a Succubi Asia would be concerned for her and she was trying to hold it back but sometimes she just couldn't.
"Sorry Asia-chan" she says and pets her head, making the girl blush and lean in to her palm.
Seeing as Sukebe had finished her 200 push-ups and was doing some magic training against a Dummy she nodded.
"Alright girls i guess we can now focus on each other right~?" she says to the other four and they all blush and nod.
Asia didn't lose time and was the first one to speak up "M-mommy, I want to go first" said the girl and Rias found no reason not to start with her.
She sounded very aroused and lusty so it was fact she needed it the most taking in count she wasn't normally like that.
She stood up from her place and helped Asia up before smashing her lips against hers and probing her forked tongue into her mouth, said much-longer-than-before appendage wrapped and swirled around the girl's while she massaged her naked ass.
Akeno stood up next to Rias and continued to play with her cock with a seductive grin. "Fufu make her moan a lot b-u-c-h-o-u" she says as Rias lifted up Asia and laid her down on a bed they had there just for this times.
Koneko instantly sat down on Asia's face and the blonde began to lick her womanhood, causing her to moan and pant softly.
Akeno laid down in front of Koneko and the girl lifted up the brunette's thighs and began to eat her out and finger her back door.
"Fufu this is quite the sight" Rias says seductively before introducing her manhood's head into Asia, causing her to moan loudly into Koneko's pussy, before mercilessly ramming her size into her and causing her to orgasm instantly.
"No fair Mommy!" exclaimed the girl with a pout as they had just started and she had already finished once.
"Don't stop!" scolded her Koneko making her return to her oral work.
Rias giggled and began to move back and forth with the girls legs on her shoulder for better access.
Sooner than later the training grounds were filled with moans, groans, pants and the intoxicating smell of Demonic sex.
"... They sure are having fun over there..." said Kiba blushing madly and dripping wet at the sounds and smell while trying to spar with Sukebe.
"Man I can't concentrate like this!" said girl said with a mix of annoyance and lust while pointing to her own wetness.
"... Well Rias-sama said she would reward is if we trained hard right? I wonder what we'll get..." she says with curiosity.
"Fucked hard against the wall" answered Sukebe dreamily making Kiba blush even redder.
(Back in the 'room')
"Asia I'm cumming, get ready for your tasty milk" said Rias playfully between heavy panting as she felt herself about to release her seed into the ex-nun's cunt.
"Ywes plwease Mummy CUM IN ME! GWIVE ME ALL OF IWT" yelled the blonde in ectassy with her tongue out before climaxing wildly when she felt herself getting filled to the brim with Rias' aphrodisiatic, extremely thick and hot semen before losing conciousness.
"Fufu, she can only resist one still..." said she playfully as she looked at her before leaving the girl's body, making the massive amount of cum she released start to pour down on the bed and floor, making a pool of it under her.
She glanced at Akeno and Koneko who had just an orgasm of their own.
"Who's next?" she asks seductively as her huge cock rose again into erection just 3 seconds after cumming and her dragon-like wings appeared on her back.
She had just grown a pair of red, curved horns that rised a inches from her head.
Well this is the end of today's chapter! We somehow already in Riser's Arc and will soon beat the shit out of him.
I was thinking of adding Raynare, Raven and/or someone from Raiser's Peerage but I want to know what do you think, so please leave your chosen girl(s) on PM's or as a Review!
Thanks a LOT to the hundred-and-something people who have favorited and followed this story, and to the 14.8k people who read this! This is my most popular fic ever and I'm so excited XD.
See y'all later, Kujaku out!